Cynthia's Submission Ch. 22


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"Yes Mistress."

"Excellent, for tonight it your task to see if can get your mouth on Miss Bell's pussy. I want you looking as irresistible as possible. Remember, I expect you to bring up her fuck session with the black guy, and to be forthright with info about your naughtiness as well. If Miss Bell is the type of woman I expect her to be, you should have no problem getting her to allow you to munch her cookie. Who knows, it may even escalate to even further debauchery. Of course, I expect you to let me know how your night goes as soon as you can. Am I clear slut?"

"Yes Mistress."

"I know you will do me proud slut. I will be expecting your texts later. Take your time to properly prepare slut. Later."

"Bye Mistress."

If I wasn't already teetering on the edge of downright ravenous arousal, I was after that phone conversation with my Mistress. She made it abundantly clear that she expected me to hook up with Miss Bell, and to be honest I was hoping for myself that I would be able to make that happen. Figuring I better focus on getting ready as Sage had detailed, or I would risk the chance of just playing with myself for the entire evening, I dialed up a local pizza shop to order delivery. I was told it would be about thirty minutes, so I decided to lay out what I was to wear while I waited. The dress instructed I wear, was in fact a very pretty and sexual dress. It had a fitted top, and a flared out skirt portion. The top portion had a high neckline in a halter style, but was backless. As for the lower half, it certainly was a flared skirt, and quite short at that. Just standing in it I would have to be careful what would be showing. Also, the fact that it was a rich pink color would be sure to get the attention of others.

I chose a pair of ankle strap leather heels, with a 5 inch high heel. They would pair perfectly with the small leather clutch I was to bring, and accent the rich pink of the dress. Without a doubt I would looked dolled up, especially as I was planning on a natural look for my makeup, with just a pop of color on my lips. I had a luscious pink colored lipstick that would be just perfect.

Just as I was laying out the last item of my outfit, the pink butt plug, my doorbell rang. My pizza had arrived, so I quickly walked over to answer the door. Even though I was naked, I was too excited about the possibilities the night held for me to be nervous about showing off to a delivery boy. He on the other hand, was shocked beyond belief when I casually opened the door to accept the pizza from him in my birthday suit. Thankfully, I knew a twenty would cover the food, and give him a good tip, so I didn't have to make him speak. That would have required him picking his jaw up off the floor. I thanked him after handing him the cash, and then closed the door to eat. I'm sure the sound of the door shutting finally knocked him out of his daze and he was able to return to work, just with a little more rigidity than before.

I forced myself to take my time to eat, and managed to have three slices before I box up the rest to put into my fridge for leftovers. Satisfied that I had eaten, I went into my bathroom to start the shower, and began to gather up some supplies. This shower was going to be somewhat of an event, as I wanted to make sure I was clean as possible, and smelt wonderfully. I pulled out my fancy soaps, and made sure to put on a new razor blade to get the closest shave I could. All in all, I spent about forty five minutes under the wonderful hot streams of the shower, as I pampered myself. Quickly drying with a towel, I took extra time and care to apply very fragrant lotion onto every square inch of my body. I wanted my skin to feel as smooth as silk, and smell as good as a new spring day. Once I was satisfied, I walked naked into my bedroom, and began the process of inserted the rubber pug into my ass. It was medium sized plug, and I had to use a good amount of lube to allow it to easily slide home. Once it was in, I felt insatiably horny, and my pussy threatened to gush its arousal onto my thighs. I looked to the clock and saw that I still had a couple of hours until my night would begin, so I decided to remain nude while I fixed up the little bit of hair I had, and applied my makeup.

When I finished, looking at myself in the mirror, I looked like a stunning college babe that was ready to take on the world. I was very impressed with just how sexual I looked, not even considering the fact that I was naked. I just felt I gave of the aura of sexuality, and I hoped I was right as I wanted that to be how Miss Bell perceived me as well. Skipping over to my bed I picked up the dress and slipped it on. It fit me just like it should, and because it was backless and very short, a lot of my smooth skin was on display. Next, I strapped on the sexy heels before checking myself out in the mirror again. What stood looking back at me, was a vixen of a sex cat. I twirled around to look at myself at all sides, and was happy when the flare of my dress rose up to expose my shaved slit. Feeling even naughtier, I turned to face away from the mirror, and then bent at the waist. What I could see in the mirror was the skirt of my dress would rise up and clearly expose my wet pussy, and plugged up ass. The night was unquestionably going to be a fun one.

I took the remainder of my time to put together the things I was to take with me in the clutch, and also requested an UBER car to come and pick me up. As I waited for my ride, I was nervously bouncing around my house like a giddy school girl on prom night. Finally, after my long wait, and comprehensive preparation it was time to leave. I strolled out of my house with all the confidence of the world, and knew immediately that my driver was out of his mind checking me out. Getting into the back seat I greeted him hello, and he drove off to the destination. I could see him constantly adjust his mirror to better look at me, and I just smiled as I pretended not to notice. When we arrived after the short trip, he surprised me by getting out and opening my door. I knew what he hoped to see, so I didn't disappoint, and may have even surprised him back when I got out of the car making sure to spread my legs open giving him an unobstructed view up my dress. His eyes bugged out, and when he tried to speak after I thanked him for the ride, he could do nothing else but stammer like a blubbering buffoon.

Walking into the wine bar, the few people near the door took notice of me right away, but as this was a classier place, they soon went back to whatever they had been doing before. I was a little early, so I decided to cozy up to a spot at the bar to wait for Miss Bell. A server came up to me and handed me a wine list once I settled in, and I ordered a reasonably priced red to drink while I waited. When my drink arrived, I began to scan the room and take note of who was around. I did not recognize anyone, and I was hopeful that would stay the case as the night went on. I didn't want the chance of being interrupted during my time with Miss Bell to impact the plan to get frisky with her. If that was to happen, I felt my best chance would be if we were able to enjoy ourselves, and have a few drinks without distractions.

I was halfway done with my first glass of wine when Miss Bell arrived just after seven. She quickly spotted me at the bar, and came over to greet me. I watched as she walked over towards me, and was thrilled to see that she too decided to get dolled up. She was wearing a simple red, bodycon style tank dress that only came down to her upper thighs. A lot of her skin was on display, and from how form fitting her dress was, I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Her heels almost matched the ones I was wearing, except they were more a sandal style. If I hadn't already been into the idea of hooking up with her, I would have from the way she was dressed.

Hopping off my stool, I greeted her with a hug, and commented on how gorgeous she looked. She thanked me, and replied with a similar compliment on my appearance. We both took up seats on the bar stools, and she was quickly looking over the wine list to get her drink. When she could make up her mind, she decided to just have whatever I was having, at which I told her that she would need to catch up as I was almost done with my first. We both laughed, and she stated that it shouldn't be an issue after the day she had. This piqued my interest, so I asked about it just ask the server brought over her wine.

"Everything seemed fine earlier; did something happen after I last spoke to you?"

"Oh nothing really, just the usual teacher headaches; nothing I haven't dealt with before. It just that since you mentioned getting drinks, I felt like I was just noticing every little thing. I guess I just wanted a chance to cut loose with you."

"I see Miss Bell wanted to have a little fun tonight. Is that why you got dressed up all sexy like?"

"Sometimes a girl just needs to show off am I right? You look like you know what I am talking about, you are practically sex personified the way you are dressed. I love it."

Why thank you. I am glad you approve. To be honest I was a little nervous about what you would think. I'm glad to see that you are digging it."

Our casual conversation continued over another glass of wine. We talked shop, and about the students we hated, and the ones we adored. (I may have dropped Sage's name as one of my "favorite" students.) Basically we were just gossiping and drinking; it was quite liberating to so. When we got our third glass of the night, I noticed a small booth in the corner open up, and I suggested we snatch it up. It was kind of tucked away from everyone else, and had the feeling of being more private. Addison agreed, and we made our way over to it. Once we sat down, I tried to begin steering the conversation into a more sexual direction.

"So Addison, tell me, how has the single life been treating you? Been with any hot guys lately?"

"I could ask you the same question, but it's been rather surprisingly good. At first, right after my divorce, I was having a rough time, but now I've been let's say enjoying myself."

"Oh, you don't say. Please do go on; give me some juicy details."

"Let's just say my sex life is certainly been very active lately."

"You naughty minx. I love it. Isn't the single life the best?"

"Here, here; to the single lady life."

We cheersed our glasses, and both took a healthy gulp. I caught the attention of a server and gestured that we would like another round even though we still had half a glass each. Addison smiled coyly at me when I did so.

"Are you sure we should have another, after all we need to be able to drive home."

"You said it yourself; you wanted to have fun tonight. There is always UBER to give us a ride, and plus I might also being trying to get you drunk so you will tell me some juicy stories of active sex life."

"I see. Who is the naughty minx now?"

"I guessed we both are. To being naughty minxes."

Again we cheersed, and this time managed to empty our glasses. Just as we did, our new ones arrived. It was at that moment that I also decided it was time to push things even further. I could feel the effects of the three glasses of wine, so I was sure she could as well. It seemed to me the most opportune time to just be straight with her, and she where it led.

"So Addison, I have to come clean with you. Confess if you will."

"Ah, very mysterious, please do continue."

"Well the other day I stayed late at school, and I just so happened to have witnessed a moment of your active sex life."

I watched her face grow worried, as she listened and drew a sip from her glass.

"How so?"

"I was leaving and walking past your room when I heard some noises coming from it. Unsure what it was, I decided to poke my head in to investigate."

Again she took another sip of wine, but said nothing else.

"Let me just say it was very hot, and very arousing what I saw."

"Really? What exactly did you see?"

"Just your sexy little self, having sex with a very handsome black man."

"Oh my god, I can't believe you saw that. I am so embarrassed."

Placing my hand on her knee I replied, "Don't be; like I said it was very arousing. In fact I haven't stopped picturing when I'm alone with myself. You have nothing to be ashamed of; you are a single woman with needs."

She took a longer sip from her glass before she spoke again.

"You haven't told anyone have you?"

"Ha, are you kidding me? Why would I do that? If I told on you, I would have to tell on myself for the same behavior."

This caught her off guard some, as her eyes widened in disbelief.

"What? You mean you done it at school too."

"I've done 'it' and a lot more."

Her mouth gaped open, but she said nothing else. We instead sat in silence for a while, drinking our wine, and trying to figure out what to say. A server came over and asked if we needed anything, and we both ordered another glass. It wasn't until our new drinks arrived that our silence was broken. Miss Bell seemed to want further information about what "a lot more" meant.

"Okay, so it seems we both have our secrets when it comes to our personal lives and the school grounds, and I can deal with that. You don't seem to be appalled what you saw, and from the sound of it, may even be a bit more experience in inappropriate school time behavior. What exactly did you mean when you said you have done a lot more at school?"

It was my turn to be a bit apprehensive, but the glasses of wine helped allow me not to clam up and I was able to respond.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I have a mistress/sub relationship with another woman. She has had me perform a variety tasks both at and away from school."

"Are you a lesbian?"

"I wouldn't classify myself as a lesbian. I certainly enjoy my mistress, but I do also love men as well. You could say that I am open to experiences."

"Okay, I can understand that, but what I would like to hear about is these tasks your mistress has you perform. What are they all about?"

Addison began to smile as she questioned me, and I got the sense that she was indeed intrigued by our conversation and that maybe the effects of the wine were having the effect of loosening her up. I figured I would give her a few general tasks Sage has had me perform to see how she reacted.

"Well, she has had me arrive at school naked on multiple occasions, be panty less and braless while at school, she has made me pleasure her, and has pleasured me at school. Basically, I am hers to do with as she desires. Is that weird?"

"No, not at all. Actually, and this might be the wine talking, but I think it sounds pretty hot. So you do whatever she says?"

"Yes. I get such a thrill out of giving myself over to her. In fact, at school today, everything I was wearing and not wearing for that matter was given to me by my mistress."

"Really? Were you wearing underwear today?"

"No, I wasn't wearing underwear today at school, and I still don't have any on."

"Wow! I don't know what to say."

"Oh I'm sure. I heard what you and your friend were saying to each other the other day. From the sound of it, you are all about being his, how did you say it, 'black cock slut'."

Her face reddened at my disclosure, and I could see she was a bit embarrassed. I didn't want to upset her, so instead I took on the role of asking questions.

"So, if I may ask, are you really what you said? Or was that just the heat of the moment?"

She took a moment and a sip of her wine before responding.

"Both. When I am with him, it is just so passionate, and I lose all sense of myself. It's been like that since we met. He even has had me sign a contract in which it states I am his..."

She trailed off, but I pushed her to continue.

"His what?"

Nervously, and quietly, she replied, "his black cock slut."

Chuckling, I replied, "Well would you look at us, just a couple of submissive teachers that get pleasure out of performing for our dominants. Who would have thought it?"

With both our secret lives out in the open, and quite a bit of social lubricant from the wine, we were able to begin openly talking about our kinky sex lives as submissives, and trade off stories back and forth. In a way, I think it was freeing to both of us to be able to confess our behaviors to someone, and let out our inner thoughts on the things we have done. It was a very cathartic experience. After about twenty minutes we were both tipsy, and open laughing at ourselves while also commending each other on our abilities to serve. It was at this point, that I figured it would be most opportune to ask her over to my place while hinting at something more.

"So this has been great, but I was thinking it could be even for fun if we took this over to my house. That way the wine is cheaper, and we would be able to cut loose even more. What do you say?"

"I think that is a great idea, because I certainly want to hear more of the juicy details you have to share."

"Great, then I'll get us a car, and we can get out of here."

We settled up our tab, and I requested another UBER for the ride home. I had the feeling we were most certainly going to be having more fun.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Aww, Goddddd...

WTF, GettingItDone, how dare you stop now? You stated earlier this chapter would not have as much sex as earlier ones, but the way you draw out the tension and the run-up to the actual sex has me clutching my erection in anticipation! Thank you for all the joys you have given us through Cynthia and Sage! WTF???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Few Ideas for u... & Thanks for using my suggestions last time

I gave u that Piss Drinking from Bottle in class suggestion last time & m very very Happy that u used it so cleverly.. Thank u for that.

Here are my few more suggestions for u

1) as Sage has give instruction to Cynthia to seduce Miss Bell let them play most of game in School. which include Miss Bell making Cynthia do some Task same Risky and Dangerous. like Miss Bell tricked Cynthia & strip her & took her all Cloths; then Cynthia have to keep hiding from students in school.

as Miss Bell have Tricked & Hide her cloths She have to go in washroom stall to as per ordered in her Nude state & stay there without locking it, scared that any girl might come & catch her. where Miss Bell & Sage come to visit her all day to get or give orgasms. and also Fucked her with Strap on. Sage even fuck her with large Black 10" Strap on in ass.

2) Cynthia have to hide under Miss Bell's Desk Nude obviously licking her while class is going on of Miss Bell.

3) Keep Cynthia drinking Piss in Class room. also make it more riskier as Sage make her come to back wall of class while teaching & finger or Strip to nude.

4) Cynthia making her Bottomless again & coming nude to school..

5) Use that plunger scene used in Getting Caught Up.

& please... Please Please Please keep it Only Lesbian..

You are my Favorite writer & its my Only Favorite story. I feel like I am Cynthia & I m lesbian so please no Straight fucking only Lesbian. Please Its a Request..

Sorry if I said anything wrong, & I hope u will consider my Suggestions too


Your No 1 Fan

Slut to Cynitha

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Confused about direction of story.. Keep it Lesbian

M not sure in which direction story is going. I hope you are not loosing the Track of story. Keep it Strictly Lesbian or it will become like any other ordinary story on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Very hot, well done. I hope for more sexy clothes, heels, stockings, collar, bondage in school. But this story is one of my favorite.

bydaseabydaseaover 8 years ago

I like this one a lot. It is setting up the time for when Sage has two teachers at her disposal. I can only imagine how far she will go with both teachers. Keep up the great work and hope to see more real soon.

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