Damaged Beyond Repair?


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"Of course, you don't. You had only eyes for me." She grinned, "Just like now. You don't even see the women swooning over you when you sing."


One-and-a-half year after they arrived at Bart's house Bart stammered through a marriage proposal. Of course, Linda said yes, but asked, "Why do you want us to be married? It doesn't make any difference to us, nor to the boys or the rest of our family and friends."

Bart was on solid ground again. "I have several reasons: first, I love you."

"I know that." Linda interrupted.

"Will you hear me out?" Bart quasi sternly asked her.

Linda only nodded.

"If something happens to me now, by law my estate goes to my family, not to you. We can go to a lawyer to make a will and even then, if someone wants, the will can be fought. If we are married that's almost undoable.

"Second: If H.A.T decides to send me abroad, that's still in my contract, I legally can demand that you come with me. They have to cater to that demand. That means better housing and I get a higher allowance for living abroad. They also have to pay your health insurance and all that.

"Most important is that I like us to be married again."

The wedding ceremony was planned in the Town Hall of Alagón. Initially Linda and Bart wanted a small ceremony with Linda's sons, the Moreno family and Martin and Carlos.

His parents had passed away a few years back and Linda's parents were too frail to make the trip.

That wasn't going to happen. As soon as it was known that they were going to be married, it was taken out of their hands. The old hands of H.A.T of his former days all want to attend as were his colleagues from the home office.

The marriage turned into a local festival and that was when Linda's youngest son was noticed by Annamaria.


The CEO was beside himself. " This woman is becoming a serious pain in the arse. I warned her multiple times to do as I tell her and when I tell her. But no, she needs to act like a civil servant of the aviation authorities."

Linda had another idea, "Maybe she felt rejected by Bart, felt insulted and wanted to make life difficult for him."

"Whatever." The CEO answered. "But she is going to have a few bad reviews a couple of times from now. I'll have your contract revised so that the proper salary is shown."

Maria almost couldn't suppress her anxiety. The baptizing was broken off rudely by the father of her son-in-law and suddenly the CEO of their company appeared to talk with Bart.

She desperately hoped that he wasn't ordering him back to the Netherlands despite the fact that he still had five weeks' vacation to spend and Bart, Linda, Pedro and herself planned a trip with the four of them. She looked so forward to that.

Finally, the CEO was done talking and about to leave. Standing next to his waiting car he said. "I'll send the revised contract as soon as I'm back at the main office. Be assured that that woman has it coming. I can't fire her, but I can place her in a position where she can't do any harm anymore and she won't like that at all. Btbthe way, what happened to young Bart was, according to me, on duty-time. H.A.T will take care of the hospital bills. Now I hope that you'll agree with my amended proposal. I'll leave you alone now. Have a nice holiday. "

He also said his goodbyes to Maria and Pedro, stepped into the car and left.

With questioning eyes Maria looked at Bart and Linda.

Linda learned to know and to read the little Spanish fury very well by now. They were opposites. Maria was explosive and with her heart on her tongue while Linda was much more grounded and introverted nowadays. They stole each other's hearts by just being who they were and complemented each other. Combined they were a force to be reckoned within the extended family.

Linda walked over to the almost bouncing woman and sotto voce whispered, "I'll make another pot of coffee, you fetch Pedro. We need to talk."

That heightened Maria's anxiety even more and she completely missed the smile on her friend's face.

Fifteen minutes later, the four of them were sitting at the back of the guesthouse where Bart explained the proposal from the CEO.

He concluded, "For me, this will be my last assignment. Both Linda's sons have found love here. Marc is already living and working here and it seems that Bart is going to do the same. Annamaria is very much like my Goddaughter so he doesn't stand a chance.

'Linda wants to be in their neighborhood, and I don't want to be far away from you anymore. A while ago, Linda and I decided to stay here in Spain permanently. We already decided that I will retire early

"This morning H.A.T offered me the position of permanent manager at ZAZ and I'm inclined to take it. Housing will be free so we can save that part of my income to save for a piece of land to build a house on. With the money from our house in the Netherlands we can set ourselves up very nicely here, if you want us in your neighborhood of course."

"Wait!" Maria commanded. "Pedro, will you be so kind as to fetch the box with Bart stenciled on it?"

With a big smile because he knew what was to come, he jumped up and went to their house, only to return with an old army ammunition box in his hands.

He sat down, smiled even broader and started," About twenty-five years ago you arrived in ZAZ. Soon after you saved us from that corrupt bastard who ran the place at the time.

"You forced him to cough up all the money he owed us. You were the first who took the trouble to learn Spanish and you helped us build our house.

With that money we were able to acquire the land the houses are built on. We, the employees at that time, bought the ground collectively and we decided to set aside a swat in case you wanted to come and live here. If you decide to build a house here, that land is yours."

Bart was speechless. Linda regained her wits somewhat quicker and asked, "So we don't need to search for land? I was afraid that it would be next to impossible to find a suitable plot in the neighborhood. We don't want to live too far away from you."

Maria smiled saying "And you walked on it more than once. It's the piece at the end of this cul-de-sac."

"But, but that is vast." Bart interceded.

"Yeah, that is so, but it was cheap at the time, so we bought the whole lot, helped by some other thankful colleagues."

Bart was pale from shock, "I can't believe it. I only did what was right at the time. Why didn't you sell it? It could have made you a bundle."

You put our lives on track. Since then, we were able to give our children a future. We're indebted to you. Please accept what we offer as appreciation for sticking your neck out and whipping the operation in form. We still benefit from that."

Normally it was Maria who did the talking for the pair, but to Bart and Linda's amazement these sentences came from Pedro.

"I don't know what to say. Not in Spanish, nor in Dutch or English and you kept that a secret all this time?"

"Yes, we didn't want to pressure you." Maria replied.

"How big is it?" Linda asked.

"About two and a half hectares. Was the answer.

A thought flashed through Bart's mind, That's enough for three houses. . He didn't realize that he had spoken the thought out loud.

Three adults looked at him. Maria was the first to understand where Bart's thoughts were going.

"Si." She said, "and I think that old Paco would be happy to sell his place so that he can live with his son in Tossa de Mar."

"We only need to find enough money to do that. I have enough savings to build a house but can't afford to buy Paco's place."

"Yes, you can." Maria said, her face serious.

Bart looked at her, not understanding. "I know my own financial situation, I think?"

"Not entirely." Maria returned.

"What do you mean? Not another surprise, please." Bart almost begged.

Maria went on, explaining about his songs. That the extended Moreno family, all the songs he had written for them, had copyrighted them back to him.

Someone, digging for one last song to put on her album found one of his and wanted to use that song.

As a result, six songs were covered by some famous singers and bands in Spanish speaking countries.

A few years ago, he handed Maria the song he so agonized over on that life-changing weekend. The song was used in a movie and the royalties of that song would be sufficient to buy out Paco and finance the building of his home here.

Maria decided that the royalties were his except for the parts that were used to finance the education for the, what she called, second generation.

The children all had a trust for that and if they wanted another direction in their life their trust would be paid when they became twenty-five years of age.

Pedro told Bart that his eldest nephew used the money to start his construction company with it and a niece from Maria's side of the family had become an architect because of that.

Bart couldn't comprehend why they were all doing that for him. He was completely thrown off balance. He stammered, But I only did what I thought was right at the time. And, in the back of my mind, what was best for H.A.T. Also, I never thought about commercializing my music. It was a gift to you, so why didn't you keep the royalties for yourself "

Maria came over and hugged him replying, "Because you gave us all a better future and proved a true friend. You never took advantage of us. Damn, you still pay rent for the guest house even when we told you more than once that we don't need, nor want it."

Bart staggered to his feet. "It's too much. I need some time to process this all. I need to be alone for a while."

Concerned, Linda tried to get out of her chair too, but was restrained by Maria who whispered, "Let him go. It will be alright. Just give him time."

When Bart was gone Linda kept being anxious. She never witnessed Bart acting like this during their time together.

Maria and Pedro tried to placate her, "Really it will be alright. It's what he does when he is overloaded."

"But I've never seen him like this."

"No, but you have a gap of more than twenty years, that we don't. Last time, he went camping for a few days, don't you remember?"

Later that evening Bart was back and sitting at the back of the guesthouse. Linda had her head in his lap, occupying the rest of the bench.

"I still can't get my head around it." Bart said softly.

From the moment you arrived the first time here you've been paying forward. Pedro explained to me that if you didn't oust that horrible man, he would be allowed to name a successor and of course that one would be of the same cloth. Jobs in that time, in Spain, were very hard to come by. They wouldn't have a choice but to keep working for a fee while someone stole their livelihood.

"When you set that right and forced the man to reimburse the employees, you ensured their future."

"So, I have to accept it all, because otherwise I will disappoint them and hurt their feelings."

"Yes, you do. Of course, we can do the proper thing. We can come living here and rent out our house in the Netherlands. And if we decide that we can use local people to do the work. Maria's niece to design a house and Pedro's nephew to build it. When you do it that way the money will flow back into the community again."

Bart sighed, but smiled, "Maybe it's for the best. It looks like I'm stuck here for the duration." He veered up. "If that's so we live for free. H.A.T will still pay my allowance whatever the costs we have. You can stop working if you like and become a grandma for your grandchildren. That saves the boys a sitter and our daughters in law can find a job if they like."

"Our grandchildren." Linda admonished. "Marc and Bart see you as their father since their sperm-donor was found dead in his cell. They always come to you for advice and Bart, after that argument with Annamaria. To whom did he go for solace?"

"Do you think that the boys would like to live here? I would like that very much."

"I think so, but you have to ask them."

"Now it's my turn to correct you: we have to ask them."

The only answer he got was a deep kiss and, "My God, how I love you, Bart Verbeke."

"Let's go and tell our friends that I conquered my funk and that we gladly accept. And tell the rest of our plans, e.g. buying Taco's plot and asking the boys if they like to live in the vicinity of their parents. I can guess Laetitia's answer so I know Marc's."

Pedro and Maria were over the moon when they heard the plans their friends had in mind. The four of them decided to wait until Bart was out of the hospital before sharing them with the younger quartet.

The family meeting was a few days later. Bart was released from hospital and felt well enough to attend, albeit under the watchful eyes Annamaria.

She had stated in the presence of her parents when they came to visit him, "I almost lost my future husband and father of my children once. I won't let that happen again."

Bart knew enough Spanish by now to understand what had been said and he was completely rattled by that statement.

His future father-in-law laughed his head off at the sight of Bart's red face and after the women had left the room to said gently, "Either you taketh first plane to the Netherlands or you become the father of my grandchildren."

"If I can have your blessing Sir, I won't need the plane." Bart replied.

"You have it, Son. I can't wish myself a better man for that headstrong daughter of mine. Welcome to the family."

Bart explained what had occurred at the start of the week and told them that they intended to stay in Spain with a foothold in the Netherlands.

Then he asked the all-important question, "The piece of land is big enough for three houses, or one house big enough for three families with enough privacy for each family.

"The question is; would you like to put your roots down here?

"Do you mean...?"

"Yes." Bart replied. "We're willing to invest in it if you like to come and live next to us and Maria and Pedro."

Marc looked at Laetitia who almost nodded her head off. He looked at his brother.

Bart turned to Annamaria and said, "I don't want to live there alone. Will you marry me?"

Laetitia remarked, "That's not very romantic Bart."

Bart smirked, "I don't do romantic in public. I'll show her how romantic I can be in private especially if she says yes."

Annamaria's eyes grew wide when she started to understand that the question might not be a joke. Uncertainly she asked. "Are you serious?"

"Of course. As a bullet in my shoulder blade."

"And my dad?"

"What about him? I already have his blessing to marry you."

Annamaria jumped in his lap, making Bart wince. The sudden movement painfully jolted his shoulder. It made him say, "Not even married yet and already she is mistreating me. Can I withdraw my proposal? "

Annamaria kissed him and faced him. Looking straight into his eyes she replied, "No you can't and yes, I'll marry you. I want four. So, it must be a big house."


Years later.

Bart was retired after leading H.A.T for over a decade in Zaragoza and now helped Marc and Bart maintain their successful construction business. Linda helped raise their offspring. Seven in total, four girls and three boys.

Annamaria got her wish sooner than she expected. Her third pregnancy was twins. Her husband shrugged the news off with the remark, "It seems to run in the family."


It was siesta-time and Bart and Linda were cuddling on the bed, dozing after a bout of love making.

They weren't sexual athletes to begin with but as the years grew in them the animalistic sexual urge was replaced by the gentle, but passionate lovemaking of two people who were deeply in love with each other. An orgasm was nice but not mandatory anymore and cuddling, stroking, massaging, in short physically telling each other of your love became more important.

This time it grew into the full Monty. The children and grandchildren were back to Holland to visit friends and their bio-dad's parents.

That last took some talking until Linda explained that they were the ones who forced Marco Sr into fulfilling his obligations to them and they missed their grandsons dearly.

Bart was the one explaining that they were both old and people of the day. They might not be another opportunity to show-off their offspring.

Exhausted Linda looked at her husband. A poem popped up in her head. It was from the hand of John Donne, one of Bart's most favorite poems. She recited the first strophe,

"I wonder by my troth, what thou and I Did, till we loved?

Were we not weaned until then?

Bart opened his eyes, "I, my love, only existed until we were reunited. Thou love healed me."

Linda replied, "When I came to my senses and you had disappeared, I thought that we, as a couple, were damaged beyond repair. The thought that I would never see you again was a constant hurt. I was so immature."

"We both made mistakes. Your, our boys were the superglue that prevented us from being damaged beyond repair. We're whole again so you can stop fretting.

He pulled her in a kiss and afterwards Linda sighed contentedly. He is right! We were not damaged beyond repair.

The End.


The poem from John Donne is called The Good-Morrow. In my opinion it's one of the most beautiful love poems ever. But who am I?


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AllNigherAllNigherless than a minute ago

I thought it was great but could have been condensed s great deal.

But s wonderful story nonetheless. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

The house had a slate roof, in the back was a garden, behind that another garden which sat next to a waterfall where Bart would write poetry and sing to bunnies. When he wasn't doing that he was giving people money and being the best hermit around children ever...... This is how your story reads. Way too over the top

leofric35leofric35about 2 months ago

Great story and very well written. Your command of a second language does you proud and is as good as a lot of writers on here who have English as their first. Well done. 5 stars and a favourite for me. Thank you for your hard work.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nicely done.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence2 months ago

Now she knew that Bart still could read her very well, she had no other choice than to be open and honest with him.


Except for where it might relate to knowing that she intended to divorce him apparently.

Generally, liked the story. Obviously, a European-centric story so most of the name places meant nothing to me, but that's on me not on the writing.

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