Dani and the Bull Ch. 01

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The first meeting and the night that follows.
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Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/23/2010
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(Author's Note: As you will have noticed this is the edited version, when it appeared in the story section and i read through it, i found several things i thought i had already fixed but hadn't.

I also want to address a couple questions in the comments page.

The original story was 20 plus chapters and while it is a romance story it could also fall under the category of supernatural. All the characters are human, and i hope you will enjoying meeting them as the story progresses.




Chapter 1

"So there I am, sitting in this bar in Macon, Georgia at one in the morning and old Bull here, he walks in and the whole place gets dead quiet." Zach Lazarus paused in the middle of his story telling to take a drink of his beer. It had been two years since his last visit, and he wasn't sure which had tasted better, the beer, or the home cooked meal his mom had fixed. No one was a better cook then Helen Lazarus and everyone admitted it freely. She had perfected her skill feeding Zach, his four older brothers, his dad, and his lone kid sister. "Now, you know me, I ain't afraid of anyone...." That didn't get the response he expected, everyone knew Zach was the biggest coward in the whole Lazarus clan. When he realized that no one was going to agree with him, continued with his story. "Okay, so even I was shaking in my boots. But hell, look at this guy, he makes the word giant seem small." Zach grinned at the big man who had come west with him after a steady night of talking and drinking.

Seven pairs of eyes turned to the man sitting across from the table from Zach. He was a big man, nearly seven feet tall, and as broad as any door frame in the house. The Lazarus clan all tended to be big people, but they were all impressed, all of them that is, except the girl sitting next to their visitor. She had yet to meet any man who impressed her simply by size alone. Of course, Dani Lazarus had yet to meet any man who impressed her in any way. Growing up the youngest of six children and the only girl in the bunch had been very educational. She supposed he was a good looking man, the odd combination of the bronze skin, the almost pure white hair, and blazing blue eyes making him stand out even without his size. She didn't think he was all that scary though, there were a lot of men out in the world she considered scarier than him in fact.

Still, Dani did glance his way after Zach started talking again, just to see how he was reacting to the way her brother was just talking about him like he wasn't even there, or if he was, he was deaf. He didn't seem to care one way or another, just sat back in the chair that had groaned when he sat down and listened. Odds were good that Zach was probably making it all up as he went. Dani always thought that a man was more prone to telling stories than women were. Made her wonder, just how many of those supermarket novels she liked to read were really written by men.

Zach was just finishing his story when she turned her attention back to him. "So here we are. Bull was a little unsure at first, but I told him he'd be more then welcome, and he was good company on the ride out. He didn't even yell at me like the rest of you do when I go into down time."

Jack Lazarus, by no means a small man himself and still in good shape despite his fifty odd years, gave their visitor a glance. "I knew a guy about your size once, called him Mountain...." He stroked his long beard and a silver cross dangled from his left ear. "Met him back in the hills of Kentucky, made some of the best moonshine I ever tasted, had two tasty daughters as I remember..." He caught the look in his wife's eyes and coughed. "Well, maybe that's a story for another time that was back in my younger days mind you, before Helen here showed me that one woman can be more than enough for a man."

Dani gave a small groan that no one but she heard. Here it went, now her dad would spend all night trying to make up to her mom and her mom would be all pain about it, but in the end they would go up stairs and spend the night rocking the house. Better get out while she could. Pushing back her chair, she got to her feet, and shook her head. "Got to go, see you all later." Her voice was raised just enough to be heard over the sound of men guzzling beer and her mom asking Bull if he was sure he'd had enough to eat.

Her dad paused just to look at her. "And where do you think you're going young lady? It's not every day we have more than one or two of your brother's home at the same time. I think it's a time for a party." He rubbed his hand in a gleeful manner. "Now what could be more important than being here to welcome your brother home, and to welcome his friend to this house?"

Dani didn't stop pulling on her jacket. "I promised to meet Annie and Sue downtown. We're going to go see a movie, then just hang for a while." She checked her pockets. Her money and cigarettes were all in place. Identification, it was definitely in place. Since she had gotten old enough to go cruising around town with her friends, she had learned never to leave it at home. At the door she grabbed her truck keys, but before leaving, she looked at her brother and his friend. "Zach, welcome home. Bull, it was nice to meet you. Welcome to Elton."

As she drove downtown in the truck, she found that her major problem with being part of the Lazarus tribe was her family in general. Her dad was always looking for a reason to have a party, and her brothers treated the family house more like a motel then they did a home. To make it worse, she had learned early that her family was a constant alarm going off when the cops were around. All of her brothers had been and still were hell raisers, and her dad had busted up the local bar more than once. She didn't even count the number of times her brother had been busted for possession and half the kids in school who did the drugs had been shocked to learn that no, she didn't smoke pot, she didn't carry and she didn't deal. Hell, she was still three days away from her eighteenth birthday, and a virgin for Christ's sake.

Annie Belton and Sue West were waiting outside the Elton movie house, and they already knew that Zach was home. Bad news traveled fast in Elton. The short, slim built brunette Annie had been in love with Zach forever anyway, and she wanted to know how he was and how did he look. Sue, a tall, long legged blond with an almost flat chest, on the other hand, had somehow heard about his traveling buddy, and just had to hear all about the guy. Dani told them both what they wanted to know, and then promptly forgot about both her brother and the Bull.

When she wasn't home, she did her best to just forget she even had a family. Sometimes she wished she were an orphan, or had been raised by some family that was at least a little bit normal. That would be so nice, being around normal people. Sitting back in her seat, staring up at the movie screen, Dani let her mind wander. What would it be like to have a dad who worked nine to five, or a mom who didn't bleach her hair and wear a ton of makeup? Parents who didn't ride a Harley and have friends who could scare the hell out of normal people? What was it like to live in a house that wasn't cluttered with motorcycle parts and biker magazines? Where the pictures on the wall were real pictures, not rebel flags, and posters of motorcycles and half naked women?

Even her name, her folks had been so sure she would be another boy that they hadn't even thought up any girl names. When she had been born, her dad was so shocked; he had to ask the doctor twice to make sure. It was her mother who just changed it from Danny to Dani. She didn't even have a middle name like everyone else. Which was fine, but her teachers sure hadn't understood it when she tried to tell them that her name was just Dani Lazarus. She had finally brought a copy of her birth certificate in to prove that she didn't have any name in the middle.

This hadn't made life any easier for her. Everyone just assumed that she was the unhappiest kid in the world, and the most ill treated. People had given her dolls, dresses, and all the stuff that went with being female. Of course, all that just made her parents shake their heads in amusement, and tell the do-gooders thank you very much, but Dani preferred to wear jeans to school, and the black leather jacket kept her much warmer than a regular jacket did. Most of the clothes she wore were hand me downs from her brothers, so what difference did it make one way or another?

There was also the thing that had happened the summer she turned thirteen. That year, she had grown five inches, and developed hormones and breasts. Unlike Annie and Sue, she had never owned a training bra. Her first bra had been a 44D and it hadn't changed in the last four years. The rest of her body, almost six feet of it, had taken on all the female curves and lines in the last four years as well, but it was a full figured sort of curve and line. Now, she found men thinking she was older, and even when they knew the truth, didn't much care. Boys at school had tried to grope her, and even adult men tried to ask her out. Some of her parent's friends were just as bad, always half teasing her and half being serious about it.

Of course, Dani never took any of it very seriously. She hadn't met any guy who made her interested in more than kissing lessons, and few members of the male species were willing to settle for that. So, they moved on to other women, and she just shrugged her shoulders at it. What else could she do? With her dad and brothers, how could she settle for some punk with pimples on his face, and hands that wouldn't stay away from her tits and crotch?

The movie ended and later, she listened as Annie and Sue talked about it while they shared a plate of French fries at the local café. Unlike her friends, she didn't care who the latest Hollywood heartthrob was or any of it. She went to the movies to have time to think, not actually watch the thing. She preferred to let her mind make up the movies from the different novels she read. They seemed more real to her than watching two perfect people act them out on a huge screen. So, while her friends talked, she sat back and drank her soda staring at the same old things she had seen forever.

After the sodas and French Fries, they debated on where to go next. It was still early, only ten o'clock. Sue didn't have to be home until midnight, and Annie was spending the night with her. So, two hours to kill. She wasn't surprised when Annie suggested going to her house to hang out. Her friends wanted to see the two additions. Annie would spend their time there trying to get Zach to notice her, and Sue would flirt with the Bull. Some things never changed. Neither did the fact that Sue pulled out her cell phone and called her parents begging to be allowed to spend the night with Annie as soon as they were out of town, it was never any different, they all knew that Sue's daddy would never let her spend a night at the Lazarus house if he knew that was where she was going.

The house was packed with people, some even spilling out onto the lawn and street. They wove their way through cars, trucks, motorcycles, adults, and kids and into the house proper before they found Zach and his friend. Neither had anyone hanging on them yet. By the end of the night, that might be different, but for now, it gave Sue and Annie a clear path. Both girls were now officially eighteen and Zach had radar when it came to such things. He gave her a grin as she walked up to him, and handed her a beer.

"How come you're home so early, most of us never staggered in until after two of three in the morning when we were your age." Her family was as bad as the rest of the town. Always expecting her to stay out all night, or run off with some guy. More than one of her brothers had made wagers that she would have a bun in the oven by now, and had seemed to think she had purposely not done it to make them lose the money.

"Annie and Sue wanted to come say welcome home." Dani made sure she kept her tone flat, showing that she didn't necessarily agree. It was funny, Zach had once been her favorite brother, what had happened to them in the two years he had been gone? Even as she asked herself, she knew. She had grown up and like the rest of the people in her family, Zach had not.

Zach's pale blue eyes roamed over both girls in the careless way he had, and Annie blushed. "You two sure have grown up since I was home last." He said it to both of them, but his eyes never left Annie.

That made Annie blush even more, and Sue giggle. Dani wanted to vomit. Instead, she lit a cigarette, and looked around. "Am I in trouble?" It was a silly question, she never got in trouble. She could stay out all night fucking half the football team, and never get in trouble.

"Yeah, but only for not bringing them around sooner, girls, meet my friend Bull. His real name is Beaumont Andre Marquaille, but doesn't he remind you of a bull?" Zach had to stretch to be able to lean his arm on Bull's shoulder as he spoke.

Both Annie and Sue glanced his way, but only Sue's glance lasted more than a second. Dani could see the gears working in her friends' mind. Sue was man crazy, and didn't try to hide it from anyone but her parents. Dani was tempted to warn the Bull, but she didn't bother. Instead, she walked off without saying anything, leaving her friends to their fate. This was nothing new, she thought as she went upstairs to her room. It wasn't any quieter, but she was able to shut her door, dig out her book and read in peace. No one would miss her. She stopped reading to get up long enough to lock her door. Maybe one person would and while she hadn't seen him or his ride, she was taking no chances. Dani knew better.

She was wrong. Bull watched as the girl walked through the crowded room and up the flight of stairs. A part of him was tempted to follow and he licked his lips as he followed the sway of her round bottom. He had come a million miles and a hundred years to find her. Not literally, but it sure felt that way sometimes. Now that he had, he found it hard to let her just walk off. Too many lonely nights and stolen dreams began to plague him and felt an itch in his jeans. It had been a long time, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Not yet, not till he got to sit down and talk to her one on one. He had hoped that she might be friendlier, like the rest of her family. Of course, he was sure Zach would never understand it if he told him, neither would her parents or anyone else here.

Or maybe someone would. He glanced at Sue and found the small, slender, blond looking at him with an unreadable expression in her eyes. It could have been jealousy. In fact, he was pretty sure it was. This was a gal who didn't want to share the spotlight with anyone. He had met plenty of women like her in his life, and he knew how to use it to his advantage. He wondered how she would react when she discovered that he was no more interested in her body, than he was in the brunette that was getting cozy with Zach. The one he wanted was upstairs, still, it had been a while and if the little blond with no tits could do him even a little bit of good, he'd give it a shot.

She squealed a little when he picked her up and gave her a kiss that Bull was sure she had never experienced before. They settled on a sofa in a far corner and soon he felt a twinge in his lower regions, but it became a full-fledged fire when he thought of Dani and how he wished to god that it were her he was kissing.

When he began to caress Sue's breasts, he felt her nipples come to life, but that was all she had, nothing to offer his huge hands what so ever. Well, he would just have to make do with it. He didn't give a damn if it was her mouth or her pussy he emptied his load in, if he didn't take some of the load his balls were packing off, he was going to do something crazy. Even if she wasn't the one the demon wanted. If nothing else, he'd give her enough to wear her out then take care of himself in the old fashioned way. It wouldn't be the first time he had jacked off.

A glance at Zach and Annie told him his friend was getting reacquainted with the little brunette and he had to admit he had good taste. She was a cute little thing, Sue was too, but she was like too many other women he had known and as he slipped his hand down between her legs, he knew he would find no virgin sacrifice waiting for him. That would make it easier for him, but even the thought of putting his cock in some one other then Dani was repulsive to him.

Moving his mouth to Sue's ear, he nipped the lobe and whispered against her skin. "Come on honey, lets you and me get better acquainted." She offered her mouth and at the same time, he shoved a finger up her soaking hole. Damn, she was tight, truthfully too tight to take his huge cock and take it easily, even if he made her come a hundred times, she was already grunting a little with pain from his fingers. God, no, he needed a pussy who could handle him. And from the look of things around him, she was all there was to be had. Finally, he eased his motions and, after she had cum at least three times, he knew it wasn't going to happen. It was going to be a hands job for him tonight, after she fell asleep. He didn't need her raising hell because he left her just sitting there all alone. Not that he much cared. As it was he needed to find something to fasten his brain on for when he was able to get away. And to make it worse, now the blond was trying to swallow his cock.

When he finally had her stop before she dislocated her jaw or something, she gave him a funny look but said nothing. If she had he might have just given in to the desire his demon felt. He did feel that maybe she deserved something for effort, and he was glad she didn't protest when he got her in the bathroom, put her on the edge of the sink and let his mouth go crazy. He also knew that this would be the first, last and only time he ever had any kind of sexual contact with Dani's friend.

Across the room, Jack Lazarus looked at the big man as he sat back in his chair and felt his wife nuzzle his neck. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something about the big man, something that made him apprehensive and yet relaxed at the same time. He had seen how Bull's eyes had followed Dani as she left earlier. At first he had felt some fatherly pride; she was his daughter and one hell of a good looking girl, as beautiful as her mother. In three days she would legally be an almost adult, free game for a man to crawl between her legs and feed her his dick.

"What's the matter honey?" Helen whispered in his ear as she reached down and caressed the front of his pants. "No reason to be worried, baby-girl is home, safe and sound, and her two friends seemed to have playmates. Damn good thing both of them are eighteen from the way Bull is going at Sue."

Jack knew Helen didn't think much of the little blonde, she had grown up in this town, knew both girls parents from kindergarten all most. Jack was the new comer, the inheritor of this huge old house. Not as big or as fancy as the one he had grown up in New Orleans, but still this one felt like a home. Something he hadn't really known growing up, not in the conventional sense.

"Let's go to bed Helen, I need you tonight." He spoke suddenly, filled with a sudden desire for his wife that he felt all too often.

She smiled at him. "Then what the hell are we waiting for?" She got up off his lap and took his hand as they went upstairs like a couple of kids. If she wondered when he paused at Dani's door, she said nothing. Instead she waited patiently, while he tried first knocking then turning the handle. When there was no give, Jack felt a deep sense of relief. She had locked it from the inside. "Jack, are you coming sweetheart?"