Dance of Fantasy


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Then she began to slowly climb the next flight of stairs and I was able to slip my hand back under her skirt, spreading my fingers round the smooth curve of the back of her thigh, moving upwards until I felt the welt of the promised stockings and then the damp heat of her skin above it, then, with each step letting my hand move just a little higher.

'Tell me!' she hissed.

My throat was tight and my mouth dry as I answered. 'I'm very excited, very aroused - as you saw. Feeling your bare thigh above the stocking is making it even bigger and harder by the second, it's pulsing, vibrating with the tension I'm feeling.'


'And it will get bigger still, later.'


'When you let me put it where it wants to be - and where you want it to be.'

She was now breathing in short gasps, the words being forced out between them. 'And where is that?'

'Deep, deep inside you. My cock wants to fill your pussy, fill that aching space inside you.'

As I spoke I slid my hand further up the back of her thigh, up the fleshy curve of the cheeks of her arse - and found my fingers delving straight into the hot dampness between them.

'No panties!' I gasped gruffly, as she paused to let me explore her.

She gave a throaty chuckle. 'I wondered how long it would take you to find that out. I took them off before we left the bar!'

'Before we left the bar!' I thought to myself. 'She knew how the evening was going to end, even then.' The thought made me, if that was possible, even more aroused, want her all the more.

She continued slowly moving up, step by step and I shifted my hand so that with fingers pointing forwards, their tips just managed to reach the wetness between her puffy lips and I still had the delightful feel of the taut firmness of her buttocks moving against its palm.

'Is it still big and strong?'

By now I was beginning to understand her needs and had realised that what I at first had thought was just a sort of game was in fact having a very deep and arousing effect on her - and of course, on me too!

'Yes Leslie, feeling you - feeling you wet, ready for me only makes it even more excited. Its head is more swollen now and because it's so tight, a much darker, glossy purple. You'll soon be able to feel it properly for yourself - find out just how big and how strong it is. That's what you really want, isn't it?'

'Yes - you too?'

'You know it is. We've both known that since we first saw each other, in the foyer of the theatre, haven't we?'


'In fact what you really would have liked was for me to make love to you right there - in the theatre, perhaps at the back, even while the dancing was going on.'

As I spoke I felt her pressing herself down against my hand, covering it with her increasing wetness.

When she reached the second landing she stopped, keeping me a step lower - then, bending a little, she reached behind herself again and as she pulled me to her with one hand, with the other she found and directed my cock between her legs, and, once I had slid it between the slick smoothness of her thighs, her fingers curling lightly around the head.

'We could have made love like this.' I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her, one hand cupping the weight of one firm breast, the other dropping lower, lifting her dress then parting the tangled curls of her bush. I heard her gasp with pleasure as I found the hard bud of her clitoris and lightly brushed it with my finger-tips.

'If we had been in the gallery we could have slipped out on to the staircase, to do this, with all those people just a few paces away - and while you watched the dance, you could have had me inside you, have my cock deep inside your aching pussy. You would have liked that wouldn't you?'

'Yes - oh yes Michael!'

'All right, close your eyes Leslie. Now, that's exactly where we are. You can see the stage between the heads of the people in the back row, just a little way away. The dancers are at the part where the lovers have been reunited and are so relieved to be safe and together again that they have to make love there and then. You remember that scene don't you?'

She didn't say a word, just made a slight nod with her head and as I continued describing the scene and the actions that had followed I could tell that she had immediately become totally caught up in the fantasy. I even heard her softly humming a phrase from the score and her body swaying in time to it as, in her mind she recreated the scene from the performance.

As she moved, her thighs flexed and tightened their grip of my shaft and her fingers continued to play lightly over and around my sensitive and now sticky cock-head.

I told her how much the lovers needed each other, how their enforced separation had only made them more hungry for the feel of each other's body. How they longed to recapture the ecstasy they had known together so often. I said that the girl saw that the man's cock was bigger and harder than she had ever seen it before, realising that the sight, feel and scent of her was driving him absolutely crazy with lust.

Realising that he had to have her!

Realising that she had to have him!

I don't know how much my voice contributed to her state but her actions made very obvious what she needed right then. She bent even further forward and, spreading herself with one hand, guided my cock-head into herself with the other.

I heard myself grunt with pleasure as it slid straight and deep into her pussy - the lining of her sex, like hot, wet velvet, drawing me up into it in one, single drive that only stopped when I felt the hard, tight curve of her buttocks against my thighs.

Holding her firmly by the hips I began to stroke in and out of her using long, slow strokes that reached deep into the very core of her. Her breaths came in loud, almost explosive gasps, keeping time with the rhythm of my thrusts, but, I could feel that at the same time she kept her fingers flickering over the head of her clitoris, presumably increasing the intensity of the pleasures she was getting from the blending of her imagined and our very real love-making.

Slowly, very gradually, I increased the speed of my fucking, feeling her body responding with her own steadily rising urgency. As I did, driving into her faster and harder, I heard the sounds of her received pleasure rising in matching volume and then, quite suddenly felt the lining of her gripping my pistoning shaft even more tightly.

From deep inside her rose a low wail that climbed in pitch and echoed around us as she frenziedly rammed herself back on to me. Then, as her convulsively powerful climax ripped through her it in turn triggered the release of the enormous pressure that had been building inside me, I felt my balls ride up as semen gathered, then I exploded in a series of shattering blasts that both drained me and flooded her.


Chapter 4

A Quiet Talk

I held on to her tightly, leaving my still twitching cock up inside her as she straightened up. We were desperately panting for breath, both of us having been taken by surprise by the speed and urgency of what we had experienced together. Although we had known that we would end up making love, I don't think even she had anticipated it happening quite so quickly or in either the way or the place that it had.

'That was incredible Michael! I've never responded or climaxed as fast as that. I could see them dancing you know.' she added excitedly, her arm reaching awkwardly around behind herself to hold me as she turned her head and tried to kiss me.

'Me neither Leslie. You were wonderful, your body reacted so powerfully, it literally drained me. But let's get upstairs, this isn't really the ideal place for it, is it?'

She giggled but didn't immediately move. 'I don't know - it worked fine I thought.' Giggling again as she wriggled her bottom back against me. Then adding. 'But I suppose you're right. Now for the messy part.'

Letting go of me she shifted her weight forward to let my cock slip out of herself, which in turn released the cocktail of fluids inside her that then started to run out and down the inside of her legs. 'Come on, I need to clean myself up a bit now.' she said, holding her skirt up with one hand and grabbing hold of mine with the other as she started to run up the last section of the stairs.

Once inside her flat she headed for the bath-room to sponge the sticky mess from her legs then made coffee which we sat drinking as we talked.

I found that she led a fairly quiet life, her job was demanding and most evenings, after she got home she watched a bit of TV and then went to bed. When I told her that I wrote for TV she got quite excited and even more so when she recognised some of the programmes I had been involved with. Wanting to know what it was really like on the other side of the camera, what it was like working with particular stars, were some of the stories she had read about them true or not. All the usual kinds of things people ask once they know you are 'in the business'.

Later she told me that she had been engaged once but called it off when she realised the guy really wasn't right for her and since then had only had the occasional lover, the man she had been with earlier that evening having been around, on and off for several months. He was married of course and even at the start of the affair, when it had been good, she only saw him once or twice a week and never at week-ends. So the picture she painted of her life was, by my standards a very lonely one.

As the conversation became more intimate she admitted that she often resorted to getting herself off, masturbating - and that she fantasised a good deal, to help her do that. She had always enjoyed hearing her lovers talk about how they were feeling when they were making love, though most of them hadn't been very good at being able to do that.

'So when you started talking, in that little bar, it was fantastic. A man who was able and willing to tell me what was going on his head, I've always dreamed of having a man like that. Then later, the way you were able to conjure up the situation in the theatre for me - that was wild! I can't tell you how much it turned me on.'

'I did notice, remember!' I responded, grinning.

She laughed with me. 'Yes of course you did. But although you were inside my body, you couldn't get inside my head - and that's where it was all really happening you know - thanks to you.'

'Just glad to be of service m'am.' I said in a mocking tone of voice, which got me a sharp dig in the ribs from her elbow as she laughed again.

'Seriously Michael. I can't explain just how marvellous you made it for me. And I hope you'll do it again sometime.' she added, sliding closer and nuzzling my neck with her soft lips. I reached out and pulled her to me, kissing her on the mouth, tasting the sweetness of it, feeling her tongue slip inside mine and her body responding more passionately as the kiss lingered on and on.

Finally we broke for air and as we did I looked her straight in the eye and asked. 'Would you really like me to do something like that again? I mean, create a fantasy situation for you, while I make love to you? Is that what you'd really like?'

Her eyes lit-up, her cheeks flushed and I heard a catch in her voice as she answered, quite breathlessly. 'Oh yes! Would you? Would you really do something like that again?'

'If that's what you'd like.'

'Oh more than anything Michael. It would be wonderful!'

I thought quickly, several possibilities came immediately to mind, none of them quite right - but at least I had something to start with. And I also found that the very idea of making love to her in that way was exciting for me too, I could feel faint stirrings going on deep inside myself at just the thought of it.

'O.K. But we'll need to get a bit organised first.'

'What do you want me to do?' she asked immediately.

'First of all, where's your bed-room?'

'Through here.' she answered, springing up and pulling me across the room after her and went down a short hall-way. Her room was quite big and I was pleased to see she had a large double bed but that there was still ample space around it for what I was beginning to have in mind. I also noticed that her wardrobe included long, full-length mirrors and that she had two, small bed-side lamps as well as the one in the ceiling. The decor and rest of the furniture was naturally very feminine and having looked around I complimented her on what she had done to the room and then continued.

'Now this is what I want you to do. First, give me five minutes in here on my own, there are just a few small changes I'd like to make, so that what follows is even better for you. Perhaps you could get us both a drink of some sort. Five minutes, no more I promise you. Then I'll ask you to come in - and get undressed - O.K.?'

'Of course! And then?'

'And then, I'll tell you what happens next.'

She made a face at me but I could see by the look in her eyes that she was already getting excited by the prospect and was quite willing to go along with my keeping things just a bit mysterious at that stage of things.

'O.K. Now what would you like - Scotch all right?'

'Fine, thank you. Just leave it in the other room for now, I'll come out and have it when I've done what I have to in here.'

As she went off to get the drinks I closed the door behind her and quickly made a few simple adjustments to the room then, having done that I turned off the lights, closed the door and re-joined her.

'That was quick!' she said as I reappeared.

'I said I'd only be five minutes. Didn't you believe me?' I asked, grinning at her surprise.

'Not really. So you haven't completely re-decorated it then?' she responded.

'You'll still recognise it, in fact I doubt you'll actually notice what I've done. Just a few minor touches, I promise you. Now, where's my drink please?'

As we sat and sipped our drinks together I could sense the tension in the air between us, that was good, the more curious she got, the greater her tension - and the greater that was, the more she would enjoy what eventually followed. To add extra fuel to whatever fire was starting to smoulder inside her I asked. 'Your personal fantasies, what form do they most often take?'

My question and its implications suddenly made her eyes light up again, but she was thoughtful for a moment or two, then she answered. 'You mean when I'm getting myself off?'

I nodded and she went on. 'They vary a bit.' She paused, gave me a mischievous grin and then continued. 'The ones I'm prepared to tell you about, most often don't include anyone I know, just a man, almost faceless, just a body - a nice body of course. I don't mean muscular or anything like that, trim, taut - and terrific, I suppose.' she added with a laugh. 'But seriously, just nice. He's kind to me, very, very considerate, it's my pleasure that he's there for, not his - although he get's his too of course, that's important.'

I could tell that as she continued she was getting more involved, probably even recalling one or two of her more recent experiences - and that was very good. So I said nothing, just let her go on at her own pace.

'As I said, it's not really what his body is like, I mean he doesn't need to have a gigantic cock - it's much more to do with what happens, that gets me turned-on. The surroundings, the circumstances, the way he does things. It's a bit hard to explain really.'

She paused but it was obvious that she was thinking through just what she was trying to say and I didn't interrupt her and after a few seconds she continued. 'That's why I came so quickly, out there with you. Everything was just right you see. First, the way we met; you were kind and considerate. What I had seen in the theatre; the dance I mean, it was erotic, got me thinking about sex. Then you started talking about how I had made you feel - I've told you that's always arousing. Then, on the stairs, the way you touched me - and went on touching me, getting progressively more intimate - but gradually, taking your time, not just going for the quick grab and feel as some guys would.

So, all that had got me really wound it and when you re-created the dance scene in my head and made love to me while you were doing that - wow! I suppose that if it hadn't been real I would have said that was one of my best ever fantasies!

My usual ones aren't often as complex as that, I'm not as creative as you obviously are - but each one would include some of those elements in it. Does that help?'

'Yes Leslie, yes it does. But tell me, it's not relevant to what I had in mind for us - but while we're talking of fantasies - I remember reading somewhere that most women fantasise about rape, at some time or other. Is that really true?'

'I should think so, I know I do, not often mind you - not violent rape and it's definitely not something I'd ever want to experience.' Again she paused and when she continued her voice was quieter, deeper, more serious.

'That's one reason why I broke up with Ted, the man tonight, that was the kind of creepy feeling I'd get from him sometimes. That he wanted to do violent things with me. Uuuugh!' she added as the very thought made her shudder.

I could tell from the expression on her face that she still had a little more to say so I made no response, and she continued. 'But, the idea of the man I'm thinking of is somehow making me do it, the fact that I have no say in it, the sense of him being over-powering, sort of mentally over-powering. That's a turn-on. Maybe it's a way around the guilt thing - you know, most of us are brought up with the idea that sex is naughty, if not downright bad. That means there's got to be some sort of guilty feelings deep down inside us, doesn't it?'

I simply nodded, still not wanting to alter her train of thought by injecting my own at that stage.

'So, the sense of not having any choice about it, that he's forcing me to do it - that means I can't feel guilty about it, you see?'

'I understand and now it makes sense to me. But tell me, what about the other way around. You forcing a man to have sex with you, almost against his will. Does that ever happen, in your fantasies I mean?

'I know what you mean - and yes it does - but it's quite different. It's more a question of the man being so overwhelmed by my sexual attraction, the way I look, the feelings he gets for me become so strong he just can't help himself. The end result is the same but what's involved is different - do you follow Michael?'

'I think so. Complicated isn't it.'

'Yes. But is all that relevant to what you already had in mind - for me, for us?'

I smiled at her barely controlled eagerness and reached out for her as I answered. 'Not really - but it's nice being able to talk about these things isn't it?'

'With you, yes. I feel comfortable talking like that with you. I couldn't do it with most men though. It's nice, feeling that way so quickly.'

As I pulled her lips to mine and just before we kissed again, I whispered. 'I'll soon have you 'feeling nice' in an altogether different way!'

She wriggled herself around so she could press herself tightly up against me and as we kissed and I let my hands roam over her soft curves, I felt one of her hands drop down to my thigh, squeezing it, edging it up towards my crotch. And as the kiss grew longer, hotter I felt the fires that had burned so fiercely being quickly re-kindled inside both of us and I became aware of the rapidly growing stiffness beneath Leslie's skilful fingers.

When finally our lips broke apart I whispered. 'I think it's time to start - don't you?'

'Oh, yes please! What do you want me to do?' she replied immediately.

'First, I want you to go into the bed-room, don't turn on any lights, I haven't moved any of the furniture so you won't fall over anything. Close the door, sit on the bed, close your eyes and think about the dance. Not the one I created for you, the real one. Try and remember as much as you can of what you saw, hear the music, see the theatre, the audience, everything you can.