Daddy, Take Me Ch. 24


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Maisie grasped my little tits, mauling and pawing them, her hunger for me unrelenting. She was uncharacteristically rougher tonight, but I loved it.

"C'mon, baby—oooooh—fuc—ahhhhh—just—yesssss—har—aggggh—give it—fuc—to me!" I wailed, as she pummelled me, my gaping cunt taking her. "Pull—ohhhhh—my—uggggh—tits!" I moaned.

I opened my eyes and looked up. I could feel Maisie's slick drool dripping on my face, her eyes tightly shut, and her mouth in that perfect pre-orgasmic 'O.'

"Do it..." I huffed. "More baby...just...don't...stop!" I sputtered, as she abused my little mounds. I can't remember ever feeling so alive.

The vibrating remote was doing its job, teasing us both and carrying us up. I thrust my hips, taking Maisie on every urgent push. I wrapped my legs around her, trapping her between my thighs, and pulled on her full breasts. We looked at each other, breathless and flushed, and we came, her moans drowned out by her head in my neck. When she bit me, I spasmed again, as I pulled her hair.

I loved the feel of our sap covering us, our juices mixing together and dripping on our now-sated bodies. Maisie tried her best to keep fucking me, but her hips let her down. Her head fell to my chest, her little dribbles of saliva endearingly coating my breasts. Reluctantly, she moved to pull the

phallus from her valley, both of us moaning at the loss of the hard shaft.

I looked at her and whispered, "Let me," and I gently pulled the slick shaft from her. Never had I seen a more erotic sight, her pussy gushing with her thick juices. Next time, I thought, my mouth will be there!

She slumped next to me, our breath covering each other.

"You're getting pretty handy with the old Feeldoe," I giggled.

"And you're getting good at taking it, leannan," she sniggered right back. " sharing it with you, sweetheart. God, it makes me feel, I don't know. It's special though, hmm?" she laughed. "I...I love being so...rough with you," she wheezed, still trying to fill her lungs.

"As long as you're happy taking me, I'll always be ready to take you, Maisie," I sighed, and we kissed warmly. "Any way you want, darling. Whatever you need, 'kay? You know when to kiss me...and when to slap me, Maisie. it. You...make me feel safe, ma belle," I sighed, burying myself into her warmth.

"I always will, leannan. I love the way we both take care of each other. It's unique. I've never had this, hen," Maisie reflected.

In the warm afterglow of our mutual orgasms, I felt, as always, closer than ever to her. I could tell, just from her heartbeat, that she felt the same.

"Maisie, I know we've gone over this whole 'me experimenting' thing a thousand times, it really what you need? I'm not saying 'want,' but need. I know you want this for me, but is it something you need, too? I know my libido can get all out of whack sometimes, but I'm just thinking, 'kay? Just...just let me finish, all right?" I hesitated, not sure how to put these feelings into words.

"Go on, leannan. Talk to me, aye?" Maisie whispered. "But I know what you're going to say, Chloe. I know you," she smiled, tenderly.

"I know I'm getting all wet and horny over Victoria, hmm? I...I just don't know, though. You say you want me to have more experiences, and that it will bring something to us. I just feel, well, that I'm cheating on you...and us! We have something so special, darling. Why do I need to have anyone else, hmm? You fill me, sweetie. You add to me. I don't need sex that bad, Maisie," I tried to explain, as Maisie giggled.

I whacked her and told her to behave.

"I'm serious! I don't think I need that. An hour ago, I certainly did, but sharing myself...really sharing myself with you makes up for any casual encounter. It's sex, Maisie. That's all. I'm just a soppy romantic, mixed-up twenty-three-year-old. When I'm with my parents, well, it's not just the sex. It's what we have. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, sweetie?" I asked, unsure if it was just my pheromones after sex with this woman, or if these feelings had always been there since the first time the subject was broached. "I think the reality is so much different from the fantasy, Maisie," I said, and shut my mouth, waiting for...

Maisie hugged me closer, if that was even possible. With more affection than I probably deserved, she kissed my head.

"What are you like, Chloe?" she chuckled. "You're just a bundle of contradictions and conflicts, aren't you?" she said, as I went to defend myself. "Shhhh," she whispered. "Aren't we all, though, darling? If you're not comfortable, then don't go down that path, all right? Let's just call the whole thing off then," she began to say. My heart skipped more than a few beats, as I looked up at her, searching her eyes for a reason. She saw the look in my eye and smiled.

"I mean the whole arrangement thing. Not us! Did you really think that...?" she started to say, but I cut her off with a deep kiss before the rest of the words could come out.

"If it's not right for you, then it's not right for us, okay? I'll always take you as you are, Chloe. I think you need this, though. Chloe, you've been with one woman—me. I'm scared that in ten, or twenty years you'll wake up and regret not experiencing another. I'm doing this for you, leannan, okay? We're tight, right? We always will be. I'm not afraid or scared of you falling for someone else, after all, you have me!" she laughed. I couldn't disagree with her, though. "I'd much rather you had this inopportune time to, well, get it out of your system. To learn about yourself. In three months, we're back together, monogamous and looking for wedding dresses," she giggled.

I laid my head on her damp shoulder, as she sweetly brushed my hair. I loved her warm breath on my head, as she silently cradled me. I got it, finally! We both needed this. If we weren't so damn serious about one another, well, we wouldn't be having this talk.

"'Kay, mon amour. it, all right? I...understand more now. One tiny proviso though?" I asked, her face bright and beautiful. "We tell each other...everything, 'kay? This way there'll be no jealousy or wondering all the 'what-ifs,' 'kay?

"You really are the kinky one, hmm?" she laughed. "But yeah, we tell each other everything. No bloody secrets, eh?" she smiled, and we kissed like we never had before. "I expect you to be scunnered on your flight home every Sunday," she giggled.

"Mmmm. You can use me as much as you please, mon amour. In...any way you want. So...nothing new there, eh?" I laughed. "Thank you, wifey. God, I fucking love you. I...I must really mean a lot to you, hmm?" I chuckled.

"Chloe, you have no idea, do you? I'm hopelessly in love with you. Always have been, sweetie," she smiled, and hugged me warmly. "So, shall I message Jo and see if she still fancies getting together, tomorrow night?" she smiled, her Cheshire cat grin so fucking adorable.

"I think that's une excellente idée, sweetheart. God, I can't believe I'm going to watch another woman seduce and take you! Do you think I'm, well, perverted because that turns me on so much?" I asked, feeling my face turn beet red.

"If you finger me right now, I think you'll find I'm just as demented, leannan," she chuckled.

So I did...

Twenty minutes later, Maisie lay exhausted next to me, her scent filling the room. My phone 'dinged,' telling me I had a message. I would normally ignore it 'til morning, or a more appropriate time, but Maisie insisted as she had to pee. I was torn between reading the message and watching her. She laughed at me, knowing my dilemma, and told me to check my messages. I watched her as she walked away, a bit more swagger in her butt, as she walked to the ensuite.

"Leave the door open!" I yelled.

"Perv!" she yelled back, both of us giggling like children.

I pulled out my phone. It was a message from Victoria. I was stunned, as I wasn't expecting this.

'Sorry, Chloe. I know you're with your girlfriend, but I just had to message and thank you for your thoughtful gift. They made for an excruciatingly long flight home! I'm fiddling with them right now. They're delicious. xx Victoria.'

Maisie came out and slipped under the duvet with me.

"Everything okay?" she asked. "Everything's good at home?"

I handed her my phone. "It's from...Victoria," I giggled. "She likes the gift I left her. God, Maisie...this is happening, isn't it?" I asked, as she read the text message, her mouth wide open and a huge smile on her face.

"Damn, Chloe. You're going to respond, right?" she asked, excitedly.

"I...I don't know what to say," I said, flummoxed at this turn of events.

"Well, if you want to tease her...and I know you do, tell her you're in bed with your girlfriend. Tell her you expect an, uh, reciprocating gift on Sunday," she laughed, clearly turned on by the turn of events.

"Maisie! I can't say that!" I cried. "My God..." I chuckled.

"Here. Give me your phone. I'll message her, okay?" she said.

"Maisie...NO!" I said, but too quickly relented, handing Maisie the phone, and handing all responsibility to her.

"Hmmm...How about—'I'm so pleased you're enjoying my gift, Victoria. I'm in bed with my Maisie right now, and she's insisting I respond, so...I expect a gift from you on Sunday, 'kay? After all...' and she handed the phone back to me. "Send it, baby-girl," she teased.

"Maisie!" I said, in mock disapproval. "Really?"

"Do it. Oh...tell her you want to see them...right now!" she giggled.

"Maisie! You're...really getting off on this, hmm?" I sniggered, but added, 'Now show us my panties.'

"As are you, Chloe. Admit it. Say it, leannan. Say it now," she virtually ordered me.

"I...I am, sweetheart. God! What the fuck are you doing to me!" I laughed.

"Allowing you the freedom, hen. Send it," she sighed. So I did.

As soon as I heard the telltale whoosh, my heart started beating so fast. Maisie's fingers slid down my body, cupping my bare, wanton sex. A few minutes later, my phone pinged again.

Maisie grabbed it, chortling to herself.

"Damn, Chloe!" she asked, and turned the phone to me. Victoria was obviously in her bed, alone, my panties hanging from her fingers, her seductive smirk was so endearing.

"She's...beautiful, leannan. She's..." and was lost for words.

Maisie began typing away again.

"What...what are you typing, Maisie?" I asked, concerned this was going too far tonight.

She handed me the phone, and said two words, "Send it."

'Would you mind very much if we masturbate to your photo, Victoria?'

"Maisie! No! C'mon, darling. This is going..." I shrieked.

"Send it, leannan," she insisted.

Maisie made me press 'send', the message whooshing into the ether. My heart was on the verge of exploding, but was it from fear or lust? Probably a mixture of the two, which wasn't a bad thing! Maisie wrapped her arm through mine, her little laugh filling the room.

"No turning back now, leannan," she teased. "You are going to have so much fun with her, darling. Damn, you get all the luck!" she faux pouted.

"Behave, missy!" I said, using her favourite phrase for me when I got too uppity. "Jo isn't too shabby, either!"

Moments later, her return message came through. Maisie tried to grab the phone from me, but I was expecting nothing less from her and turned away.

"Behave!" I said. "We'll read it together, 'kay?" I firmly said.

I opened the message, and we both scanned it,.

' would be my pleasure to know you and your girlfriend are touching yourselves, or each other to me. I'd much prefer if you were to do it in front of me though, but I guess there's time enough for that, hmm? xx' she wrote back.

"Fuck me," I said, quietly.

"That'll happen sooner than you think, darling," Maisie giggled.

"Let's send her a photo, okay? Nothing rude, all right? Just a photo of us. It may give her something to think about," she chuckled.

"Maisie! No...Again! I think we've gone far enough tonight, don't you?" I pleaded.

"Just one photo, leannan. Then we'll turn in, okay?" her eyes begging like a child.

"Damn you, woman," I huffed. "But no tits, 'kay?" I said, seriously. "And I get the final say on it!" I grumbled.

I held the phone in front of us and began taking photos, Maisie playing up right away, flashing her bare breast, so I knew those would be deleted. I decided on the most demure one, but even that was pushing things! I uploaded the photo, and wrote, 'Sweet dreams, Victoria. xx' and pushed 'send' before I had a chance to rethink it. Maisie was in fits of laughter, her arms and lips all over me. I gave her a curt, "Humph," but halfheartedly smiled. Inside, I was thrilled...and Maisie knew it.

"Seriously, Chloe. I'm happy, all right? At least I know you won't be bored and moping around now. I cannot wait to hear everything Victoria will show you, sweetie. God..." she said, and her eyes went off into the distance.

My phone pinged again. God, what about sleep!

I opened it, and read it, Maisie peering over my arm. It simply read, 'Mmmmm. Both of you. See you Sunday xx'

Maisie and I just looked at each other and burst into laughter.

We ran from the bed to the bathroom, Maisie brushing her teeth, while I peed. She looked down at me so adoringly, and whispered, "I love you so much, mo ghràdh."

And I love much, mon amour," and finished peeing. We changed places, my eyes on her, as intently as hers were on me. God, I did love her little kinks!

Maisie spooned me all night, her warmth and body were always so comforting. The last thing I heard was her restful voice saying a gentle, "I love you. Always."

And I fell asleep.

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florbustflorbustover 1 year ago

I love this series. Keep the chapters cumming! jim

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