Dad, Do I Turn You On? Ch. 03


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"I think I can do that. It doesn't fix all the hurt, but that helps explain a lot. I do wish you'd trusted me, but I can't say that I would not have reacted badly back then. The experience I've had with Suzy this past month has opened my heart a lot more, so today I can empathize with how you felt. Then? I just don't know. I guess this is the way the truth needed to come out." I leaned in to kiss her, glad that I finally knew the truth. She intensified the kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth. We pulled back to look in each other's eyes, and kissed again, passionately.

My hands went to her heavy breasts, hers went to my prick, and brought it back to rigid life. I lowered my right hand to her pussy, and found it very wet. I rolled atop her, kissed her again, and entered her softly, slowly, the way I knew she liked to start. Hot, wet, wet, pussy welcomed me back.

After more than five years apart, her pussy felt really tight to me, yet familiar at the same time, as I reached bottom. More like when we first met during college, but not the same, either. Giving birth twice made sure of that. Still, my dick was thrilled.

Both Suzy and Mandy noticed us at the same moment, wide-eyed. They sat up and watched, holding hands with each other, as I made love to their mother. Nancy watched lying on her side behind them, one arm reached between the girls to add her hand to theirs, the other resting over Mandy's thigh. I gestured to Paula with my chin, and she looked over to them, smiled, then looked into my eyes again.

I continued stroking in and out of Paula, and lowered my mouth to her breasts, licking her nipples, then kissing between them, up to her neck and mouth, and then back down. When I sucked really hard on her right nipple, she came, moaning my name. Repeating the same on her left tit caused her to scream and arch her back, cumming even harder.

I picked up my pace, beginning to really drive into her hard, and her third orgasm hit, and her fourth. When I felt a hand reach between us to stroke Paula's clit, it was Suzy's, as Mandy slipped under my arm to suck on Paula's right breast, while Nancy came around to latch on her left. Nancy signalled 1-2-3 with her fingers, and they sucked hard at the same time, while Suzy squeezed Paula's clitoral hood.

Paula's eyes went wide, as another huge orgasm rolled over her. Her pussy flooded, while her clenching spasms brought me to my own orgasm, adding even more. She squirted around me, soaking all five of us in the combined juices. I'd never experienced such a powerful orgasm from her, before.

"Whoah," was all I could say, for a minute.

"God, Daddy, that was beautiful," Mandy said. Her eyes were full of tears, as she looked me in the eyes, sitting back again.. "Does this mean...?"

I looked at Paula, before answering, "No, it doesn't, sweetie. I'm sorry. Some things, when they break, just stay broken. All today proves is that your mom and I are still attracted enough to each other to make some fantastic sex together. But our other feelings about each other, the ones you build a marriage out of, like love and trust, changed, and I won't pretend otherwise."

"Your Dad's right, sweetie," Paula added. "I didn't trust him enough to tell him about Nancy and me when I should have, and keeping that secret warped everything else, and I really hurt him, over and over. I hope having the secret finally out between us five, will help he and I have a better relationship going forward, but it won't ever be the same as it was. I hope you girls don't have the same trouble in keeping our family affair a secret. Do you understand?"

A tear rolled down Mandy's cheek as she nodded. I moved over to her, and knelt facing her and wiped it away, while reaching a hand to Suzy, who also looked ready to cry. "None of this changes the love we have for you girls as parents. We five," looking Nancy's way, "are still a family, maybe better able to get along than yesterday, and definitely an unusual one, now that we've had sex with each other. But it's more important that we stay good parents to you than lovers to each other or to you. I love you both."

"We love you, too!" Mandy said, hugging Suzy and I together. We stuck together, still coated in Paula's ejaculation. "Oooh! Who wants to join me in the shower?"

In the end, the older adults took the master shower, while our daughters took to the one they'd grown up sharing. We actually managed to get clean, between the caresses, and only got out when the hot water ran out.

After Chinese delivery, we all settled in the living room for a movie. Some romance novel adaptation I didn't even pay attention to. We snuggled, mainly, changing positions occasionally to snuggle with someone else, but were pretty wiped out from the afternoon, so didn't get more involved than the occasional kiss, although Paula and Suzy made out quite a lot. The ladies kept trading off for foot rubs from me, which I happily gave, discovering that Nancy's soles were very ticklish.

Midway through, Suzy came to me and whispered, "Mom was right about secrets, but you and I have been keeping a pretty big one from everyone. Is it time to spring it?" I nodded, so she grabbed the remote and paused the movie, and said, "Everyone, Dad and I have another piece of news. He and I have gotten involved with my roommate Sandra and her brother Nick, and we're planning to combine households after Sandra graduates next year." She left out that we were already thinking about a double wedding after Suzy's graduation, if things continued going well with our new foursome.

"Another college girl, Steve?" Paula teased.

I rolled my eyes. "A 32-year-old college senior, Paula, 33 in October. And her brother Nick's 27. Oh, and Mandy, I found out from Sandra that her youngest brother Aaron is attending the same college you're going to, although it's his last year. Maybe you could look each other up when you get there."

"Cool, I'll do that. Never hurts to know some upperclassmen."

Suzy and I went to bed with Paula, while Nancy bedded down with Mandy. I awoke to Suzy and Paula in a sideways 69, and I entered Suzy from behind, stroking quickly until I came, then got up and started coffee in the kitchen. The two just continued feasting on each other.


After breakfast, we took the two Accords to the stereo shop to have their upgrades done, driving back in Nancy's car.. We worked the rest of the day on packing up Suzy's possessions. A few, like a big bean-bag chair, were too big to fit in the car and not worth shipping, so Suzy gave them to Mandy. Four boxes of books went via UPS, leaving the rest of her clothes which still fit, her computer and some other items to be packed into the trunk and back seat of her Accord, which was ready at noon. Clothes that didn't fit Suzy but fit Mandy went to her, the rest to Goodwill. We finished packing the car around 6, and I texted Sandra that we'd be leaving the next day.

Instead of a hotel, we were headed to her family's house. Aaron had been out of town for a month, so we were free to make love there. Sandra and Nick planned to reveal their relationships to him when Aaron got back, and hoped he'd take it well. They were going to keep Suzy and I out of it until they got his first reaction.

That night, I made love with Paula and Nancy again, while Suzy and Mandy were in Mandy's room. When my dick was finally wiped out, Paula and Nancy continued, while I watched, caressed, and absorbed their love into my soul. I was happy for what was, and sad for what could have been, in equal measure. I'm a strong believer that things work out the way they are supposed to, that we see a lot more forks in the road in the rearview mirror than we see while going forward. What happened between Paula and me after she got back from San Diego saddened me, but it had also unequivocally opened the door to my meeting Sandra and my expanded relationships with my daughters. That the incestuous relationships between Sandra and Nick and between Paula and Nancy had led almost inevitably to my own incest with my daughters did not escape me.


Saying goodbye in the morning was bittersweet, after the events of the two previous days. Marvin Gaye sang about 'Sexual Healing', and I really think that's what we'd accomplished between Paula and I. The scar tissue was still there, but it didn't hurt the same way. I knew in my heart that my future lay with Sandra and hopefully Suzy too, but now the past felt less like an anchor than as preparation for something even better.

Suzy and I managed to have fun during the drive to Kansas City, listening to music on her new stereo, playing several rounds of the Alphabet Game to pass the time, laughing at some of the dumb signs and bumper stickers we'd see while we were looking for letters, and looking forward to seeing our partners.

We pulled in front of their house around 2 PM. It was the stereotypical white-picket-fence neighborhood, two story house in a Victorian Style, with a big pool just visible in the back yard. "If not for my job, I'd move here in a heartbeat," I told Suzy, as we walked up to the door.

She responded, "They make them like this in Dallas, too, Dad. Maybe it's time to look for something bigger than the condo."

She had been texting Sandra regularly from the road, so I wasn't surprised when the door opened before we got to it.

Sandra as wearing a T-Shirt and shorts, and my heart brightened just seeing her. "Suzy told me you guys weren't stopping for lunch, so we waited and Nick is grilling up some hamburgers. Come in. Get comfortable, get naked, if you want." We both got hugs and kisses once we crossed the threshold. And again when Nick came in, although mine was to the cheek.

We ate lunch, then sat and chatted for a while, to let the food digest. Then we went up stairs to the master bedroom and got naked.

I started with Suzy, while Nick started with Sandra. We made slow love to them in missionary position, with the girls turned towards each other just enough that they could kiss and caress each other's breasts. We both picked up our pace in thrusting, and came into them about the same time, but the girls hadn't orgasmed.

Still a little fatigued from sex with Paula and Nancy the night before, I took a while to recover. Nick was faster, and began fucking Suzy in doggy position, while I ate Sandra's pussy, as she was underneath Nick and Suzy, as she liked to do, licking them both. I even got used to the taste of Nick's come, as some leaked out of Sandra's hole.

By the time that all three had come, I was hard again, and moved to enter Sandra, while Nick pulled out of Suzy, who lowered her pussy to Sandra's mouth, while leaning over to kiss me. I reached for her breasts, and stroked and squeezed her nipples. As her moans from Sandra's tongue action got louder, I squeezed her nipples harder, and thrust into Sandra harder, as well. We managed a simultaneous orgasm between the three of us, then collapsed.

Nick had gone down to the kitchen, returning with four Gatorades, which we drank while cooling down, then we discussed going out to eat, and decided on some Kansas City barbeque.

Over dinner, Nick told me that he was going to look at jobs in the Dallas area, figuring that if we were going to make this foursome work, we at least needed to be in the same city. The girls would still be in college for another year and two, respectively, but I agreed that when they did come home, it should be to one home, not two. I said I'd start looking at houses in Dallas that might meet our needs better than the condo did.

After dinner, we went to bed, but only to cuddle and kiss and talk, as I was still trying to get to know Nick and Sandra better. It must have been 2 AM when we finally stopped talking and slept.

Suzy and I left them at noon the next day, since leaving any earlier would still put our arrival into Dallas during rush hour traffic. We pulled into our condo development at 8:30, and took another hour to get the car unloaded and everything into the condo. Unpacking it could wait until tomorrow.

Finished, Suzy and I stood together in the living room, looking at the chaos, but happy. I asked, "Can you believe that it's been less than a month since Mandy's graduation?"

She shook her head. "It's unreal. So much change in such a short period of time. And I think it's all been for the better. I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, daughter."


Epilogue 1:

Three weeks later, I was in the middle of an interviewing process to fill a vacancy on the staff caused by a retirement. I'd reviewed all of the resumes, which had their names removed to make them anonymous, and had selected the three best to interview, starting with #3, and working down to #1. This happened to be Nick. I knew he worked in my field, but when I offered to write him a recommendation to come work at my company, he declined.

"Nick? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to come work here?"

Nick shook his head. "No, what I didn't want was to get a job here based on your recommendation. I wanted to earn it on my own merit, not because I'm involved with an executive's daughter. I wasn't expecting to be interviewing with you. I thought this position reported to Stan Chase?"

"It does, but Stan's on vacation, and he didn't get this hire completed before he left, and the guy you'd be replacing leaves in two weeks, leaving us in a bind. Are you going to be comfortable interviewing with me? Just on the strength of your resume, I'd hire you even without it."

"How about you bring a recorder in here, and tape the interview? That way, if anyone challenges your objectivity, you can play it back, and show that you hired me based on my interview answers, not our relationship."

So, that's how we did it, and Nick was hired. He's three rungs below me on the Organization Chart, but I don't think he'll stay there long. I could already see a couple more retirements coming in the next three years that he'd easily be qualified to move into, either already, or as he gained more experience..

Suzy was thrilled with the news, when I got home.


Epilogue 2:

Suzy, Mandy, Sandra and her brother Aaron all went back to school at the end of August, and Nick had moved into my condo when he started work at my company. Their house in Kansas City sold quickly, and their possessions were in storage in either KC or Dallas, waiting on finding a new house to hold the four of us, and for Aaron to decide where he wanted to live after college. He was leaning towards Dallas, to stay close to his brother and sister, who had revealed that they were moving and why. They expected him to be surprised, but he'd actually guessed what was going on years earlier.

In October, I finally found the perfect property. It was a detached duplex, on half an acre of land, intended for an extended family to buy - one brother buys one half, the other brother buys the other, and their kids get to play in one yard. This would allow Sandra and I to buy one half, and Nick and Suzy the other. Each half had about 2000 square feet.

Looking at the floor plan, it looked like we could easily remove a section of wall between the two halves on the second floor, allowing easy passage between them, without alerting the authorities that we were living as one family, instead of two. I checked with Nick, Suzy and Sandra, and they were thrilled, and after Nick and I inspected the property, we put separate offers in, and they were accepted.

We would be able to move in November 1st. We'd be ready for a joint Thanksgiving, and invited Mandy and Aaron to come for it. We got messages back from both, asking if they could bring their boyfriend and girlfriend to meet us. We said sure, the more the merrier. We decided to also invite Paula and Nancy, and they said wouldn't miss it. We had the bedrooms, we'd just have to buy more beds.


Epilogue 3:

Thanksgiving Day, when Mandy and Aaron arrived last, to a full house, it was just by themselves. I asked, "Honey, I thought you were bringing your boyfriend."

She simply answered, "I did."

It took a split-second to realize we'd been had. Mandy had indeed looked Aaron up when she got to school. Looked him up, and down, and up again, and crushed on him instantly. His reaction was apparently the same, and they began dating the first week of school, back in August, and had kept it a secret from all of us, as payback for all the secrets we'd all kept from them.

When she had an opportunity, she came to me, and said, "Daddy, he's the one. I'm not a virgin anymore. Will you make love to me tonight?"

Of course, I said, "Yes."


Author's note: As I expected when I posted Chapter 1, the plot I had mapped out for the remaining story turned into 60% more material than Chapter 1, but I could not find a good dividing point to split it into two equally sized chapters, and didn't just want to pad onto the end to make the whole even longer. So I had the choice between posting one large Chapter 2, or splitting it in a way that made Chapter 2 about the same size as Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 shorter. So that's what I did. I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback always appreciated, even if I disagree with it.


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NadiePreguntameNadiePreguntame1 day ago

Too many people involved for my liking. Anyway, good plot.


Good story...wish it had more chapters, as it was getting really interesting with ALL the people involved!!

Five Stars...Yyyaaayyy!!!!!!

And, to the homophobic or whatever people...did not have to comment about the things you did...just go on/find something else to read!

Evil_MonarchEvil_Monarchabout 2 years ago

"I even got used to the taste of Nick's come, as some leaked out of Sandra's hole." OMG, I felt like my skin was about to crawl away. so fucking disgusting

racfguyracfguyover 2 years ago

All in all, I liked this series. I didn't care for when you brought Sandra, Nick and Aaron into the story.

Was hoping that Steve and Paula could get back together, but being divorced once myself, I knew that wasn't going to happen.

That being said, I liked the father/daughter incest, and I didn't write the story, Leenysman did. His story, his way. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please Make 4th Chapter!!

I need a 4th chapter 😭😩 This would be a really good book 💙💙

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