Daddy, Take Me Ch. 07-08


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That was a reality check, if I ever we needed one!

"Come on...I'll be good. I...promise," I sighed, my heart weak, but my resolve suddenly strong. "I promise, darling."

We looked deep into each other, and she relented, slid between the sheets, and hugged. She leaned over me, her nimble fingers moving the stray hairs from my face, and touching my cheek, as few people ever had.

"How long can we keep this up, Maisie?" I asked, uncertain if I really wanted to hear the answer. "We both know, don't we?"

"Not much longer," she laughed. "I wish I didn't love you so much, Chloe," she sighed, and the tempo calmed. We laid together, and knew there would be longer talks

We held each other, our scent filling the room, and our pussies weeping, as much as our eyes did.

I finally slapped her magnificent ass, and suggested we go downstairs, grab some tea, the antidote for almost anything. I went to the wardrobe, and handed her the most oversized robe I had, which covered too much of her body. Damn!

All was quiet upstairs, so I knew we'd have the kitchen to ourselves. I moved the teapot over, and brewed some chamomile for us. I collected the Sunday paper from outside the front door, and we sat at the kitchen table, our chairs turned, and looked out of the large French doors that framed the garden. With spring fast approaching, I pointed out some of the new plantings mum, and I had recently sown. My mum still had the most intuitive knowledge of plantings. She had ravenously picked my brain over the last few years, which I took as an honest compliment. We looked out on the seemingly untamed garden, even though when one looked closer, there was a beautiful symmetry and order about it in the apparently, haphazard plantings.

In the quiet of the morning, we sipped our tea, and watched the sun rise, both taking long glimpses of the other.

"Chloe...I've been thinking, and...I'd like to take you away for your birthday, all right? Just us, and for a long weekend, all right?" she asked me. My heart leapt.

"Anywhere, my love. You should know that. So...where?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"As it's your birthday, it'll be a surprise, so just behave. Let's check our diaries, and I'll sort the rest," she sighed, leaned over, and kissed me innocently.

I filled our teacups again, put some music on, and slowly danced around the kitchen island; our bodies swayed together like last night. We tenderly undid the rest of each other's braids, mussing out our hair, as Maisie moved me against the island, gently lifted me up, and stood between my open legs, her hands trailing over my face and covered chest. I imagined her laying me back, opening my robe, sliding my shorts aside, and tasting me. Instead, we embraced, fondled, and gazed upon each other, knowing it was 'safer' to be here rather than in the more private, seductive bedroom.

"I don't want this morning to end, Maisie," I sighed, my lips once again locked on hers.

"Chloe...I think we'll have all the time in the world soon, aye?" she smiled.

We could hear tiny feet trampling down the oak stairs, but we stayed where we were, our arms gently wrapped around each other.

"Chloe! Maisie!" Maggie yelled, and ran to us. Maisie turned around, and lifted her into her arms, smothering her with tiny kisses.

"Morning, Maggie. How's my lass?" she smiled, and plopped her on the island next to me. We hugged and kissed while

Maisie now had Lily in her arms. "Good morning, my wee lassie!" she giggled. They embraced warmly, then sat her on my other side, hugging my sisters' good morning'.

"Did you wake mums and dad up?" I asked, with a smirk.

They both just blushed, and nodded 'Yes', so we knew they'd be down soon. Well, maybe not all of them! I had gotten used to these glorious Saturday and Sunday mornings where one of us would take care of the familial 'duties'. In contrast, the others stayed in bed and made love.

I most certainly could use a good going over, I thought.

It felt so natural to be down here with Maisie, still in our robes and relaxed. I could get used to this, I thought.

We all threw out ideas for breakfast, and then began prepping things. I asked Maggie if she would show Maisie what we had recently planted, so she ran and gathered two sets of crocs and some light jackets, took her hand, and they walked out into the garden. I sat there, Lily in my lap, and watched them, hand in hand, walking around, Maggie eagerly pointing here and there. My heart was overwhelmed. I needed to talk with mums...tonight. I couldn't go on like this, not for a week, much less years. I needed this woman, this marvellous, beautiful, adorable woman in my life.

Mums walked into the kitchen, still in their robes, and walked to where I was sitting, leaning over, and kissing me. Mom looked into the garden and saw Maisie and Maggie walking around, still hand in hand.

She whispered a low, "She's special, isn't she?"

I thought I would burst into tears, but I held them at bay, whispered back, "She is mom," and held her arms around me. She kissed my cheek so tenderly.

Dad finally appeared, shaved, and ready for whatever the day brought, the only one of us dressed! I ran to him, hugged him, and almost cried. He held me tight, his head in my hair, and whispered, "It's okay, Chloe. Relax. You'll work this through," then lifted my chin, and kissed me as a father would.

Maisie and Maggie joined everyone in the warm kitchen, my mums hugging her, and quietly kissing her.

"Morning, Maisie, how was last night? We want to hear all about it!" mom gushed.

Dad hugged and kissed her cheek, another genuine 'Good morning, Maisie' from him.

Mums began cooking what Maisie and I had prepped while we sat, drank our tea, and told them about our evening. I could tell mums wanted to know everything, just by their little smirks.

Mums had prepared a simple roast potato and chorizo hash with eggs, which was terrific. God, these two could whip something out of nothing!

"Maisie wants to take me away for my birthday," I smiled. "She won't tell me where, though," I pouted, much to everyone's amusement.

"That sounds wonderful, darling. I'm sure it'll be memorable wherever you end up," mom said, beaming.

We all just jostled, joked and chatted over each other. It was just another typical breakfast for us, Maisie finding her way easily between all the banter and playfulness. I sat next to Maisie, surreptitiously touching and holding her hand, laying my hand on her shoulder as we chatted, and chastely kissed her every so often. I knew I had no reason to hide my feelings for her in this house, and Maisie gradually grew into those feelings. After breakfast, dad took care of my sisters while Maisie and I helped clear everything up. The kids came back down thirty minutes later, and we all laughed.

"Did daddy dress you, Maggie?" I asked, tears of laughter streaming down my face. She was dressed in a mad mixture of clothes and colours, unmatched, but somehow working. She reminded me of mum, her boho looks still evident.

"He did!" she shrieked. "Isn't it good?" she asked, and gave us all a twirl.

There were more raised eyebrows amidst the laughter.

"Maisie and I are going to change, okay," I said.

"Take your time, darlings," mum said, and kissed us both.

We hurried up the stairs to my room, pushed the door open, then I closed it, and pushed her against it.

"I fucking love you, woman," and kissed her neck, my hands easily sliding beneath the folds of her robe, and slipping into her shorts. I fondled her more-than-perfect ass, our kisses becoming more urgent. My mouth followed the curve of her delicate neck, tiny kisses adoring her body. I lifted her covered breasts, and tenderly kissed each, her hands holding my head tight against them. Her delirious moans encouraged my lips, as I pulled her butt to my groin. I moved lower, my mouth kissing her stomach, 'til I was on my knees. She half-heartedly opened her robe and pulled my mouth to her covered pussy, as I gently kissed her sheltered sex. Fuck! I loved her smell, her wetness, and her body. I slyly tried to pull the loose fabric from her leg, uncovering her womanhood. I was almost there, almost had her pussy bared to me, when she lovingly pushed my head away.

"Chloe...Chloe, can't...not yet...not..." she stuttered, her voice almost giving up. I looked up at her, saw her eyes, and stopped. "Not...yet..." she sighed, her breath tight and brisk.

I pouted as I stood, and she swatted my behind.

"I'm...I'm sorry, lassie. It's...I'm confused, darling. God!" she shrieked, and ran to the bed, throwing herself head down. I could hear her muted sobs, and walked to her, laying myself on her back, and engulfing her in my arms.

"I'm...I'm sorry, Maisie. I get it, I do, but...I'm so confused, too," I sighed. "Sorry."

"We...we need to talk this through, Chloe. We're both frustrated, confused, and muddled up. We need to be on the same page here. God, I wish you were just another 'friend-with-benefits', but're not! Let's catch our breath and talk, aye?" she asked.

I rolled off her, and we looked at each other, our breaths evening out finally.

"I sometimes wish I wasn't almost twenty-one, darling. I wish I had the experience my mom talked about. I wish my heartache was behind me so we could be together," I sighed.

"Okay," Maisie said. "I see we have two options, all right? Follow what your mom suggested, you know, date other people, fall in love and await the broken heart. Or we go all in now and see where it takes us. Is this really the right time for us, though? Hmm? We won't know 'til we try. It's always a chance, darling."

"Maisie, maybe I'm overthinking this. I understand what my mom said, all right? In theory, that makes sense, you know, to date other people, get to know myself, and then be ready for you at some time other than now. But would I just be using these people and keeping them at arm's length, not allowing myself to fall in love because...I'm in love with you. Why shouldn't I open my heart to the love I have right now, hmm? I don't want to date or sleep with anyone...but you! So perhaps, the other option would be what you said, to take a chance that things will work with us. Why shouldn't we grow, learn, love, and cry together? I love my mom, and value what she has to say; she's been through SO much, but that's her experience...not mine," I said, hopefully with even a bit of clarity.

"Ohh, Chloe...I understand what you and your mom are saying. I do...but I'm afraid, okay. I hate what I'm going to say, but please, just listen, okay? I...I agree with your mom. It pains me beyond words, but she's right. As much as I love you...and I do, Chloe...I think we're too young to decide something for the rest of our lives. I know we're both 'older' than our years, but what your mom says is true; we need our hearts to be broken before we can be together. I...I shouldn't say this, but...I can see us spending our lives together, but we both need to bring more experience to this. God! I sound like such a bitch, hmm?" she said, and broke down.

I enveloped her in my arms, and we held each other, my tears now flowing onto her blouse.

"So, let's say I date, hmm? And what if I fall..." I began, and she cut me off.

"Shhhh! Don't fucking say that word, Chloe! Please. Don't," her eyes begged.

I gently brought my lips to hers. Whereas thirty minutes ago, I would have devoured her, this was different; our touches filled with grace, subtlety, and sensuality. If it had been last night, I knew there would be that inevitable fever, but this was different, but both of us knew the heat would be there when it was the right time and place. Plus, I knew that at any moment, my sisters could come barging in! Big 'oops' there!

"Can we, well, at least put a time frame on year?" Maisie asked.

I thought about what she had just proposed. A year. A whole year. It would give us both the time we needed and help us do this as we'd have a 'finish' date and see how our feelings were then. Yeah, I could do a year knowing we'd be together at the end.

"I can do a year, Maisie. It seems forever, but it will give us a date we can look forward to," I smiled.

"Yes, mo ghràdh," Maisie smiled. "I'll be waiting for you," she sadly smiled.

"Je t'aime,tellement, Maise," I whispered. "And I'll wait for you...forever if I must," I sighed.

Two hours later, after much chatting, tears and petting, we dressed and went downstairs. A note on the kitchen island said they had all gone swimming and would see us later. Oops. I thought it was a lovely gesture, nonetheless. They knew we needed time alone. I couldn't put my finger on how my mums knew our closeness was mushrooming. Mums, eh?

We left a note, walked into town and had lunch at our favourite place; both tried to make sense of what we had half-heartedly agreed. We decided, in theory, to keep things as they were between us. We'd still go out together, hold hands, and even kiss, but both of us knowing that for the foreseeable future, our love would not be consummated. We both had to be firm about that, or this time would be for nought. We had to make the time between now and then mean something, count for something, or the time would be wasted. We had to grow separately, so that we could grow together.

Maisie insisted that she was taking me away for my birthday, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We both took a deep breath, and decided it was for the best, although our aching hearts didn't see it that way. We walked to the river, holding hands, and joyfully watched the boats slowly passing us. My palpitations finally subsided, the new reality slowly being accepted. At the very least, our pent-up emotions were finally in the open.

We slowly made it back to the house, Maisie not quite ready to head home and leave me. The house was still empty, so I assumed they were out to a late lunch or God-knows-what. We grabbed a book each from the shelf, and settled down on the sofa. I put some music on, and Maisie tenderly held my head in her lap, stroking my hair, and we quietly read. It was almost a perfect day.

After an hour or two, she felt she should be heading home, to change into fresh clothes at the very least! We put our books back, and I walked her to the door, my hand holding hers tightly. We looked at each other, tried to smile, and kissed. Our tongues, and hands said all the words we were unable to. I watched, teary-eyed, as she pulled away.

I lazily walked to my room, and laid on my bed, my nose buried in the pillow she had slept on last night. I guess this is what broken-hearted felt like.

As I type these words out, my body can't help but tear up. I'm sure my pregnancy has something to do with it, but it's more of remembering those harsh times. It's only now, years later, that I understand that the frustration, and inexperience of our youth, had led me to where I am. It was a harsh lesson in life, but I thanked my mums for constantly showing me the way. But all I could do twelve years ago...

I cocooned myself in that pillow and cried. I heard a gentle knock on my door, but didn't reply. I felt the door open, and then mom was on the bed. She wrapped her arms around me, and I cried more. MumE was now sitting next to me, her warm arms trying to shelter me from my storm.

"Go on, Chloe...let it out, okay? Just...that's good...let it go," mom whispered, her hands as calming as they had ever been.

They held me forever, wiping my tears, and holding me.

"You ready now?" Mom asked. "What's happened?" she kindly asked.

"Hmm, well, we had a wonderful evening, mums...then...we decided that...well, we'd wait. Everything was perfect, you know, we talked about it, probably too much knowing me, but we had two options. Yours...and mine. We kinda agreed that yours was the best way forward. I just wish I wasn't so fucking young! We both know we'll be together but aren't prepared to take the chance now. You're right, but it pisses me off...but you're right! So we will continue as we are, date, see other people, get hurt, and be there for each other. It sucks, but..."I tried to explain.

"So..last night you...didn't?" Mum asked.

"No. God, we both wanted to, but something just held us back. We both want and need this, but it's more than lust, right? It''s kind of what I have with you and dad, you know, that strange bond. We're giving ourselves a year to learn a bit more about ourselves. Then we decide if the bond and desire are still there, or if we blew our chance. So I guess I'll be a little slut for a while, and get hurt," I chuckled.

They both swatted my bum, and laughed.

"It's not the sex you necessarily need, Chloe. My God, I think you get enough of that at home!" MumE snickered. "It is the connection, though. You need to allow yourself to be vulnerable. You won't get that from us, though! Just experience being young, okay? You'll be okay...and find your way back to each other. We can all see it, sweetie," mum said. "You both need a few scars, that's all."

"Our little one has grown up, eh, Em?" mom smiled. "I'm sure you'll be together in a year, Chloe. We can tell just by looking at you two, but I'm in awe you have taken this route to get there. I'm so proud of you, Chloe," mom said, and kissed me like a daughter. "'re probably still a bit, uhm, worked up, shall I say?" MomC asked.

"If you're asking if I'm horny, then...yes! Whatcha gonna do about it?" I coyly asked, hoping against hope that they would help relieve my built-up tension.

"Let me talk with your father. I'll be right back," she smiled.

MumE got up from the bed, and closed the curtains a bit, blocking out much of the late afternoon sun. I laid on my pillow, biting my lower lip, and one finger in my mouth.

"You will get through this, Chloe. It may not seem so now, but believe me, I know everything will turn out for the better, okay?" she kindly said, and brushed my hair back. "Could you use a little...affection right now?" she asked gently.

"Like you wouldn't believe, mummy," I chuckled, and leaned over to her, our faces mere inches from each other.

"Does our Chloe ache, hmm? Do you need your mummies to take care of you? I'm sure your dad will, too...if you want. It's up to you, sweetie," mum tenderly said.

I leaned over, and engulfed my mum's lips. Okay, maybe I wasn't being fair by taking my lust, and desire out on my mum, but she understood, and loved me enough to allow me this indiscretion.

"Take me, mummy...please, just hold me," I remember almost begging.

"Oh, Chloe...we're going to," she whispered, her lips on my mouth, so warm and welcome after all I had been through. My panties began to moisten...again. Mum was so slow, kissing and pecking my lips, her tongue never breaching my mouth 'til she knew I was ready. She would kiss me, then lift her head and say all the words I needed to hear; that I was desirable, beautiful, worth waiting for. She knew she would make love to me, but knew where my thoughts were, and she was okay with that. It's what a mother does for her daughter, isn't it? After ten minutes, I felt mom climb up on the bed. My eyes went to her, but she said, "Shhhh. Your father is watching the kids, okay? We have all the time you need, Chloe," and kissed me just as carefully.

"Whatever you need, Chloe...we're here for you," she sighed, and licked my lips.

"Just...just touch with me...please," I moaned, as mum's mouth covered my hidden mounds.

MumE undid the top buttons on my shirt, and mom started at the bottom, as my hands slipped between their loose blouses, and their backs, my fingers touching their shoulders. They opened my shirt, and my breasts bared to them. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on their lips touching me, two hands squeezing my mounds, my nipples hard and proud. I felt two tongues teasing my nubs, as they toyed with my body.