Dani and the Bull Ch. 03

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A first kiss, a long night, and a start to a birthday party.
8.2k words

Part 3 of the 16 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/23/2010
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To her surprise, it was Zach who apologized to her the next morning. "Guess I'd forgotten that you grew up too kid." He handed her a steaming mug of coffee, picked up his own and leaned back against the counter. "You know, Annie ain't so bad, not at all what I remembered. She sure has grown up." Was Dani imagining things or had her big brother not stopped smiling since the other night and his reunion with Annie? She was tempted to ask if it was love or lust but she held her tongue.

"Everyone grows up Zach, even people in this family." She grabbed an orange from the bowl of fruit on the counter and sat at the table to peel it. "Where's the Bull?" The room seemed actually empty without him in it. Zach was a big man like the rest of her brothers, but nowhere close to his friend. She found herself wondering if he was still out in the shop, working on his ride. She had been surprised to see him home so early; Zach hadn't stumbled in until well after three this morning. Her mind also remembered the warm smile he had given her, like he had been glad to see her.

"Dad took him to the parts house so he could get some parts for his ride. He said it wasn't sounding right when he got back last night. I didn't hear anything wrong when he left the bar to take Sue home, but he's like dad, fine tuned to his ride. Me, I just get on and go, which is probably why I've spent more down time in this family than anyone else." He grinned. "Hell, I broke down twice just on the run home this time."

That was true. The rest of the clan treated their motorcycles like they were made of gold. Zach had never been as concerned. If he went down, he just picked it up and rolled on. Her dad had told her about the times he had rolled his ride home over ten miles just to make sure he didn't do any more damage. Even her mom was that way. Dani often suspected her parents cared more about their motorcycles than they did their children at times. Not that her folks would have ever admitted a thing like that.

Almost on cue, the back door opened and the two men in question came in. Her dad gave her a grin, scuffed her hair and then headed for the coffee pot, "Morning brat, in a better mood from what it was last night?"

"My mood is just fine, thank you very much; it would just be a whole better if I had been born into a normal family and not this zoo."

Her father laughed as he leaned back against the counter, standing next to his son their resemblance was remarkable. Except for her dad's gray hair, they could have been brothers instead of father and son. "Hey, we may not be normal, but we have fun. And as far as men being scared to come around you for fear of death or dismemberment, well if they think we got a reason to do, they're not for you anyway." His smile turned to a look of concern. "Uh, Jess and Nick are coming over today. Are you going to hide away all day as usual?"

Dani groaned, just what she hadn't needed to hear first thing in the morning, "Now that I know, yeah." She hated Nick Jensen. He was one of the worst of her dad's friends, and to make it even worse, he had been after her for six months to go out with him. His brother Jessie was little better. "Can't you just tell him to leave me alone and get it over with?" It had gotten to the point that she hated being within ten miles of the two men. Nick was constantly watching her, and licking his lips in the most obscene way she had ever seen. Jessie wasn't quite so bad but she knew he would go where his brother led him. "I can't stand it when he does that thing with his tongue; he makes me feel like a mouse that is being stalked by the cat."

Her dad gave her an understanding look, and it was clear he didn't like it much either. "I have honey, more than once, but you know Nick, he gets an idea in that head of his and he can't let it go. And right now, he has the idea that you and he would make a good pair." Her dad frowned. "Maybe it is better if you stay upstairs while they're here, and make sure your door is locked."

Dani had known what her dad would say, but she was startled by Zach's reaction. "Nick Jensen is coming on to you?" He didn't bother to hide his dislike or disgust when he spoke.

"He's been coming on to me for six months every since December, when Shelia and the kids left." Not that she blamed Sheila Jensen for leaving him. Dani had seen enough of his handy work to know that she was better off back home with her kids in Dallas, Texas. Nick was a firm believer in black and blue being the colors of love.

Zach didn't bother to hide his own dislike of the man. "He's older than dad, and I wouldn't let a dog near him. How Shelia lasted all these years is beyond me. Hey Bull and I are going to the lake with Annie and Sue, you come along." He made the offer with little thought. It was clear he didn't like the idea that a man like Nick anywhere around his little sister.

Dani shook her head. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather hide in my room than play fifth wheel with you four." The lock on her door would stand up to anything but being kicked in and she knew her dad would never let it come to that.

For the first time since he had walked in Bull spoke up. "Sue isn't coming. So you can ride with me soon as I replace this part." He went out the back door, and Dani looked at her brother.

"What was all that about?" There was no disguising the surprise she felt, it had been clear that he had not been looking forward to their date, and Sue had seemed less than enthused, but still...it wasn't like Sue to give up so easy. From the way Bull had talked yesterday morning, she also got the idea that he could be just as persistent.

Zach looked at the door, looking just as surprised, but then shrugged. "Don't ask me. Bull doesn't talk much, but when he does, most people tend to listen."

Spending the day with Bull and Zach at the lake wasn't her idea of a good time, even knowing that Annie would be there, but it beat hiding from Nick. At least she wouldn't have to worry about him coming in her room and trying to kiss her like he had one time. Her dad had put the lock on with no hesitation when she told him about it.

Going upstairs after the decision had been made; Dani took a quick shower and dressed in the coolest clothes she owned. Now that she was done with school, she was going to have to start thinking about updating her wardrobe. She would need some nice clothes to go looking for work in, of course that was if she ever decided what she wanted to be when she grew up. Not to mention the idea of going to visit her grandmother. Somehow she doubted Grandma Lazarus and Aunt Jessie would much appreciate her going around in blue jeans and shirts made more for bumming around the house in all the time she was there. There were times she wished she had been able to see the two old ladies more as she grew up, but they called every Christmas and birthday, and sent wonderful presents. They had even sent her a huge check for Graduation and a few years back they had come to visit for a week, her dad had hid out in the shed most of the time, but it had been fun seeing them.

When she came back down, Bull was in the kitchen with her mom and Zach but he looked up as she entered and gave her a smile. Zach was the one who broke the news to her, "Looks like Bull's ride is going to be down longer than he thought, one of the parts he got was the wrong one, and we were thinking maybe you and him could ride out to the Lake in your truck. Now I warned him what a lousy driver you were, and that he was taking his life into his hands by it, but he seems to think he's willing to risk it. Not to mention mom said she'd make up a lunch and we can stop off and get some cold ones on the way, dad's old cooler is out in the shed..." Her brother gave her a sheepish grin.

"I can do that," she looked at Bull and saw he didn't look the least little bit worried about her driving. She was still curious about why Sue wasn't going though. To be honest with herself she had been sure after they went out last night, Sue would be back to her old self. Of course he had come back early and Sue never ended a date until it was absolutely necessary. Dani made a mental note to be sure and question Annie what was going on.

An hour later they had finished loading up the truck with not only a basket of food and the cooler, but a couple blankets, and a change of clothes if they decided to get wet. That would depend on how warm the sun was and how cold the winter runoff was. They were just getting ready to leave when Nick Jensen and his brother Jessie showed up and it was clear both men were well on the road to spending another day drunk and mean.

"There she is, all ready for your big day tomorrow Dani? Going to be all of eighteen years old and looking better and better every day." The leer in his eyes was evident to everyone present and Dani cringed as he licked his lips. The leer turned to something else as Bull stepped up next to her and touched her shoulder. "Well, well, who we got here, never met you before big man." Nick looked Bull up and down, and then held out a grime encrusted hand. "Nick Jensen, I seen this little girl start out as a baby and turn into what she is today..."

Dani saw Bull take the hand, but then dropped it as if tell Nick it was a waste of his time to shake it. "Nice to meet you, Zach, we need to stop and pick up Annie, shouldn't we be moving out?"

Zach nodded, never taking his eyes off Nick and Jessie. "Yeah, we better go how about I go pick up Annie and meet you two over at the market?"

The mention of her friend's name made Nick turn his attention to her brother. "Annie Belton your current Zach, that didn't take long. Now there is another little girl that has grown up nice...you must be glad she's legal now..."

Before Zach could relax, their dad walked up. "That's enough Nick; I told you if you came around here anymore, you were to act civil to Dani and her friends."

"Hey big Jack, just speaking the truth, but I do apologize, just been a little off since Sheila packed up the kids and went back to Texas. Momma hasn't been doing so well and it's taken its toll on me and Jessie to take care of her."

"I'm sorry to hear that, well come on up to the shed and we'll see what we can do for you today, Zach, Dani, you all go have fun, nice to see you two getting along for a change. Bull, we'll see what we can do about getting those other parts tomorrow, for today, you all go relax."

Zach waited until they were heading toward the shed before mounting his ride and roaring off, Dani took a little while longer to stop shaking and feeling like she wanted to vomit all over. It was a reaction she had every time Nick or his brother came near her. She always felt like just being around them made her dirty inside and out. It helped a little when Bull reached over the seat and squeezed her hand in a reassuring gesture.

"Can you light me a cigarette Bull? I need it right now." She started up the truck and headed toward town. The cigarette helped, so did the quiet of neither of them speaking. He seemed to know that she needed to pull herself back together.

With the weather so nice for the early part of June, the Market was busy and she and Annie waited at the truck while Bull and Zach went in to get what they wanted. She had been sure to tell Zach that she wanted only soda, unlike her brothers, she didn't believe in drinking and driving. The time alone with Annie also gave her a chance to ask about what had happened with Bull and Sue.

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea, one minute she is her normal, man hungry self, and then she's acting like he's some snake who crawled out from under a rock. When we were out last night she hardly talked to him and he just sat and ignored her as if she didn't exist. I mean he was polite and all, talked about different things, but neither of them were looking like they really wanted to be there." The little brunette smiled. "You want the truth, I think she is jealous of you, I think Bull likes you...a lot."

Dani looked at Annie in surprise, "what makes you say something like that?"

"Well, the other night I happen to see his face when you disappeared upstairs, he looked awfully disappointed, and like he was hoping you'd stick around a while. You know, hang out with us. When you didn't he just put on this fake smile and I'm sure Sue knew right then that she wasn't the one he wanted to be with. Course, I understand that, I mean let's face it Dani, you are all the things Sue and I have wanted to be for a long time, and I get the idea that Bull is a man who sees it clearer than others." She giggled as if realizing she was starting to sound like her dad. Arthur Belton was a Science teacher at Elton High School and known for his long, boring lectures and explanations of things.

On the drive to the lake, Dani pushed aside what Annie had told her and just tried to enjoy the ten mile drive. She loved going to the lake, it was more up in the hills that surrounded town and a few years back some developers had tried to get permission to build houses along the shore line, but the county had shot them down. The lake had been a country park for so long that no one wanted to see it changed.

It was clear that Bull was impressed as they drove in the main gate. "Damn, this is gorgeous. What all can you do here?"

"Everything from renting a boat and fishing to just having a picnic and kicking back. If you're here on the fourth of July there's a big county wide All-You-Can-Eat-Barbeque and fireworks display. That is the only time you pay to come into it and it just pays for the fireworks and food. Any extra money they make goes for the upkeep of the place, plus the county is the one who rents the boats, and all. You can rent areas for special events too, when my brother Mike and his wife got married it was here. I'm hoping they show up for the party tomorrow, not so much for me, but our grandpa had a heart attack last winter and he was lucky he pulled through, and since it's his birthday as well, we're all hoping."

"I heard about Mike, and I met Tom and Dave, but Zach said there are six of you, where's the other one?"

Dani sighed. "Mexico, that's where Jericho and Nick's sister Marie have been since he found out Nick was abusing her and they decided to run off together about five years ago. They were crazy about each other since the day they met, and over time it just grew and grew. The thing is, Nick found out what Jericho and Marie had planned and he and Jessie worked Jericho over pretty good. So when he was better, he and Marie left town and no one knows just where they are. They call now and then, from El Paso usually, but they won't give anyone their address or anything."

Bull looked at her as she parked next to Zach's machine. "And your dad never did anything about it?"

"Oh he beat the crap out of Nick and Jessie with some help from the rest of the boys, but Nick just said he had it coming and apologized like he always does. I guess because Nick was one of the few men in town who didn't act like dad had committed some crime when he came here and married mom. She wasn't kidding last night when she said she had a ton of boyfriends when she was younger, mom was a total knock out in her younger days, and she dated everyone from the mayor's son to Tom Sheridan who is now the local sheriff. Tom was also dad's most serious rival, the two of them have learned to get along but you can still tell they aren't real friendly with each other."

Zach came over to the truck and stuck his head in the window. "Hey, you two going to sit here all day talking or have some fun, I for one can't wait to get in the water."

They unloaded the truck, and once the blankets were spread, Zach and Annie wasted no time stripping down to their swimsuits, Dani found she was a little more reluctant to undress in front of Bull, but the water did look good and she hadn't been swimming in a while. In the end it took Annie standing in front of her in that hot pink bikini she liked to wear with her hands on her hips and both her and Zach challenging her to a race to the platform that marked the end of the swimming area. Once you reached that, the rest of the lake was strictly boats only.

Bull watched as Dani stripped down to a black one piece suit and had to admire how well it fit her body. Her skin was golden color and her hair a soft amber color that matched her eyes. She had good, well designed features and knew she had gotten them from her mother. He found his eyes drifting to her lips and how soft and full they looked. Just the kind of mouth that a man wanted to lose himself in, among other things, and he decided before he went to bed tonight, he was going to get at least one taste of it. He would be sure that both of them were wide awake at midnight, just so he could be the first one to wish her happy birthday too.

Her voice brought him out of the thoughts his mind was thinking. "Hey, are you coming in or not."

"I'm right behind you." He watched as she and Annie raced off toward the shoreline and he tried not to think about how nice her ass looked in the suit. It helped when he hit the water running and felt like he was going head first into an ice bath. Zach, Annie and Dani all three greeted him at the raft with grins and knowing smiles. He couldn't help but laugh feeling that they had known how cold the water would be. Dani gave him a knowing look and he saw she looked as cold as he felt. It took all his control to keep from pulling her close and holding her until they were both warm.

Later, as they lay on the blankets, letting the sun dry their bodies, he had to admit it had been a long time since he had felt as good as he did right now, they had swam and played in the water and done all the things he remembered doing as a boy back home, he also remembered that he hadn't been a boy very long. Leaving home had been hard, but he had needed to do it, needed not wanted to. There were times he wished he had done what his daddy wanted and stayed to work the boats, but unlike the rest of his family, he had never liked the idea of being a fisherman all his life. The idea of being a priest hadn't settled well with him either, not once he had come into his manhood so to speak and found that girls liked his looks and were willing to play games with him that kids played.

The night he had left, he had thought he had been able to slip away unnoticed, only to find his momma and grandma waiting for him at the end of the path leading to the highway. They had both hugged and kissed him; given him a bag of food, some money and his grandmother had pressed a charm into his hand. He could still remember her last words.

"You got a long road ahead of you boy, it won't be an easy one but finding your place in life never is. You keep this charm and you keep it safe. It's got the blood of your momma and me in it to keep you safe, and to make sure you never forget who you are, or where you came from. In the end, once you find what you're looking for, it will guide you back.

He had never taken that charm off from around his neck. Even while he had been doing time, he had worn it, fought to keep it, and now it lay securely on his chest, looking worse for wear, but still something to remember who he was and where he had come from.

"Hey Bull, can I ask you a question?" Dani kept her voice low, Zach and Annie had fallen asleep on the blanket next to them and she didn't want to disturb them.

He turned on his side and looked at her as he propped up his head with the flat of his hand. "Sure, what you want to know." It wasn't in him to keep anything from her; he just had to watch that he didn't tell her too much all at once.

"What is that you have around your neck, it's interesting."

"It's a charm my granny Maylene gave me before I left home, there's a raven's feather, a bead made of amber, and a couple other things. She made it to keep me safe and never to forget who I was or where I was from."