Daddy, Take Me Ch. 03-04


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Daddy was just pulling up his sleep shorts, my eyes catching a glimpse of the cock that would take me...soon. Mom threw my soiled panties at him, and smiled, her eyebrows cocked, saying nothing, but everything. Our eyes were locked as daddy brought my soaked panties to his face, inhaled, and then licked them. Fuck me now! I thought. Mom pulled me up, and helped me into one of her more chaste tops. Humph!

They pointed towards the bed, and I slid between the sheets, pulling them up around my neck. I

thought back to all the years I had woken my parents in this bed, and now I was going to sleep with them. I couldn't be happier! The three of them walked to the ensuite, which I found strange, but I was in no position to question that right now!

Fifteen minutes later, and after a few flushes, they walked back to the bed. They 'allowed' daddy to sleep next to me if I behaved. Again, I half-promised. MomC slid behind me, and MumE was on the other side of dad. They both kissed me, and I muttered, "Nice mouthwash, mums," and chuckled, the scent of my daddy's cum lingering in their mouths.

"It's your fault, darling. We couldn't let Tom sleep like that! Goodness knows what he'd get up to!" they giggled.

I laid my head on daddy's chest, whispered, "I would have taken care of you, daddy," and let out a long sigh, so that he knew I was pouting. He sniggered, and we talked about inconsequential things 'til we all drifted off. We all knew there would be a long talk tomorrow. I have never slept so well, so peacefully. And yes, I behaved.

Chapter 4

The morning after I woke too early, my arms wrapped around my mom. I could feel daddy's hand on my hip, reassuringly so. As much as I wanted to lay here in the comfort of these three, I knew there would be a slight chance that Maggie or Lily would come bounding in, so, softly, I kissed mom, then dad. I slipped from the sheets, went to mum, and kissed her. I crept from the room, hopefully, silently. I gingerly crept down the stairs, not wanting to wake my sisters, and slid into my unslept bed. I curled my body up in a fetal position, sheets around my neck, and fell back to sleep. I was glad my first class wasn't until ten!

I finally trundled downstairs, Maggie and Lily just finishing their breakfast, dad sitting there, spoon in mouth, and jostling the kids. I walked to them, hugged my sisters, leaned over, hugged my daddy, and kissed his lips innocently. My mums embraced me, asking if I was okay.

"I looked in on you, but you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to disturb you," she said.

"Thanks, mom...I haven't had such a wonderful night's sleep in ages," I chuckled, and blushed.

Dad was always the first to leave, so I walked him to the door, straightened his tie, and kissed him deeply.

"Thank you, daddy. I...I loved last night. I...I love you, you know?" I said.

"And I love you, Chloe. We'll talk later, okay? I won't be late. And yes, I slept well, too," he smiled, and held me close.

Mom was out not long after, so I had time to talk over the night with MumE.

"We missed you this morning, Chloe," she said, when the kids were getting dressed for school.

"I...I thought it best in case Maggie or Lily came in. They have enough to deal with right now!" I laughed. "I...I loved it, though. Are you and mom okay with, well, everything that happened?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"Chloe, we are, okay? It's all good, sweetie. We'll all talk tonight and see where, and how we go on. It's all good, though, all right? Trust us, and trust yourself," she sweetly said. "I want you to give some thought to one thing, though, Chloe. This...connection you're looking for. It doesn't come overnight, okay? That's called lust, which isn't too bad either!" she chuckled. "What we have had taken years to get to. I just don't want you disappointed, okay?"

"I get that, mum, but we need to start somewhere, hmm?" I smiled. "I know this is more than lust, though."

They were ready way before me, so I hugged and kissed them all, wishing them another good day at school. I finally arrived at uni, and caught up with Maisie.

"Hmmm, someone had a good time last night?" she said, as I blushed. "I want details, girl!" she squealed, and hugged me.

"Behave, Maisie! Nothing happened...really. I just slept well, okay? God, your mind is so..." I began to say.

"Naughty?" she said, laughing. "Absolutely!"

We hugged, somewhat chastely kissed, and walked to class, arm in arm. I was distracted all day. No surprise there! Again, all the 'what ifs' swirled around my head. Classes ended, so we went over to Kew, and put in a few hours as part of our studies. Maisie just knew there was more for me to tell, but I couldn't. At least, not yet. We packed up, and headed home, hugging and discreetly kissing before saying goodbye.

I arrived home shortly, dad's car already parked up. My heart began to palpitate, my hands suddenly sweaty. God, what this man does to me! I walked in, trying to be the 'cool one' but probably failing miserably. Maggie and Lily ran to me, and I scooped them up, covering them with delightful kisses. As usual, everyone was in the kitchen, so slowly walked to the smell of dinner. MumE was at the stove, as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging and gently kissing her cheek. I walked to my mom, as she put her wine glass down, her arms outstretched and hugging me. She simply kissed my lips, my legs shaking under her erotic touch.

"Evening, darling. A good day today?" she asked.

"A bit distracting," I giggled. "But it was good, yes. Thanks. And yours?"

"The same. The new exhibit is coming together, slowly, but yes, we're getting there," she said, still holding me.

Dad was looking at me, his eyes piercing into me.

"Evening, daddy. You set the world to rights today?" I laughed, and wrapped my arms around his head, one hand pulling his lips to mine. I knew my sisters may see, but I didn't care at this point. He wrapped one arm around my svelte waist, and roughly pulled me into him. I let out a sudden, "Ooooh," before catching my breath.

"Evening, Chloe," he whispered, his voice sending chills through my body. His hand slipped from my waist, and cupped one cheek, his fingers gloriously digging into my flesh. "What was so distracting about school today, hmm?" he smirked. I could have slapped his face for his temerity.

"I cannot even imagine...daddy," I sighed, my fingers playing with his tie. I slowly undid it, mommy deliciously leaving that for me to do. I felt his hands around my ribcage, gently squeezing, and teasing me. I slipped the tie through his collar, and held it up to him.

"Anything, uh, special you want to do with this...daddy?" I smirked, and handed him the tie. I could have sworn I heard him utter a low, "Fuck." I gracefully swept by him, and sat at the long dining table.

This was fun, so long as I wasn't on the receiving end!

I sat with my sisters, caught up on their day, and put my two pence in with their homework. We all chatted, cajoled and enjoyed the dinner, the surreptitious flirting adding to the atmosphere. The evening went quickly; the kids were soon in bed, all washed and read to. Dad came down last, all our eyes on him. I poured him another single malt, and we all relaxed, knowing what the evening was about.

"So..." he began, and laughed, us joining in, easing the mood. "Last night, Chloe. It was wonderful, okay, but we need to establish a few, well, boundaries. We're only thinking of you, understand?" he said, both moms holding my hands.

"Chloe...first of all, I know we have talked about this before, but...I'd like to revisit this for a minute, okay?" Have you ever felt this way about David, hmm? We're all just trying to figure this out. This is all about you, okay? We all see how confused you are about your burgeoning feelings. We're just trying to understand it a bit more," MomC said.

"God, where do I start, hmm? Well, no, as I said, I have never felt this way about David, okay? I just don't. I've never questioned why, though. I mean, 'Ewww', do you think I'm some sort of pervert, or what?" I laughed too loud. Luckily, they saw the humour, and laughed with me.

"Chloe, these are the years when you fumble around, and discover who you are, and what you like, and need. They're tough. We all go through it, okay? I'm glad you're safely experimenting, darling, but getting involved with your parents may just mess you up. Have you thought about that?" MomC asked. "It's you we're thinking about, Chloe."

"Mums, I know I have a life to get on with, but I need to share this connection you all have. It will make me whole, somehow, and allow me to carry on with my life. I need the connection with all three of you. I'm infatuated, I guess. It's all I've known, okay? This is my normal! And I know what I want and need. You three. I want to feel how you, and mum feel," I tried to explain.

"But Chloe, it won't be the same. I feel differently with your mom and Emily when we make love. They're both different, as are you. What we do share, though, is that elusive connection. Is that what you think you need? Chloe, you'll find that, all right? We know you will, but you need to give it time. Enjoy your youth," daddy said.

"I'm not asking you to indulge me, okay? Believe me, this, us, is what I want...and need. The rest I'll figure out as it comes along. I'm not a child. Perhaps you think it will only be a brief, tumultuous affair, hmm? Who knows? What I need from you is something that will pretty much define me, and help me. I've said this before, I'm not here to take daddy away, or break this up. Never! I will always defer to my mums, okay? Always. I don't expect to share your bed every night," I chuckled, raising my eyebrows questionably. "Once in a while would be nice, though," I smiled.

The silence was deafening.

"Thank you, darling. We can see you've given this a lot of thought, hmm? Let's just all take this in, and see where we go. Slow, though, right?" mom chuckled. "That means everyone. Tom? Em? Slow, okay?"

Dad chuckled, turned to mom, and said, "This means you, too, darling," still laughing.

"Humph!" mom giggled.

The rest of the week went well, all of us behaving, except for some blatant, and flagrant flirting and teasing. It seemed that every evening, the tension was bumped up a bit more. Daddy and I had our date on Saturday. Somehow, we all know that would answer a few questions. I loved teasing my parents, as much as they drove me to distraction, all of us preoccupied with when, not if, we'd spend our first whole evening together.

Mums helped me dress for my date, almost as if they were preparing to give me to their husband. It felt surreal, but so damn erotic, too. They gently teased me throughout the day, their little whispers and looks driving me mad. We took over the ensuite, dad having to ready himself in my bathroom. The things he put up with for us! They wanted to shower me, a precursor to more evenings like this, I hoped.

"Do this often?" I asked, as their hands washed, and gelled me. I felt exquisite as they pampered, and bathed me in their hands and kisses.

"Mostly, yes, Chloe. It's a wonderful way to start or end the day," MomC giggled. I watched, enthralled, as they touched, and fondled each other, caressing each other in ways I had only dreamt about with them. When they peed for each other, I thought I would faint. I had never witnessed such an erotic, and intimate sight. My fingers slid through my gushy labia, excited at being allowed to see their openness with each other. As they gelled my body, their tongues, and fingers prodded, and touched me. Before I knew what was happening, they were both on their knees, mom licking my pussy, and my mum kissing my ass.

I had never felt so sexy, so consumed, so utterly loved. My mums played my body as one, both knowing exactly what they were doing, 'til I came with a loud shriek, my sap sucked by my mother. I held her head against my wanton pussy, my ass being devoured by my other mum. Fuck!

They wouldn't allow me to reciprocate...yet. Mums tenderly dried me with two large, soft towels, their hands pampering every part of me, and then both tenderly kissed my used pussy. They walked me to the bedroom, and had me sit in front of the large mirror. They both lovingly dried, and brushed my hair. MomC braided my hair, telling me that this was how their husband liked it. They WERE preparing me! Mom then dusted my dry body with the most luxurious talcum powder, lifting my arms, and gently patting my pussy, and butt. I had never felt so pampered.

They had chosen my lingerie, as it was, for the evening. MumE handed me a pair of pantyhose, which took me by surprise!

"You're...sure?" I asked, quizzically.

"Trust us, Chloe," MumE smiled. "He'll love them."

She then pulled out a new pair of the sleekest Myla yellow panties. They spent too much time smoothing them out...or not enough time! They showed me the matching, delicious, floral stretch bra, trimmed with French lace, and secured in the front with a silk ribbon. Talk about sensuous! My next girlfriend was definitely getting a pair of these!

"You won't need a bra tonight, darling. Here. Here's the dress we bought you," MomC said, and pulled out the sexiest, most gorgeous midi-dress. I held my arms up, as they slid the dress over my body. It was a darkish, dusk blue with a deep-V plunging neckline that perfectly showed off, yet hid, my small breasts. There was a thin belt that tightened my waist, finishing off the look exquisitely. I turned my head and looked at the back in the mirror. It was completely backless, bare to just above my ass. I looked like sex. Literally.

"Does...daddy know I'm wearing this? Is...this, well, appropriate for where he's taking me?" I asked, with hesitation.

"Trust us, Chloe. Your dad will love this!" they both giggled.

"Now, shoes? Two options. Trainers or heels?" MomC asked.

I looked at MumE, torn between the two looks. The trainers would give off a definite, younger, fun vibe, the heels more sophisticated.

"I'd love the trainers, but think the heels might be better?" I asked.

To finish off my sleek ensemble, MumE brought out her treasured Arizona turquoise and silver necklace, one I had always admired. Oh sure, she used to let me play 'dress-up' with it, but I knew this was a special piece, and was touched that she wanted me wear it on this special evening.

"Thank you, mum," I gushed, and kissed her deeply. "I...I love it!"

"Heels it is, darling," MomC said.

I chose one of their Liberty scarves to cover my shoulders, and headed downstairs after a few adjustments to my hair. God, I had never looked so good, so, well, grownup. I loved the braided hair, reminding me of the times my mums would wear their hair this way, the look so romantic, yet demure.

My eyes caught dad's just as I left the last step, his smile telling me I looked passable. He chastely hugged me, and whispered how beautiful I looked. I played with his tie; the suit he chose fitted him beautifully, probably bespoke from his tailor. It was one I had never seen before, and I was happy he made an effort! He finished his 'look' with a beautiful pair of dark brogues. God, I could do this man right now!

We chatted with my mums for a bit, then headed out. I still had no idea, but sensed it was somewhere special. We hugged and kissed them, and walked to daddy's car.

I kept my hand on daddy's thigh as he navigated a busy Saturday night in London. God, I loved this car, and the way daddy handled it. We chatted, in French, as he easily shifted gears, the car almost growling along the busy streets. We were both filled with expectations for the evening. It was easy with him, as it always had been. I finally recognised central London, as he pulled up and parked. More than a few eyes were on us as he opened my car door, took my hand, and helped me out. I couldn't have felt sexier, or prouder. I threw my long, thick, cable-stitched poncho over my shoulders, and we headed off.

I wrapped my hand in his as he led the way. We held our hands together, warm and tight. I stopped under a lamplight, turned to him, and embraced my father on the streets of London.

"Je suis tellement amoureux de toi, papa," I whispered in French, as he had decided, as he gingerly touched my cheek, and kissed me romantically, not caring who was watching. Just this one gesture felt so life-affirming. My daddy DID love me...'that' way, too!

"And I love you so much, Chloe," he answered, my heart fluttering.

We turned another corner, and in front of us was the Royal Opera House. I shrieked, not too loud, but a shriek nonetheless, "No! Daddy? Really?" I hugged him, probably thanking him too much. This was one of the places I had hoped to see one day. I knew he took my mums here quite often, and had dreamed of being here. "Thank you, daddy," I smiled, my accent stirring him.

"Perhaps you should call me Tom...just for tonight?" he snickered.

"Ohh, fuck. Sorry, dad...Tom!" I stammered.

"C'mon. Let's get a drink and relax, okay?" daddy said, and led me in. We were to see La Traviata tonight, a dream come true for me.

To hell with going slow, I thought. Tonight I'd have my daddy.

I checked my wrap, keeping the scarf on just in case. He handed me a glass of champagne, not my favourite tipple, but when in Rome...We toasted, and kissed each other openly. We had our arms around each other, sipping, and smiling. I'm sure I looked every inch the mistress or trophy wife, well, except for my small chest! I slipped the scarf off my shoulders, baring my back to any who cared to look, and a few did, or so daddy told me!

We talked, and flirted, daddy stealthily running his fingers along the lapels of my dress, his fingertips grazing my mounds while talking with me. My fingers played with the buttons on his shirt, my body pressed up against his. Our French exchanges were stealthy, and I realised I could call him 'daddy' without anyone knowing our relationship. The bell rang, and we filed into our seats. Daddy had chosen his favourite, the front row, centre of the Grand Tier. I took a sneaky photo and sent it to my mums, even though they knew where we were going. I was entranced, the whole evening, perfect. We held hands throughout, but as I laid my scarf over my legs, his hand went under it, gently touching my stockinged thighs. We held hands tightly, our fingers playing with each other as the music swelled. The opera was perfect, and so moving. I could have easily slid onto his lap, and fucked my daddy right there. At the intermission, we stood, and I felt his hand on my bare back. We made our way to the bar, his eyes definitely on my cute little butt. Daddy had a single malt, and I, a pink gin. I stood there, demure and sexy, slowly sipping my gin, my eyes on my daddy.

"Touch me, daddy," I whispered in French. "Just...touch me," I moaned into his ear, and moved my lips to his, my tongue sliding through his somewhat reluctant lips.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, his fingers sliding under the sparse material on my shoulders. All he had to do was, too easily, pull the cloth with his fingers, and my small breasts would be bared to anyone who cared to look. Softly touching me, his fingers slid down my back, my pussy quivering with the deepest desire for this man. I wanted nothing more than to feel his fingers on my ass, but I knew he wouldn't do that. Standards, after all! Men, and women, were giving me appreciative stares, as I hung to every word daddy was saying to me. To me!

He proudly walked me back to our seats as the gong rang out. The lights were still up, as we gently kissed each other, my heart fluttering like never before. My daddy leaned over, and whispered, "I could so easily go down on you right now, Little One."

I turned my head, looked up, and kissed him, our eyes ablaze with desire for each. Like the wanton daughter I was, I slipped his hand under the replaced scarf, and moved his fingers to my damp panties, holding him there as I spread my legs. My mind was deluged with all these new feelings; the sensuous music, the actors on stage, and my daddy's fingers slipping beneath my tight lacy panties touching my wet pantyhose. I stealthily lowered my free hand onto his covered, hard cock, and laid it there, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for a daughter to do. I could feel his manhood twitch, and grow under my furtive hand. I kept my eyes glued to the stage, knowing if I was to look at him, I'd lose all control, and we'd be barred for life.