Daddy, Take Me Ch. 13-14


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We re-dressed and headed out into the afternoon sun. The famous Deux Magots café was close by, so we had a walk there and grabbed an outside table. It was crowded with bloody tourists, as we thought it would be. Still, we were staying so close that it would almost be a sin not to have a drink and soak up the long-gone atmosphere of the artists and painters who had frequented here.

I felt I should have donned my beret and lit up a Gauloise, but behaved myself.

We had a delightful conversation with our waiter, so entranced with us (or my nipples, still proudly pointing out from beneath my silk blouse) that he forgot the other patrons trying to get his attention. Perhaps this is why French waiters have a reputation for being rude? Daddy and I didn't think so! We held hands, talked, kissed and were wrapped up in only each other. We heard plenty of American accents, and we both shivered. I thanked daddy again for pushing me to learn French all those years ago. I took quite a few photos, as I had brought my camera, and others on my phone so we could send them to everyone. We finished our second drink, crossed the Pont Neuf bridge and walked towards Sainte-Chapelle, one of my 'must-sees'. Daddy was the perfect guide, but I hoped he wouldn't get bored showing me around. He persevered marvellously, though with not a hint of reluctance.

Afterwards, we followed the Seine 'til we came to the Tuileries Gardens. I had to see their famous Musée de l'Orangerie, where they had an exquisite gallery of Impressionist paintings. As daddy took me around, I was the proverbial kid-in-a-candy-store, pointing out the works he knew I'd love and all the pictures I had studied and admired. We walked hand in hand through the halls. Sometimes, from behind, he'd wrap his arm around my chest, and point out little details, as my hand softly held his arm securely around me. We'd be so engrossed at times, as I laid my head back on his strong shoulders, my eyes misting up not only from the paintings, but also from the love my daddy had for me.

From there, we returned to the hotel to relax before the evening he had planned for us. I'm glad I brought my trainers! We made it back, collapsed on the freshly made bed, and noticed the fresh flowers in the vases. We crawled up on the bed, my head falling so easily on his chest, and we talked about the day and looked at the photos I had taken. We sent mums and Maisie more than a few, promising to call them later.

We shared yet another sensuous shower, our hands and mouths lightly taking one another. As usual, daddy was on his knees behind me, pleasuring my petite ass. I treasured the way he would push me, my breasts squished against the cool tiles. He had carefully gelled my body, every inch tingling with the excitement of where I was and who I was with. I moaned to myself, as I felt his face rub across my small globes, his fingers sliding through my crevice, and then he gently kissed my tight, virgin bud. I leant forward, sticking my ass out further for him to enjoy. His free hand came around and caressed my clit, my wetness spilling down my thighs. God, he was such a dirty daddy! I felt his tongue prodding my snug hole 'til he finally broke through, tickling my bum as much as his other fingers flicked my clit. His beguiling touch on my clit wracked my body, as I came over his hand, my simple gyrations forcing his tongue further into my ass. Fuck! I gave into his erotic touch, gasped and came again, daddy rubbing my sap onto my labia, rubbing and nuzzling me, as he tongued my butt. I slowly slid to the shower floor, my body shivering from the mini-orgasm daddy had shared with me.

At times, I couldn't believe how lucky I was!

Slowly, we dried the other off, our towels delving into each other's creases. Daddy wrapped me in my towel and then moved me in front of the bathroom mirror. My hair was scruffy and wet, but from his eyes, I could tell he thought anything but. He leaned onto my shoulder and whispered, "You're beautiful, Chloe," kissed my neck, then opened my towel, my breasts bared to his eyes. "God," he sighed, a huge smile on his face. "You're perfect," dad said, and cupped my mounds. I believed him every time he told me that.

We finished and walked out to the bedroom.

"So, daddy. Where are we going tonight, hmm?" I asked, certain it would be extraordinary.

"Well, daddy has made reservations at a very nice perhaps wear something a bit more traditional?" he asked.

"I can do traditional, daddy," I smiled, not even bothering to ask him where we were going. "Just...leave me be for a while, hmm? And...NO...peeking!" I chuckled.

Daddy kindly brought his clothes into the alcove area where there was plenty of room to dress. I returned to the bathroom and grabbed mum's talcum powder, patting the soft, fur-like brush over my body. I re-did my hair, hoping daddy would like the simple braiding I had planned. Whom was I kidding? Daddy would love it! I picked up my bottle of perfume, dabbing bits behind my ears, my neck, my armpits, cleavage and wrists. I looked at myself in the mirror, smirked, and applied an ashy-red lipstick.

Yeah, that'll do, I thought.

I returned to the bedroom, grabbed my silky lingerie, and slowly pulled the lace-trimmed, pale-cream panties up my legs. I loved the little bow on the front, as I could just imagine my daddy on his knees kissing it. I shivered at the very thought. Again, I slipped on the matching bra, no more than gauzy pieces of silk sewn together with the usual tiny clasp and ribbon holding the material snugly. I sat at the makeup table, talking with daddy in the other room, as I painted my toenails a bright red. [God, I thought. My mums do have some fantastic tips!] I applied the same shade to my nails. Daddy was certainly seeing another side of me tonight! I carefully slipped on my ultra-sheer nude pantyhose, giving my legs a slight shimmer. Again, my mums had said daddy would love these! I ran my hands up and down the material, imagining they were daddy's hands and the look on his face. I think I creamed myself a bit, if truth be told!

I finished the look off with my very own LBD! God! I thought. I looked good in it when my mums had taken me shopping for it, but this was another level. I looked Pure and simple. I turned around and looked at myself from the back, my tiny butt moulded to the exquisite fabric. The front came down far enough...but not too. There was no hint of my bra, which would have been devastating! I sat and put on my strappy, two-inch, open-toed, heeled shoes. I loved them, especially the little red bows on the back. I grabbed my small clutch bag, put in what I needed, and grabbed my light-pink swing coat. Daddy could tell that I was my mom's daughter easily. I oozed the elegance that she always had and that I had always hoped...but not realised I had!

I quickly pulled out my phone and messaged mums, thanking them for their patience and sartorial advice. I told them I would send photos along soon and ended it with a 'wink' emoji. I walked out onto the balcony, the Eiffel Tower lit already. I looked over this city that was so special to my parents and was fast becoming mine, too. I didn't hear daddy, but instead felt him as he wrapped his arms around me...carefully!

"What are you thinking, Chloe?" he tenderly asked.

"Everything and nothing, daddy. I'm just so...overwhelmed with this. Thank you," I sighed, and carefully turned around.

"Damn, daddy!" I gasped. " look so...God...great!" I said, and faux straightened his tie. It looked like a new suit, lightweight, but cut so beautifully to fit him. "This From your tailor, no doubt?" I smiled, inhaling his masculine cologne.

"Yes, I thought this trip deserved a new suit, like it?" he asked.

"God, daddy. I you right now!" I laughed. He looked perfect.

Daddy looked at me, his eyes slowly gazing over me like I was a million-pound painting or a new Porsche!

" look...spectacular, Chloe. Just amazing!'ve grown up, Little One, haven't you? look beautiful," he smiled, and carefully hugged me, kissing my cheek, knowing that if he came anywhere near my lips, all bets for the night were off.

"And yes, beautiful woman, I could so easily do you right now!" he said, earnestly.

"So...shall we take some photos then get out of here before one of us loses their will?" I smiled.

We took quite a few, and then I asked daddy to take a few more of me, turning around so he could capture every angle. I imagined Maisie masturbating to the photos tonight.

Finally, we were out the door. Daddy asked the concierge for a taxi, and one arrived almost immediately. We held hands in the back of the cab, the Parisian sidewalks lit up and crowded. It wasn't long 'til we pulled up to the restaurant he had booked. We were in the Montparnasse area, and daddy had booked us in at La Coupole for dinner. I squeezed his hand with excitement.

Even I had heard of this place! I was awestruck as we walked into the Art Deco-style brasserie. I really tried to compose myself; honestly, I did, but this was too much! I knew that Deux Magots was famous for its past clientele, but this place was on another level. We followed the maître d' to our table, daddy's hand strategically on my lower back. He helped me with my coat, pulled my chair out, and sat. We talked with the maître d' for a few minutes and asked for his recommendations for the evening. I loved the glint in his eye, as we chatted so easily with him. He would give us a few minutes to compose ourselves and look at the menu. I grasped daddy's hand and probably squeezed it too tightly.

"Daddy...this is...something else! How...did you know I wanted to eat here? Do you have any idea who used to come here, hmm?" I asked, and, of course, daddy was well-versed with the history of the brasserie. There was a definite 'air' about the place, as I acted the ingenue and looked around; the ceiling, painted columns and walls permeated with Parisian artists and writers. I was stunned. I imagined I was sitting at the table Sartre or Chagall had sat. Silly, I know, but...

Our waiter brought us two glasses of champagne, with the compliments of the maître d', which was a nice gesture from him. We 'clinked' glasses' and toasted one another.

"This is...magical, daddy," I sighed, leaned over, and kissed him. "You do spoil me, you know?" I smiled.

"I always have, Chloe. I love spoiling you, you know. Your smile is enough and knowing you're happy, darling, which is why we're all so happy that you and Maisie have finally found one another," he gushed.

Speaking of everyone back home, I took a few sneaky photos and sent them off quickly, my phone back in my bag, as soon they were sent. Daddy then ordered a whiskey sour, so very unlike him, and I had a champagne cocktail. Why not, I thought? We quickly chose the 'Fruits de Mer' for our main dish. We sat there, craned our necks like the tourists we were.

"So, tell me more about Maisie. How have things escalated so quickly, lately? We have all noticed the change in you, Little One," he smiled.

"Daddy, certainly, Maisie has been a huge part of that, but it's also you and my mums. I've given it so much thought. You know me...overthinking everything! We finally decided, 'Screw this' and decided to just do it. I think Maisie and I only work because of what I've learned from my mums. You know, you know how I should appreciate our differences and accept each other's imperfections. I couldn't see that before. Sure, I was younger...still am, really...but you and mums have helped me grow, emotionally at least. Knowing you as more than just my parents has made me aware of who I am and what I need. I couldn't wish for better role models and parents, daddy. I am because of you three. I only hope I can put into practice all I've learned, with Maisie," I sighed, my foot rubbing his leg seductively.

"Well, you're so much more together at twenty-one than I was," he chuckled.

"That's 'cuz you're a guy, daddy. You have those surging hormones coursing through your body, and there's only one relief for that, hmm?" I smirked, and I still loved when my daddy blushed.

We had a playful meal, coyly feeding one another, laughing and flirting. We were in no hurry and didn't feel rushed to vacate our seats. The maître d' was doing his usual rounds, checking on tables and seeing if everyone was taken care of. He came to us, and we chatted and thanked him for the champagne. He asked about us and complimented us both on our French. Daddy introduced me, again, as his daughter, the maître d's eyebrow raising slightly. I smirked and kicked daddy. He gave us a few suggestions on places to see and was totally enchanting to us.

I looked around for the ladies and kissed daddy, saying, "I'll be right back, darling," and headed for the sign. I found an empty stall and locked the door behind me. I sat down, slipped my heels off and shimmied my tight, black dress up. I pulled my stockings and panties down, then pulled the pantyhose up, and slipped my shoes back on. I balled my panties in my hand and checked myself in the ornate, art-deco mirror.

I gracefully walked back to our table, daddy catching my eye as I slowly swayed towards him. My balled-up panties were in one hand, and, with the other, I coyly smirked at daddy, a single finger seductively in my mouth, as I bit my bottom lip. Daddy was mesmerised as I walked towards him, not even moving to help me with my chair! Humph! Out of my peripheral vision, I saw people watching me make my way to this older man, their imaginations all over the place, no doubt. As I was at the table, daddy stammered and went to get up. [Better late than never, I thought!] I leaned down, placing my moist panties in his hand, kissed him and whispered, "Would you be a love...and hold these for me...daddy?" I sighed.

The look on his face was beyond priceless, though I doubt this was the first time a woman had handed him their underwear. He was lost for words, not even stammering. Good! I thought, and smiled.

We sat there, relaxed and full, for at least two hours, then we heard music downstairs, so we paid and made our way down the stairs. We took a table, ordered drinks, and danced.

"As much as I simply love you in your panties, you're just as desirable without them," he chuckled.

"Hmmm...what a surprise, eh?" I laughed back.

I took his hand, and we went to the dance floor. I was always happiest in daddy's arms, as we gently swayed to soft jazz or any slow music. I loved when his hands went to the edge of my ass and twirled me around the dance floor. We raised a few eyes, but we didn't care. We were a father and daughter who loved one another. As the band struck up a slower, romantic number, daddy took me in his arms, my head on his chest, and we slowly moved, daddy guiding me around the dance floor. His fingers moved my braided hair, and he leant in, inhaling my fragrant scent. I could feel his stiff cock on my stomach, and he knew it. I looked up at him and smirked.

"What?" he whispered, as I pushed against him.

"Shall we head back to the hotel" I smiled. He cupped my ass, answering me better than any words.

The night air was cool, so we decided to walk back through the Luxembourg gardens. We passed the other lovers, hand in hand like us. I lost track of the number of statues he had me up against, his unfatherly hands slipping into my coat, his fingers lifting my tight dress, and he fondled my bare ass.

"Is my daddy going to...fuck me here, hmm?" I teased, stroking his hard cock. "If you want can," I said, with no hesitation.

"Behave, Little One," he smirked, and slapped my butt. "I can think of a few more comfortable spots, hmm?" he chuckled, as we walked out of the park and headed towards Saint Sulpice, the door was surprisingly open, so we stepped in. It felt a bit sacrilegious being here with my father, considering what we had been up to hours ago...and what we would do later. Still, I'm sure He would understand. All He had to do was look into our hearts and be sure He'd be smiling down on us.

It was one a.m. before we finally left the warm church, and headed to the hotel. The night manager bid us a cheery 'Bonne nuit', and we headed to the lift, me pushing daddy against the wall before he pounced on me. I spread his legs with my knees, rubbing my smouldering pussy against his cock. He quickly picked me up by my ass and spun me around, crushing me against the wall now, holding me off the ground, as he ground his pelvis onto me.

"Ohh...fuck, daddy...Just...fuck me," I moaned. As much as we would revel in some slow lovemaking...I needed to be fucked. And hard.

Daddy just smirked at me, his hands playing with my ass and his teeth marking me again.

"You are irresistible, Chloe," he smiled, his arm on my shoulder, holding me close.

"So are you, daddy," I whispered. "You always have been," I sighed, as the doors slid open. He took my hand in his, and we walked to our door. My heart was beating, but not out of any apprehension. I needed to cherish these times with him, as there may not be many, if any, in the future.

I could practically smell daddy's scent, as he closed the door and gingerly took my coat from my shoulders. He walked and hung it in the wardrobe while I murmured, "I'll be right back, daddy. I'm just going to freshen up, 'kay?" I smiled. "Pour us a drink, why don't you."

I went to the stylish bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My excited cheeks were red, but I was smiling. I slipped my heels off, pulled down the sheer pantyhose and sat on the loo, my heart beating so fast and my pussy seeping. I peed, then dabbed my cunt and pulled my stockings up. I slipped my shoes on, washed my hands, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. I held my breath, as I opened the door.

Daddy was out on the balcony, looking over the city, drink in hand. I wrapped my arms around him, my head against his back, as I took the champagne he offered.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, rhetorically. "You should make the time and bring mums here more often. After all..." I said, sticking up for the whole equality thing for my mums.

"I should, Chloe. Yes...thanks. They do love this city the way you are," he sighed.

I was wrapped in daddy's arms, as we sipped our drinks and looked out over the roofs and lights. He casually placed his flute on the table and hugged me from behind again. I felt his hands wrap around me, pulling me onto his eager hardness. He pulled my long, auburn hair to the side and tenderly kissed my neck, my body shivering. I felt him inhale my perfume, as his arms held me tighter. He took my champagne flute from me and placed it on the table with his. I had my hands on the railing, afraid I would lose my balance from another one of his seductive kisses. He came up behind me, his hands on the bottom of my tight, little black dress and slowly followed the contours of my lithe, young body and his thumbs pressing into my flesh. He buried his head in my hair 'til he brought his firm hands around and enticingly cupped my breasts.

"Ohhh....daddy," I groaned, out into the Parisian night. "That's...perfect," I sighed, and rubbed my ass on his groin.

His hands moved from my still-covered tits to my neck, his thumb pressing down, and then his strong fingers swept over my face. His lustful moans tore through my body, as I grasped the rail tighter. He pushed my head down, my body bent over now. His hands fell to my stockinged legs, as he lazily brought them up, under my dress and around my front, 'til he cupped my barely covered cunt. I may have blushed, as he felt how wet I was, but I was beyond caring. I could only moan and push my covered ass back into him.