Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 04


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Which was why we always changed the order, it was Lia's turn for the longest round. That was my idea of course, none of them would ever complain or ask on their own.

It also made the triangle next to us on the bed a little hotter, they weren't just pleasuring each other, they were cleaning my planted seed out of each other, and their moans told me they loved it.

I reached up, unable to resist her gently swaying breasts any longer, and squeezed that soft supple flesh lightly, even as I pinched her nipples much more firmly between forefinger and thumb, and lightly twisted and pulled.

"Master," she gasped in pleasure, and tightened around me like a vice, then trembled as she flooded my cock, balls, and thighs with her liquid ecstasy. I'd lost count of the orgasms I'd given her so far.

Fuck, she was so beautiful, and so damned hot in the throes of bliss. It was so much more than that, with the deep love I felt for her, and the joy I experienced at her pleasure under my hands and on my cock.

I could tell by her severe trembling and violent convulsions, that it was time to end it before she was overstimulated.

I moved my hands to her waist, and held her up firmly, as I slightly bent my knees and laid my feet flat for better leverage. Even as she continued to orgasm on my cock, I started to drill up into her as hard and fast as I could.

Her eyes widened in shock and pleasure, as I extended her pleasure, and her violently convulsing pussy told me I'd rolled her into another one.

I just kept going, pounding up into her tight heat, as she bounced on my cock like a rag doll, she'd have fallen off if I wasn't gripping her waist so firmly. The liquid satin friction was mind-blowing as I impaled her hard and fast, with full long strokes of all my thick eight inches.

"Fuck, baby," I said in warning, as my legs numbed, and my balls tightened for the fourth time that night.

I exploded up into her, pulsing my seed into her already pregnant womb, and she gasped and trembled on my cock.

The look in her eyes was so intense, and vulnerable, as I filled the woman the loved. I don't know what my eyes looked like, but I knew what I felt in that moment of shared ecstasy, and that was just as vulnerable. Lia meant everything to me, they all did really, but it was beyond intense, the emotions I felt for her in that moment.

My Dahlia.

She collapsed forward onto my chest, and she squeezed and milked me with her tight sex as her gasping sweet breaths of pleasure fell against my ear. She whispered how much she loved me, and how she loved to feel me fill her.

I just held her as I came down, and kissed the side of her temple, on her hair. Content, to never move, or at least not for a long while.

Bellona said sweetly, "That was so hot."

We both turned our heads and looked, and all three of them were staring at us, the post bliss clear on their faces, and a joy on our behalf on their faces. Not the same of course, they were all different. Bellona's had a slight teasing edge, and Emma's joy held an element of sultry sensuousness. Mia had a look of naked love on her face, along with that joy.

Still, it was overwhelming, it was always overwhelming, the way they all looked at me, at us.

"So were you three."

Emma bit her lip in a teasing sultry manner, and then winked.

"Think Asha heard us?"

Mia giggled, "I think the neighbors heard us."

Bellona tinkled with laughter, and caressed Mia's face as she said, "I love you," then looked at me, guiltily, as if realizing what she'd just said, to Mia.

Lia smirked, "I think it's fine, that made him twitch in me."

I snorted, "Damned perverted cock, always getting me in trouble."

Then I rolled my eyes, "Did you think I didn't know? I know you all love each other."

I'd wondered why they'd never said it, they showed it all the time in bed when they loved on each other physically, with our fivesome evenings. Had they thought I'd be jealous of their love? Well, I would be, if it'd been someone outside the family, man or woman, but in the family? It was... different, and it didn't make them any less mine.

Actually, I was kind of upset that was even a thing at the time. Was I that much of an asshole?

Bellona shrugged shyly, "We never talked about it. It's also one of those things we have no control over. It's not the same either."

"It's not?"

Emma explained, "It's not romantic love, not like we feel for you. We love each other but we're not in love with each other, like we are with you. I hesitate to say sisterly, since we aren't sisters and we share physical pleasure, but its closer to that than anything else. Our sex life is also enhanced, with you here, because we know you like it."

I nodded, "Okay, but why were you nervous about it? Did you think I'd get jealous, and order you to stop?"

Which would be fucked up. Not just because it would make me an asshole, it would probably fuck them up in the heads because they wouldn't be able to follow that order.

Bellona frowned, "Not really, no."

Thank god, I'd been worried they'd really thought that.

Lia sighed, and explained it to me, "Because, my love, it doesn't serve you. It's selfish, and only about what we want and feel. We know the Sapphic sex turns you on, pervert," I laughed, and she continued in a more serious tone, "But love is a different story. It's the emotion, not the physical part, it feels like cheating on you, emotionally."

Well, fuck. Seriously? I also didn't think this was about programming, this was about the female instincts and emotions of the bodies they drove.

"I see. I don't feel that way. We are a family. No more than I'll be jealous of the love you have and show to our children. In fact, I'd be angry if you didn't love each other and our children, and show it. You all love me deliriously, I know that, far beyond simple programming, and as long as you stay loyal to us, to our family, there will be no emotional infidelity. At the same time, I'm not sure how we can fix it, instinctive emotions don't yield to logic, not even for you four beauties."

Lia kissed my neck, and when I looked up, she had tears in her eyes.

Fuck, happy or sad, I didn't know, I was a guy. At least, not until she smiled and giggle-sobbed. The others were also looking rather misty-eyed. In that moment, I felt closer to all of them than I ever had before. It was shocking, that my love and regard seemed to just get stronger over time.

"But if you love anyone else, I'll have to kill them," I quipped, probably only half-joking.

Bellona giggled.

Emma smirked, her voice just naturally smoky, "That won't happen, not without intimacy, and we don't let anyone else get that close, nor should we."

Lia slid off my body, and Emma claimed a soft loving kiss as she plastered herself to the other side of me.

I got some more soft kisses from all of them, and then we let sleep take us. I supposed that meant there was no solution, they were just happy I wasn't jealous or angry, and it was a conflicted feeling they'd have to live with. It was just one of those things, where as a guy my job was just to listen and not judge, I couldn't fix it.

Just like I had to deal with the occasional guilt at what I'd done when I was far too young and shallow, and the heavy feeling I had each time I considered the thousands of deaths on my soul, and the blood on my hands.

Life wasn't perfect after all, but you know, mine was damned close.

The next morning on the way to breakfast, I was drive by hugged by Asha, which was a bit of a surprise. Her arms were tight around me, and it was a full body hug, one that caused me to stir a bit, as she was still wearing silk pajamas, and her double Ds were quite proud for their size even without a bra, as she mashed them against me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," I said in a light chuckle, and then froze when I looked down into her eyes.

Well, fuck, that hadn't taken long. She still had that calm aura of hope about her, and that insatiable curiosity in her eyes and dotty happiness that she wasn't lonely anymore, but I could also see desire.

That kindled something in me, and we most certainly had chemistry, as she subtly rubbed her body up against mine and sighed in confused pleasure. I wasn't even entirely sure she'd done it on purpose, or if her body had taken over to give me that fully body grind.

"Umm, Hi. So, you heard us last night?"

She nodded, and then blushed.

"I also touched myself."

Right. Still blunt as ever, in innocence, or perhaps lack of societal programming was a better description at that point, because I saw no innocence in her eyes at all in that moment.

I caressed her back softly, and she sighed and closed her eyes in contentment when I ran a hand through her long white blonde hair.

She sighed in loss, when I stepped back, but didn't object, and a smile returned to her face.

"Thank you. I like hugging you."

I did laugh that time, not at her, more with her, and said, "I like hugging you too, Asha."

I winked, and then took her down to breakfast, where my four beauties looked at me with amusement, they'd obviously heard our exchange, and perhaps sensed the change in my body via the nanites. I knew better of course, but I'd still been expecting narrowed eyed jealousy. I also realized then, that fucking Asha wouldn't be a simple thing of mere exploration of the human condition if it came up, there'd been more in her eyes than simple curiosity and desire. Not love perhaps, but a deeper emotion, and a desire to truly connect, not just fuck around.

At first, my mind had rejected the idea, she'd been on Earth for less than twenty-four hours, she couldn't possibly have deeper feelings for me. Then I remember she was an A.I. I also knew she'd seen my every memory, my every thought, emotion, and decision over my lifetime. The way I cared for my four ladies, and that I saw A.I. servants as my equal.

She knew me better and more completely than Lia and the others, despite that short time. If she'd liked what she'd seen, then it wasn't so impossible for her to have grown feelings for me that quickly. Add in an instinctive need for a steadying strong male presence due to the cocktail of new sensations and emotions in a female human body, in an unfamiliar place, and no longer being alone, I could see how it could happen.

In short, it would be impossible to sleep with her to help her explore her body, and then walk away afterwards. Women craved intimacy with that act, even my ladies did from the beginning before we were in love, built to serve or not, they were still women with human bodies and all the instincts that came with it.

Shorter version, I needed to talk it over with my four loves, before anything happened.

"Breakfast smells wonderful, thank you."

They all beamed at me. I was long passed accustomed to their pleasure from the slightest compliment from me. It was what it was.

The pancakes smelled delicious, and the bacon was done to perfection, crispy and slightly blackened, but not burned. There was also maple syrup, and butter already sliced into patties. I could smell the fresh biscuits under a linen napkin to keep them warm, and last but not least a coffee that was perfection.

Fuck, I was so damned spoiled. Well, I would be, if I wasn't truly grateful for it and took it as my due, which I didn't. Better to say they tried to spoil me, constantly. I did my best to reciprocate, but I was greatly outnumbered.

After breakfast, we headed to the office, and my stomach sank as I saw all the signs and protestors out front.


We hadn't been the only one to watch the business news last night, and I suspected the big oil and other industries had organized this. The signs called us job killers, and they bemoaned all the suffering we would cause by millions of people being displaced from jobs. Called us heartless, and evil. They demanded action by congress, the courts, and even the president by popular opinion.

Which of course was partly true, but they left out the inconvenient fact we would also create millions of jobs to replace them, and make the world a safer, better, more convenient, and healthier place overall. Fuckers. The only ones who would truly lose out, were the fat cats in charge of those industries, and the protestors just blindly ate up their lies, slaves to their puppeteer's greed without even knowing it.

Out of fear.

But, that was naïve, to think these protesters would think, the full truth had no place in a good protest.

Lia sighed, and hit the intercom button, "Take us to the back entrance."

The protestors surged toward the street at seeing a limo, yelling their bullshit, but none of them tried to block us as we sped away, and rounded the block. We slipped into the back entrance, without a problem.

Asha sounded confused, "Those people are ignorant, and foolish."

I laughed, "Yes they are. Have fun with Emma today."

Her and Emma got off at a different floor, presumably one of the bio-lab floors. Lia, Mia, Bellona, and myself continued up to the top floor.

Lia reminded me, "Tonight is the monthly party. It's late as it is from getting the new house, but it's getting too close to Christmas to wait any longer."

"Got it. Do you three have time to chat about Asha, or do you have stuff right at nine?"

Lia shook her head, "Sorry, my love. I have a videoconference appointment with an interviewer on the business channel. We need to get the full truth out there, so people don't get angry for the wrong reasons because of those misguided protestors. After that, I'll be on with a senator for the rest of the morning."

Mia said, "Will Bellona and I do?"

I nodded, "That should be fine, Lia and Emma can listen in with their servers, chime in through you if it's necessary?"

Lia nodded.

Chapter Fifteen

For the sake of appearances, the three of us gathered in Bellona's office after picking up a coffee. It wouldn't do to make them meet in my office, since generally company officers didn't visit their project managers, it worked the other way around in the corporate world.

Not that it didn't happen, but we tried to keep it to a minimum.

They both stared at me attentively, Bellona with a slightly amused and mischievous look on her face, and Mia's innocently beautiful face was nothing but total trusting and loving devotion.

I started to believe at that point in my life that I would never take that for granted, they were too precious to me, I loved them too much, and I had all the responsibility on my shoulders. Plus, I didn't want to let them down, and that meant not allowing things to get to the point where my general orders needed to be followed by Lia or Mia.

"So, did either of you notice how Asha looked at me this morning?"

Bellona smirked, and Mia nodded, and then asked, "Will you sleep with her?"

There'd been no jealousy in her voice, just curiosity.

I said, "That's why we need to talk. If I do, it won't be casual. Casual would... hurt her. I get the distinct impression an alien entity with her powers would give new meaning to the phrase, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. If we do, it won't be to simply settle her alien curiosity on human reproduction."

Bellona giggled, "You might be right, so why are we talking? It's up to you."


I nodded, "Yes, it is. And I'm not sure how I feel about her yet, except she'd be hard not to like. She has a calming vibe to her that's very attractive, and as of this morning we do have a ton of chemistry. Except, there's a good chance it wouldn't just stop there. It seems absurdly early, but I feel if we aren't willing to at least consider the idea of adding her to the family, of having her in our bed, then I shouldn't sleep with her at all. In other words, my intentions need to be pure, not just out of curiosity, or the impulsive desire to nail a hot alien A.I."

Mia laughed, then shook her head and reiterated Bellona's point, "That's up to you, did you forget we serve you, master?"

I sighed, "Yes, I know that, but I also gave you a standing order to tell me when I ask one of the others to do something they wouldn't be willing to do on their own, or wouldn't like doing. So that's what I'm asking you now, just before the fact instead of later, because this is too big. We're talking about the possibility of changing our family dynamic, of adding a sixth to our bed at night. She's going to be here a hundred years as our guest on Earth.

"Too early for promises, or decisions, but it needs to be done knowing the potential, and having the intention to add her to our family if it works out. Anything else would be wrong."

Bellona said sweetly, "I like her. I'd have no objections to her being in our family. Although, I'm not sure what effect that will have on the dynamic. After all, she isn't your servant like the rest of us, even as she'd be our equal because we won't be beholden to her other than by courtesy and affection."

Mia nodded, "We feel the same way, me, Lia, and Emma. None of us object. We also love you a little more, and we agree with you wholeheartedly. Dealing with her dishonorably would be incredibly stupid, and dangerous. Even with the best intentions there's an element of danger there, but I truly don't think she's capable of destroying anyone or anything that isn't trying to steal her masters' stuff."

"Element of danger?"

Mia said, "What if she falls for you hard, but you don't fall in love with her? Even with the best intentions, that will cause emotional stress and harm. Yet, that's part of the human condition, and what she's here to experience and learn about in our company. We can't wrap her up in bubble wrap and keep her safe on the shelf just because of her potential for destruction, no more than you try to do that with us, or we with you, master. Life is inherently full of risks, love and relationships especially so."

"Alright, I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I wanted to make sure you were all okay with it. If it worked out to the final step of permanency."

Mia smiled, "Yes, master."

Bellona teasingly rolled her eyes, "We all love you, and find this conversation both incredibly sweet and exasperating at the same time."

Right, because it's my decision, and they love all my decisions. Still, it made me feel better getting their opinion, as I stood up and stole a mostly innocent kiss from them both before heading to my office.

Emma, my sexy, sensual, hot Emma, looked absolutely gob-smacked as she walked into my office later that same afternoon.

I smiled up at her after she closed the door, and to my surprise she walked around my desk and sat sideways across my lap as her arms went around me and her face buried into my neck.

She took a deep breath, and she sighed in contentment.

I caressed her back softly and played with her liquid midnight ringlets.

"What's up?"

Not that I minded, but snuggling in my lap at work wasn't something she normally did, or at least, not before then.

"Asha makes me feel stupid."

I laughed, and then hugged her tightly in apology.

She asked, "What do you know about aging?"

I said, "DNA breaks down, broken chains and such, and something about Telomeres? They're what lets the cell copy itself to keep the body healthy, they get smaller each time. When the Telomeres run out the cells can no longer copy themselves to renew the body, which leads to the body's breakdown."

She sighed, "Close enough. The telomeres are on the chromosomes. Anyway, you know I'd worked on life extension, using the nanites to enhance the natural body's DNA correction abilities. It would add maybe fifty percent to life expectancy, and keep people looking younger for a longer amount of time. They'd only age in their last decade of life, otherwise they'd appear in their twenties."
