Daddy Teaches More...


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I roll my eyes as I reach for my sweatpants. My pussy aches with need, again, and I glare at my Daddy's back as he glances over at me. I shake my head at him, then turn back to the machine to add fabric softener before closing the lid with an angry clang. I lick what's left of his cum from my lips as I hear my Mother's footsteps descending.

"No." she snaps nastily and snatches the basket from my Father. "Why? What is the little trollop saying that I mixed in with her things?" she demands, her eyes examining the pile of clothes I've sorted into colors, already in the machine, and whites which are in a basket at my feet waiting to be washed. She glares at my back through narrowed eyes.

I roll my eyes, again, careful that she doesn't see me and reach down to hold up her bra.

"You stole that!" she screeches and charges toward the red garment. "Who the hell did you wear it for, huh?" she demands as she snatches it from me, then grips me by the shoulder to turn me to face her. She points the index finger of her left hand in my face as she continues to yell at me. "I thought I told you to break it off with that boy!"

"I did!" I defend as I take a step back. "He wouldn't even talk to me after what happened here that day!" I shout back, then shake my head as she glares at me. "It was mixed in with my stuff from the bathroom. I didn't steal anything!" I state vehemently, but it's a lie; I had taken it and worn it to bed hoping that Daddy would come strip it off me, only he hadn't ever shown up to my room all week long.

"If I find out you're lying to me--"

"Vera, back off."

I turn to glare at my Daddy.

My Mother looks at him in shock. "But, Dillon, if she ends up pregnant, I--"

"She won't." my Daddy growls, then rolls his eyes. "Is something burning?"

"My quiche!" my Mother screams and takes off upstairs.

I stomp over to my Daddy. "I will never let you touch me, again, as long as we live in this house." I growl, then I turn my back on him and slip my cum-wet sweat pants off to toss them into the washing machine. I add a bit more soap and shove it deeper into the basin full of water; I lean over enough to show Daddy my bare ass and the end of my glistening pussy. I spread a little wider and feel my sticky lips separate. I'm still so horny, my cunt lips wet and swollen with need; but I'm also so mad at him.

"Shayna..." Daddy tries, his hands on my bare ass; he's back on his knees, his tongue licking between my pussy lips. He licks me from aching clit to asshole, his hands shoving at my ass cheeks to part them even further.

I turn around so that his hands slide from me and I glare down at him. "I want you inside me, Daddy." I whisper sadly, my eyes filling with tears. "I fucking NEED it and that's twice now that she's gotten in the way..." I whimper and sniffle, then wipe my wrist against my nose. "Don't you love me, Daddy?" I ask him in my little girl's voice, then cuddle up close to him so that my pussy is only centimeters from his eager mouth; his cock is, once again, rock hard beneath the fly of his jeans. "Don't you want to take me, Daddy? Finally make me yours? You taught me how to suck and how to be licked..." I purr, my hand sweeping down toward my crotch and rubbing at myself.

"Don't you want to teach me how to fuck?" I moan, my finger pushing into my pussy.

"So badly, Baby Girl." he groans and leans forward toward my leaking cunt.

"Dillon, I can't reach the large oatmeal bowl."

I sigh, shove my Daddy backward, and step away from him. "Unbelievable."

"Coming." he calls sadly, then leans forward to kiss my bare ass.

I side step him, careful to stay out of the view of the stairs.


"Your WIFE is calling, Daddy." I say without looking back at him, then move to the sink in the far corner to rinse my mouth out. "She hates how much time we spend together, anyway, so I won't let you touch me, again, Daddy. I promise you that." I snap, then turn on the water to drown out his reply; I take a deep breath to calm how upset I am. "At least not until you get us away from her." I add, then I hear him sigh and continue ignoring him until he heads up the stairs to help my Mother. I stay in the basement until all of my clothes are done, then I slide on a new pair of sweats and head upstairs to my room.

I ignore my parents in the kitchen and head up to my bedroom where I busy myself with putting it all away, then I decide to do my entire weekend's worth of homework only coming down to dinner when I'm called; I bring a text book with me so that I'm not forced to talk to them and ignore any attempts at small talk that my Father tries.

After dinner, I disappear back into my room where I finish my homework. It's close to midnight when I'm tired enough to sleep, then gather up some clean pajamas and a towel to take a shower. I remove my dirty t shirt and clean sweatpants, then head to the bathroom completely naked; it doesn't matter, I heard my parents go to sleep hours ago.

In the hallway, I freeze when I realize that my Father is waiting just outside my bedroom door. I glare at him, watch his eyes rake over my naked body, and realize that he's wearing only boxers; I narrow my eyes and can practically smell the sex on him. I scoff when he looks away from me in shame and I'm just so angry that he could do that to me.

That he could fuck HER when he really wants ME, knowing that I need him in me.

"Don't even TALK to me, Daddy!" I hiss, then stomp into the bathroom and slam the door shut. I lock it before he can turn the knob to follow me in, then turn the shower on to drown out his whispered words; I ignore his softly utter pleas begging me to forgive him, to understand the situation he's in, to give him a chance to make it up to me.

I climb into the shower where I can't hear him at all and violently scrub my body clean; I wash all traces of him off of me and brush my teeth twice just because it makes me feel better about having swallowed another load of his cum. I ignore my aching pussy and throbbing clit; I'm desperate for an orgasm, but refuse to give him the pleasure of being another masturbation fantasy when he still fucks my Mother.

I take my time brushing my hair our, then braid it and slide on my pajamas; I forgot that it was a set my Daddy had bought me against my Mother's wishes, but it's too late to put on anything else. The camisole slides over my warm skin, the material making my nipples pebble as it falls to just above my belly button; I skip panties and slide into the thin shorts that barely cover my ass. I hang my towel, then unlock the door only to freeze.

"Shayna, please."

I pout at him, but see that he put a t shirt on to cover his Mom-cum-stained boxers. "How could you try to come to me after fucking HER?" I demand hotly, being extra careful to keep my voice as low as possible as I stomp across the hallway toward my room. I stand in the doorway to block him from entering behind me. "I meant what I said, Daddy. Not a kiss, not a suck, and most definitely not a fuck until I don't live here, anymore. Even if it means moving in with my Sister!" I growl quietly, then close my bedroom door and lock it. I ignore his soft knocks and slide into bed, utterly exhausted.

The next morning, my Mother mentions heading to the bakery to help my Aunt with something for my Cousins and I see my Daddy's excitement about it, so I volunteer to go with her; I ignore the shock on her face, then shrug and mumble something about missing my cousins since they had been too young to come to my birthday party. I ended up staying the entire day with my Mom, Aunt, and Cousins; I laughed a lot and barely thought about Daddy at home all alone.

Monday morning, when it was time for me to leave for school, I found out that it was Daddy driving me and not my Mother who had a meeting to get to for work. I remained silent the whole ride and kept my book bag between us so that he couldn't touch me. I was out of the car practically before it had even fully stopped and was halfway to the side entrance by the time my Daddy got his car door open; I ignored his shouts of my name and hurried toward the track for my morning run.

Tuesday and Wednesday is much of the same. Thursday brought a yearbook committee meeting and my Daddy would be picking me up closer to 7pm; as I waited outside the school for Daddy, my now ex-boyfriend appeared and wanted to talk. I had nothing much to say to him, either, aside from apologizing to him for my psycho Mother's behavior. We were laughing together about it when Daddy pulled up and I blush when my Daddy glares at him, then roll my eyes at his childish behavior. I introduce them, then say goodnight to my ex and climb into the car. I glare at my Daddy's profile, but say nothing to him at all since I know that his behavior was just to get a reaction out of me.

"That him? The boyfriend?" my Daddy growls as he signals a left turn at the next stop sign. He guns the car and takes off down the street toward the highway, which we don't need take to in order to get home. "You sucking him off now that Daddy taught you how? Huh? You sucking his dick now?" he demands as he accelerates to enter the highway; he weaves through the light evening traffic going much faster than he should be.

I say nothing and cross my arms over my chest.

"Answer me, Shayna!" he demands angrily after almost 4 miles of silence. "Are you?"

I roll my eyes and glare at him. "No."

"No, what?" he demands, glaring at me a second before he returns his gaze to the road. "No you're not going to answer me or no, you're not sucking his dick?" he growls as he signals a lane switch, then he drives on for a few more miles while I still don't answer him. "Shayna..." he growls in warning, the vein in his temple throbbing as he clenches his jaw; he signals that he's exiting the highway at the next exit. "So help me--"

"No, Daddy!" I bark and slap my thighs in frustration. "No, I'm not sucking him off. I've never seen his dick, okay? I've never seen it, I've never touched it or even wanted it like I want yours. Okay?" I snap, my voice breaking toward the last words. "Yours is still the only dick I've ever seen or had in my mouth, okay? I'VE been faithful." I whisper sadly and sniffle to fight back the tears pooling in my eyes.

"Shay..." my Daddy says as he stops at a red light back on the side streets of some random neighborhood. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, then turns to look at me even though I'm still staring straight ahead. "I swear to you it was just the once and not by choice." he admits, then jumps when someone honks in the background because the light turned green; he drives forward in silence.

"So your dick just what?" I demand with another sniffle. "It just fell into her pussy?"

He chuckles, then clears his throat when I glare at him. "I was hard. She climbed on."

"You didn't push her away." I grumble and stare outside the window in confusion as I try to figure out where we are; it looks like my Daddy drove us to the freaking state border. "Then you had the actual nerve to try to come to my bed and fuck me with her cunt juice still all over your cock. Like...that's just so fucked up and where are we, anyway?"

"She's my wife, Shayna." he sighs, then drives the car down a long dirt driveway lined with nothing but trees for as far as the eye can see. "I was hard as a rock and she was already complaining about how much I spoil you by spending so much time with you. She complained about how little attention I've been showing her and I couldn't risk her finding out about us, so I...just..." he trails off with a sigh, then makes a left turn at the end of the dirt road and a two story farm house appears.

"She wasn't your wife when your tongue was buried in MY pussy." I grumble angrily, then plop back against my seat before I notice where we are. "Daddy, where the hell are we and what the hell are we doing here? You know that Mom is going to flip out when we don't show up for dinner. It's only a 20 minute drive from school and we're already 10 minutes late." I remind him, then frown when he cuts the engine and climbs out of the car. "Daddy!" I call and rush out of my door to catch up with him.

My Daddy simply walks into the front door.

"Daddy, are you crazy!" I call out to him softly, then look around to see if anyone can see us, but it's nothing but forest everywhere. I peek into the doorway and find a gorgeous foyer with clean hardwood flooring and fancy art decorating the walls. "Daddy?" I hiss quietly terrified of getting busted trespassing in someone else's house. "Daddy, where are you?" I hiss a bit louder as I walk a little further into the house and look around.

The living room is fancy; a black sectional with 2 chaise lounges built in, a cherry wood entertainment center holding a giant television, the latest video gaming systems. In the corner is a computer desk holding a fairly expensive looking desk top system set up.

"Upstairs, Shay." Daddy calls clear as day.

I guess nobody is home, so he isn't afraid of getting caught; a thought occurs to me and I'm instantly furious as I stomp up the carpeted stairwell. "If you think I'm going to do a damned thing with you in some random person's house just because Mom can't find us here, you are out of your mind!" I bark as I look left and right on the second floor landing. "Where are you?" I call out, arms cross over my chest.

"One more flight up." Daddy calls from above me.

I stomp up to the third floor, an attic turned into a bedroom; a gorgeous bedroom with a giant bay window over looking a huge garden and more trees. "Wow." I whisper in awe as I take in the miles and miles of clear twilight sky, the oranges and pinks of sunset painted in the distance. "What a fantastic view." I whisper as I watch the sun sink.

"This will be our room."

I turn to glance at my Daddy and frown. "What are you talking about?"

Daddy hands me a folded blue paper.

I accept the thick document tri-folded and undo the flaps. "What is..." I begin only to gasp, then I look up at my Daddy; when he nods at me, I return my gaze to the documents and scroll through them until I see my Daddy's signature scrawled at the bottom. "You're divorcing her." I state rather than ask, then I look around the room while hugging the papers to my chest. "And you bought this house?"

"This is our house, ready to move in." he confirms with a nervous smile. "Like it?"

"Daddy, I love it." I whisper, my gaze back on his face. "It's gorgeous."

"I'm going to teach you how to fuck her, Shayna." he growls, stepping toward me eagerly; his hand sinks into my hair and he pulls my mouth to his. His kiss is hungry, his tongue demanding as it twirls and dominates mine. He moans, then pulls back to break the kiss; his lips kiss a trail along my jaw toward my neck where he bites gently. "I'm going to take your cherry hear in this house, in our house, where nobody can hear you screaming for your Daddy. I'm going to fuck your pussy and fill it with my cum all day, every day, and I'm going to fill you with baby after baby..."

I shiver at his words. "Will you, Daddy? Will you really give me your babies?"

"I'm going to fuck your pussy full of my children making cum, Baby Girl." he vows, his mouth returning to mine. "I'm going to keep you swollen with my babies and, when I can't fuck your tight virgin pussy, I'm going to take your ass. Here. Alone. Just us."

I shiver at his promised words, happy to finally be getting my way. "We should head home and serve her, Daddy." I say excitedly and hop from foot to foot. "When can we move in? When, Daddy, when? I want you so much..." I confess as I close the small space between us and tiptoe to claim his lips with mine.

"Let's go home and serve her." he replies happily. "We can pack up tonight."

Daddy kisses me one more time, his tongue dominating my mouth and making me moan. He hugs me to him, his hand on my ass as he pulls me against his thick hard on. "That's going to be buried deep between those tight pussy lips tonight, Baby Girl." he growls hotly, his hips thrusting against my belly. "No more waiting. Daddy is going to claim you and teach you everything that you need to know to keep him happy."

I shiver, my hands caressing his chest. "I can't wait for my next lesson, Daddy."

"Take the edge off, Baby Girl." he growls and takes a step back, then reaches to undo his zipper. "I'm so fucking hard thinking about finally getting inside your virgin pussy. I need you to make Daddy cum so that his hard on can be manageable. Get down on your knees for me, Baby Girl. Get down on your knees and open wide for me."

I lick my lips hungrily as I wait for my Daddy to present his big cock to me, then I lean forward to kiss his lips tenderly before I drop to my knees in front of him. I undo the button on his jeans, then reach up to push down his underwear and jeans together; I wait for them to fall to his ankles before taking his cock in hand.

It's rock hard and pulsating in my grip. "My poor Daddy." I purr, then lean forward to kiss the tip. "I'll make you all better, don't you worry about it." I promise hungrily as I stroke his length; I stare up at him as I smooth my hand back down to his base, then lick from the base back up to the tip. "So good." I groan, then open my mouth to take the full thickness between my parted lips; I don't hesitate even a moment and take him straight to the back of my throat, my free hand fondling his balls.

"Fuck, yes, Baby Girl." Daddy groans, his hands sinking into my hair. "Suck my cock." he commands, his hips pushing forward to make me take him into my throat. "Swallow me, Baby Girl....swallow Daddy's big fat dick. Stroke my balls. Gently, remember?" he moans and fights against his jeans to spread his legs a bit more. "Lick down the length, Baby Girl, to Daddy's balls. Lick around them, too. That feels good for Daddy, too." he instructs me breathlessly, his chest rising and falling quickly.

I suckle at his cock tip a bit, then press the flat of my tongue against the underside of his cock and lick downward toward the firm little globes dangling heavily from the base. I don't even hesitate and open my mouth to tongue around one of them before moving to the other; I lick and kiss at them the way I do my Daddy's tongue.

"Suck one into your mouth, Baby Girl...gently." he groans, his dilated eyes watching my mouth hungrily. "Stroke Daddy's cock while you're doing it...I'm so close, Baby Girl. Make Daddy come for you." he growls, his head falling backward on his shoulders as he moans; he thrusts his hips forward, his cock gliding easily in my spit-wet fingers.

I take his left ball sack into my mouth and suck on it much as I had his cock head, then circle it with my tongue the way my Daddy had done to my nipple. I slip it from my mouth with a loud pop and immediately switch to the other, my hand furiously masturbating his cock; I glance up at my Daddy and smile as I try to fit both of his heavy testicles into my mouth at the same time.

Daddy shivers above me and adjusts his legs, again; he growls in frustration at the confines of his jeans and bends his knees a bit to make more room for my head. "Between Daddy's legs, Baby Girl, behind my balls. There's a patch of skin there, between my balls and asshole. Lick it. Lick it hard. Don't stop stroking me, Baby Girl. Fuck, I'm going to cum so hard." he promises, his eyes glued to my face.

I nod, his balls still pressed to my lips, then I tilt my head trying to see the place he's talking about. "My head won't fit between your legs with your jeans on, Daddy." I reply with a pout, my sad eyes glancing up at him. "I know!" I exclaimed excitedly, then suck on my finger; I make sure to get it soaking wet, then I reach behind my Daddy's balls to press against the patch of skin he mentioned. I stroke my finger along it.