Daddy's Droid Ch. 12

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Back to the Future.
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Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/26/2019
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Chapter 12: Back to the Future

So I managed not to attack the gear shift, all the way to the mall.

It was shaping up to be a busy day. At dawn I woke up to find Max waiting on my doorstep, with Adele limp in his arms. She was seriously fucked-up with Raggedy Anne, the dummy (literally, just then), so he left her with me to babysit. I had my own ideas about that; but I'd only just artfully arranged her on the floor, so as to have my choice of holes in which to insert my meaty sausage of a cock-toy, when Aunt Christie came in and took over. Which was fine by me, since she and I promptly left Adele in a tidy heap of lust, and played with each other - until Daddy came downstairs to demonstrate to me how best to pleasure someone as defenseless as my little girlfriend was.

There - I've said it. Daddy aside, Adele is totally my bestie with privileges. Which is convenient, really, since he owns me - and he's delegated her to be my Mistress.

What with the early morning, four-way fornication - actually three-and-a half ways, allowing for Adele's inability to move - and then a breakfast-time carnal food fight (using the most lubricating grub available), followed by some shower shagging ... well, we four played hard all morning.

After my mid-day 'nap', I woke up to find myself lodged in Max's droid. Not just, like, with some of me stuck in one of her holes - which happened occasionally (but not while I was off line, yet) - but as in being truly housed in there, Greta and Adele Two having been backed up and booted out to make room. The original Adele told me she'd managed to lose Lacy at the mall, and so we were going to hunt for her. But somehow explanations devolved into rubbing, squeezing, nibbling, groping, grinding, licking, and most definitely penetrating sex. So, okay, maybe we were all a little tense.

At any rate, having finally taken the edge off we were all business, rolling down the road in Auntie's old Jaguar sedan to rescue my body. I'd lost the toss, and had to ride in the front - but like I said, I kept my promise and managed not to molest her invitingly tall gear-shift lever. On the other hand (so to speak) I arrived with my fist shoved well up into my pussy. Either it was the settings, or maybe different parts, but the Greta/Adele-Two droid they'd decanted me into seemed to run hotter than mine. The personalities Uncle Max had fitted it with were backed up at home, so it was just me in there (permanently mashed up with Lacy, of course). But I was definitely hornier than before -- which, given I was already a sexbot, was saying something.

And none of this explained how the original Adele had evolved into such a total slut. I had to listen to her slurping, gasping and occasionally gagging the whole trip, which she spent sucking off Max and my old man in the back seat. Hell, I was the one who was wearing a perfectly respectable skirt, although it did happen to be rucked up to my waist. Whereas hers was no better than a belt, the better to let the guys grope her drooling cunt ... so okay, I was a little jealous. And, to be fair, Thursday was one of the days she owed Max for loosing me and then borrowing his Greta.

Thankfully, Christie realized I was fair-on a basket case by the time we got to the mall, no great feat of deduction since for the last mile or two she'd needed to keep a tight grip on the Jag's shifter. She parked under some shady trees at the far edge of the mall lot, and I quickly scrambled into the back. Then I leaned forward over the seat I had just vacated, so Daddy could do me from behind while and Auntie and I could get in some tongue work, up front. Needless to say, Max sat Adele on his stiff, slick cock and gave her a proper fucking as well.

After that, we all had to sort ourselves out so as to pass for normal folk. Luckily, Auntie carried wet wipes and towels in the trunk, for coddling her car - we politely left her enough to wipe the jizz off her seats. When I finally felt presentable, I looked around and saw there were a few other cars out here in the shade, all parked to face the fence and the little slough beyond. Then with a start I realized there were people in them, and decided they had maybe been watching us ... and I creamed again.

That was when Adele wandered around to my side and, laughing out loud, she pointed at a van nearby. 'Follow Me to the Submarine Races' was painted on the side, along with a big-boobed mermaid. "Doofus," she said.

I still didn't get it, until I noticed the van was gently bouncing. Adele had to collar me from going over to join in. We were on a bigger mission.

The plan was that, once we'd hiked over to the nearest mall entrance, I would start trying to sense my other self. Provided that I could, one, detect droids, and two, tell the other me apart from the rest. This place was full of them -- clerks, cleaners, nannies and companions (mostly the regular sort, although probably also a few PleasureDroids). I said as much to the others, and Uncle Max just answered, don't worry -- those are not the droids you seek.

Daddy and Auntie Christie thought that was hilarious. Adele just shook her head and shrugged, then took me by the arm and led me away. We were going to head up to where Adele had last seen me. But first, I figured I should find a bona fide robot and sorta sniff it out. As it turned out, she did seem to stand out somehow -- I knew what she was already, of course, but when I was within ten feet or so I felt a 'vibe'. On the other hand, she didn't seem to pick up on me. Either my being ex-human made a difference, or it was because my transmitter had been turned off. Or, more likely, the bot didn't give a shit.

After we'd walked a ways, I asked Adele, "Am I hearing bells, or have I got a glitch?"

"Um ... no glitch. Before we left I put a few Kegel balls in my pussy, the ones with the bells inside. Just to take the edge off, like."

"Right. Quite the little sex fiend, aren't we?"

"Hey! I like other stuff, too. Like, I read ..."

"Smutty magazines, mostly."

"Not only! And music -- I listen to music!"

"Like the 'Screamin' Orgasms"?

"Not just them ... hey, I enjoy classical, too -- like that Ravel thingie ..."

"'Bolero'? You mean daddy fucked you to the Bolero, too? Prevert!"

"So? You got in there first. So, okay, I enjoy sex. I did even before sex became your ..."

"Vocation?" I supplied helpfully from my on-board thesaurus.

"Your job, yeah."

"So you're calling me a techno-whore?"

"If the cock fits," she muttered.

"You have cum on your chin."

"What?" She scrubbed her face with her hand. "I do not!"

"Nope," I agreed, grinning. "But most people don't have to double check."

"Bitch," she said with a laugh.

I acknowledged her assessment with a nod. "Tramp," was my friendly return.

We walked a bit farther, and then she asked, "What brought all this on, anyway?"

"I guess I was feeling guilty I maybe led you astray ..."

"I remember it the other way round. You're not just jealous, then?"

"Ha! A little bit. Only, the two of you get to play together when I'm off-line. But I love you both ..."

"I love you too. Even before you died." After a few more paces, walking hand in hand, she said, "That loud, is it?"

"Oh, yeah." Pause. "You're not going to take them out right here, are you?"

"Nah. They won't come out 'til I orgasm. I coulda used the ones with the pull cord, but between the vibrator buzz and the little bells on the dangley string, well ... not too subtle, either. 'Specially with this skirt..."

"Call that a skirt, do you?"

This earned me a poke in the ribs, but we had come to terms. In the meantime, there was that body to find.

"Ah, Missie..." came a voice from behind. We both spun around to find that we were being closely followed by a wizened old oriental dude, and a cross between a Chinese princess and a Viking goddess. Only she was neither, of course. At this range I could easily tell she was a top-end droid like me. Both of me.

The old guy held up a small box which featured an antennae and blinking lights, and said - to me: "You are PleasureDroid 1600, Mark One Point Seven ..."

"Personality 'Greta', sold to a local gentleman named Maxwell Abernathy," added the droid.

"Good memory for faces," he said, apologetically, with a nod to his lovely companion. "But you have your tracker shut down. Unusual. Are those people over there with you?" Another nod indicated Daddy and the others.

"Yes," I admitted. Adele was already trying to pull me in their direction.

"I am Aloysius Wang." He shrugged to indicate that this was no fault of his. "And this is my granddaughter Sigyn." Her smile suggested that this name certainly was his fault.

"I am associated with your, ah, maker. I believe we each have information to the benefit of the other. Your pretty young friend here will hopefully approve of a public but relatively quiet site to meet. Perhaps your confederates can join us by that fountain?"

I waved over my 'confederates' in the direction of an uninspiring water feature, and we soon were in conference.

Aloysius began. "One of you, I assume, is Mr. Abernathy?"

Max looked alarmed, but put up his hand.

"Sigyn and I are here in search of a PD1600 named Lacy, who was involved in an unfortunate accident involving her owner's daughter. Lacy's beacon was subsequently disabled in this general area several days ago. By chance, we -- or rather Sigyn -- overheard the young girl here and Greta speaking together. My granddaughter only reported it as being interesting," - Adele snorted at this - "but told me that Greta was referred to as having died."

"'I love you too. Even before you died,'" quoted Sigyn, in Adele's voice. She smiled again, to indicate that no offense was meant ... and possibly to suggest that she had deliberately edited out all the rude bits of our discussion.

"Since we are unaware of any other such incidents in this region ..." continued Wang and, unperturbed, he turned to me -- "I believe I am addressing Tracie Ward?"

Well, I'd been blushing since back when the old man told us his bot had heard our rude insult-fest; and he, more than anyone, knew that blushing wasn't in a PD1600's repertoire. He smiled broadly, and bowed to me. "I am most pleased to make your acquaintance. But what has become of Lacy?"

"Stolen," said Daddy, crossly. "Are you saying you had nothing to do with it?"

"We are aware of a ring of thieves who specialize in absconding with PDs. They are, after all, remarkably expensive, ah, devices. Also quite rare outside of California. However, we had not heard they were active in this city. But ... there is a secondary beacon." Here he waved his tracker gizmo at us. "It has a rather short range, and we were in the process of quartering this establishment in search of you. Or, rather, Lacy. Oh, my ... you are a backup. How extraordinary! No offense, my dear! You are just as much Tracy as is ... the other Tracy. And if she is still in the building, we can find her." He smiled again.

"Why? Why are you looking for my daughter?" Daddy was understandably upset.

"Her accident -- it wasn't the first, you understand. But there were indications that she had survived. You see, I try to keep tabs on all my girls."

I flashed on the pervy implications of this, but Max picked up on it right away. "You think you can replicate the ... event?"

"I'm not getting any younger," said Aloysius. "And Sigyn is legally my heir. I have hopes of sharing her body, yes."

I glanced over to the other PleasureDroid, thinking I too would like to share that scrumptious body. She was watching me closely, and the lascivious look I got in return caused me to cream a little - yet again. "Um ... not quite share," I said. "I seem to have been sort of blended with Lacy. I think."

The Wangster actually beamed at that, and said, "Excellent! Let us hunt for the original Lacy, and then we can discuss how the transfer was accomplished, yes?"

>< >< ><

* * *

"Fuck!" I tried to get my bearings as the power cable slithered out of my butt.

"Sorry! Sorry!" said Adele.

I would have added something more intelligent sounding, but Adele was hugging me fiercely like I'd been brought back from the dead (again). I felt the same way, actually. That brown-out and fade to black next to Frisco, when my batteries died, was way worse than the first time I'd joined the choir invisibule (as Daddy had once inexplicably called it).

She gave me a long smooch (with much tongue, natch) then stood up in front of my chair. A wide-brimmed straw hat had been knocked off her head by our exuberant greeting, which left her wearing only a gauzy see-through dress I didn't recognize. Frankly, for a happy reunion she looked a little tense. We were in what looked like a high-end, old-style hotel room; beyond her, peeking out from the embrace of an extremely cozy looking chair, was a smiling Asian girl - no, droid.

"Um - hiya ..." I was seriously confused. Also, my internal clock was off. "Adele - what time is it?"

"Afternoon," was the vague answer.

"And where did everyone go? Where's Frisco and Lexi, and and the others? And why are we in Tahiti?"

"How did you ...? Your GPS system is off ..."

"My what, now? All I know is that your freckles are looking just a little angry even under that UV-shield dress, so lots of sunshine. And humidity. Also this place smells just like when I was here last, back when I was, ah, ..."

"Alive? You are still alive, girl. Better than ever. And everyone is fine - they're all here. Anyhow, your nose is right. Nearly. We're on a small island in the Tahitian Federation." She straddled my lap, gave me another kiss, and then added, "The thing is ... I have to get you up to speed."

"Looks like you and Daddy found me. Us. Everything is fine. So when do we party?"

The droid finally stood up and revealed herself. Not needing much sun protection, she was magnificently naked. Her perfect skin, proud breasts and pouting labia (top and bottom) - and the faintest of inner hums - proclaimed her as a sexbot. Not of the trampy sort, mind. More like runway material. She really was stunning. "Soon, I hope," she said. "I am Sigyn Wang - a fusion, like you. You don't know me, but you've saved my life - for which I thank you. I am the sole owner of Acme Robotics' PleasureDroid division, which is based here on this island. It was developed as an independent operation, with the primary purpose - with my apologies - of creating you."

It seemed the scheme was to create the conditions where a 'consciousness transfer' might occur. Naturally there were failures, but the original Wang, Aloysius, was unconcerned. Not that he (as she was then) disapproved of his clients' sexual tastes; quite the contrary. But he was prepared to accept their sacrifices to his grand experiment. And I was his success (as was Sid - lucky for him the Leslie unit was from the same batch as Lacy, or he'd have been toast).

Once this bit of corporate villainy was explained, Adele filled in the rest: "So the Wangs helped us find Lexi's hideout. It was a bit awkward at first, but once we -- especially the other you -- convinced her that we were legit, it was fine. Anyway, then Aloysius figured out that Lexi's mistress had tried to transfer over ..."

"We would have known some months ago," said Sigyn, "but .."

I interrupted, "But there was no record of her death. Lexi told me she had taken over the original Lexi's identity -- win or lose, they must have planned to get rid of the body."

"Exactly," Adele continued. "And she was ecstatic when the Wangs managed to find her lost mistress. Turns out their fusion was nearly a success! Something to do with her -- them - having almost the same model droid as you. Only, dead Lexi -- no offense - woke up with memory loss, like you did, Tracy, when you were kidnapped. Plus she was wide awake in there, stuck along for the ride - like both of us, back when we were using the VR headsets."

Which was cool (not the part about the freshly deceased Lexi being trapped, obviously). I was super glad for them both and wished I'd been there for their reunion. But ...

Adele realized I was staring at her with my head tipped to one side, and continued, "Right. So Lexi left you off-line, along with the others who'd run down. There weren't enough charge units to work out a proper rotation, and she figured she could round up some base-level ones in a day or two. But then we came."


"And so after we sorted things out, we just had to rent a little moving truck, and then lug you and the other shut-down units out back through the cargo bays. After, Aloysius remotely disabled the 'Immersive Playback' function on all the other PDs - experiment completed."

I continued to stare. It had not escaped me that a critical step was missing.

"Once Sigyn-bot was retrofitted with your version of the playback module, the Wangs were fused," - here a nod to Sigyn - "and we shipped you all here."

Great. Sigyn was a Mad Scientist droid -- a rich and beautiful one, though. And as Doctor Wangkinstein, she'd warehoused her very first monster - me. I was about to point this out, but about then my lust kicked in. "Wait? Have you fucked Frisco?"

Adele looked a little abashed, but admitted, "I've fucked everybody, Tracy."

"What? Baubo? Tony the gardener?"

"All of them, Tracy. I fucked everybody."

"Huh. Can you fuck ME, now, Mistress?"

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