Cynthia's African Adventure

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An English woman pursues a tempestuous affair.
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Cynthia knew that his eyes were on her, even as she chatted with others in the group who had signed up for a day on the pristine beach that was one of many in this part of Kenya's renowned coastal region.

She remembered the sandy stretches only too well from her days of living on the outskirts of Nairobi and when her husband had worked for an educational establishment. Such work often took him away, for a day or two at a time, and when he supervised the administration of other schools in the district. It was all part of the job that he, as an 'ex-pat', was once allowed to pursue.

For her part, she did what she could to support Jeffrey in his work, to look after their two young children, and even if some thought her a haughty woman, at times, they both made friends easily. In the later years of their lives in Kenya, they had bought a property with some outbuildings and had set about creating a little oasis at the edge of the bush where people could spend a few days' holiday and sample the delights of a wildlife safari. She had made money out of it and the work kept her occupied.

Others, not so adventurous or who had seen enough, could laze by the swimming pool that Jeffrey had scraped the money together to have local tradesmen build in a shorter time than many had believed possible.

The time came for Jeffrey to retire and they had resettled in England but had resolutely refused to allow the distance between where they now lived, and their 'second home', to keep them from staying in contact with those who had loyally served them over the years in Kenya and whom they counted on as friends.

"Is it not too hot for you, Thia?" she was asked as her group broke up and went out for a swim, she remained seated at the table that a conical roof, of palm tree fronds, shielded from the fierceness of the sun.

"No, I'm bearing up, Jaali," she smiled and took him in with one glance of her eyes that were shielded by a large pair of sunglasses. She knew that he would not have seen her in such a dressed down way before, her soft pink halter neck bikini shaping her, the triangular cups holding the weight of her large breasts, and that she had been dismayed to see shaped her nipples when she stepped out of the sea and before she had covered herself in a floaty sundress. "I remember the days when we all came down here...swam and had a barbecue, that you helped to arrange and did so well."

"With Cora you mean and when she looked after your kids?"

"Yes, those days, Jaali."

She said it as she remembered his late wife, a bustling woman who was always dressed brightly and who had competed with her in running the house and holiday rooms, while Jaali did some chores, odd jobs for Jeffrey that he fitted in whenever his main work as a community administrator allowed. He now lived off his savings and whatever work that he could find, but he looked after himself and she still saw the strong man of years gone by. That he also had a roving eye, in her case, had not escaped her attention and she felt somewhat discomfited to realise that she was to be alone in the holiday complex that she and Jeffrey had built while, annoyingly, he was away on a hastily arranged safari.

Thia, for it, was the name Jaali always used for her and not 'Misses Cynthia' from before, watched him as he took a bottle of lemonade from the cool box he had brought, for them all, to go with their lunches and that those who now ran the holiday retreat, had prepared. His short-cropped hair, once so dark against his ebony skin, had turned white and she saw his chest hair too, through the button line of his polo shirt, large toed feet poking out from under his faded khaki-coloured cotton trousers. His deck shoes had been left in the minibus that he drove and was part of one of Jaali's business ventures.

"I make a new life since she goes from me, Thia," he said with a shrug and on looking her way with stilled, dark, eyes. "I always liked how you spoke to her whom I miss. But, I make a new life now that she has gone from me for good."

"I'm sorry to mention her..." she answered gently sensing his loneliness.

"Do not be sorry but thank you for speaking about her. You only have me to talk to from those days now, and I get a chance to do that today." He said it in his deep gravelly voice and on looking away. "The others are calling for you to go for a swim..."

"I'd better go, then." She wondered again what he would make of her as she tugged away her beach dress.

"You stay beautiful, Thia, even as the years go by." He said it as she stepped onto the hot sand. It provoked Thia to quicken her steps. "I can say that to you now!"

Jaali watched the beguiling white woman stride into the surf before she dove underneath the surface and rose close to where the others were bathing. Seeing her again a week ago, on her arrival with Jeffrey, had made him realize just how much he had missed the Englishwoman, she who was tall, slim but not skinny, with her lovely softly tanned complexion and skin, her greying hair like a crown and cut short and making her face all the better der to see. Yes, he hungered again for the woman seen swimming, a woman with long slender legs, firm thighs, and a narrow waist that flared at the hips, her bum shaped so wonderfully by her bikini briefs. And, he had always taken delight in seeing the sway of her fleshy tits and imagined their weight, took pleasure again, now, o seeing their sensuous droop. He'd wondered about her and seeing Thia in that bikini he no longer needed to reimagine how her nipples poked at the wet fabric, that they were big, long, and rounded. They seemed to be permanently erect, even as he had seen her bikini dry out in the heat of the day.

"I sure want you woman," he murmured and felt the ache in his groin and the tightening in his sac. Hie prick needed a workout and he sure wanted it to be with her...while there was just the chance, now that her man was away for the night, maybe two.

He gathered up the debris of their lunches and stuffed the rubbish sacks he'd had the foresight to bring, thinking all the while of Thia and her tits; how he wanted to get those nipples in his mouth, to touch and squeeze them with his fingers, and then to explore and know of that haughty white woman's body that belonged on someone much younger than Thia was known to be.

He stepped across the hot sand and felt the cool of the seawater as it lapped the shore. He clapped his hands and called out to them all, men and women in the group, all of them married and living in the half dozen lodges of the compound Thia and her man had built, out in the bush but not so far from where he had his place.

"We get ready to go now! The weather will be stormy we go back before it comes!"

He ached for a quite different storm and with the woman that he saw waving to him as she began to stride through the water and back to the table the small group had been seated at.

From the way that Thia had looked at him, again, as she passed him and dried off, her breasts moving under that halter neck bikini top as she did that and then slipped on her beach dress, he knew that she was aware of his interest, of a longing for her, perhaps, that she now knew was not a secret to be kept from her any longer.

Ngono...he wanted to have sex with the woman who had become like a goddess to him and who he wanted to drain him of all that he had and that no one had tasted or felt in the time since his woman had gone.

Ngono...yes, he wanted to fuck the white woman and have her feel the meat of a different man from whatever Jeffrey brought to her. Thia would learn from him that he cared for her, but that 'care' would be so very different from all that had gone before.

The sight of the woman, in her wet bikini, had gotten into his blood and now, with the sight of thunder clouds bubbling up on the horizon, he knew that a tempestuous night might well await them. Her man, Jeffrey, was out in the Masai Mara, somewhere, and sampling the sights of the wild.

His woman would be alone in her lodge, and like the others, she would have to see out the unseasonal rainstorm that threatened to break before they got back. The rain would beat on the roof like a drumbeat and even he had felt a shiver of concern when some storms had been endured in the past as his woman had clung to him. He'd slipped her a length, that he knew that she loved as a means to distract her from all that went on beyond the window, so why not show concern for the woman whom he knew would not sit beside him as he drove the group back to their holiday compound? The two of them could keep their interest in each other to themselves, for now.

Perhaps, even for her, the realisation of what was happening between them had to be fully taken in.

Cynthia listened to the drumming of the rain on her lodge's roof. It sounded like someone dragging a heavy box down a flight of stairs as each wind gust caught the deluge. The wind soughed in the eaves and spattered the rain against the windows. Who would be out in this, she could only wonder, and Jeffrey came to mind as he took on a trip into the bush...without her and that had not been a part of their holiday plans. She had done enough of them to know that the novelty of it had worn a bit thin. She had lived in the country, after all, for some years and they had wanted to return to and catch up with those they knew and still lived close to the holiday complex they had put so much effort and a good part of their lives into.

She was relieved to have reached the decision not to accompany him as she listened to the sounds of the unseasonal tempest outside. Her mind was not truly settled, however.

Jaali had wished her a pleasant evening and she had suppressed her disappointment that they would not spend some time together with the others in the group who were chatty until the effects of a day spent on the beach took its toll. So, they braved the squalls and went to their lodges. She had to accept that the squalls might interfere with mobile phone networks and it would explain why Jeffrey had not called. He knew the country well, its quirky weather and so she chose not to fret about not knowing just where he had chosen to go with others on a short safari.

She made ready for the night washed her face and smoothed moisturiser onto her naked skin, the effects of a day out in the sun not to be seen. Sun block had saved her from that discomfort, but the sun and the fresh air had brought out the darker tones of her freckles, a dusting on her skin that was pronounced on her chest bone and breasts, less on her arms.

She studied her reflection in the mirror. That Jaali had given her the eye so overtly was something new! Crazy as it was to meet those looks had set her mind racing. Just what had he seen in her to arouse such appraising glances upon her? Could he possibly be attracted to the English woman he knew from some years ago, a woman left alone in her lodge for a couple of days and nights when she wasn't out with the others?

She raised her arms above her head and stretched, saw how her tummy tightened and her ribcage showed, her hip bones, and how her breasts, with the faintest of outlines of her bikini bra, sagged. Jaali had seen her in those hours on the beach and she had felt the fluttery feelings in her tummy as she met his admiring looks and realised what could lay behind them.

A thin, almost diaphanous nightdress soon covered her naked figure, and revealed slender legs and arms, all of them soon hidden by a thin dressing gown. The rainstorm had chilled the air and her thoughts of Jaali, and the temperature in the room, made her nipples feel uncommonly hard against the fabric of her nightdress.

She could not put from her mind Jaali's changed ways towards her. It was no mistake of hers to think that he had given her the eye on more occasions than she could ever recall, and she felt both dismay and a strange pleasure that wayward thoughts of him now brought upon her. She knew what lay behind them and his looks upon her ignited wayward imaginings of her 'going' with him; imaginings that she had never had for any local man, ruggedly attractive in his ways as Jaali certainly remained.

She had seen how agile he was, and attentive to their needs when they had spent the day at the beach, but she felt that he acted in this way mostly for her. His unwavering gaze at her, not what he had said, made clear the place she had suddenly taken in his thoughts while she was on holiday here, and reunited with so many that she and Jeffrey knew. However, tonight she was alone in the lodge and possessed by thoughts of him, the new fleshy delights that Jaali might introduce her to, were it ever to go so far.

Jaali's mat of closely curled hair, once black, had gone white, save at the temples, and the two colours streaked his neatly trimmed goatee beard. Above that was a brilliant, white-toothed smile, so stark against his ebony skin, and she had seen white hair on his chest bone and his strong arms. His fingernails were stark against the dark skin of his capable hands.

She found herself thinking of him, of every detail, all of him, and the sight of his slacks getting wet as he stood in the surf calling to them to make ready to leave the beach before the storm had broken. The cut of his trousers left her with little to imagine about what was covered, the swell in his groin behind that zip. Those slacks seemed a size too small for what he was seemingly blessed with and must have pleased Cora, his woman, now gone.

"Stop it, woman," she murmured as a book she had thought to continue reading was thrown aside on the sofa beside her. What passed for TV programmes, here, was of no interest to her.

She lay back and closed her eyes and let her hand drift as dissolute images of her with Jaali danced across the back of her eyelids. Would she go with him and betray Jeffrey, if the opportunity, or what lay behind Jaali's looks upon her, were made real?

It...seemed impossible to even contemplate let alone to allow it to happen.

Her fingers pressed and slid over her shaven mound as the thin fabric of her nightdress brushed over her sex. Jaali's look had revealed that the thought was very much on his mind, but she was not one to take the lead in what could so easily be just wayward imaginings on her part, and his actions those of a man who missed his woman.

She had never wondered about Jaali as a potential lover, but everything had changed and now, as she kept thinking about his ways, how Jaali had flirted, she had felt strangely flattered, even horny at the thought that he kept her in his mind and that the sight of her, after a long absence, had not lessened.

She was the tall, square-shouldered, busty, white woman in her figure-flattering bikini; she was the only woman on the beach as far as his eyes told her and a few words had confirmed. And she had wondered if his words and looks would have persuaded her to overcome any reserve and to let go.

Could she become a woman who would have sex with a well-endowed and lustful black man? He was no stranger to her, except in how he had behaved towards her/ To feel flattered was only a part of how she reacted to her thoughts of them doing it; the thought of sex with such a man was both hypnotic and powerful.

She got up from the sofa and her nightdress fell over her thighs. She would take her thoughts to bed. There would be no need for a mosquito net tonight and she left it hanging above the bed, still gathered in its pyramid shape. Things might be so different in the morning. A bedside lamp lit the room in its soft glow.

"What...who is it?" she called out in dismay.

Even above the noise of the rain, moderate now but unmistakable, she heard the tap of fingers on the glass of her bedroom window. It faded only to be repeated, but this time on the door of the bedroom that led out onto the narrow verandah where she and Jeffrey often sat and had breakfast on a fine morning.

"Thia?" she heard Jaali call, his deep voice unmistakable as he pressed his lips to the glass set into the door to prevent it from carrying and letting others know he was after her. "I come to be with you! I cannot stay away."

"Jaali!" How crazy to think that her wayward imaginings were now to be made real if she let him come in. Quite a different storm would now be discovered and shared. "Wait a moment!"

She felt the fierce flare of yearning for another man; for a man so different from Jeffery and what she knew he would bring.

With trembling fingers, she unlocked the door and a gust of wind carried the man who possessed her thoughts into the room. She closed the door hurriedly sensing he was so close.

"I came to be here with you, woman!"

"I know...I know! I knew what you wanted from me when you looked at me today!"

Wild intuition provoked her to fall into his arms and to then meet the hungering kisses of his mouth to her lips, then to the swell of her breasts, his strong hands fiercely gripping her buttocks as she was pulled against him. Oblivious to his soaked clothes, she now felt only lust for the man she wanted to be possessed by.

"I need to know you...know all of you," he kissed and with him, they tore away the other's clothes. Naked, they fell upon each other in crazed moments of unbridled lust and depravity, Thia's hands caressing and gripping his body as she gazed up at the darkened ceiling and felt his sucking caresses to the tumble of her breasts, the object of all his devoted attention to her. "You are so wonderful...they are so full and wonderful to see and touch. I think of nothing else than to go with you."

"Dry off first...dry off!" she gasped, her body wracked by both longing for him and dismay at what she now saw of him, the trembling jerk of his penis as he moved to embrace her again. She had to gather her wits and break free of his hold upon her.

A towel from the ensuite bathroom would do.

He had followed her and stood quite still as she rubbed the coarse fabric over his glistening skin. She shivered and breathed sharply on feeling the brush of his penis tip on her face as she bent to the task. She looked up at him, at a strong man who so evidently lusted after her. It made her feel weak and unable to ignore the cramps of longing in her belly, the first flush of moisture in her sex as she realized all that would follow, her body claimed by his penis, the like of which she had never seen before.

"Go slowly...give me time to learn of you."

"I will do that for you, beautiful woman. Now we lie with each other," he told her, and Cynthia was lifted into his arms and she was coaxed to wrap her legs around his hips, Jaali's penis tip already brushing against her pussy's lips. " are my goddess now, and I will show you how it goes for me."

"We will be together as never before," she groaned against his lips as he kissed her hungrily. "I will allow you that!"

She felt weak from longing and the flare of desire, also fear of how her body would accept him. But, she surrendered to him and the moment. She knew that she would be taken by a man as never before, and Jaali would know a different mistress from the one he had worked for, in years gone by.

Jaali curled his long pink tongue around her perky nipples, lathering them with his saliva before sucking and pulling on them with his nimble lips. He devoted attention to each one, a hand clenching upon her free breast, massaging it and stroking it with his fingers as his mouth grazed over the other.

Cynthia felt a rush through her body like never before. The uneasiness she felt during the hours spent on the beach, may have accentuated the illicitness of the moment. Somewhere, in the recesses of her mind, she still felt this was wrong.