Daddy to the Rescue!

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Daughter is in a fix, so its Daddy to the rescue!
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Disclaimer: All persons in the story participating in sexual activity are over the age of 18.

Rex Meyerson was reminded once again that even extremely smart, college going teenage girls were still teenagers as his daughter went flying out of the kitchen in a fury. She stomped up the stairs screaming "FINE! I'LL PAY FOR IT MYSELF... SOMEHOW!"

The evening had started out so nice, although now Rex realized it was because Amelia had been buttering him up. Amelia had cooked his favorite meal and then suggested that they watch one of his favorite movies together. Then once he was relaxed she asked the question that had soured the entire evening. "Daddy, a whole bunch of my friends are going to Cancun for spring break. The package only costs 1500 dollars, so can I go?"

"I assume that covers flight, hotel, and perhaps entry fees to parties but does it also cover food and other incidentals? Probably not. So that's about 2000. Do you have 2000?"

Amelia giggled and snuggled close to him, "Of course not, Daddy that's why I'm asking you."

"Yeah, I'm not going to pay for you to party and act the fool. If you can get the money you can go, but I'm not giving it to you."

Amelia drew away from him and angrily crossed her arms. "How am I supposed to get that kind of money! You won't even let me have a fucking job! I know you have it! You've been saving for that goddamned boat!"

"Yes, finally... after paying for your tuition through grade school and high school. I am finally saving for my yacht. As well as paying for your college."

"But I have a scholarship!" she wailed as if that explained everything.

"Which covers 90 percent of your tuition. I have to pay the other ten percent. I also pay for the books, activity fees, and every other damn thing they tack on. Don't get me wrong, baby girl, I love you and I don't mind paying for your education. Especially since you work so hard to maintain your grades but I am not paying for you to go get drunk and vomit on some Mayan ruins."

Amelia jumped up from the couch with an inarticulate yell and stomped out of the room, then went shouting up the stairs.

He was certain he'd be getting an irate call from his ex-wife in short order. Giselle would take her side, even if she didn't really believe that Amelia should be going to Cancun. She would also blame Rex for putting Amelia in this situation. She still blamed Rex for where Amelia had chosen to go to college. Although all he had done was support her decision and he had done that reluctantly.

Giselle lived in another state. During grade school and high school Amelia lived with her mother for the school year and then with her father during the school break. Amelia was a very bright girl and during the Covid lockdown, she had become bored from little activity and the slow pace of virtual learning. Rex also thought she found living in such close quarters for months on end with her mother to be excruciating. Amelia used the extra time at home to take more classes.

She jumped a grade and got a partial scholarship to a university in the city where Rex lived. Of course, Rex was proud of her achievement but was wary about her actually skipping her last year of high school. Amelia said with a smile she wasn't she was just becoming a senior a year earlier. Rex believed that Amelia was happy to skip one year of high school to get away from her mother for more than three months a year. For college, the plan was for Amelia to live during the school year with Rex and then with her mother for the break. Although since she was 18 she didn't actually have to do that. And if her plans for Spring Break were an indication, Amelia probably only planned to make minimal visits to her mother rather than staying there for months.

Once at college, however, Amelia had to work harder than she did in high school. She still excelled but it was a bit of a learning curve for her. Plus she took to college socialization much more readily than did in high school. It was a delicate balance between learning how to excel in her studies and trying to get the most out of the college experience. Although she wanted to get a job, Rex said he wouldn't support that since she needed to excel at her studies to keep her scholarship. Despite his cost, Rex didn't mind because it meant that Amelia would be living with him for most of the year instead of halfway across the country for all but three months of it. Despite her occasional irritating behavior he liked having his little girl around.

Rex nearly changed his mind about that a couple of days later when he received an anonymous text with a picture. It showed a very pretty girl reclining on a bed dressed in sheer lingerie that left little to the imagination. Rex could easily see through the nearly transparent wisps of cloth that she had teacup-sized breasts with pink nipples and a full dark bush. She was a very sexy girl who immediately gave Rex a hard-on. At first, he thought it was an advertisement from one of his favorite porn stars. There was a rectangular band over her eyes that supposedly obscured her identity. However, as Rex looked at the picture longer he recognized that cute little nose and distinctive chin! And that damned bedroom! At the bottom of the picture was the text, "Hey guys, how would you like to be my first.? My virginity goes to the highest bidder!" Then there was a website address for the bidding. Rex clicked on the bidding site and discovered that it was already up to 700 dollars. He was going to wring her pretty little neck!

He barely made it home without crashing his car. When he stormed into the house Amelia was fixing their dinner. She had her back to him and didn't notice his infuriated expression. When he thundered, "What the fuck is this, Amelia!"

Amelia jumped at his shout and nearly dropped the pan she was carrying. She glanced at the phone and finished plating before putting the pan down.

"I guess I didn't disguise myself as well as I thought," she said calmly. Rex wondered for a split second if he could get away with murder. He calmed himself."That's all you have to say?"

"Well, you said I had to pay for my trip. And I was planning to lose my virginity before I went to Cabo anyway"

"What!" Just that statement made his forehead throb. Yes, an aneurysm was definitely on the way.

"Well, I plan on having lots of sex with a bunch of hot guys, and being a virgin would kind of be a damper on that."

"Who the hell are you!" He could not believe those words came out of his little angel. For the first time in a long time, he actually looked at her. Although he knew that she had grown up, in his mind she was always the sweet little girl who loved to play with dolls. Her words had ripped away the veil of fatherly self-delusion and made him see her as she was. At just five feet, Amelia had shimmering, long dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes with naturally long lashes, a cute little pug nose, full pouty lips, and a slightly cleft chin. Then he took in the other parts he had always let just slide across his vision. She was dressed in a tight midriff t-shirt that accentuated her small round breasts and hip-hugging daisy duke shorts that showed off her small but round butt and wide hips. When did his little girl grow into such a... well... hottie?

Amelia smiled sweetly, "Your little girl who is now a grown-ass woman! One of the girls in my Sorority suggested instead of just giving my cherry to some rando as I planned I could sell it and make money for my trip. Two birds, you know."

"I forbid this!" Rex said slamming his palm on the table. Even as he did he knew how ridiculous he must have looked to Amelia.

Amelia just looked amused and indulgent, "Daddy, I'm eighteen. I can do this if I want!"

"It's illegal. It's prostitution, you'll be a whore!"

Amelia rolled her eyes "Having sex with one guy doesn't make me a whore, Daddy. And it's not prostitution, the guys who help me set up the auction said because it was entertainment, like a porn movie, it wasn't prostitution."

"You do this and I'll cut you off. Not another cent for anything, not even for school."

"Really, Daddy you're going to ruin my whole life because I have sex with one guy?" Amelia sighed, "I mean if there was another way for me to get the money for my trip." She held her hands under her chin then batted her eyes at him and gave him a little smile.

Rex threw his hands up when he realized he'd been set up. With an angry laugh, "Alright, goddammit, I'll pay for your trip!"

Amelia jumped up from her chair and hugged Rex. "Thank you, Daddy! I knew you'd come through!"

She kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly. As she hugged him however Rex's mind flashed to the picture of her in that revealing outfit. He had to push her away when he started getting hard. Amelia looked surprised and hurt but Rex played it off as still being angry at her. As he started up the stairs, he also had an odd thought, if it was just a setup to get him to pony up, why the hell had she sent him a photo like that? After a second, he decided she was just being thorough to sell the idea.

When Rex got home the next day Amelia was nowhere to be seen. He found her sobbing in her bedroom. From her puffy face and red eyes, it appeared as though she had been crying for hours.

"Oh, Daddy I really screwed up. I screwed up bad!" She grabbed onto him and sobbed even harder.

"What's the matter?"

"When I tried to cancel the auction, they told me I couldn't. I was committed."

"Cancel the auction? You mean that was real?" Rex was incredulous and enraged. The idea of some stranger taking his daughter, his daughter's.... like that drove him insane.

"Yeah, kinda. I mean, I set it up but never really intended to go through with it. I was just using it as leverage against you." She admitted with a sour smile. "However, the people who I set the auction up with said I couldn't cancel it since it was up to a thousand dollars now. They said that if I canceled it I could be arrested for prostitution because that would be considered solicitation. They have said they have friends on the police force."

"Who are these guys? Some college punks?" Rex roared.

"No, I don't think so but I only communicated through the internet from a link. One of the girls at school has a.... side job to pay for tuition. I told them I'd go to the police but they said they were protected. I said well I just wouldn't go through with it and they said they would break my legs. They would know if I tried to contact the police. " She picked up her phone and then these showed up on my phone." Amelia showed him some pictures. They were of Amelia leaving their home and at her school. "Although I never spoke them, from their word use and sentence structure I think they maybe might be Eastern Europeans." Amelia gasped. "I think I might have gotten mixed up with Russian gangsters!"

A cold chill went through Rex, he had just seen a documentary about how ruthless and thorough the Mafiya was to those who crossed them. He grabbed his daughter and held her tight. He kissed the top of her head, "I really think we need to go to the police."

"No, Daddy. NO! I'd be scared every day thinking I might get beaten or worse. Plus what if they're right, what if I can get charged with prostitution or something. I'd die of embarrassment."

An uncharitable thought crossed Rex's mind. That would embarrass you, but not displaying yourself like a sexy little tart?

"Okay, Okay. We'll think of something. How long until the auction is over and you are supposed to go.. uh... go through with that... thing?"

"One week of bidding, so two days left... until some random guy pops my cherry!" she wailed. "I'm sorry, Daddy I really fucked everything up!" She started sobbing again.

Despite how angry he was at her ill-advised attempt to extort him, his heart was also breaking to see her in such pain. Rex hugged her even tighter. "Don't worry, baby Daddy will get you out of this. Somehow." Through her tears, Amelia gave him a grateful smile.

After a sleepless night, Rex came up with a solution to his daughter's immediate problem. Although it would be costly her safety was worth the price.

However, Amelia was not enthusiastic about the prospect.

"A bodyguard! So someone following me around all the time? Even at school!"

"I realize it may be a slight invasion of your privacy. We can get a female bodyguard. And you can play it off like you're some celebrity?

"And how much will that cost? I mean, if I don't go through with the auction how long will it be before the Russian Mob forgets about me? Months, years? I've heard stories about them waiting decades to carry out some vendetta."

"Let me worry about the cost."

"Daddy, I'm not about to let you bankrupt yourself for my stupid prank. I have a simple and elegant solution to the problem. One that will be less costly than a bodyguard. You can win the auction!"

"What?" Rex was stunned by her suggestion. His mind flashed again to the picture of her in that transparent lingerie.

"Yeah, at the last minute you bid double the last bid. Since I'm getting 80% of the cut, you will get most of your money back. The Mafiya will then get their money and everyone will be happy."

Rex had to admit that was probably the best solution. Still, he could not let her get away scot-free with her extortionist prank. "Well, if I do win. You better hope I don't try to collect my winnings."

Instead of being scared or repulsed, Amelia giggled and kissed Rex on the nose. "Is that a threat or a promise, Daddy," Rex glowered as she sashayed out of the room, putting a little extra swing to her pert little butt. She knew how to press his buttons for sure.

Watching the auction on the last day was very tense. Towards the end of the auction, the price rose dramatically. As the price rose Rex started having second thoughts about this plan. Then saw the anxious, frightened face of his daughter who clutched his hand and knew he had to go through with it no matter what it cost. A few seconds before the auction ended the price was 4,950. Rex bid ten thousand dollars, which was most of his yacht fund. Although he knew he was supposed to get 8,000 back he still felt like he was losing his boat.

When it was confirmed that Rex was the winning bid Amelia hugged him tightly, laughing with joy. She kissed him soundly on the lips. Her lips were soft, sweet and so welcoming that Rex wanted to continue kissing her. She pulled back slowly. "Sorry, Daddy I got a little carried away." Her little smile told Rex she was not sorry in the slightest.

The next day Rex was so relieved to be out from under the Russian gangsters that he planned on having a celebratory drink on the way home from work. He was on his way to his favorite bar when he got a text from Amelia. "DADDY COME HOME RIGHT NOW! IT'S URGENT!!!" He tried calling her but she was sobbing too much to make sense.

Once he got home she poured out the latest development of their still ongoing nightmare. Either she had been misled or had gotten the information wrong but it was the Mafyia's cut that was the 80% she got the 20%. And the auction wasn't their main source of revenue for this scheme. They got most of their money from streaming the event. Amelia picked up a plain cake box inside were four micro cameras. "These were on the doorstep when I got home."

She then showed him a message on her phone from an unknown caller. DO THE FUCKING. DO GOOD FUCKING SHOW. REMEMBER POLICE OUR FRIENDS. BE GOOD LIVE ACT AND LIVE. In addition to another picture of Amelia, there were pictures of Rex leaving his house, and leaving his work.

"The stream starts in 40 minutes Daddy! Let's just do it, take my virginity so they'll leave us alone! Please, Daddy!" Amelia trembled with fear as she hugged him tightly.

"But baby, we can't!" Her suggestion had once again evoked that image of how she looked in that lingerie. Yet the feel of her body next to his, knowing how she looked made Rex think that wouldn't be a bad idea. Then he stopped himself. Had she been anyone else but his daughter, he would have jumped at the chance.

"We have to Daddy! We just have to!" Even as upset as she was she managed to smile slightly. "Just think of me as one of those girls from the porn videos you like. You know the girls who look a whole lot like me!" Until Amelia pointed that out he hadn't realized the resemblance between his favorite porn stars and his daughter. He would scold her for snooping later. "If we don't do this they might, I don't know, kidnap me and traffic me or something!"

"But sweetie, I'm your father!"

"Better you than a bunch of random pervs!" She gave him a kiss on the lips and said, "If it's losing my virginity or getting killed, I'd rather lose it with someone I love. I love you so much, Daddy!" Her look shifted slightly to a thoughtful one. "Remember, I had to go on the pill years ago to regulate my periods, so no worries on that front. So just think of it as being really affectionate with me."

Rex's mind was reeling and he couldn't think straight. The threat to his daughter plus the realization that she was probably the unconscious basis for his sexual fantasies was too overwhelming.

"They also put this in the box." She held up a little blue pill. "Since you're so reluctant you better take this now." She shoved it in his mouth and Rex reflexively swallowed. He realized she must have shoved some kind of male enhancement pill into his mouth. Great! Now even if they didn't go through with the sex he would be horny as hell!.

"I promise that I'll do my best to look pretty and make it good for you," Amelia said softly. She seemed a bit hurt that he was so against the idea. Then he remembered that she was still a teenage girl despite technically being an adult. She seemed insecure. Amelia seemed to think Rex's reluctance had to do with her inexperience or looks.

"Oh sweetheart, you're beautiful and I'm sure it would be wonderful. I just don't want you to regret your first experience. Have it with someone your age, not some dumpy old man."

Amelia gave him a radiant smile. "Oh, Daddy, love trumps all. You're still the most handsome and sexiest man I know." She gave him a full-on lip lock that made his already spinning head spin faster. "Go shower and meet me in my room in.... 25 minutes! Just think of it like that video with Kenzi" Her kiss gave him a raging hard-on. Rex hadn't realized that the little blue pill worked so fast.

His mind wondered what she was talking about and then remembered that among his favorite videos was one starring Kenzi Kremi, where a daughter and father were forced to have sex together by a burglar. So she really had watched his video collection. Rex showered and dressed in a robe. He knew that Amelia was right and if she was okay with it, they should just do this and get it out of way. For the next few hours she was not his daughter she was one of his favorite porn stars.

Her bedroom did not look any different so she must have concealed the micro cameras so they wouldn't be distracting. What was distracting however was seeing Amelia in that transparent lingerie as she lounged on her bed. The picture on his phone didn't do her justice. He couldn't believe how sexy and alluring his little girl was in person.

As Rex entered the room she bounced up from the bed with a big smile. Although she moved with energy her movements were seductive. Amelia had put on some lip gloss and a bit of eyeshadow. She wore her hair in pigtails. The incongruent image of her hair and the transparent lingerie was both sexy and a bit perverse which made Rex's cock pulse with desire. She was the very image of one of his favorite young porn stars.

Amelia's voice was a bit high and stiff with nervousness as she said, "Welcome random stranger, who is about to pop my cherry." She then gave him a hug and whispered, "Play along, Dad!" And with that Amelia ripped away his fantasized illusion of her being a porn star. He wilted a bit. She felt his faltering erection and whispered "Come on, Daddy we need to put on a good show or else!"