Dancer on Display


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"Harriet?! What the fuck?!"

"Hi, Melanie. Never thought I'd run into you here! It explains a lot, thought, doesn't it?"

"You two know each other?" Asked one of the other girls – a rather tall blond with enormous tits. "Neat!"

"That's Harriet Wilde. She and I went to college together. We graduated together. We did a lot of things together, for a while." Said Melanie.

Mel and I were best of friends through college and after, and somehow, about a year ago, she'd disappeared from my life. She was never home. She stopped returning calls. I thought I'd lost her. Seeing her here suddenly connected dots for me. I wondered if we could rebuild that friendship.

"Harriet, come on over." Said Melanie. "This big drink of water is Thalia. She's got the biggest natural tits I've ever seen but she can't dance for shit." That brought laughter all around.

"Honey, with boobs like mine, no man cares if I dance. They just want to see them shake! Hi Harriet!" We shook.

"And this tiny little Latina dynamo is Maria – she can do things with her butt that make men drool."

"And give me great tips, don't forget!" We shook. Maria was indeed a tiny thing. I doubt if she was even five feet tall.

"This is Caroline. She uses her dark skin for evil – wraps the men around her little finger!"

Caroline was black, with a shaved head and deep, dark eyes. She looked me up and down, as if measuring every inch of my body. We shook hands as well.

Francie spoke up. "Excuse me, but can we move on from this lovely social scene. We open in 25 minutes, so you all better go backstage. Mel, since you know Harriet, can you get her set up? Have her sit out the first round and watch everyone, then she'll be up first after you've each gone once. The order is on the board."

We all went back to the dressing area and the girls all stripped down as they talked and got ready. Two other girls came in as well: Donna was almost as small as Maria, but built very differently – she was thin as a rail with enormous boobs, clearly enhanced. And Nadia was the only one who hadn't shaved her pubes – which were the same bright red as her hair. I could see how that would be attractive. There was a lot of banter between them; talk of boyfriends and customers and the like. Most of them took a few minutes to talk with me one-on-one and welcome me in.

Mel, meanwhile, had gone into the costume closet and came out with a sequined bandeau top and a matching G-string.

"It's the same kind of top I usually use, so when I come out you can see at least one way to remove it that works. I'm sure Francie told you about keeping the G-string on – do it! That doesn't mean it has to stay in place, by the way. If it happens to move around and reveal something while you've got your ass to the crowd, it draws dollars! Watch Caroline – she's a master of the technique. Pretty much everyone here's been doing this a while, and we all started by stealing techniques from others. The key is to develop what you appropriate so it's truly yours. One other thing – barefoot is okay, but if you really want to bring in some bucks, invest in high heels. We don't have any to give out."

"Mel, thanks. I want to get to talk about..."

"Harriet, we will. But now's not the time. Our fans are filing in. Put this on, grab a robe, and there's a seat in the back where we are allowed. Joe will show you. Time to play observer, so you don't look like a complete dork when you get out there."

Joe did indeed set up me in the girls' booth. He mixed up a couple of drinks for me ("On the house tonight. Most girls appreciate them their first night.") I made a little mental note to repay the favor at some point. The place was filling up fast, with an overwhelmingly male clientele. Not that I was surprised – I WAS surprised that there were women in the audience, actually. I was trying to see more about them when the house lights went down.

What followed was a wide range of women and their tastes in music. I watched them all, but mostly I was watching the audience to see what they reacted to. Sneaky boob reveals got tips. Splits on the dance floor. Doggy style humping. Backing into the faces of a group at stage side – all produced dollar bills. But the one that got the most was Caroline, like Mel said. She was actually looking at me a lot through her show. And at one point the G-string was still around her waist but it wasn't covering up her cunt – and that got more tips than any other move. When the house lights went up, I went back stage. With those drinks in me I was feeling fine, frankly. Not drunk – but lubricated.

Backstage, all the girls were talking. The all noticed me come in and it got quiet.

"Can I ask a couple of questions?" I got nods and murmured yeses.

"I don't have a routine of my own, but I saw things each of you did that I want to use – is that like stealing or something? Until I get good, can I borrow some moves? Is that okay?"

Mel looked at me funny. Then I remembered that she'd said something about that before the night started. I looked at her and shrugged.

Thalia spoke up. "Listen, Harriet, we all started with nothing. We've all borrowed stuff and we don't own anything. Besides, you don't have a pair like this, so I'm not worried."

That brought a round of laughter.

"And would you guys take a look and help me out at some point? I mean, oh, fuck, I don't know what I mean. I'm nervous, I'm worried I'll get laughed off stage, and I'm afraid I won't make any money."

Mel spoke up. "Relax, Harriet. We all know the feeling. As long as you can take coaching, we've all taught each other things. You'll do fine. And you better get ready, because you're on in a few. Go give the DJ your set list. Start out with four songs and get done."

I gave Willy (the DJ) my list. He looked at it for a minute, and then nodded his head.

"Nice choices. Go get 'em, girl! What are we calling you?"

"Oh, shit! I need a stage name! Um, Little Miss Wild. For now, anyway."

"You got it."

The house lights went down, and Willy announced me.

"Let's hear it for our newest KitKat Klub dancer, Little Miss Wild!" and then he dropped the needle on "Sunshine of Your Love" and I slunk out on stage. A few hands clapped.

I made it through that number and had a few dollars. As that faded out, "Hip to Be Square" came on and I got moving. That one always gets me pumped, so I worked the whole damn room and began to see signs of life among the men. When the horn section came on, my top worked itself off and I set my boobs in motion. During the sax solo I was down on my knees, bent backwards, pumping my pussy. By the time that number ended I saw lots of green on floor and had more than a bunch in my string. Then the opening notes of "What is Hip?" came on and I let it move me around the stage. I tried a little break dancing with my legs spread wide, and used the driving horns to simulate masturbation. That allowed me to get my hands under the G-string and that really got a reaction. The guitar solo was perfect for faking a climax and I rolled around the stage, picking up tips like crazy. I just kept my mind on sex the whole time, and acted it out. Then I ended my set with "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" and played it for all I had. By the time it had finished I was sweating, wet, horny and about $50 richer, just from what was in my g-string.

I exited from the stage to a waiting circle of all the other girls who were all applauding! There was good-natured kidding, a little teasing, and when Francie came back and announced that I had broken the record for a first appearance with $150 in tips, they all cheered. And at least two of the girls asked if they could borrow from ME! I was completely stoked – this was so different from teaching middle school. It was like a whole other side of me showed up. I put on a robe, and then went out to mix with the paying customers.

That was an education in itself. Somehow, more than a few of those guys thought that since they'd seen a whole lot of me, they somehow had permission to touch it. I started to get upset, but Francie stepped in right away (I guess he was shadowing me) and abused them of their thinking. He pulled me aside.

"Harriet, you made yourself a mark tonight. That means you now have a problem – the one you just ran into. The more alcohol some of these guys imbibe, the better the tips. The hotter the dancing – the better the tips. And somehow, they ain't mature enough to understand the difference between looking and touching. You are going to need to be able to extricate yourself from them or you are going to lose out. Go back up in the booth and watch as the other girls work the room. Learn from them. You ain't going to make up all Tony's money in one night, so be content to start slow. You could go real far, given what you already did – now build up the persona that can deal with it all."

I reached up on tip-toe and kissed Francie's cheek. "Thank you, Francie. I'll do that. And when do I get to meet the Mrs. to let her know what a wonderful man you are?" Then I turned and made it to the booth to watch. On Saturday I came in super early to try out the pole, with Francie's help. For a beginner, I wasn't bad, but I knew I needed to practice. I arranged with him to leave it up, and then set time to come in early from now on in order to practice on it. The other thing I did was spend a lot of time in that booth that first weekend, but by the end of the night on Sunday I had $500 for Tony's payback, just from dancing 5 sets the whole weekend. I was pretty proud of myself as I left for home.

School on Monday morning was a little tough to deal with. First off, I was sore in places I never expected – dancing is hard work! And the hours had me going to the teacher's lounge every chance I could for coffee. But I made it through the day, took work home to correct, and spend my week teaching.

When it got to Friday, I was back at the KitKatKlub. Two sets a night Friday, pole work practice on Saturday and Sunday and two sets each of those nights, as well as some lap dances on Saturday night and my total was even better than the previous week. And I was having fun! Seems strange, I know, to relating to getting next to naked, feigning sex and showing off my dance moves as fun, but I was satisfying a streak of exhibitionism I didn't know I had in me. As for the lap dances, well, I was pretty selective about who I went with. The first guy reminded me of my father as I imagined he would have been if he'd made it to his fifties, and so I had fun acting out my daddy issues with him. I really let myself go and played the role of cock-teaser with him. If we'd kept it up, I suspect he would have cum in his pants!

Then there was the young kid – he was just over the legal age and there for his birthday, so his friends paid for our time together. It was fun playing the dirty slut with him. And then I felt the size of his cock. We were all alone in the room, and so I unzipped his pants, took it out and sucked him. He came within one minute and I swallowed it all, then zipped him up, told him that was our secret and then I thanked him! He stumbled out and went back to his friends. I felt like a dirty slut and I realized that I loved it.

The other men that night were all a little older than me; they were married but clearly not getting it at home. They tipped well, and behaved themselves. The crowd was smaller on Sunday night, so no lap dances. I was fine with it all. And I had managed to reduce my debt to Tony again, so I considered it a win and drove home satisfied with myself.

Monday, once again, was a bit of a struggle, but nowhere near as physically uncomfortable. And once again I wished for a coffee IV and had to settle for fresh cups at every change of period. The week went on as usual.

The next Friday night I actually got to meet Francie's wife, Suzy. She came in briefly, and came into the dressing room. Turns out that all the other girls knew her because she was like the den mother or something – she had been a dancer some time ago, before she met Francie, as it happens. She knew things about our life style, and, according to the other girls, she was one of the few people who could hear anything and still be a comfort and a friend. We sat and talked for a few minutes before she had to leave, but there was a special feel to how she listened. So not only was Suzy lucky to have Francie, he was equally lucky. They were simply good people.

By now I had a six-song slot midway through the lineup, then floor time and lap dances, and then my second six song slot. I had a pretty standard rotation of tunes; nothing repeated on any given night and I had a long list of tunes to use. I had invested in platform stilettos and they immediately plaid for themselves in the tips I took in. When I came back in on Saturday, Francie asked me if I'd do three sets and I agreed. After I sorted out all the music, I asked him what was up.

"Caroline and Thalia are only doing one set each tonight. Then they are off to a special event. They'll be back tomorrow."

"Is that one of those optional special events you told me about?"

He nodded.

Needless to say, that third set made it a rather long night for me. But it gave me the chance to throw in some pole work, and that helped pick up tips, so I slept late on Sunday and made use of the hot tub in my condo before I went back for the final night of the weekend. I was a little early, and Thalia was early as well, so naturally, I asked about the special event.

"Well, let me put it this way. There're no rules about clothing at most of these, so eventually you wind up naked. What you do then kind of depends."

"Depends on what?"

"What you are willing to do, I guess."

"Come on, Thalia, what are you talking about?"

"Well, before I started dancing last night, I put a butt plug with a jeweled end in my ass. I leave some toys in a bag on stage. I come out, dance, strip, and I start to enjoy my body. That's right – I play with myself in front of all those horny men. They've already noticed the butt plug, so when I pull out the vibrators and the dildos, I have a very attentive audience. I usually cum two or three times before I even really look at them – and then at least a few of them have their dicks in their hands. I pick the biggest one I can see and I start with him."

"What do you mean, you start with him?"

"Well, the whole point is to do them all, so you have to start somewhere, right?"

I was speechless. And I was also very wet – the idea of masturbating for a roomful of men flipped some switch somewhere and I was now very horny.

"Now don't get all righteous with me, Harriet!"

"No, no, no, Thalia. I just speechless because the idea of playing with myself in front of a room full of men turns me on! I'm not sure about fucking them all – but I might be interested. Have you done this before?"

"Oh yes. Caroline and I have done a number of these. And we do things together at time..."

"You and Caroline? That must be hot!"

"We like it. I almost wish we didn't have to take on those dicks sometimes. But that's what pays the bills."

"Wow. I gotta think on this one."

And it was still in my mind at the end of the night. Hell, during my second set I didn't fake playing with myself – I did. On stage (under my G-string). And I came hard. When I was leaving, I let Francie know that he could include my name on the list for special events.

Another few weeks went by, dancing on the weekends and teaching during the week. I had knocked off $2500 from what I owed Tony by now. I was beginning to think about maybe not coming back to school after the year ended and just working the clubs – because that was good money and I hadn't seen a penny of it! If I wasn't teaching, I could go to four or even five nights a week, and be making more than ever.

While I was thinking about that, I came in on a Friday and Francie pulled me aside.

"I have a special event tomorrow night. You said you were interested – are you still?"

"Who else is going to be there?"

"It's a big one. Caroline and Thalia are both scheduled, but there's room for one more. It pays $1,000."

"Not that money drives me, but hell, yes. I'm in."

"Good. Talk to both of them and work out your routine. Suzy said she will call you tomorrow during the day to talk about it. If that's okay."

"Absolutely. I'd love to talk with her."

I went back to the dressing area and got myself ready for the evening. Thalia and Caroline came in at the same time. Caroline was the first to speak.

"Harriet, I hear you said you'd come with us tonight. Are you sure? Do you really understand what you are agreeing to?"

"I'm sure. And, as far as I can tell, I'm agreeing to get down and dirty onstage, and then probably fuck and suck a lot of guys. Am I right?"

They looked at one another.

"Pretty close. Almost dead on, as a matter of fact." Said Thalia.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"Well, Thalia and I perform individually, and then together, before we bring on the men. Would you be up for that?"

"With her tits, and your body, who wouldn't?" I said, surprising them if expressions were any judge.

"Didn't know you were into that." Said Thalia.

"Not as a regular thing, but I've walked that side of the street before and enjoyed it very much. And the idea of doing it with both of you, in front of a crowd, well, that's something that I find very interesting. So, tonight it's no holes barred, right? That's a pun, get it?"

Thalia looked puzzled. "No. I don't."

"The correct expression is actually no HOLDS barred. I said no HOLES barred. Sorry, bad joke."

"Yup. Bad joke. But anyway, you got that right. Now let's get ready so we can each do a set and get out of here."

The three of us were up first to dance, so we got naked and then got into our costumes.

"Anything special I need for later?" I asked.

"Just start thinking dirty thoughts" answered Thalia with a wink. Caroline nodded.

"I can do that."

Caroline went out first for her set, then Thalia, and then me. We threw on some sweats and sneakers, each of us took along a small bag to change into, and Carolina brought a small rolling suitcase as well. She caught me looking at it.

"Props, lotions and lubes." She said, understanding my question.

It took us about 45 minutes to get to the location of the private event. We each drove our own car, and along the way I got a phone call. It was Thalia.

"Can you drive and talk? Like, go hands-free? Then I can conference us all in and we can plan our evening."

"I'm already hands-free – can't you tell by the background noise?"

"Thought so, but didn't want to take a risk. Hang on, let me get Caroline." The phone grew quiet for a moment. She was going to suck and fuck a bunch of strange men and didn't want to risk getting caught talking on her cell phone while driving? How funny!

"Harriet? Caroline? We all here?"

She got affirmatives from both of us.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

Caroline took over. "Well, normally Thalia goes on first and gets things started. She has a pretty set routine. You want to describe it, girl?"

"Well, I start out with a butt plug in my ass, and then, like in the club, take stuff off until I'm naked. At that point, they see the butt plug so they know something's different. After that, I use a chair and start to play with myself. Somewhere in there, I turn on the vibrations in the butt plug. That usually drives them wild. Then I pull out a dildo and suck on it for a bit, all the while moving my hips. I line up the dildo with my pussy, and begin to play with it on the outside. That's usually when Caroline comes in. What do you think?"

"I think that's a pretty good start. I could join in any time, especially if you enjoy having those big boobs loved on."