Daddy's Little Psychopath Ch. 08


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But I knew that one day, I would have a reckoning. Rhonda was as smart, ruthless, and powerful as she said. I knew all about her information empire. I couldn't prove most of it to the authorities yet, but just knowing about it gave me some leverage. I could cause tons of trouble for her.

But not right now. Right now, my son's health was at stake.

And there was also Dr. Barry Garrett, my ally in California. He said he would check up on me, and that if I were in trouble, he would help. I believed him—he seemed like an honest man. Handsome and sincere. His warm smile had reassured me, melted my worries away. I knew that he would never abandon me. He would never let me down.

But somehow, I think Rhonda was able to read my mind. "Oh yes . . . and if you're waiting for your . . . 'friend' . . . in California to help?" That snatched my attention, and she grinned triumphantly. "Do not worry about him. He's already been taken out of the picture."

I turned to her with wide eyes. "You . . . you're lying. There's no way that you could—"

"Oh my. You should really follow the news better. Didn't you hear about the scandal in California? About the perverted psychologist and his illegal harem? It was all over the papers."

I shook my head. "That . . . that can't be true!"

"The poor man was worth billions," she said with a 'tsk' sound. "But soon, he's going to notice that it's all gone. It seems someone is already in control of his assets. I'm sure he doesn't know yet, because he's trying to save his pathetic Slut Kingdom from collapsing." She smiled at me, a knowing, sinister grin.

"But soon, very soon, the asshole won't have a dollar to his name."

Tears were streaming down my face now. Rhonda noticed it, and she came right on the spot. Her entire body shuttered, and her face took a soft, blissful shape. Rhonda screamed in ecstacy, never taking her eyes off me, and my expression of pure despair.

When her body finally returned from the zenith of pleasure, she glowed with satisfaction and inserted a finger, covered with her cum into her lips. She moaned pleasurably, then offered me the other fingers.

"Taste," she cooed.

I looked disgusted, but she only lowered her brow expectantly. "Taste," she said, far more forcefully.

Quivering, I leaned forward and put my lips around Rhonda's cum-soaked fingers.

Damn her. They tasted sweet and milky. Damn her.

"No one will help you. No one will save you. You're mine now, and that's all there is to it."

She smiled again. "But, I had fun—you came the closest to defeating me that anyone ever has—but now our game is over. As a reward for giving me a decent little challenge, I'll let you in on a secret: your son was never in any real danger. I simply gave him a mild case of the flu—and in a day or two, he'll recover."

I sobbed again. So I'd come here for nothing?! I'd thrown myself on this bitch's mercy for NOTHING!? The whole time, I'd been playing right into her hands . . .

"For now, you may continue to be my father's breeding cow, but never forget who's in charge. " Suddenly, she gripped my hair with a fist and yanked it up painfully. She kept her cum-soaked fingers in my mouth. "And if you ever, EVER, challenge me again, your son won't just get 'sick' next time. I'll make his death slow and agonizing and force you to watch. And then, I'll make a call to some friends of mine, and they'll drag you off and spend a week treating you far more roughly than Daddy ever did. Then, they'll toss you in the fucking ocean like a used condom.

"Do you understand?!?"

"Y-Yes . . ." I sobbed, my voice muffled by her fingers.

"I said, do you FUCKING UNDERSTAND?!?!"

"YES!!" I screamed.

Rhonda let me go and pulled her fingers out of my mouth.

"Good. Now get out of my sight, you sow."



She spent the rest of the night sobbing; sit was like her soul had been completely crushed. She tended to Hussein, softly praying. A prayer that Rhonda would keep her word, that he would be alright. The baby still coughed and cried, and he felt so cold. Every time he did, she sobbed and held him close, afraid he would lose him.

David tried to comfort her, but she denied him.

"Please, David . . . I beg you . . . just please leave me alone just for tonight."

He seemed surprised, but he nodded. It was the first time I'd seen David show that kind of tenderness since . . . he changed. It was only a peak, but I thought I saw David. My David.

But it wasn't for me.

She was stealing him from me again! Worse than Ronnie ever had! I wanted to hate her. David hadn't been that gentle with me in over a year. I missed that side of my husband. So why was it only for her?! Why was she the only one who—

The baby spat up again, and I realized how selfish I was being. Here this poor girl was, trying to tend to her sick child, and I was just being an absolute bitch. What was wrong with me!? Why was it that when things got bad, all I could ever think of was my own problems?

It had been that way that night eleven years ago, too. The night David had been arrested. The night all of this began.

I went to her and wrapped a blanket over her. She trembled in surprised, but calmed down when she saw me.

"O-Oh! T-Thank you," she stammered.

I smiled at her, and then looked at her child. Such a beautiful baby. He had his mother's eyes, and David's nose. The two seemed to mix perfectly, with features that were sure to make a very handsome boy that would gain tons of attention.

Goddamn this girl. She could even make babies better than me.

I swallowed my pride and placed a hand on hers, trying to stop her shivering. "He'll be okay," I told her.

She only nodded.

Then, something occurred to me. A question I'd never bothered with before.

"What's his name?"

She sniffed and answered. "Hussein. Hussein Scott."

"Hi, Hussein," I said sweetly to the baby. "You're gonna be okay. Your mommy is here." I paused a second and then said, "Your . . . mommies . . . are here."

She looked at me, stunned for a moment, and then smiling. "Thank you. I always knew you were a kind person." She kept her voice below a whisper.

That compliment only made me hate her more. That comment, and her sweet smile.

My own hate only made me sick.


The next few nights, Katy continued to nurse her son back to full health. His color finally came back, and his breathing stabilized. But, for a while, it'd been hairy. David tried to help her as well, but every time the three of us were together, Rhonda "summoned" him. It was as if she didn't want him to sympathize with us too much.

Or maybe it was Katy she was afraid of. Rhonda even warned me about letting the girl "bewitch" me.

"She's just trying to milk as much sympathy as she can get. You know that, right? If you let her, she'll try to ruin us! Ruin everything!"

I nodded to what Ronnie said, but only to appease her. No matter what she said about Katy, her son had been in real trouble. She had watched over him every day and night. She had cried real tears.

No, if one of them was lying, I was sure it wasn't Katy.

"Thank you again," Katy said to me one day, after Hussein had recovered. "I don't know what I would have done without your help. You are such a kind and beautiful woman."

"No I'm not. I'm horrible. All I've done is . . . is be mean to you. All I've done is push you away . . . out of fear . . . out of jealousy . . ."

Her smile turned sympathetic. "That isn't you. It's her. It's the poison she's seeped into you. Into everyone. She tries to make you afraid. To be as ugly and hateful as she is."

Hearing that only made me sob. ". . . It's my fault. Everything Rhonda has become is my fault."

She shook her head. "No. That's wrong. There's a light in you. I can see it plain as day. A light that Rhonda has tried to snuff out. But, it's a testament to your strength that she's failed."

I stared at Katy, for the first time, truly seeing her. I stared a long time until we looked down and saw that the baby had finally gone to sleep.

Gently, Katy stood and carried him back to his crib, putting him inside. The other babies were all asleep as well, and the toddlers in the next room were snoring soundly. As Hussein softly laid his tiny head on the pillow, I could almost see the difference. As beautiful as he'd been those nights ago, he was even more so with the color starting to come back to his cheeks.

"He's going to be okay . . ." Katy said as she wiped away a tear, finally believing it. "He's going to be okay . . ."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Yes, but . . . what about you?"

She touched my hand and tried to smile. "I think I will be as well . . . thanks to you . . ."

Her hand gently rubbed my hand. An electric, sensual feeling came over me.

"I love you, Eileen."

She looked up into my eyes, her glistening pearls searching into me, connecting our feelings. I met her gaze, time slowing so much that it seemed neither of us blinked.

Gently, she placed a hand on my chest, and leaned forward. Without taking her eyes from me, she lifted her lips to mine. Without thinking, I lowered mine to hers.

Once our lips touched, and everything just sort of . . . faded.


When my senses returned to me, the two of us were a pair of writhing sweaty bodies, grinding against one another, moaning and exploring every inch we could find. I lay atop her, our breasts docked perfectly against each other, mashed together, rubbing their soft, slick flesh. It was at this moment that Katy reached up and grabbed the back of my head, pulling my lips back to hers. Thought left me as I explored her mouth with my tongue.

Her hand left my head and tightly grabbed my rear, squeezing and scratching with her claws. I responded by fingering her clit more vigorously than before.

Almost in sync, an orgasm quaked over us both. Our lips parted, but our hot, desperate breaths still traveled into one-another, my air exchanged for hers.

The only thing I could think of at that moment was pleasure—mine and hers. Her touch was just as gentle and wonderful as it'd been the day on the patio. I was determined to return the pleasure she gave me tenfold. It was the first time I'd felt this way in a long, long time.

It was the first time I wanted to make love.

We continued this way for more than an hour, and only when we were done did we remember that we were surrounded by baby cribs everywhere. Luckily, none of the tykes seemed the least bit disturbed by the lewd adults on the floor between them. When we realized where we were and what we had done, Katy and I both shared a soft laugh, and then kissed each other again.

"I . . . I've never felt anything like that before . . ." she told me. "I loved it. Every moment of it."

"So did I," I said, still with some reluctance. "Every moment of it. I never thought I'd . . . do anything like that with a woman before. Not just sex, but . . "

"I know what you mean," she said, rubbing a loving finger down my left breast, flicking my nipple with her fingernail. "But I've always loved you, First Wife."

Her words suddenly reminded me. I sighed and shook my head. "Dear God . . . I'm . . . you're my husband's mistress and I'm . . ."

"No, I'm not just David's," she said. "And I'm not Rhonda's either, not matter what she may think. I belong to you, as well. I always have."

"Rhonda . . ." I hissed, remembering what had caused all of this. "She's . . . she's gone too far this time." I remembered that this wasn't the first time that Rhonda had made one of our children sick—she'd done the same thing to William, a while ago. And she'd done the same thing to me and David, too. But, none of us had as young, or as sick, as Hussein. She'd risked that poor baby's life, all for her little games.

"Katy," I said, rubbing her shoulders lovingly. "We have to go."

She looked at me. "What? Go? What do you mean?"

I stood up. "Right now. Grab your clothes. Grab anything you'll need, but only what you can carry. Then, take Hussein and Henry. I'll grab William and Harrison."

She sat up. "What . . .? Are you . . . are you saying . . .?"

I nodded. "Please. We don't have much time. David hasn't come out yet, so they're . . . they're still fucking. She can't be watching right now. We won't get another chance like this."

Still wide-eyed, she looked at me, but did as I instructed. She grabbed her clothing from the floor and ran off for her room.

When she was gone, I reached for my clothes, and felt my hands shaking. What had I just said . . .? Was I crazy, or—

No. No, this was right. I needed to do this, while my anger and outrage were fresh. While my courage was still strong. This moment had been too long coming. Too long.

As I'd said, Katy and I grabbed only what we could carry. She took Hussein and one of my sons, while I took my other two. William wiped his eyes and protested, but I pulled him along.

"But what about the other children?" She asked.

"We don't have time," I told her. "I know how much you love them all, but . . . there's just no time."

I expected Katy to argue, but she only nodded to the fire in my voice. Without another word of protest, we took the kids to my minivan and loaded up.

I turned the key and sped away, putting as much distance between us and the house as I could.

There was no turning back now.

"Eileen," Katy said, "do you know where we're going?"

I shook my head. "To be honest, I have no idea."

But luckily, Katy seemed more resourceful than I was. "If we can, we should head for California. I have a . . . friend there. The same friend that helped me find you again after Rhonda tried to be rid of me."

I looked at her briefly. "A friend? Who is he?"

"His name's Barry Garrett. He's a good man." Her eyes fell. "But . . . I think he's in trouble. I hope it's not too late."

I only nodded and changed gears. California seemed as good a destination as any.

But I could only imagine how terrible Rhonda's fury would be . . .


To be continued in Daddy's Little Psychopath, Chapter 9 . . .

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Man please finish the story

MirandaPriestlyMirandaPriestlyalmost 2 years ago

Mannnn, even Rhonda blackmailed the Author for not making Pt 9. This an evil world we live in smh 😔😔

Daddy4kitten777Daddy4kitten777about 2 years ago

I only have 2 things about this story that i didn't like simply because it can't happen in real life then again this is fantasy. 1. Idc how smart your kid is they aren't doing trig an psych as a 4 or 6 yr old no rn way. That was in the first chapter. 2. The fact it has no ending. It was a great story an agree it could an should be a movie with the exception parts of the first chapter be re written to actually make sense. All in all great story wish there was more to it. 8 out of 10 simply for no ending otherwise most likely a 10 out of 10

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok, my ending is this: first, the father will end things when Rhonda says that she doesn’t need him anymore, but he would do it because of the safety of the kids. I don’t care if a story is dirty or kinky, but kids need to be secure, and I thought it was a little bit out of character for Dad to forget their kids. But Dad can’t forget Rhonda, of course BUT he doesn’t knows that Mom also misses Rhonda and the whole situation, she enjoys being a cuckquean. Dad asks for a divorce, but Mother says no, and proposes that they talk to Rhonda. Mom and Dad give in to Rhonda, so everybody is sexually happy fulfilling their fantasies, and no kid is harmed anymore. That is my ending, because when I’m reading a sex story, I value an ending where all characters are sexually and mentally satisfied, and kids are safe.

CharetteCharetteover 2 years ago

"But I could only imagine how terrible Rhonda's fury would be . . ."

So never finished the Story ? Wow , thats rude Rhonda

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