Dad's The Man Ch. 03


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Jan. 10/09

It's Saturday and I'm back home after a night at Gina's. As usual, she was able to lift my spirits. We had some wine and a great time in an online game of strip poker with master darksword and a friend of his, lord grayclaws. I really don't know how to play poker so, as I say, I had a great time, even though they are dweebs. darksword wants me to be his online submissive. I told him that I was Gina's submissive.

I really like taking my clothes off for people online, though. It doesn't matter if they're dweebs or not, it's just the fact that I'm exposing myself like that. Gina says I'm a closet exhibitionist.

"Smutty,..." I began later, after she'd made me cum.

She smiled, shifting her weight above me on her bed, wiggling the strap-on penis she wore inside me and asked, "Yes, slutty?"

"Before I suck your pussy dry,..."

She giggled during my 'pause for effect'.

"Well, I,... You know how I get off on taking my clothes off for people,..."

"Uh huh."

"Well,... (sigh!) Gina, I can't find work! I just can't!"

" ... Oooo-kay. I think I know where this is going."

"I've been looking for months and there's just nothing at all, I was lucky to get the work at the salon!"

"What about the construction company that wanted you this spring as a flag girl? That'll be decent money, you know."

"That's not till spring and it's not even guaranteed. There's probably millions of people who want that job."

"Yeah, but how many of them look like you do? Don't think that doesn't count, have you seen some of those chickies out there with the signs?"

"In that case, I may as well be dancing for the good money."

She opened her mouth to reply a split second before she realized I had her on that and closed it again, looking away and withdrawing herself and her detachable rubber penis from me with a sigh.

She sat on the bed beside me, unfastening the apparatus and said, "Kathleen, I don't want you working in a strip club."

"But, I don't want to. I can do private parties, like you do. I already checked into it all."

"Why doesn't that surprise me? Think of how your father would see it. And don't think I'd let you do it without him knowing, Kat."

"I know, I already figured it'd be better to tell him beforehand than let him find out on his own. Which he would."


"You don't want me to do it."

"No, I don't. Look, I won't deny that I'd love to do private parties with you, you'd be a real hit, believe me, and we'd have a lot of fun, but,... I don't want my slutty girl around that scene."

"You're starting to sound like Aunt Peggy," I said with a playful smirk.

"Well, the thing about that is that she's right to feel the way she does. I may try to conduct myself as professionally as I can, but not all the girls do and I shouldn't have to tell you about the caliber of some of the clients I deal with."

"But, I'll be with you, so I'll be okay."

"Oh, Kat,... Please think of another way?"

"If I could, I would have by now, believe me."

" ... Can we talk about this later? After we've had some time to think about it?"

"I've had enough time, but okay."

"That means you've made up your mind," she said.

"Enough to go to Daddy about it."

She shook her head slightly, saying, "Alright, but just give me a little time, okay?"

"You just need time to think of a way to change my mind."

" ... There's no shame in admitting to that."

"Smutty,... I won't say anything to Daddy until you've had a chance to think of something. I promise, but don't make me wait too long, 'cause I'm really sick of being broke, okay?"

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"Well, as long as you're asking, why don't I get all dressed up so you can wrestle me to your bed, tie me up, pull my clothes off and sit on my face like you did in my room over the holidays?"

" ... You are a kinky little angel, aren't you?"

"Kinkier every day. What do you want me to wear?"

Neither one of us brought it up again during that evening and I didn't tell her that I've been working out for the past week. I wonder when she'll notice?

Jan. 12/09

I guess I should be mad at Gina, but I'm not. Partly because I know her intentions were good and things worked out, partly because I find it hard to be very angry with people I care about.

She showed up out of the blue, as if for an after supper visit, which I thought was nice and so did Daddy. So, there we are, drinking coffee and checking out the news, when Gina suddenly does the unimaginable.

"So, John,..."


"I'm afraid we have an issue here between the three of us."

" ... Okay, what issue would that be?"

(Oh, god!)

"Well, Kat is pretty down about not being able to find a job, and I don't blame her, but she's come up with a solution that I think you'll care even less for than I do."

My jaw sagged as I stared at her. I felt like a quickly sinking ship, staring aghast at the rocky outcropping that splintered my hull. She continued speaking confidently to Daddy, but now had her eyes on me as I called out a silent and desperate SOS.

"She wants to become a dancer and not the kind that does ballet."

My father rolled his eyes and sighed, his shoulders drooping a little as though he'd just been told he had to go back and put in another shift at the plant.

"Granted, slu- Kat was going to come to you with this first, but since none of us can deny that I'm involved here, I wanted to make sure,... well, you know."

"Yup," he said into his palms, rubbing his face before taking his hands away to look at me. "Kitten,... You don't have to do that. Something will come along."

"Daddy,... Aw, geez, I wasn't prepared for this! Gina! You were supposed to-!"

"-Think of a way to dissuade you. This is it," she said, shrugging her shoulders with a sincerely apologetic expression.

"Well, holy shit, Gina!" I complained bitterly, "you might have-!"

"Quiet," Daddy said in that serious, authoritative tone that I always responded to abruptly, this time being no different. "Gina's a responsible woman and she did the right thing. Kat, if it's money, I'll raise your allowance. I'll get you the things you n-"

"Daddy, no! You raised me to work and be responsible, like you said Gina is, and I'm trying to do that, but I can't without a job! Everyone wants someone with experience and I don't have any because nobody will hire me! In the meantime, I'm living off your money, feeling stupid buying you Christmas gifts with it and feeling like a total loser because you and Gina won't even let me buy so much as my own coffee! I want to work and I want to pull my own weight and I want to be able to buy my own car and to pay for nice clothes when I want them!"

I was silent after that, hoping Daddy wouldn't see that little outburst as being disrespectful to him, but I had to tell him how it felt, how I felt. He looked at me with a worried expression for a moment before leaning forward, moving to the edge of the couch and fixing me with a hard look.

"Kitten, this isn't some,... Do you realize what you're talking about here? I mean, what the fuck?"

"I know, Daddy, I'd be taking all my clothes off in front of strange men. Women do it, it doesn't mean-"

"You're so shy you can't even look strangers in the eye, how in hell are you gonna,... Fuck, just think about it!"

"I have. It won't be easy, but I can do it."

"Ho-ly shit!"


"Well, what do you want from me? God dammit, you're only eighteen, you're just a,..."

"I'll be nineteen in a few days!"

"Oh, well, that's just super, kitten. That makes it all fuckin' right, doesn't it?"

"It is alright!" I won't be doing anything I shouldn't be doing and I'll be totally okay! I won't even be working the clubs, just private parties!"

"Have you thought of what your Aunt Peggy will think? Shit, I can just hear it now! I'll never be able to shut her up about it and she'll- She has issues!"

"Daddy, I'm sorry about that, but Aunt Peggy isn't responsible for my life and I'm not hurting her. I love her, but if I were to decide against doing this because of someone's opinion of me, it'd be yours, not hers."

" ... I know I can't stop you from doing this if you decide to. And it won't make me love you any less. But, kitten, please try to understand, you're,..." he trailed off.

"You're his little girl," Gina finished. "And you have to take those feelings into consideration, the same as you do mine. I told you how I feel about introducing you to dancing and those feelings haven't changed. I also told you that I prefer to keep my work life and my personal life separate."

"I know, Gina. I do take both your feelings about this seriously, but you have to understand my feelings, too. It's not fair that I have to go along feeling like some deadweight that people are taking turns shouldering. It's not fair and it's not very much fun, you know. Daddy, you can't teach me to do what I gotta do my whole life and then tell me I can't."

"Ah, geez!" he said quietly, disgustedly, looking between his knees. "I never would have thought we'd be having this conversation."

"I don't have to do it forever, just until some decent work starts again. Any work. And,... if you were me, you'd be thinking exactly the same way I am right now."

"You're going to do this, aren't you? I could tell you not to, but I really can't stop you and the more unhappy you become, the greater the chance you'll just do it behind my back, anyway."

I'd been saving the thing I did next for the exact right time. I hopped up off the chair and sidled up to my father on the couch, putting my arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek reassuringly.

"It'll be alright, Daddy, it's not so bad as you think. You'll see."

"You don't even have any basis of experience to say that," he replied, then looked at Gina, asking, "How bad will this be?"

My beautiful, unpredictable friend looked back at him, biting the inside of her lower lip, fidgeting with one of her rings and subtly tapping her heel before she replied, "These private gigs are what you'd expect, bachelor parties, every once in a while an office party, out of town businessmen being shown a good time, that sort of thing."

" ... How far does it go?"

"Well, everything comes off."

Daddy nodded, glanced at me, then went back to Gina, asking, "Touching?"

"Professionally, no. But, different girls have their own rules. All I can tell you is that if a dancer doesn't want to touch, or be touched, she isn't."

"And who's to stop some pig from putting his hands all over my Kathleen, anyway?"

"A valid concern. First, these things are never done in people's homes, or private buildings, only ever at a Hotel, sometimes a decent Motel, so that the location is safe. The person who explains the rules to the clients, where the dancers are concerned, could probably lift the back of my car off the ground. He works for Jaybirds, the club I work at, and he stays around the entire time, looking out for us."

Daddy barely nodded, looking at her for a few seconds before asking, "What are they like, these clients?"

"Uhh, well a cross section, you know. I mean some of them are decent people, but,... You know, a lot of them wear suits, but we both know that Armani doesn't build character. But, that's what Hugh is there for and professional dancers are there to do a job and leave when it's over, no matter what the clients are like."

"What about the people you work for? I assume you'd be getting her the job?"

"Uh,... yeah, that'd be me. The people I work for are,... Well, they're business men. They're fast talkers, small time wheeler dealers, you know."

"Elaborate, Gina."

"Uhh,... well, it's hard to explain. They wouldn't see you come to any harm and they keep their word businesswise, but you have to be sharp when doing business with them. They're the kind of people you'd enjoy having a coffee with, but you wouldn't buy a used car from them."

"I see." He said, turning back to me. "You don't have to do this. I can take care of you, I always have."

"But, Daddy,... That's what this is about."

After a long pause, during which time he gazed down at the carpet between his knees again, he said simply, "Shit."

"Daddy,... It's not like I'm going to Korea, or something."

"John, I hope you believe me when I say that I had nothing to do with this and I feel the same way you do about it. On the other hand, I can see Kat's point. I started dancing because I had even less choice,... I want you to know that if she doesn't back down from this, I will personally do everything I can to,... you know, make sure she's okay. She'd be going out with me, at least at first, and I want to assure you that I am and have always been a strict professional, never any funny stuff and I give you my word on that."

They both looked each other in the eye for a long moment before Daddy said, "I have no doubts about what you say being the truth and none about your character. I see that you feel the same way I do about this. But, as far as I'm concerned, it goes without saying that I expect you to do everything you can to look out for her and I'm trusting in the word you just gave me."

She only nodded at this, her eyes widening just a little as she still held his.

For my part, I sat there as the whole issue seemed to be finally decided without me. However, as I realized more and more that I'd get my way without too much more hassle from either of them, my heartbeat began to speed up, suddenly knowing that I was free to do this. I was so excited that I actually felt miffy start tingling, even as fear of the unknown, the unfamiliar preyed on my senses. I actually had to fight to keep the eager smile that wanted to break through from my face. Daddy wouldn't have appreciated it.

"Will it at least be worth her while?" he asked.

"What she'll earn in eight hours will be right about what she earned the entire time she worked at the salon."

Even he was a bit taken aback by that. He looked at me and said sarcastically, "I had to ask."

"Daddy, I know you're upset about this and I don't blame you at all. I'm sorry, but,... try to remember that it's just a job, okay?"

Both of them glanced at each other, each clearly conveying their earlier suspicions that I'd press for my way, regardless of their feelings about the matter.

"So," he said, "You're going to do it."

I nodded.

"Uhh,..." Gina tentatively offered, "Under the circumstances, I hate like hell to presume anything, but,... uh, maybe Kat should stay with me for the night. If she's going to do this, there's some things we need to talk about and,... well, excuse me for saying, but maybe you two should both digest this for a night before,... to avoid-"

"Yes," he said. "I know."

Just over ten minutes later, on our way out the door, Gina paused, looked imploringly at my father and said, "John, I really hope you don't think less of me now, because I respect the hell out of you and I don't say that to just anyone."

"No, I don't think any less of you. I know you're a good girl."

She slowly smiled and actually gave him a quick hug before walking out the door and down the front walk to her car while we stood silently looking at one another in the doorway.

"You're looking at me like I'm going to Korea again. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"

"Well,... this might sound stupid, but,... it seems like my little kitten is gone to Korea already."

"Oh, Daddy, no!" I said, tears instantly springing to my eyes.

I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight, closing my eyes as I felt his strong, protective arms encircling my waist, holding me close.

"You're making me feel bad," I complained with a sniff.

"Good," He replied with a sad tone.

We separated, me sniffling and wiping at my tears as Gina's car roared to life at the end of the walk.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you, too. You can't imagine how important you are to me."

"I feel the same way about you."

"Luckily for you, I'm going to live forever."

"It's guaranteed in your collective bargaining agreement. (sniff) I checked."

He couldn't help but smile, although sadly, and I'm glad I could leave him with at least that.

So, now I'm at Gina's place. Like I say, I can't really be mad at her, considering that she did more to help my case than anything, a fact she scowled at when I brought it up earlier. She's not happy about it and she told me as much, but also admitted to some anticipation in working with me, the tiniest smile sometimes jerking at the corners of her mouth as we spoke about how things would be.

She's sleeping now. I'm too excited to sleep.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a10 months ago

This author knows how to develop characers, physically, emotionallyand psychologically. The plot/subplots are logically developed. Minor characters are sharp and clear while their relationship to the major characters messh without seams. Finally , the use of proper English language is appreciated. Gutter slang is used only as appropriate and sparingly. 5 star series, so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Good story

Okay, I have nearly finished "Dad's the man" and had to come back to this chap as I didn't rate it after the first reading. I was "concerned" because I didn't like the idea of Kathleen losing her sweetness or "good girl" status by becoming an exotic dancer. But I got over it. It was just part of her maturing; a progression kind of. Plus, it was part of her "kink". 5* -d

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

I am not going to rate this chapter as I am not sure how I feel about it. But I will say that Kathleen needs to remember what Aunt Peggy told her/warned her about social circles. Now, on to chap 4. -d

DMan9009DMan9009over 8 years ago
Awesome story

These are what I like. I agree with you, if your looking for a spank, they're a lot of free porn on the Internet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

...and after reading a few comments, particularly the whiners about no incest yet... If you dont want to read the whole story and enjoy it then just leave. This is an actual fucking story and the incest will come when its fucking time. Just go google some images and whack off you impatient twits. ...and as for the retarded comment about labeling only the chapters with incest as that and the rest as something else, well thats just fucking stupid. Im here because thats what I eventually want to read but if the initial chapters hadnt been labeled as such then we wouldnt be reading the story now. Yeesh.

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