Daddy's Girl Ch. 04

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Coming back to normality.... with decisions to make.
9.1k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/03/2022
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The five parts of this story will be published over the Summer but due to my other commitments there may be a longer gap than usual between chapters, just so you are aware.

I would strongly suggest that you read parts 1, 2 & 3, if you haven't already, to fully understand the characters and storyline.

Constructive comments and criticism are welcome. It's always nice to know what's good and what's not so good about your work.

However, trolling hateful comments will be deleted.

Remember it is just a story.




Chapter 10 -- What next?

Shafts of bright sunlight were piercing the shutters and filtering into the room when a small warm body clambered into the bed alongside Lucy and woke her the next morning.

"Hello sweetheart." She turned onto her side, opening her eyes, and whispered as Jessica cuddled up to her.

"Lucy. Did you have a sleepover with daddy?" The precocious three-year-old asked wide-eyed.

Lucy laughed softly at the innocence of the question, "Yes honey, I guess I did."

The small child giggled and snuggled in against her.

Alongside them Danny opened his eyes and grinned, "Morning girls."

"Daddy." His daughter clambered over Lucy and into his arms, "I'm hungry."

"Then we had better go and get some breakfast hadn't we." He tickled Jessica and climbed out of bed with her before turning back to Lucy, "Are you coming with us?"

"Try and stop me. After last night I'm absolutely starving." She blushed as she realised what she had said, "But I had better go and get myself showered and changed first."

"Ten minutes?" he suggested.


Quickly slipping into her clothes as Danny went to get his daughter dressed and take his own shower, Lucy opened the door and bumped straight into Marjorie. The older woman and her husband were strolling by clearly heading for breakfast as well.

"Good morning." Marjorie grinned at her knowingly, "Have a good night last night?"

"Oh, I err.... morning." Lucy turned a vivid shade of crimson.

"Enjoy it while you can sweetheart. I would if I was thirty years younger."

She took her husband's arm, smiling back at the embarrassed brunette, as they walked away leaving a totally mortified Lucy to dash back to her own room.

Stripping off she dived into the shower and closed her eyes as the warm water cascaded over her body. Letting herself drift back to the memory of last night; laying in Danny's arms, making love and just being with him, sent a shiver of delight through her.

She wasn't very experienced when it came to men, she had only had three lovers before Danny, and none of them had ever made her climax during intercourse, not even Jason. But now, after last night, she knew she wanted more and she wanted it with the man she was head over heels in love with.

Quickly drying herself she pulled on her leopard print bikini, slipping on a short beach dress over the top, before putting her long dark hair up on top of her head in a messy bun.

Fifteen minutes later, satisfied she was ready, she emerged from her room, her hair still damp, to find Danny and Jess waiting outside for her so the three of them could head off to have breakfast together.

Walking in to the restaurant holding Danny's hand she could feel everyone's eyes on them.

"Everyone's looking at us." She whispered to him, her cheeks colouring.

He chuckled and gently squeezed her fingers, "They can't believe that someone like me is lucky enough to be holding hands with someone as gorgeous as you."

"I wish."

Lucy giggled and blushed a deeper shade of scarlet, flattered by the compliment. Despite his words she kept her head down as they found themselves a table and then went to the buffet to collect their food.

"What would you like to do today?" Danny asked her, making the assumption they would be spending the day together, once they had all sat down.

"I don't mind. What would you like to do Jess?" She avoided answering the question and asked the little girl instead.

"Beach!" Jessica declared after thinking about it, "I want to go to the beach again."

"Ok, the beach it is then." Danny declared.

"Am I invited to?"

"Sorry I just presumed. Would you like to come with us?" He turned to Lucy apologetically.

"Just try to stop me." She grinned and winked at Jess, a delicious feeling of warmth spreading through her at his assumption they would spend the day together.

After they had eaten, they went back to the rooms and collected their towels and anything else they needed before strolling down through the village. Lucy's pulse quickening as it always did when Danny took hold of her hand during the short walk.

They had just put their towels down on the sand when Lucy decided she had to reveal how she felt.

"Danny... I need to tell..."

"Can we go on a boat daddy?" Jess interrupted her staring at the pedaloes lined up on the edge of the water.

"What do you think? Fancy it?" He gave Lucy a cheeky smile.

"Sure. Why not." She sighed with frustration and grinned back at him, "It looks like fun."

"But first you have to have your sun cream on sweetheart. Ok?" She crouched down and spoke to Jessica.

"Ok, Mummy." The three-year-old agreed happily as Danny rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Sorry." He mouthed silently to a grinning Lucy.

She shook her head and smiled back at him, "It's ok I really don't mind."

After Jess was done Lucy lay on her towel and untied her bikini top, "Will you do my back please Danny?"

Pouring some lotion onto his hands he began to massage it in to her soft skin, starting at her shoulders and working his way down her back as she sighed with pleasure at the feel of his hands on her.

Wanting to tease him she shifted slightly as he rubbed down her sides so his fingers came into contact with the swell of her breast, noting with interest that he didn't jerk his hand away this time, as he had done on the previous occasion. Enjoying his touch, she raised her body slightly and was rewarded by his hand slipping under her to fondle her bare breast for a few brief seconds.

She gasped as he added a little more of the cold cream onto her lower back, relaxing again when he began to rub the lotion in, his hands stroking gently all the way down to her skimpy bikini bottoms. His fingers teasing under the edges of the small scrap of material, making her squirm at his touch and shudder with lust.

"That was very nice. Shall I do yours?"

Lucy giggled noticing the bulge that had begun to tent out the front of his shorts.

"Err... yeah sure."

"Anyway, it might be better if you lay on your front for a bit."

Chuckling in his ear she made him blush as she started to massage the sunscreen into his muscled back. Letting her hands caress him sensuously she made sure she traced her finger along the length of his scar, again wondering exactly how he had got it.

She could have spent an hour running her hands over his body but they had to take Jess on her boat trip so she finished as quickly as she could.

"Done." She declared wiping her fingers on her towel.

"Let's go then." Danny scooped up his daughter and took hold of Lucy's hand.

A few minutes later the two adults started pedalling away from the beach as an overjoyed Jessica sat between them. With her water wings on she was peering into the clear sea looking for fish and chattering constantly, clearly loving her 'boat' trip.

It was almost an hour later when Danny and Lucy staggered back up the beach and collapsed, exhausted, on their towels after returning their pedalo.

"Enjoy that?" Danny asked, rolling onto his side and gazing at the brunette laying next to him.

Lucy chuckled, "Yes, but my legs will ache tomorrow,"

"I reckon we deserve a beer then. What do you think?"

He enquired, pushing himself onto his elbow and looking into her eyes before leaning towards her and kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Perfect." She agreed, staring back at him as once again her heart started to beat faster.

"Watch Jess for me then."

Getting to his feet he headed off towards the nearby café.

Ten minutes later he was back from the beach bar with two ice cold beers and a juice for Jessica.

"You were going to say something to me earlier?" he asked handing her a bottle.

"Oh... err... it was... umm... nothing." Lucy could feel her stomach churn and her heart thud against her ribs as she recoiled from telling him how she felt about him.

'What if he laughed and told her she was being stupid?'

'Worse, what if he told her he didn't have feelings for her?'

Both of those thoughts caused her stomach to knot with fear.

"Ok. No problem."

Danny flopped onto his towel and took a swallow from his own beer contemplating on how he could relay how he felt to the gorgeous girl next to him. A girl who wasn't interested in anything more than having a good time while she was on holiday.

Studying him as the two of them enjoyed their drinks, Lucy wondered if the issues of the last 36 hours and her date with Yanni had been totally forgotten.

She decided she still wasn't sure.

"I want you to know nothing happened with Yanni." Lucy said quietly as they watched Jessica digging happily in the sand, "He kissed me and.... and then I said no."

Danny turned to face her, his expression solemn, "It's none of my business. You told me you are off men and relationships and just here to have a good time. Remember?"

He didn't continue afraid he would say too much and confess how he felt about her.

"I just wanted you to know that.... well, that I'm not the sort of girl who would just..... well, you know what I mean."

Grinning he took her hand and stared into her eyes, starting her heart thumping against her ribs, "I know you're not. I'm sorry I just got a bit worried for Jessica's sake."

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, you must realise that?"

"Yeah, I know you wouldn't."

"Daddy!" A forlorn wail from Jess, as she presided over another collapsed sand tower, diverted their attention from the conversation and had them both hurrying to help her.

The rest of the morning was spent building a sand castle with Jessica until, when it was finally completed, Danny suggested they adjourn to the cafe for something to eat.

Picking up his daughter he took hold of Lucy's hand, sending a warm tingle through her, as the three of them headed back up to the beach bar.

She knew men were looking at her in her skimpy costume but, to her surprise, she realised she didn't care; she was with Danny and Jessica and only one thing was spoiling her happiness. She had to tell him how she felt about him, and Jessica, even though he had told her his only priority was his daughter.

Waiting for their food to arrive Danny sat across from the gorgeous brunette struggling to believe what had happened last night. He was in love with her, he knew that, and despite the fact she had made it clear she wasn't interested in a relationship he knew he somehow had to take a chance and tell her.

'What if she laughed and told him he was just being foolish?'

'What if she told him she didn't have any feelings for him and he was just a holiday fling?'

Biting back the urge to confess to her he changed the subject, waiting for the right time to speak.

"What shall we do this afternoon?" he asked when the waiter brought the burgers and chips they had ordered.

"I'm happy here. What about you Jess?" Lucy lifted the little girl onto her lap so she could reach her plate properly.

"Stay with you mummy." she told her between chips making her father roll his eyes with hopelessness again.

"Oh, sweetie." She cuddled the little girl to her as a lump came to her throat, "Let's get ice-cream after we've eaten and go back to the beach then."

The three-year-old's eyes lit up at the mention of ice-cream and once their lunch was finished the three of them found themselves standing around the freezer cabinet selecting the flavour they wanted.

Lucy was holding Jessica's hand as the two of them discussed the various ice-creams and decided which one they wanted.

"How about pineapple?" The brunette suggested.

"Can I have strawberry?

"Of course you can poppet."

"And I'll try the mango and passion fruit."

Standing back slightly Danny listened to the conversation and took in what was simply a family moment. It was something he had never had with Stephanie and it sent a warm feeling of contentment through him.

It was quickly over though and they were soon walking back to their towels, cones in hand.

For the next couple of hours, they played in the sea, Jess shrieking with glee as she splashed the two grown-ups, dug holes in the sand and generally enjoyed the last day of their holiday.

"I'd better take her back for a sleep." Danny said after a while, "She'll never stay up tonight otherwise."

As usual they headed back to the apartments at around three so that Jess could have her customary nap.

Collecting their things he took Lucy's hand again, feeling her fingers entwine with his, as they strolled back. It all felt so natural to both of them and she wondered once more how she was going to explain her feelings to him.

"Dinner later? It is our last night after all." Danny suggested hopefully when they got back to their rooms, "Unless you have made other plans of course."

"No, no other plans." She stared into his eyes, "And yes I'd love to but only if you want to."

He smiled broadly, "I want to. Meet you at six?"

"Six o'clock it is." She agreed and headed off to find a sun lounger.

Watching her peel off her beach dress he couldn't help but feel aroused at the sight of her bikini clad body as she lay back and opened her book to start reading. He was just about to turn away when he noticed Yanni sitting at the bar, his eyes glued to Lucy.

"Daddy." His daughter pulled on his hand and, reluctantly, he turned away to put her down for her nap.

Once she was settled, he lay back on his own bed and turned his mind to the question of Lucy and how he was going to tell her that he was in love with her.

She had made it plain that she wasn't looking for anything more than to have some fun while she was on holiday. Her going on a date with the Greek had made that perfectly clear to him.

'How was he going to tell her?'

'What if she rejected him and laughed at his stupidity?'

'How would Jess react if she never saw Lucy again?'

'Perhaps she would have preferred to be having dinner with the Greek?'

He closed his eyes and lay back letting the multitude of thoughts flood through his brain.


Danny stood on his patio gazing out across the pool.

Putting her book down Lucy pushed herself up off of the sun lounger and glanced across to the bar.

Raising his glass and smiling Yanni saluted her.

She nodded back to him and, not bothering to put on her sun dress, made her way up to the bar in just her rather skimpy leopard print bikini.

"Hey Lucy." Yanni smirked lasciviously at her, his eyes scanning up and down her barely clad body, "Can I get you a drink?"

"Sure, that sounds great." She returned the smile and slid up onto the stool next to him, "I'll have the same as you."

Taking an ice-cold bottle from the barman he handed it across to her.

"Thanks." She crossed her long legs and, taking a sip, she batted her eyelashes suggestively at him.

"Are you going home tomorrow?"

"Unfortunately, I am. Back to reality." She put on a sad face, and took another mouthful of her drink.

"That's a pity I was really hoping to get to know you better. I don't suppose you want to have dinner with me tonight?"

"I can't tonight. I've already arranged to have dinner with someone."

"Ah I see. Your friend with the little girl perhaps?" he looked at her questioningly.

Lucy stared back at him, "Yes, as a matter of fact."

"Are you and he?" Yanni raised an eyebrow.

"No. I'm just here to have a good time. The last thing I want is a boyfriend." She snorted derisively and took another mouthful of her drink, "I just want to have the fun without all the hassle that you get with a relationship."

"Yammas." The Greek grinned knowingly at her and slowly raised his beer bottle to his lips.

"Yammas." She lifted her own bottle and returned the salutation.

For the next few minutes, he eyed Lucy hungrily, almost as if he was a lion stalking a lone impala while the pair of them finished their beer.

"Another?" he offered as she put the empty bottle down on the counter.

"Ummm... no thanks, I think I'll go back to my room. Take a shower and think about getting ready."

Slipping off the stool she started to walk away, her hips swinging sexily, before pausing and turning back towards him, fluttering her long eyelashes invitingly.

"Are you coming?"

"Sure." He grinned and stepped down, slipping his arm about her waist as he started to walk back to her apartment with her.

She didn't bother to collect her things, instead she headed straight back to her room in just the two tiny scraps of material she had on. All the way there Yanni left his hand on her hip, his fingers lightly stroking her bare flesh.

"Are you coming in?" she opened the door and looked back at the Greek enticingly.

"Of course."

Yanni smirked and stepped past her into the interior letting her close the door behind them.

Stepping into his arms she turned her face up to his, accepting his mouth against hers in a long deep kiss, her arms encircling his neck and her eyes closing. She offered no resistance to him, letting his hands wander over her bare flesh as their mouths pressed together, tongues twirling against each other.

Eventually wrapping his arms around her she felt his fingers untying her top; first at the neck then behind her back, before pulling it away to expose her small firm breasts to his fingers.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh..... fuck!"

Pinching her sensitive nipples Yanni quickly teased them into firm points making Lucy shiver and moan with delight as she clung to him, burying her face in his neck.

Slowly he continued, kissing down her neck, his mouth moving lower at the same pace as his hands, his fingers sliding across her flat stomach reaching for the ties securing her bikini bottoms. Pulling the strings apart the scrap of material that was barely covering her sex dropped to the floor around her feet.

"Oh.... Fuck..... I want you." She groaned, her legs parting slightly as the Greek's probing fingers found her wet pussy.

Standing outside the window Danny stared, feeling sick to his stomach, unable to tear his eyes away as he watched the erotic scene unfold in front of him. She clearly hadn't lied to him when she had said she wasn't looking for a relationship and that she was just here for a good time.

Inside Lucy went up onto her toes, her legs parting, as Yanni pressed a finger between her delicate folds, slipping it in to her juicy slit, while his mouth found her breast, suckling greedily on one of her hard nubs.

"Uhhh.... Yes... yes...." She responded to the things he was doing, her body squirming in his grip as the sensations quickly built inside her.

Unbuttoning his shirt, she pushed it back off his arms before reaching for his shorts, her fingers fumbling at the buttons then dragging it down to free his hard cock into her small soft hand. Kicking his feet free of his pants when they puddled on the floor, Yanni guided Lucy back onto the bed, his body looming over hers, as he eased his glistening digits out of her dripping quim.

"Fuck me.... please.... I want you to fuck me." She whispered breaking Danny's heart into a million pieces as he watched, totally transfixed, from the window.