Daddy, Take Me Ch. 29-30


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"I had a dream about you last night, Chloe," she chuckled. "I'm shivering right now just thinking about it! What have you done to me, young lady!" she laughed.

"I'll bet mine was ruder than yours," I laughed, too loud. "If I was home right now, well, you could tell me all about your dream, darling, hmm? Maybe later...if you're in?" I asked, hopefully.

"I hope I don't scare you, Chloe. It was pretty, uh, graphic!" she gushed.

"Arabella? Shock me...please," I chortled. "I can't wait to hear your voice, sweetie. I'll message you when I'm in, 'kay? Love you," I said, and we hung up.

"I love you, too, Chloe," she whispered, before she disconnected.

What the hell did I just say? Love you? Get a hold of yourself, Chloe, I muttered under my breath.

I settled myself down and finished for the day. When I finally got home, Maggie and Lily were still doing homework, so asked mum to take a walk out back with me. I told her about my concerns about Maggie's confusion. Mum laughed at my dilemma, not giving me a lot of confidence at this point.

"She's just curious, Chloe, that's all. You handled it well, you know, telling her that some boundaries aren't to be crossed. I'm sure you were sympathetic and didn't scare her, right? I'll tell your mom and dad, just so they know, all right? You did good, Chloe. Don't worry about it, darling. She'll be fine," she smiled, and hugged me. "We've already had a talk with Lily. I know, she's only thirteen, but with all these influences around her, well, we thought it best to start early. Thank you, though. You are a good sister," she said, and hugged me again.

We had dinner, lazed about and then I went to my room, tired and horny now. I changed into my nightclothes and relaxed. Or so I thought.

I lay there, my mind in a muddle. Then I called Arabella. She picked up on the second ring.

"Chloe. Honey. I'm so pleased you called. I hope our earlier conversation didn't leave you in too much of a quandary," she sniggered. "I probably shouldn't have told you about my dreams. Sorry. I don't want to confuse you or anything. I'll try and—" she began, but I cut her off.

"Arabella, no. You didn't. I can't get you off my mind either. Sure, it's confusing in some ways, but just so, well, exhilarating in others. Truthfully, I'm totally besotted with you. And don't worry, I've talked with Maisie about this already. You're this amazingly beautiful, accomplished, older woman who has opened my eyes already to a few different ideas. I...want you, Arabella. I've been in a constant state today, thank you very much," I giggled. "I...I want to hear about your dream, darling. Tell me...please," I sighed.

"Well, I'll give you the abridged version, okay? You've reawakened something inside me, Chloe. I don't quite understand it myself, but I feel like the old me. I was laying in bed, imagining you were there next to me. I swear I could feel your breath on my neck, Chloe. I actually turned to see if, somehow, you were. I imagined we were together and I was slowly stripping you...just like Friday. You looked so...small, almost innocent, and all I could think of was mothering you. Okay, it was most inappropriate, but I felt this huge wave of care and love wash over me. I thought back to Friday when I unbuttoned your dress and was able to finally see your breasts. Ohh, God, Chloe...I'll...stop anytime you say, okay?" she sighed. I could tell she was getting excited, but I didn't want to push. This was her story.

"Mmmm, Arabella. That sounds simply...wonderful. When you looked at me, I did feel small. You had me already, darling. Go on, sweetie. Tell me more," I quietly said.

", Chloe, I can't...I shouldn't. Not like...this, okay? God, I need you right now, but I'm sorry. I...I don't want to do it...this way. I want to wait 'til next week. Then I'll show you. I...I want to surprise you, darling," she moaned, half believing what she had just said.

"But doesn't my...mommy need to cum, hmm? Go on. Tell your...little girl what you're going to do to her. Go on. Tell me...mommy," I teased, hoping to break down her defences.

"Be—behave, little one, or your...mommy will give you a good spanking when she sees you next! Enough now, okay? Damn it, Chloe! Stop. Let's just stop. I'm serious, okay? NO more playtime...for now," she sighed. "Whew! You almost had me there, Chloe!" she chuckled. "Call your girlfriend, all right? Have time with your Maisie. Next week you're mine. For a while, at least."

Damn! But she was right. We both calmed down, the temperature cooling off and we chatted like normal people. I was still so enchanted, even with her voice.

"I've been thinking about your idea of an annexe. The more I think about it, the better it sounds. As the copper ages, it'll take on that lovely, earthy patina, won't it? That's a clever idea, Chloe. I'm looking forward to seeing your design for it. See? You know me so well already!" she chuckled.

"Arabella, you're a woman worth knowing, and getting to know better, 'kay?" I said.

"Thank you, Chloe. For everything. Maisie and give her my love. Tell her I'll be in touch soon, okay? If you're still okay with that, right?" she said.

"Arabella, of course, it is. I meant what I said about wanting you both to meet. That's important to me, 'kay? So...sweetest dreams, darling. Talk soon. you," I said, and we eventually hung up.

What the heck is going on, Chloe?

I was a bundle of nerves by the time Friday came around. I packed my overnight bag and spent half a day at work, my mind anywhere but garden designs. I nervously boarded my short flight, knowing I'd see Victoria. I only hoped my new resolve would hold. I stowed my bag above me, melted into the comfy, leather seat...and waited.

"Good afternoon, Ms Madden," Victoria spoke, her hand on my shoulder and a complimentary G&T in the other. Her velvet-textured, soft voice swept through me, as I timidly looked up. "I've...we've missed you. I hope everything is well with you," she smiled, and I was lost. The worst thing I could have done is smile, but that's exactly what I did. I was back in her orbit now, any courage evaporating.

"I'm...I'm doing well, thank you. How was America? Did you meet any millionaires or movie stars?" I jested, or at least I tried. I was tongue-tied, again! Damn you, Victoria!

"Ha! We never have time for that, unfortunately. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss my weekend shifts. You're looking so...sweet," she whispered, her hand running up my cheek and into my hair. I took her free hand, turned it over and kissed her wrist, her fingers automatically cupping my face. "When can we share...dinner?" she glowed.

"Soon, Victoria. I'll call you soon and we'll meet, 'kay," I said, kicking myself for backing down from what was really on my mind. Bloody coward, I thought!

"Wonderful, Chloe. I've been thinking of little else. Oops. Time to get everyone sorted. I'll be back...soon, okay?" she sighed. For a fleeting moment, I thought she was going to bend over and kiss me. Or that's what my confused mind was saying.

I quickly messaged Maisie, just telling her we were about to take off and that I missed her. I know it had only been two weeks, but still...Victoria popped 'round every so often but her duties kept her a bit busy on the almost-filled flight. The temperature was still too high for me to make any decision. I knew Maisie wanted me to go through with this entanglement, but I was still in two minds, if not more! I messaged Arabella, for no particular reason other than I was thinking of her.

Afternoon, ma Belle. I'm heading up to see Maisie now. I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. Who knows, we may even call you, okay? I'll see what Maisie says, though. Oh, I hope you don't mind me shortening your beautiful name. I think it suits you, darling. Parce que, tu es vraiment belle, ma chérie. Passez un merveilleux weekend. xx

I reread the words several times before hitting 'send.'

Victoria and I shook hands lightly, as I left the plane. There was this longing in her eyes, as if we had missed something. I wasn't so sure, though.

No, Chloe! Put a stop to this! I told myself.

I swore, again, that I would do it Sunday; just make my excuses and tell her it was all a silly mistake on my part. I made my way through the concourse and there she was. I almost ran to her, embracing and kissing her fully. Maisie held my head to her shoulder like a little wounded bird. Her tender hands soothed the confusion inside me. This is where I belong, I thought, and hugged her.

I lifted my head, and with a whispered, "Hi there," and we kissed again.

"How's my lass, hmm? You seem a bit out of sorts," she said, so fucking kindly.

"Just a bit scunnered," I laughed, using her endearing term. "I'm better now, mon amour. So much better," I smiled, and she took my hand.

We began the short drive to her house, and I wiggled sideways in my seat, my hands touching and gently fondling her.

"Someone's...needy, hmm?" she smiled, and held my hand. "No more than I am, hen," she giggled.

We made mindless chit-chat, catching up on her dad's progress today.

"You'll be surprised, leannan. He rarely uses his wheelchair now. The physio stopped over this morning and said he was making remarkable progress. I guess his stoicism is paying off!" she laughed. "It's only been eight weeks but I'm hoping he'll be able to fend for himself in two months, perhaps. His arm cast should be coming next week, so that's real progress. We'll see, though. He's doing better so that's all that matters," she sighed, smiling like a child.

"And Jo?" I smiled.

Maisie swatted my leg, but chuckled. "She's well, lass. We won't see her this weekend. I...I hope that's okay, aye? I sort of wanted this to be about us, all right?" she said, with a bit of hesitation. "That's just what I need, darling. Just us," I smiled, my hands sweeping through her hair. "I can't wait to have you," I whispered, my hand now squeezing her leg.

"Mmmmm. Well, you'll have to behave for a little while...but after that, I'm yours, hen," she sniggered.

We made it to hers soon, her dad walking to me steadily on his cane. I looked at his cheery face and hugged him, his affection so clear.

"Ready for that race yet, Ewan?" I laughed.

"Whenever you think you're ready, lassie," he smiled, and hugged me. "Good to have you back, Chloe," he smiled, and I knew he meant it.

I helped her prepare our dinner, then relaxed whilst she readied her dad for bed. I put on one of Ewan's old jazz records, picked up a book and looked around, trying to imagine Maisie as a youngster running around this beautiful house. Soon enough, she walked in and handed me a glass of wine.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Never better, darling. It's just so...peaceful here," I sighed.

"Believe me, it's not always like this,' she chuckled. "C'mon. Let's go get reacquainted," she smiled, and held out her hand. We quietly walked through the darkened house; all the ghosts of her past were here.

Maisie closed the door behind me, candles lit and lights dimmed already. She wrapped me in her arms, and gently kissed me.

"I've missed you, leannan. More than I imagined I would. I know we've been teasing each other incessantly for the last two weeks, but tonight, I want it to be us, hen. No Jo, no Arabella, to riding crops or threesomes. Just us," she sighed, a tiny tear, I swear, trickled down her face.

I moved my head back, looked at her, leaned in again, and kissed each damp, closed eyelid.

"Don't cry, mon amour. All I've ever wanted is you, Maisie," and kissed her again. I slowly unbuttoned her thin, cotton blouse, my eyes never leaving hers. She went to undo mine, but I nudged her hand away.

"Let me," I murmured.

Her hands lazily played with my covered mounds, her thumbs pressing into the fabric and onto my now-erect nubs, as I pulled her open shirt from her jeans. In the flickering candlelight, I saw her bra was plain with just a hint of lace piping along the edges. I've never seen her more desirable. I slipped her blouse from her shoulders, and let it fall to the floor. I ran my fingers under her tight bra strap, her skin warm and glowing. I reached behind and unclasped her, my lips kissing her neck. God, how I missed her moans, I thought. And her smell. I let the material hang from her shoulders, as I held each breast, calmly kissing one, then the other with just a little touch on the top of both.

Maisie's fingers grew tighter on me, her fingertips pressing down and rolling my nipples, as I unbuttoned her tight trousers, my fingers finding the zip easily. I pulled the fastener down, the sound competing with Maisie's hushed groans.

I slowly followed her body down, licking and tasting her flesh, my tongue following her curves, 'til I was kneeling in front of her. I grasped the edges of her too-tight denim jeans and pulled. Maisie, so seductively, wiggled her hips, both to help and to tease me. I leaned my head into her, Maisie's hands on my head, softly running her fingers through my hair. I moved my hands to her bum, and the denim slid over and down. I pulled harder, her matching plain-ish panties in view. Her tell-tale signs of arousal were there for me to see, as I leaned in, her scent both comforting and arousing.

With a bit of huffing and pulling, her jeans were off now.

I just stared at this erotic site before me. "Believe me, Maisie, I hadn't forgotten what you look like, but I've missed this," I sighed, and leaned in, her scent once again, recognisable. She tenderly swatted my head, her little titters above me, so endearing.

My hands shook as I grasped both edges and pulled the bikini panties down. My hands wrapped around her, cuddling her bum, my mouth planted on her mons. My tongue slid through her paltry hair and snuck between her legs, sliding through her labia. Maisie grabbed my hair and held me to her womanhood, then just as quickly, pushed me away. I looked up at her, and she only smiled down at me.

"Not yet," she whispered.

I pouted, of course, but helped pull her jeans off, then noticed her toenails were painted a brilliant red. Mmmmm, I thought.

I ran my tongue up her body and stood in front of her, my smug look infuriating her.

I slipped her bra through her arms, and there she stood, exposed in front of me. She pushed my hands away, as I went to lift her slightly wobbling breasts.

"Not yet," she whispered, again. "Don't...touch, hen," she murmured heavily.

It was her turn to calmly strip me, my excitement growing with every button she undid, every piece of my clothing that fell silently to the floor and every firm tug at my too-tight trousers.

My heart skipped more than a few beats, as she knelt before me, dragging my now-loose jeans over my small feet. I could hear her breath draw in, as she slipped my petite panties over my equally diminutive bum. She laid a single finger on my ankle and drew it slowly up, my body shivering with every graze, making me whimper with joy. Maisie teasingly slid her slender digit along the crease in my thighs, never coming near enough to where I needed her touch most. Her finger moved over my thigh, and behind me now, over my arse and then skimming through the cleft of my ass. As her fingers rose, so did she. Maisie's fingers scratched up my back, then around, drawing little circles around my tight mounds.

"," I moaned, quietly, but she disregarded my throaty plea. "Just...touch me...please," I whimpered. My excitement grew, as I submitted to her amorous words, 'Don't touch.'

"Not yet," she maddeningly whispered, her nails excitedly shifting up and following my collarbone to my neck and then my cheek. As I was want to do, I leaned my head into her hand, but she smirked and pushed it back, playing with my ear and pinching my hanging lobes. I couldn't bear to look into her eyes, knowing I would lose any control I thought I may have left. As her finger dragged along my scalp, I could feel her warm breath on my mouth, until she pulled my head to hers and gently kissed me.

"Come," she whispered, and I opened my eyes, her hand extended, and we took the three steps to her freshly made-up bed.

This just had to be a dream, I thought, her touch exquisitely soothing.

We lay together, chest to chest, face to face, our legs intertwined and touching each other, the faint brushes bringing us closer.

"I..." I began to say, but she laid a single finger on my lips with a gentle, "Shhhh."

We explored one another, renewing our bond, and relishing the silence we both needed.

Maisie ran her hands over my shoulders, slowly just touching them down the lengths of my arms then back up again. My whole body tingled at her touch, my arousal coating my thighs. Her hands swayed slowly over me, side to side, as if this was the first time she had seen my nakedness.

Our lips met again for a moment before she began to kiss along my chin. I lifted my head, needing her to mark my neck. She opened her mouth and laid it on my throat, her tongue licking it, as I gave myself to her. Her hands moved to my back, slowly caressing me, as she began to nibble on my ear. Ohh, my...sweet...oooooh—my—Mais—" I groaned too loudly. "Just..." my voice bursting with emotion.

Maisie brought her hands to my hair, fluttering through it like a hairdresser would, her lips teasing my neck, as she slid her body down. My small, hard nipples were stiff, almost aching. I tried to push her mouth down to my mounds, but she was stronger, resisting my urgent clue.

"Please...Maisie. Don't—aaaaah—tease—uuuuugh—me," I moaned, her touch almost there.

I opened my eyes and watched Maisie's fingers making those interminably slow circuits around my mounds, as my body shuddered at her irritatingly annoying, but deliberate moves.

"You are so...beautiful, Chloe," she sighed, her mouth suddenly latching onto my eager nub. I cried out and lifted my body, my back arched and a breast firmly in her mouth. I blushed hearing her words, and my face flushed, as I breathed deeply and embraced the ravishing pain of her teeth sucking me.

"That's...that's," I begged.

She pulled my hair, her eyes on mine, gently bit my little stub, then licked and sucked it, her tongue swirling around my tingling tit.

"Oooooh—fuc—Mais—uuuuugh—yesssss—just," I shrieked again, her hand moving from my hair and covering my mouth.

Her craving seemed to slow, her now-delicate kisses calming me. Shifting her body, she moved lower, covering me with her adorable mouth, moaning her heady desire, her hands constantly caressing or pulling my flesh, as she lay her head on my tummy. I lifted my body up, desperately trying to ease the commotion in my vagine. I pushed her head down, but she wouldn't move, only a quick swat on my sides to tell me to behave.

Her mouth slid lower, running her tongue over delicate mons. I lifted my pelvis, hoping against hope that she would just...take me. Maisie greedily moaned into the soft mass, her nose moving through the little wisp of my damp hair. Her delicious soft sounds shuddered through my body. But still, she ignored my wanton pussy, her lips licking and kissing my sensitive inner thighs. Maisie moved her body. I hoped she was readying herself for my ultimate pleasure, but she quickly turned me over onto my stomach. I couldn't believe her temerity.

Why? Why not...? I thought.

"Ohh, Maisie. What? What are you—" but my words were cut short. Again.

"Shhhh, leannan. Relax. I...I know what you need...but I need this," she sighed, and laid her body on mine. All of a sudden, I felt this blanket-of-contentment pass over me. I moved my arms out, Christ-like, and grabbed the sheet beneath me. Maisie's mouth kissed her way up my back, as she moved my bedraggled hair away, and leaned in and kissed my neck. I could feel her hips wiggle around, her wetness on my bum bringing a sly smile to me.