Dangerous Games Ch. 02


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My opinion of Ernie suddenly changed. What a giant asshole, I thought.

I couldn't believe he would do that to one of his boys. I knew he was an overbearing, egomaniac, but to knowingly give two of his boys to the Devil himself? That was beyond contemptible! I vowed to do my best to keep Tommy away from his friend as much as I possibly could.

And I prayed to God Johnny wouldn't end up belonging to Charlie.


Yes, life with Ernie has been difficult, but I've learned a lot about myself in a short period of time.

I am gay-that is who I am, but for reasons I don't understand, I still need threats and humiliation to accept and enjoy sex with men.

How can I say this? I love men and their penises, but cannot freely admit it-even to myself! Pretty weird, huh?

I love being dominated by a strong-willed man. I love the security of a strong man lying on top of me... the helpless feeling of being pinned-down on the bed.

I love stroking, kissing, licking and sucking hard cocks. I love taking hard pricks in my pussy-more times than not, when a man is fucking me; I experience a fabulous orgasm without my prick even being touched.

But for some reason, I can only enjoy myself if the man humiliates and embarrasses me. I guess deep inside me somewhere, my father's warning about becoming a faggot still has a stranglehold on me. I have to rationalize to myself my love of cock.

I am afraid for my future. Ernie has grown tired of me. I think he enjoys the thrill of the hunt more than the actual possession of a boy. He gets more excited by intimidating and training new boys than by a boy who is as thoroughly cowed and accepting of his treatment as I have become.

He is bored with my meek and mild behavior-he wants a new boy.

He told me tonight he wants me to seduce a boy who hangs out at 'Rods.'; to somehow lure the boy inside 'The Playroom' at Jerry's motel, and get the boy to have sex with me.

I have come full-circle-the hunted has become the hunter.

I asked him what will become of me; how will I live? He said I shouldn't worry my pretty little head over it; he will find a good man for me. He said he knows a man named Charlie who would take good care of me.

I don't know... the thought of starting over with another older man has me concerned. I am only there to provide him with sex... I want more now... I want a real 'relationship'... I want a man to love-a man who loves me... I want to build a future, not just be someone's boy-toy.

Ernie is lifting weights while I dutifully wait poolside until he is ready for me. Something odd is going on around me.

I watched Jerry walk thru the gate and go directly to Tommy two chairs away from me. He whispered a few words in Tommy's ear then left. Tommy motioned to Percy to lean over then he whispered into his ear.

"What's going on?" I asked Percy.

Percy fidgeted and stumbled over his words. "Oh, uh, not much... we're, uh, making plans for tonight."

Shortly thereafter, I glanced at Percy and saw a small smile on his face.

There wasn't much time to think about it; everyone poolside soon heard Ernie's booming voice.


"YES, DADDY!" I shouted. "THANK YOU, DADDY!"

As I hurried to the weight room I saw the usual men climb off their chairs to wait in line for their turn with me behind the partition.


On the drive to 'Rods' I was so nervous and excited I almost peed myself.

Jerry had told Tommy there may be an alternative for Johnny; that maybe he wouldn't have to belong to Charlie, after all; that something miraculous happened the past two-days.

All three of us were nervous... we liked Johnny and hated the idea of him moving to Charlie's place and working for him, but Ernie was their oldest friend, and they didn't want to ruin the friendship.

Tommy held the door open for me as we went into 'Rods,' and I immediately spotted Jerry at a table. My heart sank and I coughed and choked when I saw Charlie sitting next to him.

Not only is Charlie an amoral and unscrupulous human being, he's one of the ugliest men I'd ever seen. Pock-marks cover his face from a severe bout of childhood acne, and his huge, red bulbous nose told me he had to drink a lot so he could live with himself and justify his disgusting treatment of unsuspecting young boys and girls.

I shivered at the thought of Johnny in bed with that hideous person. I scanned the bar and saw the man I was expecting to see and went and sat with him while Tommy sat next to Jerry. I didn't want to be anywhere near Charlie.

I was halfway thru a glass of wine when Ernie and Johnny came thru the door. My pulse quickened; my heart began to race.

They went to the bar and got two drinks. Johnny went to the pool room while Ernie sat with his friends at the table.

Johnny was looking fantastic; very sexy in a one-size-too-small tee shirt with a bare midriff; his erect nipples poking-out the front of the shirt. I glanced down and drank in the briefest, shortest short-shorts I'd ever seen. The lower portions of his ass were temptingly exposed below the shorts encased in pink panties.

He'd come a long way... he wasn't at all self-conscious of his rather slutty appearance.

It wasn't long before we saw Johnny come back to the bar and order two shots of whiskey then return to the pool room. Forty-five minutes later he returned for two more shots.

On his way back he casually glanced at Ernie and winked his left eye signaling the bet was on... whoever the boy was that Ernie was so keen on possessing had agreed to the terms of Johnny's wager.

A minute or so after Johnny returned to the pool room, Tommy stroked his chin-that was my signal to escort my new friend into the pool room so Johnny could see us.

I felt like I was in a James Bond movie. If this plan worked, Johnny would be saved from an evil man and just maybe live happily ever after... if the plan failed, well, the consequences were too horrible for me to contemplate.


I could see why Ernie wanted this boy. He was my size, cute as a button, and when he smiled at me, my heart melted. He was the prettiest thing I'd seen in a long time and even I began to fantasize what he'd look like naked.

His name was Tim. He was new to town, couldn't find an affordable apartment, and hadn't been able to find a job, either. He was staying at Jerry's motel, but his money was running out. He was in a desperate situation.

My own life flashed before my eyes. Eight-months earlier I was this boy!!

He was very grateful when I offered to buy him a drink. We sat at one of the high-tops near table six and he was more than willing to tell me his life story. I understood why he was lonely, and somewhat scared... he'd had all these grand plans for a new life, a fresh start, but nothing was working out like he'd envisioned.

He jumped at the idea of playing pool. I could see right-off that Ernie was right; Tim wasn't as good a player as he thinks he is. I hadn't played much recently, but I knew I wouldn't have a problem beating him.

He drank straight shots of whiskey. I ordered him two-shots-at-a-time from the cocktail server. I told him I was drinking vodka with soda and lime, but it was actually plain soda water. It was fascinating to watch him go from sobriety; to tipsy; to the point he began to stumble and slur his words.

I let him win four-games-in-a-row. I felt like a terrible person for doing this, but I couldn't see any way out.

Ernie said if I didn't go thru with this he wouldn't introduce me to his friend, Charlie, and I'd be out on the street with no money, and no place to go.

We had played for the usual stakes: five-dollars-game, but now was the time to make my move.

I began rubbing his shoulders; he gawked at me thru watery eyes.

"Timmy," I said. "Why don't we make the next game more interesting?"

"W-What do you mean?" he squinted at me.

"How about we wager three-hundred dollars on the next game?" I said with a smile.

"J-John, I-I don't have that kind of money!" he said with a disappointed frown on his pretty face.

"You don't have to put up money," I said. A puzzled-look furrowed his brows. "If you win, I'll give you three-hundred dollars... if I win, we spend the night together in your motel room."

His eyes bugged-wide; his face flushed a deep red. He looked all around us before he said anything.

"B-But, J-John-I'm not gay! I-I am sorry, but I can't do anything like that!"

"Timmy," I said softly. "It doesn't matter if you're gay or not-it's only sex-I promise no one will ever know... "

He slowly shook his head and repeated, "I can't-I can't-I can't."

"Okay," I said. "I'll make it four-hundred dollars!"

He rolled his eyes. I knew there was a fierce battle raging inside him.

After a long pause he whispered to me, "W-What do I have to do for it?"

He will was weakening. I whispered back: "Just use your hands and mouth-that's all!"

I saw the wheels in his head turning. He absolutely needed the money, but could he go thru with this? I understood where he was coming from.

He sadly shook his head back-and-forth and said, "I wish I could... I wish I could... I just can't do it."

"Timmy," I said softly, "... you've beaten me four-straight games-you're obviously better than me... here's my last offer-six-hundred dollars-if you win you get six-hundred dollars and I promise no one will ever know about this!"

That was the most money Ernie said I could offer. Now it was my turn to feel anxious and scared. I couldn't believe my own future would be determined by a bet on a game of pool!

His face twisted and contorted with mental anguish. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide; they appeared clear and lucid. He unclenched his jaws and audibly sighed then looked me directly in the eyes.

I could see he had resigned himself to his fate.

"Can we have another drinky first?" he asked in a small and squeaky voice.

When I started for the bar, Timmy said, "Why don't you just get the server to bring the drinks? He's right over there!"

"Well, I think it'll be faster if I get them myself!" I lied. I had to go into the main area and give Ernie 'the signal' that Timmy had accepted the bet.

The balls were already racked when I came back. I chalked my cue, lined-up the cue ball, and smacked the cue ball into the waiting balls.

I couldn't believe how hard I hit the ball. A rush of adrenaline must have given me an extra surge of power. The balls scattered around the table and by the time they came to rest I'd made two stripes.

I surveyed the table and saw the other striped balls in open and clear positions. I could easily 'run the table' and end this before Timmy even had a shot.

Conflicting emotions washed over me. I felt sorry for the boy, but it was now a matter of self-preservation.

At least he'll have a roof over his head and three-meals-a-day, I told myself as I lined-up the shot.

I made the shot and left the cue ball in a good position to run the table.

I lined-up the next shot and was about to pull the trigger when someone behind me patted my butt and said, "Hey cutie, I love the way you wiggle your ass when you bend over like that!"

I recognized the voice, but couldn't think who it belonged to. I stood up and turned around and OH MY GOD... IT WAS MY BEST FRIEND MIKE!!

I was stunned; speechless... blood rushed to my face; my jaw dropped open but I couldn't say a word.

He came close to me, and with a grin on his handsome face he leaned-in and whispered, "If you lose this game, I'll let you sleep with me tonight... do you want to suck my cock, fagboy?"

He backed away and I saw he was with Percy. They sat at a nearby table to watch our game.


The last time I saw him he loathed and despised me; he treated me like I was the worst person in the world... and now this?

I became dizzy and saw stars dancing before my eyes. My hands trembled and icy shivers ran up-and-down my spine.


I searched his face for clues to what he was thinking; any sign at all that this was for real.

He was fidgeting in his chair; a look of nervous anxiety crossed his face. He forced another smile, and then I saw the tears in his eyes. It was the most emotion I'd ever seen from him; his usual stoicism was gone.


My heart exploded with a warmth I'd never known before; my own eyes filled with tears of joy!

Hurry up, I said to myself. The sooner this game is finished the sooner I can be with him!

The trembling and shaking was gone; I experienced a calm peacefulness that filled me with an overpowering sense of purpose and happiness. I finally realized what needed to be done.

I leaned over the table, lined-up the cue ball, and missed an incredibly easy shot.

Timmy made two balls then missed an easy shot of his own. I missed again then he missed too.

Damn, I said to myself. This kid really IS bad!

Every time Timmy lined-up a shot I prayed he'd make the ball, but he usually didn't, and it turned into the longest pool game of my life.

It came down to the eight-ball for both of us. When he missed a straight-on shot to end the game I closed my eyes and gave a moan of exasperation.

I had a simple, straight shot of my own to end the game. I stood up and looked around to see who was watching. It was still just Mike and Percy; the others were nowhere in sight.

I leaned over, lined-up the shot, and smacked the cue ball with high English. The eight-ball careened into the corner pocket immediately followed by the cue ball. I scratched on the eight and lost the game.

Timmy literally jumped in the air and shouted his joy. I took six hundred-dollar bills from my pocket and placed them in his shaking hands.

"Tim, this city might not be for you," I said. "Why don't you use this money to go home?"

Moisture filled his eyes as he said, "I think you may be right... thank you, John!"

We shook hands and he left with his winnings. As soon as he was out the front door we heard Ernie's heavy foot-steps heading our way. We heard his voice before we actually saw him.


When Johnny stood-up from the pool table, turned and saw Mike, well, the shocked expression on his face was priceless.

A couple days earlier, Jerry told Tommy and me that someone was hanging around 'Rods,' asking about Johnny. He'd shown Johnny's picture to Eddie the Bartender and Eddie told him, "Yeah, I know him-he comes in here sometimes." Eddie mentioned it to Jerry, and, well, the rest is history.

None of us wanted Johnny working for Charlie, so we concocted this scheme. The men said we had to do it in a way that wouldn't rouse Ernie's suspicions. It made me wonder if there wasn't more than meets the eye in their relationship with Ernie.

I began to think that Ernie might be blackmailing the both of them. That would go a long way in explaining their tolerance of his cruelty and selfishness.

Tommy took me to 'Rods' and I had a couple long talks with Mike. He was extremely uncomfortable and reticent about speaking with me. I carefully explained Johnny's predicament to him, and he finally opened-up, and told me why he was looking for him.

His was a sad, but not-so-uncommon story.

Best friends for many years, they did everything together; and could talk for hours about anything and everything under the sun.

When Mike followed Johnny to the park that night, he admitted to me that it wasn't so much the shock of discovering that his best friend was queer (Mike's word), he had kind of suspected it all along, but rather, he felt Johnny had betrayed him by not sharing his secret with him.

He said he'd grown to regret his actions towards Johnny, and he'd come to Tampa to apologize to him.

I knew there was more to his story than that, but he wouldn't, or couldn't open up to me.

We met the next night at 'Rods' again and this time I plied him with enough alcohol to loosen his tongue, and inhibitions.

At one point he accidentally blurted out: "He ruined me for women!"

I pressed him on that, and after hemming-and-hawing he finally said, "The last month we were together I made him do things... "

"What 'things'?" I asked. "You mean 'sex,' don't you? You made him have sex with you and you loved it!" I almost shouted.

"NO-NO-it wasn't like that," he objected. "I only had him blow me-we didn't have actual sex!"

"And he did it better than any woman you'd ever been with, right?" I said.

"Well... yes-he was damn good at it!" he admitted sheepishly.

"And you fell in love with him, isn't that right?" I shot back.

"NO-NO-YOU'RE CRAZY-I'M NOT A FAGGOT!" he shouted. Then he softly added, "... we've been friends for years... we did everything together... I can really talk to him, I mean, you know, about important stuff-things that matter... I miss that... I miss him not being around."

And he listened to me with his eyes lowered, not daring to look me in my eyes. I explained how it was, and what needed to be done. I coached him on what he needed to do and say.

When I was finished he agreed to do what I'd suggested.

Then he said, "You know, just because I'm going to do this doesn't mean I'm a faggot!"

I shook my head with false sympathy and answered, "No, I know you're not-you are only helping out an old friend!"

I can only do so much, I told myself. It'll be up to Johnny to take him the rest of the way.

"WHY THE HELL DID THE KID LEAVE? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN HERE?" screamed Ernie as he entered the pool room.

Johnny replied: "I lost to him-he beat me-he was better than you said he was!"

Ernie's face turned purple with rage. He stormed over to Johnny and stood in his face.


"It's gone-I had to bet all of it for him to agree to play-he's got it all," Johnny said calmly.

Ernie slapped Johnny hard across the face, sending him sprawling onto the pool table. Mike leapt to his feet and rushed to Johnny's defense.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE, OLD MAN OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!" Mike screamed at Ernie.

Ernie was caught by surprise. He wasn't accustomed to anyone challenging him.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" he shouted in Mike's face.


Ernie stared curiously at Mike. He seemed to sense that Mike meant what he said. His attitude immediately softened.

"C'mon, bitch" he said to Johnny who had gotten to his feet. "We're going home!"

"Maybe he doesn't want to go with you!" Mike squinted in Ernie's beady eyes.

"Look, buddy," Ernie said to Mike. "This boy belongs to me and we're leaving!"

Mike shook his head then said, "He doesn't 'belong' to anyone... if he doesn't want to go with you he doesn't have to."

"I won him fair-and-square... he's mine and he's leaving here with me!" Ernie challenged Mike.

"What part of 'no' don't you understand, old man?" replied Mike. "He's not your slave-he's a human being who can make his own decisions!"

"Look, boy," he warned Mike, "... if you want him, fine, I'll shoot a game of pool with you... if you win-he's all yours-if I win, he stays with me and you'll pay me the money he lost to the kid!"

Mike stared hard at Ernie. "You're a pathetic, old fuck! John is leaving with me... if you have any objections c'mon outside and I'll fight you for him... otherwise move aside, he and I are done playing dangerous games with you!"

Ernie, Tommy, Jerry and creepy Charlie all stood slack-jawed as they watched Mike lead Johnny out of the bar. It was the last time any of us saw Johnny.