Daddy's girl

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My path to my full time daddy obsessed nymph...
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Porn inspired story, I enjoyed writing it, hope you enjoy the read! No anal, some minor girl on girl but otherwise straight sex. Enjoy!

I sat in front of my computer as the short porn movie finished playing. I had just finished jerking off, a regular occurrence since I was single again. I'd been married for over 20 years, I wasn't bitter about it but my ex and I had drifted apart and when our daughter left home for college, there was nothing to really keep us pretending and we split pretty amicably. My ex always had a good job so we had plenty of savings, my house was given to me by my parents when they'd won some money so when she left, she just took half the savings and called it good. Our daughter, Clara, was going to a college out of state but when the ex left, she came back and transferred her credits to a local community college. She was pretty independent; she was smart and pretty tough so I didn't feel the need to monitor her every move.

She took my marriage ending a little harder than I did, she fought with my ex for a good few months before she moved out but sided with me and wanted to stay with me. I was glad to have her home for the company, we chatted a lot and became pretty close.

Our friends were pretty supportive at first, the ex and I had a group that we both knew and separately had our own. Soon the excuses came and spending time with the grumpy, newly single guy was left off their calendars. I didn't blame them, we were mostly friends as a couple.

My sister Amber and I were good friends though, she was the biggest help to me when I was feeling down and made sure I was keeping my head up and getting on with life. One evening, her and her wife had me round for dinner at their place.

"Hey, Marcus, come on in, Amber is in the kitchen just finishing up," said Maya, my sister-in-law after giving me a hug.

"This is the wine you told me you liked, right?" I said, handing her a bottle.

"Oh, great memory. Yes, this stuff is amazing, goes so well with everything. Thank you!"

"Hey, handsome, sorry, potatoes are so close, didn't want them to burn," said Amber as she hugged me.

"No problem, I'm just thankful to not be eating a tv dinner again. Clara is on her diet kick again so is barely around for dinner," I replied.

"Hey, how has Cole been treating you?"

"Like I'm 21 and not 43, I had to ask him to dial it back a little. Having to take ice baths after a supposedly light gym session is not cool."

"You set him up with Cole?" asked Maya.

"Yes, I want my little brother to be in great shape when he decides to get himself back on the market," replied Amber.

"Oh, fuck that, I haven't dated in 25 years. I'll be staying single for a while," I said with a laugh.

"Still, I want you to be healthy, even just for Clara's sake."

"I know, I know. I appreciate it, I'm just not in the right headspace to date yet."

Amber served us all a fantastic dinner and we chatted about stuff outside my life. I had one glass of the wine with dinner since I was driving but Maya and Amber finished the bottle between them and got through another 2 bottles. They were getting a little frisky with each other so I got myself ready to leave.

"Before you go, my love. I have something for you. Well, is information and a pass basically," said Amber, she handed me a business card.

"What's this?" I replied, looking at it.

"So, my Neice told me, and don't you get mad at her, she told me you and Abby were very active in the bedroom and now she's gone, I worry you'll get frustrated and end up with some bitch just because she puts out."

"I'm completely sober, Sis, not a conversation you and I need to be having," I replied.

"We're both adults, don't be such a prude. Anyways, Maya's friend owns this club, is a kind of bdsm place where women go to get tied up and fucked by vetted strangers. You have to be referred; Maya vouched for you and we got you this. You pay for your membership but we took care of your first month, you can go up to 3 times a week, find some hottie with her ass sticking out, get your release then just leave. You've seen those porn videos, Czech glory holes right?"

"Maybe, I..." I could feel my face going red.

"That's a yes, if you don't like it, don't renew but please, give it a try."

"This is crazy, my sister is sending me to a brothel," I said, laughing.

"It's not a brothel, I promise. The women are all screened, they're women and girls who have certain sex addictions and want to be used anonymously. Amber and I went for a tour, my friend had the idea and we got to see behind the scenes. You can choose to turn on a monitor as you take a girl to watch her face or you can leave it off and just enjoy it. The memberships, pay for its upkeep but the girls are not paid and you're not paying for sex," said Maya.

"Fine, I'll go just to keep you happy. Thank you, I guess," I said with a laugh.

"I love you and just want to see you happy, you are the only one that stuck by me when Maya and I found each other and I'll never forget that," said Amber.

"And I told you that you don't need to keep thanking me for doing what is right. I love you too, Amber," I replied.

"Let me get this one to bed before she starts getting all weepy on me, goodnight, Marcus," said Maya.

I hugged them both then let myself out. I thought about the card the whole way home, she was right, sex life with my ex was definitely on the very frequent scale, not so much towards the end but we both had high sex drives. I'd been making do with jerking off but the thought of a hot woman who just wanted me to fuck her, had me getting hard as drove. I laughed out loud too, had I seen those videos? Oh yes, more than a few times.

I was asked to attend a meeting when I finally built up the courage to call the number on the card. Maya's friend, Janice, was stunning and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek when I walked in. The building itself was very unassuming, from the outside it just looked like a regular nightclub but its basement was where all the fun happened. I was led through to a quiet lounge where I was handed a glass of water.

"Well, thank you for coming, Maya told me you are good people but remind me how she knows you," said Janice.

"She's my sister-in-law, married to my sister, Amber," I replied.

"Oh, that's right. Sorry, stresses of the club have my head in the clouds today. My whole video system went down when my network guy decided to quit and I'm scrambling to figure out the system. Sorry, I'm venting again, your medical screen came back clean so that's great. I just have a few rules, mostly for the girl's protection but I know I won't have a problem with you, I have to tell everyone. My club is this, what you see here in this lounge. I also host a few women who enjoy certain things that our prudish society would judge them for and here they can indulge without that fear. My rules are very simple, break them and you're out, no warnings, just gone. Discretion is my number one priority, post about this place on social media or anything and you're gone. I want you to relax and enjoy a drink but I don't allow you to go downstairs if you've had a drink, no exceptions. You will treat the girls with respect, if you turn a monitor on and you see it's a neighbor or someone you know, pick another booth and forget about who you saw. If I hear of any of my girls being contacted outside here in any way, membership revoked. In short, don't be a dick and we'll get on great. Any questions?" she said.

"What's the issue with your video system, I'm a systems administrator, I'd be happy to take a look unless you've hired someone else," I replied.

"Oh, I meant about the rules but are you serious? Maya sent me a computer guy?"

"Well, not on purpose, she wouldn't have known you have issues."

"True," Janice said with a laugh.

"Well, I do freelance consultant work mostly, let me take a look, I won't invoice you if I can't fix it."

"That would be amazing."

Janice led me downstairs to their server room but It didn't take me long to find the problem when she logged in with her account.

"So, I'm guessing the video stopped working when you disabled your guy's account, not when he actually quit right?" I said.

"I'm not really sure," replied Janice.

"This will take me 5 minutes to fix, can you get me a pen and paper please?"

I was logging out of the system by the time she returned.

"You're done already or is there a bigger issue?" she asked, handing me the pen and paper.

"I'm done," I replied.

I wrote down the password for the account I'd activated and handed it to her. She got a text from her floor manager that video was working again.

"What did you do, they said it's working now!" she said, grinning.

"It's a common mistake, he set the video service to run under his account, not a service account so when you rightfully disabled his account, it killed the video. Your log in stays the same, that is a separate account for the video so it can run if your account gets locked or something," I replied.

"I know a little computer stuff but I wouldn't have thought of that! How much do I owe you?"

"Just a thank you. I'd feel bad billing you for my minimum when it was that simple. We can call it a gesture of good will."

"Well, I'm going to return that gesture. Usually, I'd have a waiting period for new members but if you like, I'll let you visit our private area with one of my herbal viagra as a special reward."

"Uh, sure."

"Your medical stated you had a vasectomy?"

"Yea, my ex-wife had a really horrible pregnancy and at the time it was the better move for her. Her friend got really heavy after a hysterectomy and it freaked her out, she was to be my forever partner so I got the snip to keep our bedroom fun the way we liked."

"Well, I have girls that like to eat cream-pies so you'll make them happy too. I'm going to greet a new member; Alison here will take you to the showers. He's VIP, Alison, please give him one of my pills. Thank you again, Marcus, we'll talk more when you come for a drink after."

She kissed me on the cheek again then Alison, a very pretty brunette wearing just lingerie, led me to a shower and handed me a towel and a robe. She showed me my locker and handed me a masquerade mask.

"These are optional, most of our guests wear them though. Down here, we prefer you didn't chat, save that for the lounge. The girls are here to get fucked, some are nympho's looking for a fix, some just want dick without the hassle of relationships or dating but if her light is on, she's wet and ready," said Alison.

I showered then changed into the robe and decided I'd wear the mask. It covered all but my mouth but I figured if everyone was wearing one, I'd rather fit in. Alison was waiting for me with a glass of water and a little pill, I never had a problem getting it up but if it made me last longer, I was happy to take it. She led me to a dimly lit room that was like a nicer version of the porn it was copying. I counted 6 little stations, each with a woman either on her back on a bench or bending over on the bench. One guy was already using one station, a girl with her legs strapped open and he was fucking her pretty hard as he watched her face on the monitor. Alison took my robe from me and explained the room.

"So, if any of the screens have an 'A' on it, it means the girl is fine with anal. Lube is over there. If you need to get hard again, glory holes are right there. If you just want a blow job, that's fine too. I'll be right outside if you have any questions," she said then walked away.

I looked at the 5 open stations. Only 2 had A's on the monitor but I wasn't looking for that my first time. The girls all looked nice from what I could see of them, the 3 that were ass up had really nice asses and all of them had shaved or waxed pussies. I was a little nervous so I walked over and put my cock into one of the glory holes. It didn't take long for a mouth to take me. I'd not been with a woman for probably over a year at that point, Abby stopped sleeping with me when we spoke of divorce and I didn't cheat. Feeling a warm mouth engulf my cock felt amazing. She licked and sucked me as she fondled my balls and she soon had me pretty hard. She kissed the tip of my cock and I pulled away from the hole. I picked one of the girls who was face down, her ass looked amazing and she had a really pretty pussy that was glistening with her juices already. The other guy in the room was already finished, he discarded his condom as he walked away and a girl came into the room to help her from the straps then she went into her hole in the wall.

I rubbed the girl's pussy with my cock a few times to coat my cock, she opened her legs a little more and pushed her ass out a bit more. I entered her slowly, getting deeper with each thrust until she had all 7 inches of my thick cock inside her. I could hear her moan a little when I started to thrust, I know I'm not huge but I'm pretty thick and Abby told me she did love my cock. I held on to the girl's waist as I increased my pace. She felt amazing, wonderfully tight and her pussy seemed to grip my cock with each thrust. I suspect the surreal nature of what I was doing helped but I lasted longer than I expected to. The pill may have had something to do with it too but by the time I was close, both me and the girl had a nice sheen of sweat on us and I'd felt her climax a few times. I gave her a few more deep thrusts then groaned as I came, holding deep inside her as I sprayed her pussy with cum. I stayed inside her as I caught my breath. I thought about the monitor but I couldn't help feeling guilty. I knew she was willing, she wouldn't have been there otherwise but I essentially used her pussy to get off. I pulled out of the girl and got a bottle of water from the little fridge, I was still hard but I needed a rest.

The girl I'd just fucked was taken into her booth by one of the support staff I guess you could call them and her window was closed for a little. I put my cock into one of the glory hole windows and felt my cock being cleaned by a very enthusiastic mouth. Once I'd caught my breath, I pulled my cock away from the glory hole then picked one of the other girls. My second was a girl on her back, she had her legs open and held up by straps. She was slowly playing with her pussy until she felt my hand on her inner thigh then took them into her area. My guilt soon left me, pushing into the second girl felt so good, she was tight like the first girl and I could hear her moan as I began to thrust. When I felt her cum the first time, I decided I wanted to see her face and turned on the monitor. I wasn't disappointed, the camera showed her face from her chest up and she was very pretty. She also looked about the same age as my daughter but was clearly enjoying my efforts. Watching her pinch her nipples when she came again set me off and I pushed deep into her as I sprayed what seed I had left inside the girl. I finally went soft too, I pulled out of the girl then went to find Alison to get my robe. She smiled at me as I approached her.

"Most guys get really shy after, like they're embarrassed to be naked in front of another woman," she said, handing me my robe.

"I'm a bit of a naturist I suppose, until my daughter was older, my wife and I would walk around naked. Being nude doesn't bother me," I replied.

"Well, Janice would like you to have a drink with her in the lounge once you're showered. I'll take you upstairs when you're ready."

Watching Alison's ass as she led me upstairs actually had my cock getting hard again but I ignored it and sat at the table with Janice.

"Thank you, Alison. I hope you had a nice time, Marcus," she said with a smile.

"I did, thank you," I replied.

"This is one of our quieter nights but you can choose 3 days a week. My girls enjoyed you and getting to enjoy a man without condoms is always a treat for them. We'll have a wristband ready for you for future visits, it lets our support people know you are clean and vasectomy safe. We insist on regular testing, as we insist our girls do too."

"I don't have a problem with that."

I became a little addicted to the club. I made a point of working out on my off days and even the personal trainer my sister had set me up with was impressed. I didn't tell him why I wanted to build my stamina up but he didn't ask.

The cameras didn't last long, it just took one asshole trying to harass a girl he recognized and all the monitors and cameras went away, at least for the guys. I didn't care, I rarely turned them on, seen the club as a place to empty my balls into a willing slut without the trouble of dating and I just enjoyed myself. I managed to find a few favorites too. One girl had a tattoo on her lower back, pretty sure it was just henna but I didn't care. It said "Daddy's Slut" in fancy writing, I laughed at the irony but her pussy felt amazing and I loved hearing her moans. Another girl I liked just had a fantastic ass and the moans and gasps she made as I fucked her always turned me on.

A few months later, I got home from a pretty shitty computer job. One of my staff really messed up an install and it took me hours to fix while a pretty angry client bitched me out the whole time. I got why he was mad but I was not amused that he took it out on me. When I got home, Clara was sitting in the kitchen with her friend. She had her t-shirt off and sitting on the table in front of her but her breasts were on full display.

"Shouldn't you be doing that in your room young lady?" I said to her, trying not to look.

Clara just looked at me and seemed confused.

"Uh, yea, sorry," she said and put her shirt on quickly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap, really shitty day."

"You're fine, can I get you a drink?"

"No, I'm going to shower then sit in the hot tub for a bit."

"Jen is leaving, okay to join you?"

"Sure, but not topless," I said with a grin.

Clara came out to the hot tub after I'd soaked for a little. I had the jets going and I was beginning to relax. Thankfully she was in one of her more modest bikinis, it showed a lot of skin, sure but it at least covered her breasts and wasn't see through.

"Feeling better now, Daddy?" she said as she got in.

"Yea. Why were you sitting topless earlier anyways? Our garage door isn't exactly quiet, you must have heard me coming," I replied.

"Jen kind of dared me, we wanted to see your face."

"You're my daughter, Clara, really not appropriate."

"Um, okay. Sorry."

"I'm not upset, I will take that drink if you're still offering."


I managed to relax enough to enjoy my drink, Clara asked to snuggle with me as we watched a movie and I enjoyed that. Draining my balls into a woman in the club was nice but the closeness and intimacy of cuddling was something I'd missed. I was spooning Clara on the couch, she'd pulled my arm round her and was leaning back onto me.

"This movie is boring me but I'm enjoying our cuddles, can I just snuggle into you?" she said after a while.

"It does kinda suck doesn't it. Sure, this is nice," I replied.

She turned around to face me and laid half on me with her head on my shoulder. I had dozed off too and to my horror, I felt my cock had gotten hard and was pressing against Clara. She had turned around to face away from me again and my cock was nestled between her ass cheeks so there was no way she couldn't feel it. She'd pulled my arm around her too and my hand was resting on her firm breast. She groaned when I pulled away.

"Sorry, I fell asleep, I should go to bed," I said to her.

"Do you want me to take care of this?" she said, pushing her ass back to my erection.

"That, uh, is a little innapropriate my dear, can you please get up."

She sat up and gave me a pretty confused look then went to her room.