Cynthia’s Dilemma Pt. 01


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"What's the matter my dear?" Bryan asked concerned.

"I went to see about the medical model position today." Cynthia explained what her duties would be and how exposed she would be. "I'm worried that if I become a model, it will be detrimental to my employment after I get out of college." She explained worried.

"You're doing something for the good of people to help train doctors, Cindy. How can that hurt you when you interview for a job?"

"I don't know?" She whined "I'm scared will you come with me?" She implored.

"Sure, when!"

Cynthia told him when the next meeting was, and the naïve young woman felt a weight lifted off her shoulders.

Friday afternoon found Bryan as he tried not to look too excited and Cynthia as she tried not to look too scared. They arrived at the Doctor's office on campus and Carla greeted the couple cheerfully. "Hi Ms. Brown, how are you doing today?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm nervous and this is my boyfriend, Bryan Owens." She babbled

"How are you doing Mr. Owens." Carla stood to shake his hand.

"I'm good thank you."

"Has Cynthia told you what is expected of her?" Carla asked.

"Yes, I'm onboard and here as her advocate."

"That's great, may I call you Bryan and Ms. Brown may I call you Cindy?

"Yes, that would be fine to call us by our first names. If Cindy is accepted in the program we will all become intimate friends." Bryan explained with an embarrassed laugh.

Cynthia the five young men sitting over there, Steve, Tim, Kevin, Leon, and Dave will work with you to see if you can be a medical model. They are in the pre-med program. Do you have any questions?"

"I thought it was only going to be the doctor." Cindy said with embarrassment as to what it implied to have the other young men help.

"We need to see how you react when there is a group to examine you. We don't want to waste a session if you're unwilling or unable to comply with instructions needed for the class.

"Oh, I see, I guess I understand." Cynthia said red faced.

"Okay then Cindy." Carla said and continued. "Doc, Cynthia is here with Bryan Owens her friend." Carla talked into the intercom.

"Have them come in."

Cynthia knew the way; she opened the door after she knocked, she waited until the doctor said. "enter".

The couple towered over Doctor Emerson. Cynthia was Five foot nine and Bryan was six foot one to the doctors five foot five. The doctor shook both their hands. "I need you to read this and fill out the document Bryan. Cynthia, you haven't changed your mind, have you?

"No Doctor I need this job to stay in college." Cynthia said.

Bryan filled out the paper and gave it back to the Doctor.

"Bryan do you have a problem with other people touching your girlfriend intimately for medical reasons?"

"No doctor."

"Cynthia, would you feel better if Bryan was with you when you modeled?"

"Yes, I would Doctor."

"Okay, so we will work out a schedule for both of you to be free when we schedule your exams if you pass this interview. How does that sound?"

"Great!" Bryan said with a smile.

"Great!" Cindy said in fear.

"Okay Cynthia are you ready for the next phase of your interview?" The doctor asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Cynthia answered with a shiver as she knew what she will be asked to do next.

"Cynthia in this area it's perfectly acceptable to be nude. I need to find out if you will be able to be a medical model before I can schedule you. I told the administration you're working for me, so you don't have to worry about your scholarship. What I want you to do is remove all your clothes and we will go to the exam room to see how you react. Come out into the reception area when you're ready" The doctor said as he left the office and closed the door.

"Holy shit, it's going to happen. I'm going to be nude in public!" Cynthia said in a panic.

"Calm down Cindy it's going to be fine, you'll see." Bryan said has he helped his panicked lady out of her outer clothes, folded them and put them on the cadenza to give her time to acclimate to her present exposure before they go on. "You ready to continue?" Bryan asked as he went to his lady's back ready to pop the hooks on her bra.

"Yes, I'm ready." She shivered

He popped the hooks with a practiced thumb and forefinger, she took off the garment and handed it to her man.

"You're beautiful." Bryan said as he folded her bra. He could smell the delicious scent of her excitement. That's a good sign." He thought with a smile. "Ready for the great reveal my dear?"

"Yes, I suppose I might as well get this over with." Cynthia said as she held onto her man as he skimmed her panties to the floor, she lifted a foot at a time as Bryan removed the last vestige of her modesty. Her scent became more pronounced when he removed her panties.

"Are you ready to be nude in public my dear and may I add you look beautiful Cindy."

"Let's do it." She answered with more courage than she felt as Bryan opened the door for his nude girlfriend.

The doctor, Carla and the five medical students waited for Cynthia to get ready. When Bryan opened the door and Cynthia come into the room. The group looked at the beautiful naked woman in amazement.

The doctor gazed upon Cynthia and for the first time realized she was very beautiful, her complexion had a reddish hue to it, she smiled but with embarrassment. "Ms. Brown I must say you are beautiful and I say this with the utmost respect." The doctor lauded the naked young woman. "We will go to classroom six to continue with your interview." The doctor stated as he opened the door to the hall and lead the troupe with one nude woman to the furthest room in the area. People young and old passed the group and did double takes when they saw the nude young woman but continued on their way with no comment.

Cynthia walked into the room and the predominant piece of furniture made her shiver as she remembered the well woman exam, she needed to get a script for birth control pills. It was an exam table on a one-foot-high platform with stirrups in place, and about twenty chairs at the business end.

"Cynthia we aren't going through the complete exam. I just want to see if you will be able to be a medical model. The most embarrassment in the well woman exam is the internal so I want you to sit on the exam table, put your feet in the stirrups, and we will discuss the exam while each of the young men examine your vagina."

The embarrassed, nude woman mounted the exam table and put her feet in the stirrups. Bryan admired his girlfriends exposed pussy as one by one each of the medical students gave Cynthia, an internal. The group talked with her while each of the men in turn examined her pussy. At the end of an hour the Doctor could see Cynthia had become accustomed to the intimate touch of the young men.

"Cynthia, you did great. Would you like Bryan to examine you?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, I would like that."

Bryan joyfully examined his girlfriend while all stood rooted in place. The doctor instructed Bryan how to perform an internal exam. "Insert your fingers in the vagina.- That's right now use your other hand and press down in this area." The doctor physically showed Bryan the area. "You can feel her ovaries now." The doctor said and then he had an inspiration. "Cynthia would you be willing to have a sexual stimulation test? I will show Bryan how to perform it." The doctor asked as he looked the nude, spread woman in the eye. She couldn't talk just nodded her head. "I need you to answer, please."

"Yes doctor, I would like that." Cynthia answered breathlessly, because of the manual manipulation of her pussy by Bryan in the name of an internal.

"Okay, Bryan insert three fingers in the vagina, pump your fingers in and out while you take two fingers of your other hand and rub the little nub about an inch in at the top of her vagina, that's her clitoris." The Doctor instructed Bryan.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH IIIII"MMMM CCCCUUUMMMIIIINNNNGGGGGG!" Cynthia wailed she closed her eyes in a peaceful after cum state.

There wasn't a limp dick or a dry pussy in the group after that performance by the young lady.

'Carla, could you get Cynthia's clothes for her and bring them here, please. Do you want me to schedule you as a model and Bryan are you comfortable to have your lady this exposed." This was discussed after Cynthia came out of her after orgasm fog and as Cynthia remained in the exam positions her pussy open for all to view.

"Yes, I think I can do this." The nude woman said.

Cynthia lucked out she was only scheduled one time to be a medical model, as the doctor interviewed a few young women who were more comfortable nude than Cindy. The doctor knew she was very embarrassed, so he took pity on her. He asked her to work for him on budgets and grants for the medical school. It worked out to her advantage and the doctor's. The medical college received millions from grants that Cynthia wrote. Although there were a few times that the models canceled and Cynthia filled in.

While in the fourth year the group became laid back about the dress code in the townhouse. The women were nude or minimally dressed while in the townhouse. The men usually walked around the townhouse in tee shirts only. It was a joy for the women because they could see when there was interest in a shag for them.

Bryan, Eric, and Al all went to basic training the second half of their last year as part of their college curriculum, so the three ladies were lonely until their men came back for graduation.

After graduation Bryan asked Cynthia to marry him. Of course, she said yes. The only fly in the ointment was his six years of active duty commitment and the Vietnam war, but they saw the world through rose colored glasses at the ripe old age of twenty-two. Against their parents wishes to wait until Bryan received his discharge from the service they married.

Cynthia went with him to Fort Rucker for aviation training. They lived in the married officers' quarters. Cynthia found a job on the base as a bookkeeper for the military. For the next year he was in helicopter training, and they lived a fairytale. Each worked their jobs it was mostly from Monday to Friday to begin with, but the last three months of instruction saw Bryan on night missions. They agreed they wanted to wait to have children.

Bryan wanted to fly gunships but as everyone knows who has been in the service, they promise you the world and put you where they need you. So it was that just after their first anniversary Bryan shipped out to Viet Nam. He was with the two-hundred-eighty-third squadron, Dust-off thirty-one.

Cynthia went back to her northeast home and applied for a job in a money management organization. She lived with her parents, as she was their only offspring. She stopped the birth control pills as she had no need for them.

Bryan flew dust-off on many dangerous missions and after six months he received a two-week R&R in Hawaii. Cynthia was flown to meet her husband at the hotel the Army has on Waikiki beach. Throughout the fifteen plus hours trip from the east coast. She debated. "Should I remove my panties and surprise Bryan. Will I have enough courage to do it." The thought tantalized her for most of the trip.

Cynthia made her decision as the plane landed in Hawaii. She exited the plane and went to the restroom, removed her panties, and put them in her purse. The light summer dress went to just below her knees. When she finally found Bryan she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. Bryan caught the delicious scent of her excitement for the first time in six months. He reached around her to her bottom and when he put his hand there. "She doesn't have any panties on!" He thought with excitement. They made out as he walked her, still with her legs around him to the rental car.

He opened the door for her and she gave him the view of her of her pussy as she entered the vehicle. She diddled her pussy as they drove to the Hotel on Waikiki beach. Cynthia noticed "There is something different about Bryan. He looks stressed and loud noises make him jump." She thought and then asked. "Are you okay Bryan you seem distracted." She asked as she still rubbed her snapper.

"No, I'm good. It's just I can't believe you're here." Bryan stated to misdirect her question.

They went to the reception desk and got their room key. The room was on the sixth floor and faced the ocean.

The couple went to their room, they were surprised at the plush amenities the room had, and the first order of business was to fuck each other's brains out. By the end of their love making session Cynthia felt that Bryan blew so much cum in her pussy she worried it would come out of her ears.

For the first week they stayed in the room to make up for lost time. Cynthia discarded her clothes as soon as she entered the room on Saturday. Room service brought their meals up. It was on Wednesday of the first week that Bryan asked his naked wife. "Cindy come out onto the deck. The view is fabulous."

"Okay let me get one of your shirts and I will be right out Bryan."

"I want you out here nude. I want the world to see my beautiful naked bride." Bryan called back to her.

"They spent many hours on the deck, Cynthia nude and Bryan in a tee shirt. They fucked out on the deck many times the first week.

The second week they went to the Arizona Memorial, The football stadium across from the Memorial, where the hula bowl was played. There was a large tag sale, the couple shopped for mementos. They went to the north shore to see the pipeline and surfers. Bryan ran into six of his buddies and found out what rooms they had in the Hotel. He introduced the men to his wife.

It was after Bryan met the men that he became pensive. "Bryan what's bothering you, something, happen? You changed after your saw the guys."

"Well Ah-Ah all those guys you saw. Their wives and girlfriends send nude photos of themselves, and they showed them around." Bryan explained embarrassed.

"Did they show you the women's photos?" Cynthia asked with interest, not pissed off.

"Yes, I saw all of their women completely nude and spread."

"Soooo, why are you so nervous. I don't care that you saw naked women." Cynthia answered in a calm voice.

"Their women couldn't make it here some have kids and others couldn't get the time off. I saw all their women nude they want to see you nude and spread."

"Will you still love me if I do this for the troops Bryan."

"Of course, I will my dear."

"Okay set it up and tell me what you want me to do. One thing though they can look and touch but no sex. I'm not on the pill."

"What you could get pregnant!" Bryan asked pleasantly surprised.

"Yes my dear you may be a daddy and I a mommy." Cindy giggled.

"Okay I will layout the ground rules for the guys and have them here tomorrow afternoon. We can go out on the deck. I will have food brought in." Bryan stated as if he planned a military operation.

Cynthia and Bryan played hide the salami as much as they could until it was time to set up for Cynthia's show. Cynthia put on one of Bryan's shirts and waited for the food delivery. At one pm on the dot the six men showed up.

Introductions made then Cynthia took over. "Gentlemen as you know this will be a look and don't touch show, unless Bryan gives me other instructions."

The group's spirits brightened at Cynthia's last remark and the spokesmen, for the group asked. "Bryan can your wife give us oral or jerk us off? Can we give her oral." He grumbled embarrassed.

"Can you give my friends hand jobs and let them finger you Cindy?" Bryan asked and was afraid she would get mad.

"Sure, I can do that for our men in uniform. I feel like the USO." Cynthia smiled as she removed her shirt.

The tension left the room, and everyone marveled at Cynthia's beauty. The group had snacks. Cynthia noticed for the first time Bryan had a beer in his hand and the naïve woman noticed they had funny cigarettes they passed around. The group became less stressed as the day went on.

"Time for the grand finale." Bryan said as he led Cynthia out onto the deck and positioned her on a lounge chair and spread her legs wide. Drop your pants, a man on each side of Cindy and one between her legs to explore her honeypot."

Cynthia came many times, the men were thankful to Bryan and Cynthia for the good time. Bryan looked at his wife, nude, spread out in front of his friends, and wondered. "How could I be so lucky to have a beautiful woman as Cindy as my wife."

Within two hours Cynthia got the starch out of all the men's peckers. They all sat in loungers and looked out over the blue Pacific Ocean to watch the sun go down. Cynthia was content to let all the men gaze at her intimate being. Pleased that she made Bryan happy. He sat next to her and rubbed her pussy as they conversed with the group.

For those who have never been to the island yes the water is very blue unlike the Atlantic and Caribbean.

Cynthia and Bryan had a wonderful vacation, but it was a sad farewell for the couple. On the bright side the cost was minimal; the hotel treated the couple like royalty. A few weeks after she arrived home Cynthia found out she was pregnant. She was over the moon that she will have Bryan's baby. "Our baby will be due just after Bryan comes home." She thought happily. The couple talked to each other every Friday at Six pm Eastern time and Six AM Saturday Viet Nam time.

It was three weeks before Bryan was due home from deployment, she worried as she had not heard from him on Friday. Cynthia was almost six months pregnant, when the three military officers came to see Cynthia at Northeastern Money Management on Monday morning. "Mrs. Owens we are sorry to inform you that Captain Bryan Owens was killed in action. If you need anything just call the number on the documents or have any questions." The Major said with sympathy as he handed paperwork to Cynthia. It was just months before the full pullout from Vietnam in nineteen-seventy-three that Cynthia's Idyllic life fell apart.

Cynthia collapsed on the floor her world was turned upside down with the news. Her co-workers tried to comfort her to no avail. They brought her home. Cynthia's mother was there and tried to comfort her also.

"Cynthia at least you will have a baby to fill your time as you grieve." Her mother comforted her.

Well as you know life sucks sometimes and this was one of them. Cynthia was so upset her soulmate was gone that she miscarried. Now she was all alone with her parents.

"Well mom I had five fun years anyway." Cynthia whispered to her mother after she came out of the OR and her mother told her the baby was gone.

And then there was the funeral for Bryan in his hometown. People from the town were all at his funeral. It was a hero's funeral with the army honor guard the whole nine yards. Bryan was a fallen hero. After the funeral everyone went back to their lives, but Bryan's death shattered Cynthia's dreams.

Bryan's grave was in a military cemetery in the area. He and his crew received the Medal of Honor for heroism. They pulled out twenty wounded from one of the worst firefights in the whole year they were in country, before he bought it on the way in to pick up other wounded. He was awarded: the Army flying cross, purple heart along with the medal of Honor. He was the only one killed the rest of the crew survived due to his heroism. Cynthia visited her beloved Bryan and baby Bryan every weekend. She threw herself into her work. "I don't want to be close to anyone it hurts too much." She thought as she looked at the two graves in front of her. Cynthia received special permission to bury her baby son next to her husband.

This mantra she believed in lasted many years.

All rights reserved, do not post to reading list, copy, reuse, distribute, or publish this work anywhere else. Copyright 2022 to 2032, Tonyma70 at Literotica.

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