Daddy's Little Psychopath Ch. 06


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One of the men sat down and calmly, but menacingly, explained to me that my contract with the "Buyer" had now been canceled and that any further contact with the "Client" would be unhealthy for me.

I had never been more terrified! Who were these men? What did they have to do with David?! Why couldn't I just be with the man that I loved?!

I gave birth a few days later, and the same men appeared to take my child from me. In such a short time, I had lost my David and my child! I became so depressed that I could no longer eat nor sleep. David was all I could think about, and our child as well! I never even knew my own baby's name! I had always promised David that he could name him, but now I was forbidden to even hear what my own child's name was!

I spent months tearing at my walls, feeling trapped, weak and powerless. I was a Princess, but I felt like gutter trash. I did not know what to do. One day, I finally decided to take a chance and go to my David. I had to go to him and see that he was alright. I had to at least know my baby's name!

Without alerting my chaperones, I was in my sedan, and I had barely made it within a mile of the home when all of a sudden I heard a loud honk. I barely had time to react before a massive vehicle—a garbage truck—came barreling into the front of my vehicle. The next thing I knew, I was spinning, the metal in my car was growling and groaning, and the world would not sit still. When it all finally stopped, the front of the car was totaled, but there was miraculously little damage to the rest of my vehicle or myself aside from a few scrapes and bruises.

But it wasn't over quite yet.

I looked up to find a man in a black ski mask walking toward me with a crowbar in hand. I desperately struggled to free myself . . . to find some way to get away . . . but I was trapped underneath a jammed seatbelt!

The masked man walked toward me menacingly and I saw his crowbar raise and smash the side window of my car. Then he went to the front and battered the already-smashed windshield before finally breaking off the passenger's mirror. At last, the man walked to the driver's side of my car and stared down at me.

"You were warned to keep away, but you apparently didn't understand or didn't hear us clearly. So, we figured we'd make the message as clear as we could." His weapon slammed into my car door, making me yelp in terror. "If we catch you around here today, what we do to you will make what just happened to your car seem like a massage.

"Do you understand?" Before I could respond, he then said, "Wait, what am I doing? You're an Ack-med. So wait, how do I say this? Oh yeah! Hall Tauf-ham?"

I knew what he was trying to say: "hal tafham", which means "Do you understand?" in Arabic. But, he butchered the pronunciation . . . whether from his own ignorance or through intention, I do not know.

Nevertheless, I was too terror-stricken to debate it with him. "Yes, I understand!" I yelped.

"Good girl," he said, turning away. "You be safe out there, now, ya hear?"



"Oh god, David. Give it to her. Pound that pussy. Pound it so ha—"

I was so excited over the hot incestuous fucking happening right in front of me that I stuffed myown tit into my mouth without even thinking. I suckled on my nipple hungrily and sloppily as I watched my husband's tight ass rise and fall between my daughter's thighs. His cock rose and feel out of Rhonda's tight, fleshy cunt, making soft squelching and squishing noises as the load he'd dumped into her pussy earlier continued to keep her cunt moist and ready for her father.

David was grunting like an animal, his powerful groans barely drowning out Rhonda's own soft moans and murmurs. Her hands rubbed across his back and occasionally over his ass as he continued to grind into her pussy, taking his full length from hilt to tip almost every time. Ronnie was in pure heaven—that much was obvious, and David was clearly locked in primitive lust.

Even I had to admit I was enjoying this far more than I should have. My husband was right before my eyes, fucking our daughter, and all I could do was suck on my breast and finger my cunt. I'd long lost apprehension about watching them fuck, and in fact, I now begged them to do so in front of me. David was ridiculously savage when he fucked Ronnie, and I couldn't get enough of watching it. Rhonda always brought out the wild beast in David, and I shook all over when I remembered that it was our pregnant daughter that David's cock was buried into.

"Fuck her David. Fuck your baby girl. Dump your load into her!"

"Do it, Daddy," Rhonda moaned. "I want you to cum in me more."

"Of course, baby, of course. Daddy always has plenty of cum left for you."

"Ohhhh, thank you, Daddy. You know my pussy will always accept your cum. Anywhere. Anytime."

David hunched on his shoulders and really began beating into Rhonda's pussy now. Her head fell back and she screamed, and David began to shout and moan in earnest. I watched as his ass cheeks clenched and he pushed himself balls deep. His balls trembled as they piped hot jets of cum into Rhonda's waiting pussy, and bits of cum began to ooze out of her as David continued to slowly grind away, until the last of his energy dissipated.

"Thank you so much, Daddy," Rhonda cooed as she kissed David on the lips. I couldn't see their heads or faces from where I sat, but I could tell from the suckling noises that the two of them were kissing like a couple deep in love. David kissed our daughter as if she were his wife, instead of the woman seated behind them.

Finally, he broke his kiss and said, "I'm not ready to quit yet. I can still go again in your pussy, Ronnie."

"Mmmmm, later, Daddy. My pussy is just a little sore. We've been at this for, what . . . has it been three hours, Mother?"

"Um . . . f-four," I answered weakly. Suddenly, I was back to myself. Back in my right mind.

"Huh? What did you say, 'Mother'? I've been fucking your husband for four hours?"

I swallowed. "Y-Yes."

"Ah, I completely lost track of time," Rhonda said with a smirk. "Daddy fucks me so good that every moment feels like forever."

"The same is true of you, baby," David answered. "My cock just can't get enough of your pussy."

Rhonda eyed me wickedly, and suddenly, the pain all came rushing back. I once again remembered that I had not only lost David as my lover, but now I'd technically lost him as my husband. He was completely dedicated to Ronnie, now. It was amazing watching the two of them fuck . . . the chemistry and the pounding of their flesh was completely mesmerizing . . .

But this part . . . the afterglow with the kissing and the cuddling and the sweet nothings . . . this was the part that really stung. Hearing David tell Ronnie how much he loved her . . . how much he needed her . . . how lost he felt without his cock inside her . . . that was almost too much to hear. Even worse was that I knew David meant every word now. At first, he said these things in Ronnie's presence to appease her . . . but now . . .

. . . He was completely, totally brainwashed!

"Do you want me to make you breakfast in bed, Ronnie?" he asked. "You really don't need to move in your condition."

"Oh silly Daddy, please, I'm not even showing yet," she giggled. "I can make my own breakfast. I just need to run down to my lab for a little while, and I'll be back before you know it. Then, you can come and dump a whole new load into my pussy . . . or any other hole, if you prefer. It's been a while since you've done my ass, and since I'm pregnant now, there's no chance of it going to waste."

"Oh, I don't know," David said with a smirk. "There might be another one in there I haven't gotten to."

Again, Ronnie giggled. "Oh, you. What am I going to do with you?"

I swear, I wanted to vomit right then, especially when Ronnie looked me right in the eye with that same twinkle. This was what she had always wanted. This exact moment is what she'd been planning an entire decade for. It was finally within her grasp . . . her greatest dream . . .

. . . and my worst nightmare.

Ronnie slipped on a robe which did nothing to cover her body, and I could still see stream of David's cum running down the insides of her thighs. The bottom of the robe was so short that David smacked her firmly on her ass as she began walking away, and she trotted off with the largest smile she could muster.

As soon as she was gone, and we were alone in the room, David's hungry eyes turned to me.

"Like I said, I'm not done yet, and I still need some pussy."

I nodded, and my body began to move on its own. "Yes, David."



I went to the hospital after my encounter, and then to the police to report the accident. I told the officer the entire truth—that I had been hit by a garbage truck and that the driver had then approached me and assaulted me. The officer took down my entire statement before eventually telling me to speak with a detective.

"So, Ms. Hasan, you say that someone hit your car and then walked out to threaten you? Why would they do that?"

"Because I was warned to stay out of the area, but someone I care about lives there and I just wanted to visit."

The officer nodded his head and then sighed. "I see. Well, have you considered that it might be best to leave some things well enough alone, ma'am?"

I stared at the officer in confusion for a moment. "What? I don't . . . I don't understand."

"Well, I mean, perhaps this person you're trying to find don't want to be found? Maybe time you thought of that, hm?"

What was this man talking about!? Why would a policeman say these sorts of things?!

"How could I possibly know that?! I just want to speak to him to find out for myself!"

"Well, let me level with you ma'am . . . if what you're saying is true, then it seems pretty bad for your health to keep tryin' now don't it?"

"Why are you saying such things?! Why are you asking me all these questions! Aren't you supposed to help me!?"

"Well, I'd be more inclined to help you if I thought I could believe your story, ma'am. But come on! This is all a bit far-fetched, don't you think?! Your car gets totaled on the way to meet some guy you bumped uglies with, some guy in a mask assaults you, and then you come in here looking for us to investigate something so flimsy? I mean, for all I know, you made the whole thing up just to try and get out of admitting you're a lousy driver."

I blinked once, and then my brow narrowed. "I never told you that I had been intimate with the person I was looking for. I only said that I went to see someone I 'cared about'."

The detective continued to look at me for several moments with a blank, emotionless stare. He didn't look away, speak, or even try to move for more than two minutes, until finally . . .

"Ma'am, for your own good, just let it rest, okay?"

"Oh my God! You're part of this, aren't you!?"

The detective scoffed at me. "Now look, you're getting even crazier. Why don't you just go home and let that bump on your noggin heal, hm? I promise you'll look back on this and realize how silly you've been acting."

"You're all policemen, and you behave this way!? Men in your status are supposed to be honorable, not thugs with badges!"

He laughed at me. "Pfaw! Like I need a lecture from a whore who decided she was too good to take money anymore." He wasn't even keeping up the façade anymore, either knowing that he was a horrible liar, or feeling that he had nothing to fear from me anyway. "Now look, princess, why don't you just go on home and cry into your pillow or something before I run you in for any charge I could think of? You think daddy would like bailing you out like that?"

I didn't have much choice. Though I still boiled inside, I had to take my leave and go home defeated, realizing for the first time just how far out of my grasp I had reached. I had no idea what was going on, or what evil was behind this, but there was something powerful, almost demonic, that held the tethers of this entire town . . . no, it seemed more like the entire county! There were eyes everywhere, watching me . . . taking account of my every move.

Even my own apartment didn't feel safe anymore. When I undressed for bed, when I showered, I just had the impression that there were eyes watching. That feeling never went away, no matter how much I tried to ignore it. Eventually, I moved out of that place and moved into another apartment in a much different part of town. I still didn't feel safe here, but at least it didn't feel as though I was being watched at all times.

If the police were corrupted, then how deep did this evil go? How far did it spread? Who could I even trust!?


"Hello, this is Aziz. Kathirah, is that you?!"

I swallowed before answering. "Yes, brother, it's me."

"What's this I hear about an attempt on your life? What is going on in that country?"

"It's . . . it's nothing, Brother. I . . . I can handle it."

"Nonsense. It has obviously become too dangerous for you to remain there. I will send men to retrieve you and protect you until you are safe at home."

I was in tears now. This was not going as I had wished. "Aziz . . . Brother . . . Please . . . I have to stay."

"I'm listening," he said.

"I have run into trouble. BIG trouble, and I need to get myself out of it."

"Ah. Don't worry, little sister. I will take care of it right away!"

"No! Aziz, I don't want to come home! That's not the kind of help I need!" He remained silent and waited for me to continue. "I just . . . I just need money!"

"Ah, so you want more of my money so that you can get yourself into even deeper trouble than you are in now?" He tisked. "What is it, Kathirah, gambling? Have you gotten yourself into some kind of debt?!"

"No, Aziz," I answered, still sobbing uncontrollably. "It's not gambling. I've just . . . I've just got nowhere to turn. There's something I must do, but if I try, then there are people that will kill me!"

Aziz's voice became low. His entire tone instantly changed. "Who are these people?"

"I do not know, but that is what I must find out! I must find out, for Daud's sake!"

"What? Who is Daud!? A lover?"

I knew I wasn't telling the complete truth. I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want to be completely honest, either. 'Daud' is the Muslim version of the name 'David', so I was technically telling my brother the truth. "Yes."

"I see," Aziz responded. Through the phone, it was impossible to gauge his reaction. Not that being in person may have helped me much. He was always difficult for me to understand.

Finally, however, he spoke. "I believe I can assist you, Sister. If it's only money you need, I can arrange it."

"Thank you, Brother! Thank you very much!"

"I only wish for you to be happy, dear sister, but I do wish that you would cease insisting on this 'independence' nonsense. It is alright to admit when your reach has exceeded its grasp, and you can always come home."

"Yes, I know, Brother."

"So, my one condition is that you one day introduce me to this Daud, once he becomes my brother, and bring many of your children here to meet their uncle!"

"Thank you, Aziz! I will remember to do so!"

"Very good, sister! I wish you the best!"


I finally had the money I needed, and within a few weeks, I'd come up with a plan. I needed to get close to David, but in a way that was much safer. I would need someone that could help me investigate what was going on at David's home.

As I'd begun to think, I started to suspect that there was someone living in the home that was behind things. The thing that had always seemed strange to me was that neither David nor his wife seemed to be aware of what was going on between myself and the "Buyer". Again, had no proof of anything, but I just had a bad feeling. And, I didn't think the wife had anything to do with it, either . . . she just seemed too nice . . . and she was always just as eager to please David as I was, if not moreso. She loved him, with all of her heart.

So that just left one person: the daughter, Rhonda. I had never met her, but David had first mentioned her when he brought up his children. Or rather, he was forced to mention her after I pointed out a contradiction. At first, David only mentioned having three children, and he brought me to meet his sons. I didn't think anything was strange about this, even though David and his wife were and older couple, it may have just taken them a while to finally produce children.

But then, after David and I had met a few times for sex, I met two other children I had never seen before. I asked David if they were his as well, and he sort of looked at me puzzled before he finally said that they were, in fact, his grandchildren. Now, it was my turn to be puzzled, as none of the children I'd met so far had been anywhere close to an age capable of breeding.

That was when David said, "Oh of course, Ronnie!" Then, he added: "You haven't met my eldest daughter, Rhonda."

What struck me as strange about that wasn't that David didn't remember that I hadn't met Rhonda, but that he seemed to only just then remember that he even had a daughter at all. It was almost as though he didn't consider her to be a daughter. At the time, I simply blamed it on great sex making him absent-minded. Only minutes earlier, David had cum into my pussy two consecutive times.

But, I always had the instinct that something was very wrong about Rhonda.

I searched everywhere for any parties that I felt I could trust. Someone who would investigate my plight and had the resources and skills. I couldn't use just any private investigator . . . I needed to be backed up by someone whom I could tell my story to and let him see it for the injustice it was. I took my time and spent weeks searching . . .

Until I finally found the one.

Someone who hated this sort of injustice . . . this sort of evil . . . as much as I did.

Someone that I knew I could trust.


"It's nice to finally have a chance to meet you, Ms. Hasan," Mr. Lowrey said the first time he was able to speak with me face-to-face. Until now, we had only spoken through electronic mail and encrypted voice chat. I came from one of the wealthiest families on Earth, so I understood how confidentiality worked. He didn't even know my real name until roughly two months after we first made contact.

"No, thank you for coming," I told him. "I really needed your help, and I didn't know who else to turn to."

"Well, I'm glad that you came to my client and that my client pointed me to you. Everything you've told me . . . what's happened to you . . . and what's happening in that town . . ." His brow furled. "It disgusts me."

I felt the need to interject. "I don't really care about what's going on everywhere else. All I want is to be with David again."

He breathed a heavy sigh. "Yeah, I know. But . . ." he stopped himself and shrugged. "Never mind. This isn't about what I want. Let's see what we can do for you. No mother should ever be told to walk away without even learning her own baby's name."

My eyes merely fell. I tried to hold back tears. I don't think I did a very good job, because he reached out with a handkerchief.

"Sorry. But don't worry . . . we'll fix this."

"Thank you," I said, accepting his gift. When I had finished cleaning myself up, I said, "So what are we going to do?"

"You're going to just relax and stay safe and out of trouble. Don't stress about anything. Some friends of mine have already made some headway, and eventually we'll get something that you can use."

I nodded. "What have they found?"

"It's the daughter, no doubt," he told me. "Rhonda."