Dana-girl Ch. 05

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That's what girls are made of.
11.6k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/04/2021
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Chapter 5

That's what girls are made of

Twenty minutes later I was pulling into my Mom's driveway... It had been my base for so long, it was the one place where I knew I could feel safe, yet now though, things were different and with what I was facing and for the first time ever, coming home... It didn't feel all that safe anymore...


"Oh good you're here on time, our appointment is at 10am so that gives us a few minutes to get you ready, come in Dana, you look scared to death, what's wrong?" Mom asked me smiling and sounding up-beat as she opened our side door greeting me after she had been watching and no doubt waiting for my arrival...

"Hi Mom... Yes, I look scared half to death because I am that's why!... I have no idea what you have in mind here but, I did as you said in your text and had a long shower before coming over" I replied entering the kitchen with her taking my arm and ushering me through, passing into her living room while saying we had a few minutes but with the way she was acting, you would think we didn't...

"Come in now let's not waste time, we have some things we need to take care of before we go, starting with what you're wearing... There's no way I'm letting you see such a prominent doctor in those rags... No, no that won't do at all... Now come, here look I have the perfect outfit for you to wear, and you did say you've showered already? Yes? And what about back here? Did you think to do anything with your back side? You know she's going to be giving you quite a thorough exam"...

"Yes Mom, I took care of that too" I replied while sort of rolling my eyes, like I was living there again and being told to clean my room, only in my case, this 'room'... It just happened to be my ass!

With Mom blustering away I didn't know what to think about this doctor, or any of what was going to happen. She sounded so keyed up as she hurried me into the living room, where reaching the couch my eyes went wide, seeing what she had for me to wear...

"A- - A dress? Mom? You can't expect me to go out in public in this? There's no way!" I managed to get in once she'd stopped talking long enough, going on like an auctioneer, rambling about our plans for the day... Or rather 'my-plans' beginning with her thinking I'm ready for something like this... 'Going-public' as it were...

"Yes, I know putting you in dress in public will be trying" Mom began, at least recognizing this as being a boundary pusher for me, yet going on she tried to reason with me, but in the end all she did was scare me even more...

"But we have to think this way dear... The doctor we're going to see, Dr. Marsha Harper, she a specialist in the field of gender reassignment, and with you showing up in this pretty little dress, and look, I also have new tan stocking for your legs... But my point is, with you coming in looking so pretty, already dressed up as a girl for your first appointment, she'll know for sure that we're serous about this"

"G-Gender reassignment? Wh-what do you mean? You guys don't see me going all the way with this and getting like...like a sex-change do you? -because no one has said anything about this to me...and I'm not sure, or I mean no... NO, I know for sure I don't want that... I'm a guy...and even if am turning out to be gay or just bi-sexual like you said... But whatever I am... I still want to keep on being a guy... No matter how small and useless you think I am... I don't want my dick being cut off! No way Jose!"

Saying my piece about this 'gender-reassignment' thing or having a sex-change is what it means... I had to try and stand up for myself, because for me, that was too far, and a definite deal breaker as far as I was concerned.

I mean with Mom taking up this equally dominant role between Veronica and myself, and yet leaning more heavily towards me it would seem, what with this 'girl-crush' she has on Veronica keeping her on my Mom's sweet side all nice and safe. But on my side of things, I felt I had to be emphatic about this and stand my ground, because there was no way they were going to talk me into becoming a full and complete 'woman'...

But then letting the air out of me and reassuring me, Mom let me know for certain that this wouldn't be happening.... Saying and telling me I can relax by letting me know that I would be able to keep my little dick...

"Of course we won't be cutting your little thingy off, but now that you mention it, when I called and spoke to Dr. Harper, she said that if it were possible, you should show up to the appointment wearing one of these"

Listening and relieved, yet for however briefly... I watched looking as she revealed in her hand something I had seen before...and I knew in a second exactly what she was holding. But then gasping inward, shocked and quite surprised, I put my hand to my mouth with possibly the worlds worst poker-face and I gave myself away... Mom knew...

It was a chastity cage and seeing it in her hand, I felt my stomach drop... We had seen guys wearing them in pictures and videos Veronica and I had watched over time, with her even saying she wouldn't rule out using one on me... But what I didn't know and nor could I really understand was why this 'eminent' Dr Harper would want me wearing one during my exam?

Looking to me with little surprise herself, but smiling all the same, Mom let on that I knew what she was holding... "Oh, so you do know what this is? Well that's good, I thought as much... I haven't had a chance to tell Veronica about this yet, but I'm sure she'll agree once she sees and learns of it's power... So, come on, lets get you undressed... I'll need you naked if we're going to put this on you"

Nervous and unsure... I already knew Veronica would be all for this, having told me long ago that she like the idea, she liked playing the waiting game with me being denied, staying chaste for days at a time... However, in my current state of panic, I was reluctant to tell Mom that Veronica had already suggested such a thing... Putting me in chastity for 'fun' as she had put it while smiling and giggling...

Yeah fun... Her fun, but my misery...

I didn't like the idea when Veronica joked or mentioned using one of these things back some time ago, saying she "wouldn't rule it out"... But now? Being faced with this again? -and for real this time? That was something else I knew in a second... I knew for sure that my feelings hadn't changed... Not one bit...

I wasn't big on having this part taken away from me... I mean what guy really would? Yet Mom though, seeing me waver and about to put up a fight... She knew otherwise, and she was ready for me...

"B-But why? Why do I have to be put into chastity?" I argued... "I'm good! Veronica doesn't like it if I sneak a wank anymore, so I don't do it, I swear" I said to her pleading, telling the truth that I often wait for days without stroking one out in the shower. or anywhere else for that matter...

Waiting like this, it is tough at times but I know and I even agree with Veronica that when I do it for her, and then when the time comes, I know -and she knows just how much stronger and better my orgasms are, so I do it... I hold off and wait...

"Oh, you sweet thing, I know, Veronica has told me... But unfortunately Dana-girl, that's not what this is about" Mom began, letting me know why we had to do this for the doctor...

"Putting you into chastity for your appointment is to see if you can be locked away for long durations... Plus Dr. Harper insist on it dear... As she told me, she wants all of her consults caged... She was quite adamant about it as well, saying that she's seen far more than her share of 'sissy-sticks' as she called them"

Listening to Mom as she continued explaining I watched as she had the cage separated into all of it's pieces and looking very much like she knew what she was doing at that... Yet with me still half dressed, afraid, but knowing I wasn't being given a choice... I frowned feeling my heart and my stomach falling even further knowing this thing was going on me, whether I liked it or not... And this doctor, she wasn't sounding all that nice either, which wasn't helping...

"So little miss sissy, it's time to put your little sissy-stick away and get going" She added, smiling sarcastically while using this doctor's words, calling my dick a 'sissy-stick' which was the part I didn't like, sounding like she was mocking me instead of offering support...

Holding up the front part that looks like a small, semi-clear, pink cock head, as well as the attaching ring, the one that will go around me, encircling my little dick and balls and acting as the anchor, Mom was soon fitting the chastity cage to me, or on me...

"Oh gosh Mom, I wish I didn't have to do this but... but I guess if you say the doctor wants me this way...and...and what do you guys mean? Long durations? I have a feeling this isn't the only time you'll be putting me into this thing" I said back, reluctant still but giving in all the same, also not liking the idea of whatever 'long-durations' might imply as I slipped out of my bottoms leaving me naked with my Mom there and about to put me into chastity...

"Honestly Dana, by this point I thought you might know better" Mom came back saying, stating it like this was an inevitability and that I 'might-know-better'... Which I didn't...

Sitting on the sofa she had me standing in front of her, touching me again, holding in her hand my thankfully soft and shrivelled up little dick... The embarrassment and humiliation keeping me that way with her thumb and forefinger coming around me, followed by the backing ring slipping over my gathered little package, settling in place, the tightness holding and pushing forwards my dick and balls, holding them out and away from my body.

Feeling the pressure and tightness of the ring but not wanting to see the rest, I thought of times like getting a needle at the doctor's office, where I was told it was easier if I didn't look...

Yet with my breath held and my eye pressed shut, I could still feel and picture the end bit or the 'penis-cap' going on, then as quickly as she had put this thing on me, and without much ceremony, or even a word from my Mom after doing so... I heard the slight, yet ever so distinctive 'click' of the mini-padlock being pressed closed with her fingers... Closing and locking, the tiny sound was near deafening as it signalled my end...

Swinging my head back and looking down, I wasn't expecting this to go so fast, and as well, so painlessly I might add...

It was almost hard to believe she had me in this thing so quickly... It was like me in bed I suppose, a few 'Snaps! and Crackles!' before I 'Pop!'...

It was kind of like that, where in a lot of cases during sex for me... It was over before I knew it... And so it would seem, the same could be said for being put in chastity...

"Well? Tell me? How does it feel? Is it too tight? Or will it come off? Here, let me see" Mom asked wanting to know how the thing fit me, yet before I could even muster an answer she hand me in her hand, testing for herself by grabbing the cage and pulling sharply downwards, making me grunt in pain, but more so in surprise not expecting her to be so grabby like that...and as well, she was being so damn rough!

"Ugggh!" I grunted... "Mom? What the hell? Are you trying to castrate me? Go easy... It fits fine I guess, or it doesn't hurt as long as you don't try pulling it off and taking my nuts with it!"

"Okay! Sorry Missy... I just want to be sure you have good blood flow... I'm glad that it won't come off and I think Veronica will be pleased as punch once she see you like this... Now come, into your stockings, they're the stay-up kind, I want to change myself so let me know when you're ready and I'll help you into your dress... Oh, and I have shoes for you too... But don't worry, they have a low heel"

Sighing and knowing I was going to be wearing the stockings and the short, above the knee, dark, floral print dress, I put my hands up signalling my surrender, taking the new package of nylons and sitting down Mom smiled again as she left me to my own devices, heading up-stairs to ready herself for this little 'family-outing' we were about to embark upon.

Donning the stocking, like I know how, and feeling myself shudder in tingles of delight, I had to bite my lip while smoothing the nylons up my hairless legs... The cool, dreamy feeling was so sensuous and devilishly feminine, causing me to stifle a delighted moan fearing Mom would hear me and make even more of a fuss when she came back.

I felt rather awkward and oddly, I felt even more naked now then when I was actually 'naked' standing there wearing just the tan coloured stay-up stockings with their lacy trimmed edging, and not to mention the chastity cage...To which as I also noticed, there were no panties to hide this thing clamped onto me... Nothing cute or tiny to go along with my new dress or 'ensemble'.

Standing there I was topless, feeling chilled with my nipples bullet hard and beginning to shiver, I couldn't help feeling very 'out-there' and very exposed...

However, I wasn't left this way for very long as Mom, coming back dressed in a casual pair of slacks and comfy looking sweater, I was almost envious as she came at me smiling and holding up the dress I was to wear, and not just to this doctors appointment either... But in order to get there, I would be going out in the real world on my first real outing dressed completely as a real girl...

Stepping into the feathery light feeling garment I felt myself quiver hard as Mom had me turning, holding the dress open for me, instructing me to step in while encouraging me, telling me how cute I looked...

"Turn sweetie, let me zip you up... There we go... Now don't you look darling, and so cute too... You really do make a good looking girl... But we must get going, you can put on a little make-up in the car" She added then, telling me I look darling and cute dressed up like a real girl as she hurried me along once more, leading me back out towards her front door where there on the mat she had for me a pair of low-heeled tan or Ecru coloured women's shoes that weren't anything garish or over the top, thankfully...

But then catching myself and thinking, I panicked a little turning to Mom and asking where my panties were...

"Uhh Mom? Aren't we forgetting something? I'm... I'm not wearing any panties... I can't go out like this! One strong breeze and my dress will come up!" I said to her feeling afraid and picturing the scene of Marilyn Monroe on the subway grate, only this time it was me with my dress coming up exposing my naked ass and caged little dickie...

"You'll be fine, you don't need panties today, they'll only get in the way later during your exam" She explained not making me feel any better, reminding me of where we were going and now, adding to this was how I was going to be presented... Pantyless and bare bottomed...

Sighing again, but knowing my fate, I gave my Mom a nod, letting her know that the shoes did fit and with her arm taking up mine, she had me walking out the front door and into the great unknown...

Which for the moment was just a few steps down the driveway and into her car, but still, in those few steps, I felt like I was Neil Armstrong stepping out onto the surface of the Moon. taking a "Giant leap for all mankind"...


Driving in silence, I could feel the tension building once again as Mom, feeling it too I suppose, she spoke up first, asking me of all things, about Reg, instead of about where we were going...

"So... Does Reg know about all of this? Did the two of you tell him all about my visit the other day?" She asked sounding more curious about him, and what he might know of our rather naughty and quite incestuous little tea-party...

"Ye-yeah... Veronica couldn't keep her mouth shut" I stuttered back telling my Mom yes, but not really wanting to elaborate, but of course... She was having any of it...

"Oh really? Being a bad girl again telling secrets is she? Hmmm... I wonder, tell me what was she saying? What did she say to Reg...about me?"

Seeing where my Mom was going, cat-fishing me really, trying to get me to tell her what Veronica had said to Reg, and specifically about her... I chose not to disappoint and told her everything, from Vee dropping me in it with Reg, telling him about my going down and licking my own Mother to orgasm...and also telling him how she too was involved with Mom asking her to show her respect by leaning down and kissing her bare pussy...

I told her everything I could, thinking again of the sinking ship analogy and how if I was going down without a life preserver... Veronica was coming with me...

"He said that? He said he's always wanted a crack at me?" Mom asked then wanting me confirm to her that Reg had indeed been harbouring a long held crush on her, or more of a 'lusting' really, but indeed, he did say that he wanted a 'crack' at her...

"Ye-yes... That's what he said... I hope that doesn't make you mad, I thought... I thought you wanted that too, didn't you? I asked back in reassuring her that this was what Reg had told us...

But now.... Now of course, things were different... Things were much, much different...

"No... No I don't mind and I'm not mad... I mean if anything, it's all a little exciting if I can say... Because I also said, if he wants a crack at me? I just might let him... Okay! Here we are... Now, just let me get parked and we'll head straight in" Mom said to me, replying and saying again how if Reg wanted to fuck her, she was going to let him. But ending it there in a very clever move, she was able to side-step any questions I might have had, pulling her car off to the side and parallel parking on a busy street lined with store fronts and people all around going about their day...

"Wh-what?" Was all I managed to get out as she turned to me smiling one last time, putting the car in park and slipping out of her seat belt...

"You heard me, now come Dana-girl... I think you're concern should be elsewhere right about now... Don't you?"

Snapping out of my little daze, I unbuckled my own seat belt and with my pulse beginning to race knowing that she was right, my bigger concern at the moment shouldn't be to wonder and question my Mom about wanting to fuck Reg, my wife's 'boyfriend'...

But instead, where I should have been looking was out into this busy street and wondering how I was going to get from the car to this clinic we were going to... The one Mom had parked her car 'near' and not exactly in front of...

"Oh God Mom, there sure are a lot of people out there... Can't you find a spot maybe just a little bit closer? That clinic looks like it's two blocks away!" I asked showing my reluctance to be seen dressed up as a girl in stockings and a dress, and as well, thanks to Mom insisting that I leave off my panties, saying the doctor will have better access during my exam...

"I'm sorry sweetie, but if you'll also notice, there are no other parking spots, but on top of that, take a look around... Do you know what part of town were in?" She asked after cautiously stepping out of the car and at once feeling the cold, November air hitting me, surrounding my mostly naked body and making me shiver while also trying to keep my face hidden with my body turned towards the street so as not to be seen.

But then, hearing Mom say, or ask me if I knew where we were, I raised my head some looking around and not recognizing anything really, I looked to her silently questioning with a shuck of my shoulders and nod of my head.

"N-no... I don't know... Where... Where are we? I asked genuinely not knowing until then, just as I was about to answer, a woman passed us and... oh God.. I think she was a woman...This rather elegantly dressed 'lady' passed me smiling brightly, giving me a wink and saying..."Hi sweetie, my aren't you a cutie? Have a nice day baby"