Dance with Me


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"Wait a second," he said, letting out a laughing groan. "If we're doing this I need to ask you something first."

I lowered myself so my feet were flat on the floor again. "What is it?"

He gazed down at me as his hands moved to my shoulders. My heart rate kicked up at the look in his eyes but I remained silent.

"In all the time I've known you I've never seen you with a boyfriend," he said, "or heard through Sarah that you're seeing anyone."

I let out a little huff and felt my cheeks grow warm. "Thanks for pointing that out."

The corner of his mouth lifted. "I'm not trying to embarrass you, I'm just trying to find out if you have any... experience."

With me being a virgin I knew we'd need to have this discussion at some point. I'd just hoped it would happen in the heat of the moment when were both distracted by more important things and I wouldn't have to look him in the eye. I wanted to hide my face against his chest while I answered him but I forced myself to meet his gaze. "I've kissed a few guys."

"Anything else?"

"No, that's it."

"Have you been waiting for marriage?"

The pained expression on his face would have made me laugh at any other time, especially since I'd just caught the bouquet at the wedding reception earlier tonight. I shook my head, knowing I'd have no choice but to explain myself.

"So... what exactly are you waiting for?"

I found it difficult to explain in a way that wouldn't make me seem like I'd lost my mind. It wasn't that I'd made a conscious decision to keep my virginity, I just couldn't bring myself to sleep with a man if I didn't at least think I loved him. Since he was the only man I'd ever felt that way about...

I met his eyes and hoped my response wouldn't send him running. "You."

Silence settled around us, so thick with tension that it felt like a physical presence in the room. I counted the seconds that passed by while I mentally begged for him to say something.

"It's not like I set my sights on you or turned it into some weird obsession," I said. "It's just that whenever I met someone and tried to like him—and I did try—it never seemed right because he wasn't... you." That last word came out sounding more frustrated than I'd intended. My breathing turned harsh and I couldn't tear my gaze away from him.

"Lucy, stop for a second." Owen walked away from me to slip off his jacket and drape it over the back of one of the couches. He tugged at the knot on his tie and pulled it over his head, tossing that down, too. His movements were slow and deliberate, as if he needed to give himself some time to think.

Once he'd turned and taken the couple of steps required to bring us back together again, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him. I looked up at him as his thumbs caressed the back of my hands, wondering what was going through his mind right now.

"That's probably the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me." He leaned down to kiss the tip of my nose. "And I don't think you're crazy or obsessed, but you're definitely putting the pressure on."

I took his affection as a sign of encouragement and managed to smile even though he'd confused me. "How am I doing that?" I asked.

"You're building this up so much in your mind that you'll only end up disappointed."

Warmth rushed through me as I lifted my head and offered him my lips. "I can't see how that's possible."

He took up the invitation, his mouth cruising over mine in a long, lazy kiss. My body melted against him and he groaned, kissing me deeper, harder.

When our lips finally parted he remained close, his breath warm as he spoke beside my mouth. "Are you on some kind of birth control?"

I planted a kiss on his jaw and hid my elation. "I am."

He stepped away from me with my hand still clasped in his and twirled me beneath his arm. I laughed, trying to keep my balance as he pulled me close and kissed me again.

* * * *

His room had much the same warm, masculine feel as the rest of his apartment. Charcoal-coloured linen covered the bed while a small stack of books filled the nightstand. Loose change and a watch were grouped together on the top of a set of drawers.

I watched as Owen eased off his shoes and nudged them aside. He turned to face me, his dark eyes following my movements as I wandered toward him. I came to a stop before him, my toes sinking into the carpet and my stomach fluttering with excitement.

"Nervous?" he asked.

I felt more at ease around him now than I ever had before. My mouth curved in a slight smile and I shook my head. "Not anymore."

He stepped in close and cupped my face in his palms, dipping his head to touch his lips to mine. I sighed and clasped his wrists, holding onto him as I kissed him back. Every time he stood near me my senses heightened and my heart pounded. I flicked my tongue over his and pressed myself to him, wanting to be as close to him as possible.

He groaned and moved one hand to my lower back, pulling me so tight against his body that only our clothing separated us. His palm slid over my hip, slipping down to caress the curve of my bottom. I moaned and let go of his wrists, sweeping my tongue against his.

He wedged his hands between our bodies, working to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. My desire built with each one that popped open, and when he finally got the last one free, I slipped my hands inside to sweep my palms over his hard chest. His skin felt so warm and inviting that I moaned and pulled my mouth from his, panting as I stared up at him. "I'm sorry for rushing but I need—"

He pulled me in with his hand curved around the back of my neck, planting a kiss on my lips. "It's okay."

Owen took a small step back and tugged his shirt free from his pants. Our gazes meshed as he slipped it from his arms and dropped it beside him. My eyes were drawn to his tanned skin, his lean muscles and broad chest. The sight of him left my mouth dry and my throat worked to swallow. I kept my attention on him while I reached behind me and slid my zipper down. My dress loosened across my breasts then collapsed into a midnight blue puddle at my feet.

I stood before him in my nude strapless bra and matching lace panties, my chest rising and falling with my shallow breaths. He held out his hand, clasping mine as I stepped from my pooled dress. The look in his eyes as his gaze travelled over me made me feel warm and wanted.

He drew me against him, leaning down to whisper against my ear, "You're so pretty."

The sound of his deep voice and his softly spoken words filled me with pleasure. I let out a whimper and turned my head, catching his mouth with mine. His arms wrapped around me, trapping my palms flat against his chest and keeping me close.

His lips teased mine, his tongue delving into my mouth with warm, sweeping caresses. I pushed my hips against his erection, rubbing back and forth. The knowledge that all of that hard length was just for me caused a husky cry to catch in my throat.

Owen groaned and slid one hand up my spine, his lips roaming over mine as his fingers clasped the nape of my neck. I tore my mouth free and tilted my head back, letting out a deep sigh. His lips nibbled their way down the side of my neck, the tip of his tongue dipping into the hollow at the base of my throat.

"God, I can't... I need..." I didn't even know exactly what I was asking for; all I knew was that I wanted it now.

Owen turned us both around and backed me toward the edge of the mattress. His mouth left me as he bent to throw back the covers. I felt a moment of panic cut through the excitement but it passed when he straightened and cradled my chin, giving me another long, searching kiss.

When our lips parted, he lowered me onto the bed and stood beside me, watching me closely as he flicked his belt and fly open. "Okay?"

I nodded quickly, letting out a slow breath. As he stripped down to his blue boxer briefs my eyes dipped to the bulge hidden inside them. The thought of touching him there, of pulling down that taut material to look at him, or if I could build the courage, taste him, made my pulse race.

A feeling of restlessness came over me and I shifted on the bed, settling deeper into the pillows.

Owen climbed over me, his muscled thighs moving between my parted legs. His chest came to rest against mine, his erection nudging me intimately. I bent my legs and spread my knees, letting out a soft moan as his cock rubbed back and forth against my pussy. Even with our underwear between us, I could feel every hard inch of him. I wanted him now more than ever.

He grabbed one of my wrists and linked his fingers with mine, resting our joined hands above my head. Our mouths met again, the kiss turning hungry and demanding. Groans and whimpers mingled, hands explored. His tongue drove me to the point where I was making little sobbing sounds of pleasure against his lips.

Owen's free hand clasped my chin while he kissed me, then it slowly glided lower to smooth over my breast. He hooked his fingers in the cup of my bra and tugged until he'd revealed my nipple. My back arched and my breast pressed into his waiting palm. I cried out against his mouth, squeezing the hand that held mine.

He broke the kiss and nuzzled my neck, letting out a laughing groan. "You're so sweet," he said.

I tried to smile but it turned into a moan as his stubbled jaw rubbed across my sensitive skin. I didn't feel sweet right now. I felt desperate and needy and ready to beg.

He pulled the cups lower, tucking them beneath both of my breasts. While his mouth left a trail of kisses down my throat, I shoved my hand behind me and flicked the clasp on my bra. I whipped it out from between us and dropped it over the side of the bed.

Owen groaned and smoothed his palm from my waist to my ribs. I lifted my head to watch as his mouth moved over my collarbone. He grasped my breast, leaning down to swirl his tongue over my nipple. My head sank against the pillow and I sighed.

He let go of the hand he'd been holding above my head, tucking his palm beneath my back to press me closer. I threaded my fingers into his dark hair, moaning as he sucked my nipple into his mouth then released it, bathing the tender flesh with his tongue.

My hips lifted from the bed, my restless movements causing my panties to ride up. I tugged at the scrap of lace, wanting it gone. Owen must have sensed my frustration because he gave my nipple a farewell peck and leaned back, slipping his fingers into the waistband. His mouth was swollen from our kisses, his smile so sexy I could barely stand it. He slipped my panties from me then tossed them aside and looked me over.

"Yours, too," I said. I wanted to see him—all of him.

He rested his hands on either side of me and leaned over to press his mouth to mine, kissing me so slowly, so deeply, that my body writhed beneath him. My legs parted and my hands slid around his back to pull him closer. He nipped my lower lip then flicked the tip of his tongue over the spot to soothe me.

Before I could drag him back for more he dropped beside me on the bed, lying there in only his boxer briefs. I couldn't take my eyes from him, my heart thudding so hard I could feel it in my ears. A thin covering of dark hair spread across his chest, narrowing into a line that trailed down his abdomen and disappeared into the blue fabric of his boxers.

I wanted to see what was under there, to make that discovery myself. As he tucked his thumbs in the waistband and prepared to remove them, I shifted to a kneeling position beside him. "Let me," I said. With a quick smile, I nudged his hands aside and curled my fingers over the elastic.

His palms came to rest on his lower stomach while he watched me. My hands trembled and I pulled the taut cotton down, revealing him inch by inch. When I'd exposed him completely, I took in the view and my breath caught. His cock lay against his body, hard and imposing, a bead of moisture glistening on the head. His musky scent rose to greet me. He looked strong and beautiful all at once, his thick length inviting me to touch. Even as my pulse raced at the sight, nerves fluttered in my belly and I contemplated how something of this size would even fit inside me.

I looked to him for reassurance. His warm gaze met mine, his hand moving to my thigh and stroking my skin in slow circles. "Are you all right?" he asked.

The huskiness in his voice, the tenderness in his eyes, helped put me at ease. My attention remained on him as I nodded and pulled his boxers the rest of the way off. My hands came back to stroke the coarse hair covering his thighs. I glanced up at him, noticing his gaze was wandering over my body in much the same way mine moved over his, taking everything in as if memorising each feature.

"You look... amazing," I said. My fingers trailed across his abdomen and I watched as his muscles contracted under my touch. I traced the line of dark hair from his navel to the base of his stomach, listening as his breathing became shallow.

"God. Your hands," he said.

I met his eyes and smiled. With him lying back and letting me explore it gave me some control over the situation and helped build my confidence. I touched his cock, swirling the moisture around the spongy head in slow, deliberate circles. He groaned and shifted his hips, his hand stroking the back of mine.

"You feel so good," I said. The silkiness of his skin surprised me, so soft on such a masculine body. My attention remained on him as I lifted my hand and licked the taste of him from my fingertip. He sighed and closed his eyes momentarily.

Without thinking about it, I pulled my hair over one shoulder and leaned down to flick my tongue over the head of his cock. The throaty groan that came from him reached deep inside me, pushing me to want to keep pleasing him. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, holding him gently, smoothing my hand along his length. I had no idea what he liked or what turned him on, but I loved touching him and hearing his reactions, so I hoped that would be enough.

His cock felt warm in my hand, the hardness of it making me want to squeeze just a little to test its strength. I licked around the head, sighing as his silky skin glided beneath my tongue.

Owen groaned and stroked my hair, moving his legs wider as my tongue travelled down his shaft. I knew my inexperience would be obvious, but I hoped the fact that I wanted to do this to him would turn him on regardless. I kissed the base of his cock then flicked my tongue out to give him one long lick, savouring his taste, his scent.

Owen swore in a harsh whisper and grabbed me, dragging me up his body until my breasts were resting against his chest. I gasped as he pulled my mouth to his and kissed me hard. Before I could question what had happened he rolled me over so our positions were reversed, his hips pressing against mine, his eyes filled with desire as he gazed down at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked breathlessly.

"No." He bent his head and pressed a soft peck on my lips. "You nearly made me come."

"Really?" I smiled, pleased with myself, wanting to test out my newfound abilities some more.

He nibbled along my jaw. "Yeah. Really."

I parted my legs so he could settle deeper between them. His erection pressed against my pussy, his hips moving back and forth. The feeling of his cock sliding through my wetness made my breath catch and all thoughts of teasing him fled from my mind. He watched me carefully, and when I let out a whimper and pushed back against him, a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Sure you want to do this?" he asked, his expression telling me he already knew the answer.

"Yes." My hips tilted upward, pressing even closer to him. The sound he made in response filled me with need. He pushed partway in and a gasp came from me as my gaze shot up to meet his. "You're inside me."

"Mmm... I know." I heard the humour in his voice and marvelled at the way he could still laugh at a time like this. He lowered himself to his elbows, leaning his chest against mine. His lips played at my ear then trailed down to my throat. He finally moved to my mouth, where he kissed me slowly, softly, all the while rocking his hips, pulling back and pushing a little deeper inside me.

I closed my eyes and sank my hands into his hair, kissing him as the stretching sensation overcame me. The fullness was uncomfortable at first but it didn't hurt like I'd thought it would. His kisses distracted me, the warmth of his body comforting me. Before long I had him completely inside me with his hips resting against mine.

I moved my mouth away from his and tipped my head back, letting out a long breath. "My God. I can feel you."

He trailed tender kisses down my throat while his lower body remained still. "I feel you too, Luce," he said against my skin.

I'd never expected it to be like this. I'd heard enough stories from friends over the years to know that first times often didn't go smoothly. Here with Owen I couldn't imagine it being any more perfect. Emotion welled up inside me and tears clouded my vision. I turned my head so he wouldn't see them, blinking to set them free.

He clasped my chin and encouraged me to meet his eyes, looking me over carefully. "You're okay," he said. He didn't seem bothered by my reaction; his tone gave the impression his comment was more of an observation than a question.

I nodded quickly and blotted my remaining tears. He kissed my eyelids, then my lips. Once I'd settled, he pulled his hips back and thrust inside me again. The sensation of him sliding into my body made me move beneath him to deepen the connection. His groan had me clutching him tighter, one hand curled around the back of his neck and the other on his shoulder.

I pulled his mouth to mine, wanting the taste of his lips again. I gave his tongue a soft lick, my moan sounding more like a sigh as his cock plunged into me. His strength overwhelmed me but he was so controlled and careful I knew he'd never hurt me and only ever bring me pleasure.

His mouth grew more demanding as his thrusts intensified. He grabbed my hand and guided it between us, pressing my fingers into the crevice created by our joined bodies. I gasped against his mouth, knowing what he wanted me to do without needing to be told.

Something like this would have embarrassed me earlier in the night but now, in the heat of the moment with him, I pushed my fingers lower and began caressing my wet, slippery flesh while his cock drove into me again. He groaned and pulled his lips from mine. "So hot," he said in a husky whisper beside my mouth.

I looked into his eyes, feeling his slick length gliding into me as I rubbed my swollen clit. His clenched jaw and the intensity in his gaze left me unable to look away. He leaned on one elbow, using his free hand to reach down and clutch my ass. He gripped me tightly and pushed me back to meet his plunging cock, filling me so completely I knew I'd feel empty as soon as this was over.

I drew a steadying breath and massaged my clit, pressing down while I rubbed from side to side. His lower stomach rested against my forearm and the back of my hand. His strength, the feel of his muscles... I couldn't get enough of him. He watched me as he kept up his driving thrusts, the expression on his face sending a thrill through me.

I struggled to catch my breath, my mouth open to pull in air. "Owen. So good. I can't wait... I'm—"

He leaned in and kissed me, cutting off my reply. His mouth took control of mine, his lips and tongue driving me wild with need. Just when I didn't think I could take anymore, my body shuddered and pleasure burst beneath my fingertips. My limbs tightened, my back arched. I wrenched my mouth from his and a deep moan tore from my throat. It kept coming and coming, until finally the tremors left me and my body relaxed against the mattress.