Danica's Loves


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That seemed to end their talk and Nancy went off a trifle huffily.


Despite her initial rejection of Nancy's suggested affair Danica did think about it. She thought about it during the day and during the night.

She decided that she would pretend to be having an affair. She let Spencer hear her talking on the telephone using terms of endearment, even though in fact there was no one on the other end of the line; she sent herself letters with "Sealed with a kiss" or "Any where any time" written on the back flap. She even went away for a couple of days without telling him where she as going, but Spencer seemed unmoved.

Deciding that she would have an affair, the question was, with whom?

Certainly it would not be with one of Nancy's offerings, nor would it be with any of the school staff, for quite apart from anything else, she found them dreary, and if she was going to have an affair it would have to be with someone who excited her.

It seemed that the situation produced an appropriate response.

As I have pointed out, many of the boys in the school came from distant homes in the bush. Sometimes when there was a short vacation, a few of these boys remained at the school, the distance to home being deemed too far to travel for the short time.

It was the school policy that these boys should do something useful, and they were set tasks like painting the sports pavilion, clearing up accrued detritus, weeding school gardens and planting trees.

One hot afternoon Danica was sitting on the house veranda idly watching some boys painting a storage shed.

These boys did not particularly interest her, there were always boys around the place, and given that her husband was more devoted to them than her, she generally disliked them.

If she needed proof of her husbands neglect, the vacation was an opportunity for Spencer to spend some time with her. Instead, each day he had some excuse, some reason not to be with her. The reason always had something do with the school or boys.

"Got to go and see the new mathematics programme the Education Department has come up with; "Got to go and see the new sports gear that's come in from overseas;" and so it went.

Danica's eye suddenly focused on one particular boy who was nearer the house. He was digging out weeds on a grassy patch that had been neglected for some time.

She vaguely knew him but couldn't remember his name. He was stripped down to a pair of shorts and his lithe young body was gleaming with sweat as he wielded a spade in the hot afternoon sun.

He was older than most of the boys and had completed the high school curriculum but was staying on for another year. The school ran a post graduate agricultural diploma course in conjunction with the Ag. Col.

Danica continued to watch him for a while, admiring his broad shoulders, flat muscular stomach and the rippling muscles on his arms and legs.

She rose and went to the low fence dividing the garden from the rest of the school grounds.

"Excuse me," she called.

The boy looked up and Danica said, "It's very hot, would you like to come in for a drink?"

"Thank you ma'am," he answered, smiling, "that would be welcome."

He picked up his shirt and put it on but without buttoning it, and coming to the fence, stepped over it.

Danica led the way into the kitchen and invited him to sit at the table.

He had to be eighteen or nineteen years of age, and he looked at Danica in the way young men have in the presence of an attractive woman, appreciatively.

Danica handed him a glass of soft drink, and sitting opposite said, "I've seen you around but I don't know your name.

"Anders ma'am, Giles Anders, you're Mrs. Church, aren't you?"

Danica was only about five years older than Giles so she said, "Calling me ma'am makes me feel so old, so why don't you call me Danica?"

"Well we're not encouraged to call the staff or their families by there given names so..."

"Oh, don't let's be bothered with all that nonsense," Danica laughed, "not in here, who's to know?"

"Well okay," Giles said, "if it's all right with you then it's all right with me."

"You're staying on for the Ag. Diploma, aren't you?"

"Yes, and I wish to God I wasn't."

"Oh, why is that, don't you like the course?"

He shrugged, "The course is fine, but it's this place. Do you know I've been coming here for nearly six years, it can get to you in the end."

"Couldn't you have gone home for the vacation?"

"I could have normally but my parents are overseas and so..."

"Where do they live?"

"Oh, mum and dad have got a property on the west coast, wheat."

"Ah, so that's why you're doing the Ag. Course?"

"Yes and no; I don't think I want to go wheat farming. I'd like to stay around the industry, you know, farming and pastoral work, but I haven't made up my mind about doing what yet."

"I come from a pastoral property...up north, cattle," Danica said.

"Do you miss it?"

Danica considered for a few moments and then said, "Yes...yes, I suppose I do.

"Better than being caged in this dump?"

"Is that how you feel Giles, caged?"

He laughed, "Not so much now because I've got a lot more freedom from their petty rules, but you know how it is, it's like there's been a bad smell, and even though it's gone now, the memory lingers on."

"Yes, I think I know what you mean. So they let you out of the place now?"

"Yes, but I still have to be in by eleven o'clock because they lock up then."

Danica thought for a moment and then said, "Giles, why don't we go out and have afternoon tea somewhere, we can both get away for a while?"

"Oh, I'd like to but I don't think..."

"Come on Giles, you said yourself that you can come and go more or less as you please, so why not?"

"Well...er...Mr. Church..."

"He's not here Giles and I don't suppose he'll be home until late, knowing him." She laughed and went on, "If it's a problem, I promise I won't tell if you promise not to tell."

He returned her laugh and said, "Well yes, I'd really like that, and I promise not to tell. I'll have to go and shower and change first, is that okay?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you by the main gate and we can drive into town. How long do you think you'll be?"

"Give me half an hour," he said as he bounded out of the house and ran across to the main buildings.

Danica smiled to herself and went to the bedroom, changed her dress and checked her hair and makeup.


Danica drove to a quiet café and there over coffee they talked innocuously about Giles' home, his parents and future hopes.

She looked him over carefully. She concluded that he was in his way as handsome as Spencer, but unlike Spencer Giles was open -- outgoing. She found the time with him pleasant, and on the way back to the school said, "Shall we do it again, Giles."

"What, go out for afternoon tea together?"


"Well, I've enjoyed being with you Danica, but don't you think...I mean, you're a married woman and...and if we were seen people might start talking."

Danica chucked and said, "If they did start talking I'd find that rather flattering. But don't worry, we can be very discreet."

Danica was rather surprised at her boldness.

"Well, if you think its okay," Giles said.

"When shall we make it? How about tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yes, I could get away," Giles replied.

"Good, then suppose I meet you at the gate again, say at half past one?"

Giles' eagerness in agreeing was very satisfying to Danica.

They had several more afternoon teas together, and an attachment began to develop between them. Danica was not sure if she was in love with Giles, but she thought what she felt for him must be rather like being in love.

Observing Giles she concluded that he must be having a similar experience. That she had gained the interest of a young man like Giles started to give her a more positive self-image.

Lying beside the recumbent and sleeping Spencer at night, she visualized what it would be like to make love with Giles. A phrase from a novel she had read floated into her mind, "She felt his firm manhood enter her sweet femaleness, and soon his manly seed was pulsating into her, seeking to fertilise her."

"Yes," she thought, "that is how it would be with Giles."

The school returned to full activity and Danica thought that her covert afternoons with Giles would be at an end. He, however, pointed out that his course was les rigidly structured than that of the rest of the students and that he could on occasion get away for an hour or two.

Since Spencer was always over at the school during the day they were able to continue their meetings, but they deemed it unwise to go out to a café. Instead Giles, by a circuitous route, came to the house.

Danica had firmly made up her mind, and one afternoon she sat gazing at Giles, calculating her moment.

She had read in a novel about a woman inviting a man to make love with her: "She saw the eager longing in his eyes, and extending her arms to him said, 'Make love with me darling.'"

Danica tried to gauge whether Giles' eyes were filled with eager longing. She wasn't sure what that would look like, but his eyes were certainly looking at her.

Taking the plunge she said nervously, "Giles, would you like to make love with me?"


"I...I...I...said...would you like to make love...do it with me?"

"Have sex with you?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"But Mr. Church, he..."

"It's all right Giles, I don't think he'd mind, but I wouldn't tell him anyway."

"He wouldn't mind?"

"No, he doesn't care about sex."

"Doesn't care about it, what do you mean?"

"Well, he doesn't do it."

"You mean he's cooled off?"

"No, I mean that he never does it, not ever."

"But he must have...I mean...when you first got married."

"No, he never has."

Giles was aghast at Spencer's failure as a husband and said, "Isn't there a law about it; he has to do it with you?"

"I don't know Giles, but even if there is a law I don't think it would make any difference because I don't think he can," Danica said a trifle impatiently; it wasn't going according to the books.

"But you must have done it with someone else," Giles said.

"No, I'm still a virgin; now look here Giles, do you want to do it with me or not?"

"Well...er...yes, I've wanted to do it with you ever since that day you first invited me in for a drink."

"Then do it Giles; I've waited years, so don't make me wait any longer."

"All right, if you're sure."

"I'm sure but I'm not certain exactly how you go about it, do you know?"

"I've got the theory," he replied, "but I haven't had any practical experience."

"You're not a virgin too?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I am, but perhaps we can work it out," Giles said, rising and going to her."

"Just a minute," Danica said, "I'd better take these off;" she rose and removed her panties.

She pulled up her skirt and lay back on the divan saying, "Is this all right?"

"Yes, but could you open your legs a little wider."

She opened them and said, "Will it do like this?"

"Yes, I think so," Giles said, pulling down the zip of his jeans and taking out his penis.

"Oh my God," Danica gasped.

"What...what's wrong?" Giles asked anxiously.

"I didn't think they were so big."

Giles glanced down as his erect phallus and said, "Is it big, I didn't know?"

"It looks big," Danica said speculatively. "You will be careful, won't you? You know, it's my first time as well and it may hurt."

"I'll try and be careful," Giles said earnestly.

As Giles awkwardly clambered on top of Danica she said, "I read in a book that men really need to...you know...finish...put their...er...sperm in the woman."


"Well if I give a little scream don't stop unless you want to but try and be quick because it might be hurting me."

Given that he was close to ejaculating even before they'd started Giles felt that he was able to assure her that he would be quick.

There was some fumbling as Giles tried to find the entrance to Danica's vagina, and as she felt the head of his penis touch her inner lips she said, "You'll do it qui...oh....ow..."

Giles had split the delicate membrane and was plunging his penis deep into her. He was as good as his word, and very quickly Danica would have felt his sperm thumping into her if she hadn't been so sore.

As he pulled out of her she said, "It wasn't really very good, was it."

"Well it was the first time," Giles said.

"Yes, and I've read in the books that you learn as you go along, it just takes time and practice, so I think we'll have to do it again, perhaps in a couple of days when I've healed -- oh my goodness, look at the mess; there's blood on my skirt and your penis it's...it's got me all over it. I'd better get this skirt in soak and then I'll wash your...or would you rather do it yourself?"

She rose and then said, "Oh, it's all starting to come out of me, have you got a handkerchief I can borrow?"

Giles produced a handkerchief and Danica, clamping it over her genitals said, "We'd both better go and have a wash, we'll go to the bathroom, but I'll put this skirt into soak in the laundry first, you wait here."

Having removed her skirt Danica only had her blouse on, and as she left the room Giles caught sight of her pert buttocks. That stirred him again.

Danica returned and led Giles to the bathroom. He pushed down his jeans and Danica said, I'll do it for you, after all most of it is my mess. She commenced washing his penis, and as a result it started to extend and harden again.

"Giles," Danica gasped, "it's got big again."

"Er, yes."

"Isn't there something that men do when it gets big?"

"You mean masturbate?"

"That' it, masturbate, I read about it somewhere. It said that sometimes men like a woman to do it for them, is that true?"

"Yes, I think so," Giles said, "but I've not actually experienced it like that."

"Would you like me to try?"

"Yes, if you don't mind."

Danica had rather enjoyed washing his penis and so she said, "No, I don't mind, but what do I do?"

"Oh...give me your hand."

He took Danica's hand in his and then wrapped her fingers round his penis.

"If you move your hand like this," he said, starting to move it, "you'll make me come."

Danica was a quick learner and she was actually enjoying the sensation of holding his warm hard penis.

"Faster...faster..." Giles gasped.

Danica increased her pace and suddenly Giles gasped, "It's coming ...it's coming...ah..."

Danica watched, fascinated, as large globules of sperm shot out of Giles' urethra.

When he finished Danica cleaned his penis again, saying, "So that's what it's like, I think we shall have a lovely time together...oh...ah...I'd completely forgotten."

A mixture of sperm and blood had run down the inside of her thighs, and as she started to remove it Giles took over saying, "My turn."

As he dried her thighs he said, "I suppose you know I love you, Danica?"

"I thought you might," she replied, "I think I might love you, but I'm not sure yet. If we make love some more I think I shall know."


Giles returned the next day, but Danica said she was still too sore to take his penis, but she said she would do it with her hand again, and Giles had to be content with that.

It was arranged that Giles should return the next day when Danica said she would probably be healed.

In the meantime Danica had resorted to her sex manuals, and while they gave various positions they did not describe how you led up to them.

Using her imagination, on Giles' arrival she said, "We can do it today, but do you think it would be better if we took our clothes off, we could feel each other properly that way?"

"I think that would be wonderful," said Giles, who was about to suggest that anyway.

They did not try to undress each other, instead doing it for them selves. After a few shy moments they turned to look at each other.

"Danica," Giles gasped, "you're so beautiful."

Danica who on that first occasion had seen Giles in his shorts, knew something of his body, and having seen and handled his penis in the bathroom, felt herself to be on fire, her nipples hardening, her clitoris throbbing and there as a growing wetness in her inner thighs.

She had never felt like this before, and so she went to Giles and pulling herself against him whispered, "I want you Giles...I need you."

Giles felt her breasts melting against his chest and moaned, "I love you Danica...I love you so much."

"I know darling, I know," Danica said, close to tears. "Do it with me now, do it properly."

She moved back to the divan and lay on it, drawing Giles down on top of her. He kissed her and laid a hand on her breast, not very expertly, but it drew a sigh from Danica and she said, "Yes, I do love you Giles...I do..."

A little more adeptly this time she guided him in, and as she felt the head of his penis press against the top of her vagina she moaned, "Its lovely darling...lovely."

"I could be like this with you for ever," he said, as he began to move slowly in her.

She began to sense his rhythm and started to push up against his downward thrusts.

"Don't stop...don't ever stop," she whimpered but as he moved more quickly she changed.

"Giles, something's happening...stop darling...don't...I'm frightened it's...oh...no...no darling...oh...oh...please stop...it's going to hurt...oh...aha...yes...yes...oh yes...harder darling...oh my love...it's...it's...mmm...oohaaaah...oh..ha...oh...ha..."

Giles' sperm thudded deep into her she cried out, "Don't stop...don't stop..." as she worked herself frantically over his length.

"What have you done...what have you done to me?" she wailed as the post orgasmic tremors continued to rack her.

He made no attempt to withdraw from her, but nevertheless she clutched him to her, crying out, "Don't leave me...don't leave me...I won't let you..."

Then came peace, post coital relaxation, and still they remained joined at the genitals.

"I didn't know it would be so beautiful," she said, "its like being taken to heaven."

"I won't ever let you go," Giles said, "not after this."


There were only a couple of months to go before Giles was due to finish his course and then make up his mind what he was going to do.

Gradually he and Danica had learned to how to enjoy each other's bodies - to give pleasure and demonstrate love. Giles started to beg Danica to leave Spencer and go away with him.

Danica, despite being utterly besotted with Giles, would never give an answer. How would they live if she did go away with him; what would happen to his potential career?

She loved him and in loving him she wanted only what was best for him. Ambivalent, she could not make up her mind what to do. Certainly, after what she had experienced with Giles, the thought of the arid years ahead with Spencer revolted her, but to go away with Giles...?

Unable to make up her mind, it was in a sense made up for her. The catalyst was the discovery that she was pregnant. Giles was the only possible father. This undoubtedly meant the end of her life with Spencer, but it also meant the breaking off of her relationship with Giles. She would not saddle him with herself and a child so early in his life.

With Spencer at work all day, and telling Giles that she would not be able to see him the next day, she decided she must leave.

On the day of her leaving she wrote two letters, one to Spencer, the other to Giles.

Unable to use a term of endearment she began:


I am leaving you.

Throughout the time of our marriage you have not only deprived me of my conjugal rights, but you have also neglected me in other ways, putting everything else in your life before me.

I must tell you that I took a lover -- who it does not matter - for reasons that should be obvious to you, and now I am pregnant.