Dana & the Angel of Lost Girls Ch. 01


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Dana smiled; this was the right place. She stepped forward, between the tables and the bar, and stood in a wide stance (a good way to grab attention if you have nice legs). She regarded the first woman there, a tall, burly blonde woman in a sleeveless t-shirt and her hair slicked back in a kind of D.A. The next woman at the bar was a stocky brunette with a mullet and a black leather vest who stepped in front of Dana and said, "Hey, doll. How's about I buy you a drink and we get cozy?"

Before Dana could summarize the ramifications of that offer a big pink arm whizzed past her head and the burly blonde's palm smacked against the brunette's shoulder, the blonde thundered, "She's in my territory, asshole!" The brunette responded with a right cross that missed its mark. Dana was dumbfounded as the two women locked arms and tore at each other just inches from her face. A big, broad man behind the bar climbed over it and landed beside the two women, wrenching them apart with his long arms.

Too shocked to move, Dana felt a hand grasp her gently but firmly by the elbow and extract her from the ruckus. The bartender and some friends separated the combatants and they withdrew to opposite ends of the bar. As the women at the bar shuffled positions to absorb the newly opened space Dana turned to look at her rescuer. She beheld an attractive woman in her mid forties dressed in black slacks and a pink silk blouse with a sweater draped around her shoulders. She had short, curly brown hair neatly bunched around a very wholesome, June-Cleaver-ish face. The woman smiled warmly at Dana and said, "You're new here, aren't you?" Taking Dana's shocked silence for an answer she continued, "We'd better just avoid the war zone until you learn the ropes."

Guiding Dana back to her table by the wall they passed another woman sitting alone at an adjacent table who laughed and said, "Smooth sailing, cream puff." This was a lean, young blonde woman in blue jeans, tank top and cowboy hat; pretty in a kind of unwashed sort of way.

"Oh, Jan. Behave," replied Dana's savior to the wild, giddy cowgirl. Pulling Dana down to a chair beside her, the pleasant woman said, "My name's Ruth. Don't mind Jan she's just having fun."

"I'm Dana," she offered. Dana had planned to use an alias but that slipped.

"Well, hi, Dana, and welcome," said her new friend. "Tell us what brings you to our dreary little dive." As she spoke, Jan slid her chair toward their table to include herself into the welcoming committee.

"I'm just... kind of... well, I'm looking for some companionship," said Dana. She was feeling a bit shy and uneasy. It seemed strange to her to go to a place expressly looking for sex. This kind of conduct was so foreign to her, but she did find comfort in the notion that every woman in the room was drawn there by virtue of their sexuality and a quest for coupling. Why else would she be there? She was also feeling an attraction for both of these women. Either one would surely make a suitable partner. "I'm new to this," she ventured, hoping for sympathetic appeal.

"A virgin!" blurted out Jan with a raucous laugh and entirely too loud. "I ain't touchin' that."

Dana felt the stare of every woman in the bar turn on her.

"Jan! That's uncalled for," said Ruth crossly as she reached in her purse and drew out a ten. She slid it toward Jan and said, "Why don't you go get us a drink? What are you having, Dana?"

"Burgundy is fine. Thank you," she said, still trying to overcome her embarrassment. Jan nabbed the bill and headed for the bar.

Ruth patted her on the arm, "Jan's a little rough around the edges - she drives a cab all day. She's actually very sweet before she's had too many."

Dana was quickly growing a fondness for this woman. She was pretty, kind, warm, and understanding. She thought maybe her search would be over sooner than she expected. Surely this woman would make a perfect lover for her first time. "You've been very sweet," Dana ventured. "How would you like to take home a virgin," she continued, half jokingly but still half in earnest?

"Oh, me," Ruth said as she dropped her glance and began fiddling with her hair, obviously flattered? "I'm... spoken for. But perhaps I can steer you to the right young lady."

"Well, I guess Jan is out," chuckled Dana. "I'm hoping to find someone really special, really good, and really patient... somebody who will make my experience memorable."

"There's Bobbie," suggested Ruth. "That blonde girl on the stool. She's available and very sweet." Glancing over casually, Dana considered the pleasant, dainty woman in snug, girl-next-door jeans. "She's cute. Does she like adventure?" That, of course, would be crucial.

"Adventure," said Ruth with a sly sideways glance? "Mmm,... Neecie! Denice, the girl in the skirt, playing pool. She's a dancer. Ballet. She's from a prominent family. She tamed Jan once. Not a fast mover, she likes to get acquainted first."

Dana watched the sinewy, superlatively toned strawberry blond in the fashionably torn mid-drift and matching skirt. Definitely a sensuous creature, with a body built to perform. The package she advertised certainly promised an affair to remember. 'Wow,' thought Dana. 'If I had enough time, that's the kind of woman I wanted to find.' "I'm only in town for the weekend ... but..." She did not really intend for her quest to extend into multiple trips, but that girl was truly exciting.

"In a hurry, huh? Well, someone else does come to mind, she's a bit extreme," proposed Ruth. "She is very beautiful, a skillful and thorough lover... uh, so I hear... very accommodating and she likes first-timers. She's... (How shall I say?)... A lady of the evening. Her name is Angel."

"A prostitute," asked Dana in a shocked whisper? She was alarmed that her adventure had strayed into felonious territory. Could she venture that far? Maybe she could. Pondering it quickly, maybe it was the perfect solution. This Angel was good, she liked beginners, and as a professional she could not shirk her duty no matter what she confronted. "Well, OK. I could do that. That would suit me just fine, I guess." Just then Jan returned with their drinks and plopped down in her chair. "Tell me what I have to do to meet this Angel," continued Dana anxiously.

"Angel!" exclaimed Jan with a laugh, entirely too loud and again drawing attention from the entire room. "If you can afford Angel why are we buying you drinks?"

"Jan," whispered Ruth with a frown! "Try to put yourself in our friend's shoes and stop being such a bore!" Softening and turning back to Dana, "Understand, I've never been with her," Ruth said, primping her hair again, self consciously, "but my partner... who should be here by now... she has and she would at least help you find her."

"Poindexter," said Jan almost choking on a big gulp of beer? "What a waste."

Ruth ignored Jan like she was used to it. "Even if she can't we'll find you a friend. You're in glad company," she said as she hugged Dana's arm in encouragement.

"I appreciate it and I'm happy to be among you," replied Dana to both her new friends.

"Sure," said Jan with a laugh and pointing her thumb over her shoulder toward the bar. "And you can always try your luck again on Battleship Row."

"Here she is now," said Ruth, looking over Dana's shoulder toward the door.

Dana turned and saw a very prim looking woman in a tweed jacket and striped neck tie. She had black hair pulled back into a tight bun and wore big, round, black-framed glasses. She walked directly toward their table as if it were a well established custom. She kissed Ruth and whispered a greeting before sitting down beside her opposite Dana and continued whispering to Ruth something about working late and traffic.

"Hey, Poindexter. Nice tie," said Jan with a laugh.

"A pleasure, as always, to see you again, Jan." said the woman in a very dry tone as she coldly regarded her agitator.

"I'd like you to meet our new friend, Dana," interjected Ruth. "Dana, this is my partner, Beth." Beth rose from her chair, reached over the table and firmly shook Dana's hand. Ruth patted Beth on the lap and said, "Dana's a NEW girl and is anxious to meet somebody."

Before Beth could respond, Jan blurted out, "Ruthie says you could exert your bean-counter charm to hook her up with Angel."

Ignoring the sarcastic jab, Beth looked at Dana in astonishment and said, "Angel? Well, you certainly don't piddle around. That's a pretty fast start for a beginner. Are you sure you know what you're in for?"

"Like my mom always said, 'If you're going to try something for the first time, try the very best'," replied Dana. She did not want to break protocol but she was on a mission.

"Can you help her," asked Ruth sweetly?

"Oooo... kaaaay," said Beth slowly as she scanned the room. Something caught her eye by the doorway and she got up, walked over to a stack of papers in a rack. She picked one up, folded it and stuffed it under her arm as if she was embarrassed to be seen with it. At the table she opened it up keeping it close to her lap and out of sight. Dana read 'Rocky Mountain Oyster' on the paper's masthead and assumed it to be some kind of underground ad periodical. Rifling through the paper Beth came across something and pulled out a section and placed it on the table. She took a pen from her jacket and wrote something on an ad at the bottom of the page and then slid it toward Dana.

The ad had a picture of a beautiful woman with a finger pressed to her pursed lips and it said 'Elite Escorts, In-call, Out-call, Discrete' and a telephone number. Beth had circled the number and wrote "C.J." beside it. "If you're sure you can handle this, call that number and ask for C.J.," said Beth in a very serious tone. "But you talk ONLY to C.J. and you don't discuss anything with anybody else, alright?"

"Alright," replied Dana. She did not understand the grave warning but she would comply. Ruth smiled at her as if proud of her partner's prowess. Jan stared at her in gaping envy.

For nearly an hour Dana sat and chatted with her new friends. She bought a round. After a while the fact that they were all drawn to this place by virtue of their sexuality was forgotten and they became just four ladies sharing a drink and some laughs. At 9:30 Dana excused herself with a promise of dropping in again the next time she was in town.

When Dana got back to her motel room she could not contain her anticipation. She locked the door, tossed aside her purse, grabbed the phone and quickly dialed the number in the ad. The phone rang and rang and then suddenly a woman's voice answered, "Elite Escorts."

"Hi, may I speak to C.J., please," asked Dana?

"Just a minute," came the reply. Next came some funky jazz as she was put on hold. Doubt and fear started to creep over Dana but her excitement had built up too much momentum for her to stop. Minutes passed and then a raspy female voice abruptly interjected, "This is C.J."

"Hello, I was told by a friend that you could help connect me with... Angel. Are you the one I should be talking to," Dana asked? She hoped this is how it was done.

There was a bit of a pause and then C.J. said, "Oh, hi! It's so good to hear from you. Hey, I'm about to go on break, can you give me your number and I'll call you right back?"

Dana complied but was a little confused about C.J.'s response. She hung up and then sat down and waited for C.J.'s call. It came back several minutes later, "This is C.J. Sorry about that but if they found out I was doing a business on the side they'd fire me. You're looking for Angel, right," growled C.J.? Dana could hear what sounded like traffic in the background and knew C.J. must be out on some pay phone.

"Yes. Some friends told me she was the best and that's just what I want," said Dana, trying to sound as moxie as she could.

"She sure is. She sure is... But that kind of talent doesn't come without a price," said C.J. as she paused to take a drag on her cigarette. "I get a 20 dollar introduction fee up front and then you negotiate with Angel for what ever services you want on top of that. She doesn't do guys, she doesn't do S and M, and she can take care of herself so don't try any rough stuff. If this is some kind of party or your husband wants to watch, the charge is double. If you try to short her or harm one hair on her head, some boys of mine'll come down on you. She's gonna check if you're a cop and NO PICTURES, alright? You gotta place?"

"Yeah, I've got a room and I'm alone. Listen, I'm legitimate and sincere but I'm kind of pressed for time, do you think I could meet her tonight or maybe tomorrow night," asked Dana, C.J.'s warning was very frightening however, she was feeling proud of her courage and savvy?

"Well, tonight's probably too late, she's already out," replied C.J., raising her voice to talk over the noise. "I could leave her a message to call you when she checks in. You got a name, sweetie?"

"Have her call Dana at this number," said Dana.

"Dana... I sure will. She'll be giving you a call tonight," said C.J. "Have a good time, sweetie."

"Thank you. I will," said Dana and then hung up. She was very pleased with herself. She thought that this would all work out better than she had planned.

Dana lay down on the bed and waited, listening to the radio, visualizing in her mind how all of this would play out. An hour passed. Her nervousness transformed itself into anxious anticipation. Two hours more passed. Dana slowly began to dose off and then the phone rang, startling her back into nervous apprehension. What should she do? What should she say? How should she treat this? "Hello," she spoke into the receiver, hoping it was the right tone of voice.

"Hello," said a cool, smooth feminine voice, "May I speak to Dana, please?"

"This is Dana," she replied, still trying to wrestle her nervousness.

"This is Angel, a friend asked me to give you a call," said the voice with no trace of presumption.

"I talked to C.J... She said we might... um... arrange a meeting. Uh... get together and... well, you know, a... a date, I... I guess," Dana was clueless as to how to propose sex, over the phone to a complete stranger. The woman's patient silence only made it worse.

"Relax, honey," Angel's voice mercifully cooed, "I know why you called. Everything is going to be alright. No one is going to get hurt. No one is going to do anything they don't want to do. No one is going to get in trouble or be embarrassed. Angel's going to take real good care of you. We're going to make friends and then maybe have some fun, OK?"

That was just right. Angel's words were soothing and reaffirming to Dana. This was not that bad. Just chatting with an understanding companion on the other end of a phone line. "Thank you. Yeah, let's have some... fun," Dana responded gratefully. "C.J. told me to ask you if you have tomorrow night free. Can I see you tomorrow night?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Tomorrow is out for me, I have a dinner date with some old friends." said Angel with a tinge of sympathy in her voice.

Dana was crestfallen. After all her hard work and the emotional rollercoaster she really wanted this meeting to work. "This is my first time, I wanted it to be special," she said, unable to hide her disappointment.

"Have you tried the clubs," Angel suggested? "There's usually a lot of action at the clubs."

"Yeah, I tried a couple of places. I'm from out of town and I won't be here for long. I had to work so hard to arrange... I was hoping to find somebody who... who could appreciate my... special... my condition." This was a terrible disappointment to Dana. Getting together with Angel seemed like the perfect solution and it was all crumbling apart. She felt like crying.

"It's OK, talk to me, honey. Let's see if I can help. Maybe I can set you up with some one else. Maybe we can schedule another time. Condition you say," Angel asked earnestly? "What condition? Tell me all about it. Don't be afraid, I've done just about everything."

Angel was being very considerate and compassionate, 'She might as well know' Dana thought. "I'm what's called a hermaphrodite. It's a condition where..." Dana started, as hopelessness was quickly replacing apprehension.

Angel quickly gasped out loud, "Pseudo or True hermaphrodite!?!"

"Uh, Pseudo. But I...," started Dana again.

"Hyperplasia or Turner syndrome," Angel quickly injected!?

"Hyperplasia. Ambiguous genitalia, a masculanized clitoris with hypospadias, to be exact. How did you know so much about intersexuality," asked Dana with newfound wonder about who she was talking to and the nature of big city lesbian culture?

"I've been looking for someone like you," came Angel's awestruck reply after a respectful pause. "You're priceless... Yes, I'll meet you. When ever - where ever you'd like."

Dana was bowled over. With a mere mention of her condition the highly sought-after Angel was now at her disposal and eager to meet her. "If you're sure it's no trouble. I don't want to spoil your plans," offered Dana.

"No. It's alright. They'll understand. We'll need a time and a place to meet. Where are you staying," Angel insisted?

"A motel. I'm on the west side at Highway 6 and Wadsworth Boulevard," responded Dana, "Do you know where that is?"

"Sure, exactly. Listen, there's a diner right at the corner, I can meet you outside in the parking lot," Angel said, speaking very carefully, "It'll be real easy. What I usually do is stand in the open so you can drive by and see if I'm what you want and verify that I'm alone. I'll be in a white VW so you'll know it's me. What time would you like to meet?"

"That sounds fine," said Dana, "How about 8 o'clock?"

"Perfect. Now, you stay out of those clubs and don't go making plans with some other girl," said Angel in a light-hearted encouraging manner, "Tomorrow night you belong to Angel."

"Great," exclaimed Dana, giddy with excitement! "Thank you so much for seeing me, and also for being so understanding. I hope you'll like me." Completely forgetting that she had come to town to please herself, Dana deferred to her new-found paramour.

"Don't worry about me; I'm going to like you just fine," admonished Angel, "Tomorrow night is going to be about you. Get some sleep and I'll see you at eight."

"OK. Good night and thanks again," signed off Dana.

"Good night, honey," replied Angel.

When Dana hung up the phone she leapt up to the middle of the floor and danced with happiness. This was better than she had planned. Somebody out there, a vivacious, desirable love-goddess wanted her; not in spite of what she was but because of what she was. She playfully got undressed and ready for bed; too excited to sleep, she laid awake another hour as delightful thoughts about herself whirled in her head. She eventually slept the sleep of the truly contented.

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