Cynthia's Life on The Wild Side

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A woman continues her liking for a black lover.
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Final part - Cynthia's African Adventure & Cynthia's Ragged Memories

Cynthia brushed out what had once been her ash-blonde hair as she stood before the bathroom mirror and studied her reflection closely. Her flouncy bob cut of silvery grey hair went well with her softly tanned skin. It glowed with health, and her slender face was less drawn than in the days following her return from Kenya and a tumultuous holiday that she and Jeffrey, her husband, had spent there and to be reunited with friends.

She had pursued a tempestuous affair with a local man, known to them from earlier times in the country, and when Jeffrey had been away on a bush trip of a few days. Her lustful, and accomplished, lover had torn away the veneer of propriety that those she associated with, here at home, in England, thought that she lived by.

She knew that her memories of an affair with Jaali Onyango would slowly melt away, but what she had done with him had reignited a flame, one that she thought had been thoroughly damped through the years of her marriage, only to flare up again. She had not been overly promiscuous in her youth but never could deny that she loved to learn from the men with whom she had pursued torrid affairs, no matter how short-lived and disappointing those times may have been in some cases.

Such criticism, or disappointment, could not be said or felt after her nights in Jaali's arms and what he had brought to her, which Jeffrey remained blissfully unaware of.

She knew only too well how destructive and deceitful her behaviour had been, but she had her needs, and Jeffrey would be the last person to understand what it might mean to be in an 'open marriage'. He was happy and satisfied with what they shared; she had discovered, with Jaali, that she wanted so much more before her body did give up on her and she lost for good what Jaali had found so seductive and desirable, a passionate heart beating in a voluptuous and tended body, along with a willingness to throw off the shackles that tied her to an only too ordered life.

"Well, I'm off!" she heard Jeffrey say in his happy way of speaking. "I should be back by six, no later than seven."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek in farewell, one hand giving a squeeze to her bare shoulder. She had yet to get dressed for the day and now sat at her dressing table, in her bra and nicks, as a moisturising cream was smoothed into her skin.

"Do my back before you go, there's a dear," she asked in her somewhat superior tone of voice that she so often fell into using on him. Jeffrey soon did as he was asked, his touch smoothing in the cream as if he was polishing his car rather than as a means of offering a parting caress.

He could be so closed in on himself and there were times when that was the last thing she needed.

"You haven't forgotten that the gate and fence man will be here next week, Tuesday to Thursday, have you? I've written it on the calendar in the kitchen."

Jeffery was seen to hesitate.

"No, I haven't forgotten but I am on another car jaunt on one of the days. I'll hear more about it today."

Cynthia sighed in suppressed frustration. "As long as I know. Viv will need feeding and an endless supply of cold drinks, no doubt, while he's know what tradesmen can be like."

"Viv...Viv? Don't get over-familiar with the man, will you? We never let that standard slip when we lived out in Kenya, did we?"

"No, I know that, but times and people change. I'm adjusting to life back here and it seems to be taking me a whole lot longer than you." She blew him a kiss and turned back to what she was intent on finishing. "Have a good day, darling!"

Her thoughts were already on Viv Somerton.

For a man of just over six-foot-tall Viv was agile, moved with athletic grace, and looked supremely fit. She had seen that much on their first meeting and as she had talked and watched him take the measurements that he needed for his joinery business to make a new pass gate and two lengths of fence that would be erected to either side of it. His company's website shows the range of his skills and many posts by satisfied customers.

"I'll make sure it all matches up with what you already have," he had enthusiastically told her, his deep voice brightening as he spoke. "Your husband is on board with this, is he?"

" Yes, he is, although he leaves all of this sort of work for me to arrange," she chose to tell him. "He's always off meeting fellow car enthusiasts...he's in the Jaguar club, you know, and he devotes a great deal of time to his E-type or he helps others with their cars."

"It's a nice car. So, what do you do when he's away doing that?" he had asked, quite openly, looking up at her even as he worked to make sure he had all the measurements he would need and taking pictures on his iPhone.

"I have my art...I'm a member of the local art club so I draw and daub. There's also this place, the garden mostly, to look after when I'm not catching up with friends, as I am today, so...."

"So, you want me out of the way. I'm done..."

"I'm not in that much of a rush, Viv...may I use your name like that? I know that we've only just met." She spoke lightly and flirted with the man before her. His polo shirt, with a company logo embroidered on it, hugged his broad chest and revealed toned, muscled arms. Viv was only too easy on the eye.

"It's fine by me, Cynthia," he smiled wonderfully and using her name for the first time, his dark eyes, brown she thought, smiling too and his gaze upon her unwavering, even if it did not last for long.

She had wanted to talk and had become deeply engaged with the man before her, liking very much what she saw of him. It would be quite an adventure to have his attention upon her and to ease her back into ways quite different from what she had sampled in Kenya and with Jaali.

Viv Somerton, of Somerton Bespoke Joinery, would be telephoning them to say that he was ready to do the work she and Jeffrey had commissioned him to undertake, a price agreed and a down payment for the timber needed already banked.

"He wastes no time," Jeffrey had opined, somewhat sourly, but the man had engaged her attention upon him more and more.

She could develop a taste for men such as Viv, but living where she did the chances of that were agonizingly few and the risks too great to contemplate. But Viv had entered her life and she would see where that took her...took them, perhaps.

Viv was younger, fitter, and better looking than Jaali, and his appraising looks upon her, as they talked, had been more discreet than she had ever known of them with Jaali. But, those looks were there for her to take note of, dressed as she was in a sleeveless summer dress with a pattern of colours so reminiscent of what she had seen a month or so ago when in Kenya. The bodice shaped her figure, squashed her breasts, and made them look flatter and rounder, and her slender legs ended in stylish ankle boots. She was dressed to go out, not to engage his attention upon her. And yet, it had happened.

Her Kenyan holiday and trysts with Jaali had, it seemed now, after weeks of reflection on what had happened between them, opened her eyes to what was, or could, play out around her, and that she had not seen; or her defence mechanism, somewhere in her brain, had closed out.

But now, and after all that she had been through on that holiday, she would be only too alive and ready for what might, or could, play out with Viv.

The pub was packed, The Greyhound a favourite gathering place on a Friday night and where he knew his mates from the rugby club would be. They never overdid it, not with an early season game scheduled for Sunday.

"Ah, the tyro's here, guys!" one wit called out to him, as he passed the group seated at a table outside in the warmth of a September evening.

"I won't be long," he laughed in reply.

"With our drinks you mean?" another called out.

He waved that away as he sauntered into the crowded bar, taking in the women who moved aside, or their partners did, to make it easier for him to get to the bar.

It had been quite a week at work, not only dealing with assignments in the production line, supervising two apprentices, keeping tabs on the work of his bookkeeper who showed up twice a week, but also attending to last-minute touches for the work that he would be installing for that Cynthia Roberts woman.

He couldn't put a finger on it, but he'd not mind fingering her given the chance and with the rack that she carried so well and not hidden from his approving sight by a colourful dress he had last seen her wearing. So she was some years older than the women he took up with, but she had a winning smile and carried herself so well, that he'd make an exception in her case. By the look of her, she'd know how it went and he was minded to find out if the opportunity came his way.

No, he couldn't put a finger on it to explain just why she'd shown an interest and had wanted to keep him talking. But he had been taken by the sight of her, the sway of her earrings, and how she would put a hand gracefully to her grey hair and sweep it from her slender face.

He dwarfed her, the legacy of weight-training to bulk him up for the game that he loved. He was quick, a runner, and hard to catch when carrying the ball. There were times he had to mix it with an opponent who clattered him outside the rules, so he carried some scars on his face. He wasn't a hard man, he just took care of himself, and he wouldn't refuse to take care of a woman if that was what lay behind the looks that Cynthia had given him.

He was into anyone at the moment, and she was spoken for, but since when did that stop a guy if a woman came onto him? He wasn't about to go asking why. He'd just follow through and hope she knew what the rules were to be if he did that.

Cynthia arrived home from the art club meeting in the village hall. Her work had not gone very well and she felt in a subdued mood. Absentmindedly, pushed the button to listen to voice messages on the house telephone's answering system.

She became instantly alert as Viv's voice echoed in the hallway.

'Hi, it's me, Viv Roberts. I'm just calling to say that I'll be with you tomorrow, as agreed, and should be with you by ten o'clock. I can't make it earlier as I have a few admin things to deal with in the office before then. Call me if the time and day are a problem. Bye!'

She imagined him smiling as he spoke and she checked the calendar in the kitchen. The time and day were just fine, even more so as Jeffrey was to be at one of his gatherings. How wonderful to have the cards fall as she hoped they would. She would have time to herself, and with Viv, and make of it what she could.

A light lunch was prepared and she carried the tray, along with a glass of fruit drink, out onto the sun terrace. She had plans to make, on what to wear for his presence and that allowed her to work in the garden and catch some more of the sun, Viv's eye too.

"You are scheming woman," she chuckled and set about tasting her snack lunch seated on a sun lounger. She soon found that she had no real appetite for food and she lay back, tugging the rim of her straw sun hat a little lower to keep the sun off her face.

The warmth of the sun on her legs prompted her to draw up her cotton skirt and a daydream took hold...

"You wanted this to happen, didn't you?" he smiled, looking approvingly at her as his hands slowly drifted over the swell of her breasts, her blouse lying at their feet and her skirt drawn up over her thighs.

Viv stood between her slender legs as she sat on the utility room worktop. The rain squall was lashing the window, the sudden squall making them rush inside, the preambles to what was to follow played out as she worked close to him.

His khaki-coloured work pants and pouch briefs were around his ankles and his glistening ebony body was exposed to her gaze and touch, his pecs so defined and his biceps taut as he held her to him and his big black cock moved slowly, but deliberately purposeful, in and out of her gaping pussy.

He'd tongued and fingered her lustfully, paid homage to her breasts, and told her that the reality was way better than what he had imagined on first seeing her in that floaty dress.

"So strong," she is heard to groan and it seems that she's spellbound by his big black cock.

Her legs are around his waist, and she has locked her ankles around the back of his strong buttocks and she keeps pulling him back into her whenever he eases out of her pussy to the very edge, the slide of that domed hood over her pussy's walls exciting shivers of longing and soft whimpers of her delight.

It had been too easy to gain his attention upon her, the choice of a floaty cami top revealing her slender arms, freckled breast bone and the depth of her cleavage.

"I'll find are something else in making me want you!" he kisses and begins a plugging, sensual, rotation and push of his hips as she claims his full length, her breasts jerking out of his mouth as she writhes against him and he seeks to claim them whenever their movements allow.

Her body, that of a lusty cougar woman, is open to his sight and touch, her nipples hard and wrinkled buds poking out from the large circle of her areolas, a sight that he delights in. She's full of him and gives back what he wants to take from their coupling, a noisy and energetic tryst.

They have put aside the real reason he is with her, and Viv is looking down at her full-breasted body, the curve of her stomach, and the outline of her ribs. She's so darned fit for a woman of her age and Viv can't believe that he's taking her. Her mound is shaved clean, her slit so pink and stark against his dark skin, glistening from her juices.

She feels so good with him inside her, working them to the climax they desperately want, her pussy muscles clamping and jerking, tugging and squeezing before she releases his plunging shaft, only to repeat the action when he is deep inside her body once more.

"Come for me...go on, come for me!" she calls out as Viv keeps up a steady and rhythmic tamping, humping her with consummate skill. It's a wonder that he doesn't climax, given what they're doing and who she is to him; a woman who has shown him what she likes to discover and with a guy like him.

She watches as her hands pinch and pull on her nipples as he moves his long penis in and out of her slicked and aching heat. She is rolling her hard nipples in her fingertips and looking into his eyes as she tries to drain his heavy nut sac, to have his thick shaft fill her pussy as his ways stretch her.

"I...I won't...I can't hold on you wonder!" she's heard to call out and as the rhythm of his poking intensifies. She soon pulls him down to kiss his hungering lips as she tugs her breasts from his mouth, her nipples aflame from his claims upon them. She then gasps out the words of wonder for all that they have discovered. "You feel incredible inside me, Viv...just keep on fucking me...I'm sure you'll make me cum!"

Viv is managing to hold on, somehow, and he keeps from erupting inside her. They push themselves together, the white woman and her monstrously hung black stud. Their lips are pressed together, her breasts squashed against his chest, and as he grinds his cock into her and he places his hands on her smooth buttocks in his efforts to pull himself as far into her as he possibly can, and that she can accept, as they prolong the raging pleasure that they have discovered.

"I'm gone...gone over the edge!" she shrieks as she hits the peak of her climax and she feels Viv erupt so deep inside her, the thrills aroused by his ejaculation matching her orgasmic cramps.

Her vagina tightens around his shaft and she keeps him in her, so deep, her muscles clamping the base of his penis and Viv is begging her to ease up.

"You're breaking me, woman...and it's not part of the deal we have!"

"Huh?" She groans, aroused from her erotic daydream, as the trill of her iPhone brings her back to wakefulness and she answers it, not looking at the screen. "Yes?"

"Hi, it's me again...Viv," she hears and slumps back on the lounger, pushing the hem of her skirt back down over her thighs. She feels so wet on account of her dream that is already swirling away from her consciousness.

"I know that now," she answers, "I see your face and phone number on the screen of my phone."

"You kept that secret. I didn't know you'd taken one..."

"Well, I have!" She sits up and sips on her drink, warm ow from the sun but she's feeling thirsty. She leans forward and clutches her knees, squashes her breasts against them, and checks that some cleavage can be seen. She turns her phone so that their chat becomes a picture call. "Switch over so that I can see you as we talk, Viv."

She sees his beaming smile, the provocative slick of his thick pink tongue over his lips. "You're someone else, the sun are you?"

"Perhaps...maybe from something else." Is it really her talking like this?

He shrugs. "I know that I sent a text saying I would be with you on..."

"But there's been a change in your plan," she interrupts, unbuttoning her blouse some more, out of camera shot, and she lowers one knee but still leans forward. "That's what the call is about, is it?"

"Yeah," he answers and she sees him stare at his camera. He pauses and takes in what she has done. "I...I sure wish I could be there sooner but there's a problem at work that needs dealing with. So, I was hoping I could come over the day the same time and I work late and the installation of the gate and fences is done by the time I said. Is that okay with you...and Jeremy?"

"Yes it is, and I'll deal with him, so don't worry about that!"

"Sure." He answers and then pauses as she brazenly moves her iPhone until it frames her freckled cleavage and then moves away again. "You sure are someone else from the woman I first saw."

Cynthia paused, choosing not to respond directly. She had already said and done more than she had intended when she saw who it was calling her.

"Yes, okay, come over a day later to me. Jerremy's away with his friends again for the best part of the day...his plans keep changing." She volunteers that information on a flare of annoyance but her husband's plans will suit her.

"The guy's never around...and he seems to leave a good-looking woman at home on her own," Viv ventured and she saw him pout his lips. He was now coming onto her just as she had provoked him to do.

"I'm sure a guy like you can make up for that disappointment, Viv, or I've misread you and what you've done. There's something else that I'd like you to do for me while you're here...fixing the gate."

They're oblivious to the torrential rain outside and are into each other.

Cynthia felt her mind go almost blank as his bolts of sperm sear over her pussy's walls, each shot so deep hat they arouse wracking cramps of pleasure in her belly.

"Go on...go on, I can take it all!"

She feels so full of him and she shudders as the first cramps of another orgasm wrack her body. She loses count of how many times he has broken through her control of them. Not even in her wilder times with Jaali had a man made her body respond in the ways that Viv now had her feeling.

To have her body taken by a long black cock could so easily become an addiction, a man she scarcely knew was driving her to heights of unbridled passion; the arousal of sensations that were only too physical and would never endure.

"You okay?" Viv grins, teasing her, for he knows that she's been found, and can she fuck!

"Mmmm...yeah...yeah!" Cynthia coos, as her body feels the afterglow of her orgasms spread through her aching body. "Oh Viv, can you fuck!"