Daddy's Girls Ch. 01


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It was impossible for Dallas not to notice.

The girl shifted subtly, causing Reuben to moan as she rubbed her bottom against his erection.

In response, the older man grinded his crotch into her bottom as his hands, which had been wrapped around her protectively, began hungrily groping Dallas' tight body... her breasts... her hips... and her thighs. Reuben sighed as he nuzzled her neck and shoulders and Dallas, in turn, exhaled softly and lay her head atop his. They continued the façade of watching the movie, neither speaking as they simply rubbed and touched each other.

Dallas knew that her father wanted more but was too nervous to ask, despite the fact they had been naked for days and took turns sleeping in each other's bed together. The girl shifted again so that she was still seated on Reuben's lap, but facing away from him. Now in a reverse cowgirl position, she pinned his penis along her rear crease and gently glided her bottom against its underside.

As if that didn't give her father enough physical stimulation, Dallas took his large meaty hands and placed them onto her breasts. "Mmm.... I love it when you put your hands on me, Daddy. Especially on my tits... they feel so good there."

"Fuck, you have no idea how crazy it makes me to hear you say that."

Feeling his daughter's ass grinding into his cock as he fondled her breasts was the best of both worlds. It reminded him of the lap dance Dakota had given him, and he wondered if his daughters were comparing notes. However, Reuben had spoken the truth when he expressed that touching her was as good as sex.

But Dallas knew that her father wanted to sleep with her, just like he had slept with her twin sister. She desperately wanted to make him happy, but could still not admit that she wanted to have sex with him, too. She simply wasn't as free-spirited as Dakota. Still, things were heating up between her and her father in a way that felt different and profound, and Dallas didn't want to lose the moment.

She decided to get creative.

Reuben released his daughter as she twisted away from him. But instead of abandoning him as he feared, the girl spun to her knees and inserted his erection between her breasts, much to his astonishment. What is she doing?

Dallas herself admitted that she didn't have the largest breasts in the world. At 34B, they were less than a handful for her father's enormous hands, and barely a mouthful for previous boyfriends. But that didn't deter the young girl.

She pressed her breasts together against her father's penis then gave him a curt nod.

Reuben did not need any verbal instructions; he merely leaned back on his elbows and began pumping his hips, effectively sliding the flat of his erection, which was sandwiched between his daughter's tits, against her chest.

As with all things sexual, the older man started slow at first to pace himself. But the unique and blissful sensation between his legs spurred Reuben to quickly work himself into a frenzy. Soon, the man was grunting as he fucked his daughter's breasts zealously as if they were her mouth or pussy. He was thrusting so fast now that the friction would've literally burned Dallas' skin had she not let a copious amount of salvia pour from her mouth to provide lubrication.

"Dear god, Dallas. What are you doing to me?"

"Making you happy, I hope."

"Fuck, Little Babe... Daddy's never been tittyfucked before... your titties feel so good... so fucking good... omigod, Little Babe..."

Dallas grinned impishly as she remained on her knees before her father, remaining motionless while continuing to squeeze her breasts together. In stark contrast, Reuben's hips were a blur. And the visual of his cock sandwich between his daughter's perfect tits only enhanced his pleasure.

And hers.

It was a serious moment between the two, and while Dallas knew that her father's words were well-intentioned and uttered in the heat of the moment, they, along with his euphoric expression and tone, came across as hilarious. Reuben stopped and appeared taken aback as she began to chuckle. At first, the girl feared that she had offended her father, but a silly boyish grin spread across his weathered face.

They laughed together, and Reuben pressed his forehead to his daughter's in a gesture of affection. "You're something else, Dallas, you know that? You and your sister."

The girl's eyes fell from her Reuben's down to his manhood, which she still had sandwich between her breasts. The cockhead was below her chin, leaking and emanating the familiar, manly scent of semen. Having her father's penis so close to her lips suddenly made her mouth water.

"Do you want a blowjob?" she asked quietly.

To her surprise, Reuben shook his head emphatically. "I can't, Dallas. We've already done so many crazy things together... I don't want to cross that line. You have your limits, and I need to respect them. Just letting me touch you... and having you touch me in that special, wonderful way that you do... is more than enough."

Dallas was genuinely touched that her father declined her offer, and it only served to want to make him happy even more.

She decided to get even more creative.

Bowing her head slightly, she slowly licked the head of her father's penis.

"Dear god, Dallas!"

"Keep fucking your Little Babe's titties, Daddy."


"Do it.

The girl opened her mouth and protruded her tongue, letting her father's cockhead slide over it at the apex of each thrust. His precum was already tasting awfully thick and salty! The added sensation had him howling, and it made Dallas proud of herself.

Dallas licked him several times before she changed her tactics yet again, and sucked on her father's cockhead each time it appeared above her breasts. It was like an obscene game of cat and mouse as the girl would try to suck on the tip of the penis before Reuben retracted, only for it to appear a split second later. Back and for the pair went, with Dallas sucking and slurping as the older man poked into her mouth.

Deciding that they had teased each other long enough, Dallas released her breasts and took her father further into her mouth without warning. Reuben immediately bolted to his feet, rolled his head backwards, and moaned all in one motion. The cock felt impossibly more immense as the young girl struggled.

Reuben watched Dallas attempt to ingest his erection. Unlike his other daughter, this one was clearly not adept at giving blowjobs, and that was very endearing. Dallas was doing this as an act of love, and it made Reuben despise himself.

The man was simply too mesmerized at the sight of his cock wedged about a quarter of the way down his daughter's throat to resist.

The way Dallas gagged and gurgled as she struggled... the way her pouty lips were wrapped around his cock... the way her head inched incrementally forward...

She's so sexy in her innocence... so beautiful... No! He corrected himself. My DAUGHTERS are so beautiful.

Reuben fought the urge to palm Dallas's head between his hands and shove his cock down her throat, much like he had done with Dakota. But Dallas was not Dakota, and he forced himself to control his baser instincts. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt either of the twins, so he remained still to allow Dallas to maintain control.

Still, he felt compelled to coax and encourage her with some dirty talk.

"That's it, Little Babe... that's it. Just like that. Mmm... you're so good to Daddy. Nice and easy... slowly... good. Now take Daddy's cock just a little bit deeper... slowly... yes, just like that... right there. Ah, that's it, Little Babe. Right there... right there..."

Reuben felt profound love for his daughter as she swallowed over half of his manhood. Her hair had fallen over eyes as she continued to suck him, and he affectionately brushed it aside and pinned it behind one ear. Somehow, Dallas managed to look nasty and angelic as she blew him, and it made his pelvic muscles spasm mightily to the point where he knew he was about to cum.

He patted her shoulder in alarm. "Dallas," he croaked in alarm. "Stop, I'm about to cum."

The girl was definitely not ready to swallow her father's semen, so she did the next best thing: she pointed his erection at her breasts and stroked it madly. "Cum on my titties, Daddy, just like you came all over my ass. Do it, Daddy... do it for your Little Babe!"

"OH FUCK...."

Dallas cackled gleefully as she watched Reuben's penis erupt. His semen discharged onto her with such force that each impact feeling as though she was being jabbed by a fingertip. Her breasts and belly were a canvas, and she stared at the artwork that her father was painting on her with his sperm. His stuff was oozing all over her skin, and it pleasantly felt as though she was being wrapped in a thick, warm cocoon.

However, Reuben's cum quickly began to congeal and crust, giving Dallas the odd but pleasant sensation that she had grown a new layer of skin. The stuff smelled pungent but aromatic, and she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. The aroma was intoxicating.

When Dallas finally opened her eyes, she discovered that her father was staring at her with tears in his own eyes. There were no sexual overtones when he spoke.

"I love you, Dallas."

"I love you, Dad."


Following 2 more days of lounging around the house naked, sleeping nude in other's bed, and being unable to keep their hands off each other, Friday night finally arrived.

Reuben whistled a happy tune as he adjusted his tie. He couldn't believe that his own daughter was taking him on a date to the finest steakhouse in the city. But right now, his thoughts were totally fixated on Dallas. Right now, she was slipping on the dress that he had, among other things, bought for her during the shopping spree. He felt like a high school boy getting ready for prom... except prom was nowhere near this exciting!

The older man was waiting patiently in the living room when Dallas finally sauntered in. She was even more gorgeous than he had fantasized! The little black dress was shoulder-less and sleeveless, highlighting the girl's sleek neck, and toned shoulders and arms. The fabric was very form-fitting, and highlighted her curves in an unapologetic but flattering way, which was precisely the point of it and the reason why Reuben chose this dress. The material stretched over Dallas' breasts, hips, and ass like plastic wrap, and left little to the imagination. The top was low enough to offer a generous glimpse of cleavage, and the bottom of the dress rode dangerously high up the girl's thighs. In fact, it didn't even reach halfway down to her knees.

It took a confident female to wear this dress, and Dallas wore it very confidently.

"How do I look?" Dallas raised her arms above her head and slowly turned a full circle.

"Dallas, there aren't words in any language to describe how beautiful you look." The earnestness in Reuben's voice was genuine. Although he was proud of how the dress, he was in awe of his daughter's flawless beauty.

Dallas blushed girlishly.

"You and your sister... you look so much like your mother."

The girl understood that it was the greatest compliment her father could give, and she inclined her head gratefully. "Thank you, dad." It appeared that Reuben might cry, so Dallas tactfully changed the subject. "Are you ready to go? I can drive."

Reuben swiftly recovered. "No, that's ok. I'll drive. I want to pamper you tonight." He drank in his daughter's figure again. Ah, the beauty of youth, he thought wistfully. Then he noticed a faint outline beneath the dress, and smiled. "You're wearing the panties, too?"

The girl's expression was nonchalant. "Maybe. You'll find out later... if you're a good boy." Then turned and headed to the garage, leaving her father chuckling and shaking his head.


Reuben hadn't enjoyed a nice dinner in a very long time... not since Carolina had passed away... and it felt wonderful to be out again. Especially with his beautiful daughter who was sitting across from him and looking like a divine angel. Especially when she looked so incredibly sexy in the skimpy dress that he had personally chosen for her.

Especially when she kept rubbing his leg with her foot.

The pair received curious, sometimes even shocked and angry, stares from strangers. Clearly, some of the other patrons noticed their age difference, and it made Reuben uncomfortable. After all, it was one thing to enjoy an incestuous relationship with his beautiful daughters in the privacy of his own home, but another matter entirely to do it out in public. One slipup, especially if someone were to overhear them refer to each other as "dad" and "daughter", could lead to a LOT of uneasy questions.

Dallas, for her part, didn't seem to care. She was outwardly affectionate with Reuben, and the glares and whispers thrown their way only seemed to encourage her. In fact, the girl even referred to Reuben as her boyfriend several times, and loud enough to be overhead by everyone within earshot.

It was so unlike Dallas!

Reuben knew that she was doing it for his ego and though the glances they kept receiving made him uneasy, it made him extremely happy.

And also very, very horny.

"You're hot for me, Daddy, aren't you?" Dallas teased him quietly from across the table. "I can tell by the way you're undressing me with your eyes."

Once more, she was using that girly, playful tone that drove him crazy. "You just answered your own question, Little Babe."

Dallas looked around surreptitiously before reaching beneath the table.

"What are you---"

The girl suddenly held up the panties that she had surreptitiously removed. They were silky and black, and were also handpicked by Reuben. She held the underwear close to her body so that only Reuben could see it.

Then, without warning, the girl placed it on the table before her father, who quickly snatched it up.             

"Jeezus, Dallas!" he cried in a strangled tone. "Are you trying to get us kicked out of here? Are you trying to get me arrested?"

But Reuben's daughter smiled demurely. "The panties are my gift back to you." Her expression was so naughty and hot that the older man wanted to be bend her over the table and have sex with her right now in front of everyone. "You can put them next to the one my sister gave you."

"You're a bad, bad, girl," Reuben hissed. "Maybe I'll pin them both on my bedroom wall so I can admire them every day." He could barely contain his lust and peered at the underwear that was clutched in his fist. "They're still warm." He brought them to his nose and sniffed the fabric in a slow, drawn-out gesture. "And they smell so good."

Dallas was clearly enjoying the exchange as much as her father. Wanted to one-up him, she took her napkin and tossed it onto the floor. "Reuben," she began casually and loud enough for the surrounding tables to hear, "will you pick that up for me, please?"

"Of course."

Slightly confused, the older man bent down to retrieve the napkin.

Dallas suddenly spread her legs, and the already obscenely high bottom of the dress rode up even higher, flashing Reuben a clear view of her bare pussy. He would've been content to stare at it all night had a waiter not hurried by their table a moment later, forcing the girl to quickly cross her legs.

"Here you go, my dear." The man handed the napkin back to his daughter.

"Thank you, Reuben."

He lowered his voice. "And here I thought Dakota was the daring one."

Reuben was right; Dallas was usually not impulsive. And though it may have appeared otherwise, everything she and Dakota had planned for their father since their mother's death was well-thought out. But sometimes the best things in life occurred from an impulse, and the girl suddenly trembled as she realized how she wanted the night to end.


Reuben sensed the abrupt change in his daughter's demeanor, and asked seriously, "Dallas, what's wrong?"

"Can we pack our food to go?"

They had just ordered moments ago. "Sure. Are you ok?"

Dallas smiled tenderly, and her father was suddenly numb all over and felt as though he was floating in space. She was looking into his soul but, more importantly, she was allowing him to look into hers as well. And when she spoke, immediately understood the true meaning of her words.

"I want you to take me home."


Reuben carried his daughter over the threshold into his bedroom as if they were newlyweds on their wedding night. The air was silent save for the smacking of their lips and the beating of their hearts. The incestuous couple kissed and caressed each other passionately.

They were still murmuring into each other's lips when Reuben gently lay the girl on his bed. She felt so tiny and fragile in his embrace, yet the firmness and warmth of her young body held a power him that was only match by his other daughter. And as their tongues continued to wrestle and explore each other's mouths, Dallas placed her tiny hands on her father's thick chest and attempted to push him up into an upright position.

She was hungry to give him another blowjob.

But to the girl's surprise, Reuben resisted. His stout form was an immovable object. She was about to question her father's refusal when he took hold of the bottom of her dress and drew it up over her waist. Then he began kissing down her body... from her lips to her neck and shoulders... all over her breasts through the thin of her outfit... all over her exposed midsection and navel area...

And lower.

Reuben tenderly kissed Dallas' inner thighs then hesitated. His face was mere inches away from his daughter's vagina which glimmered with wetness while her clitoris jutted noticeably from its sheath. The older man inhaled the intoxicating scent of her daughter's sex, the same aroma that had emanated from her panties but was now twice as strong.

Reuben paused to admire the smooth vagina before giving it a long, sinuous lick.

The girl moaned and trembled beneath that delicate touch.

Reuben commenced slowly at first, licking, kissing, and gently blowing on his daughter's pussy. But he grew more heated as the girl spread even wider, and soon pressed his face between her thighs, nuzzling gently to delve his tongue in deeper. The girl cooed and squired but did not resist.

Dallas, like her twin, was a petite girl, but she possessed abnormally long legs that she draped over her father's shoulders. She was gently bumping and grinding her hips against his face now, and took his hands to place them on her breasts once more. Dallas knew that her father liked to touch them, and she savored his large, rough hands on them, too. She was especially more than happy to oblige since he was being so good to her with his tongue.

But the girl trembled again as she considered what she wanted. It was something that she had been anxiously looking forward to for most of her young life. And though it had always been about waiting for the right moment, the timing never felt as perfect as it did now.

"Dad," the girl began.

The yearning in his daughter's voice gave the man pause. "Yes, Dallas?"

"I'm still a virgin," she whispered.

Reuben's eyes widened.

"I wanted to wait for the right moment... for the right man to come along. But I've finally realized that he's been in front of me all this time."

Reuben tingled all over as he experienced an outpouring of love that nearly overwhelmed him. And while he heard his daughter's soft words clearly, he had to be sure. "Dallas, what are you saying?"