Danielle's Masturbation Fantasy

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A young woman embellishes a life event to masturbate to.
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A characters are over 18. A reader asked for and gave me the particulars for this story. It is based on an event that happened when she was in college. A road not taken.


"So what's your go-to fantasy when you masturbate?" Georgie asked the group of inebriated women. The women were all in their late twenties or early thirties. The diminutive brunette turned to someone she'd gone to college with and demanded, "Danielle, why don't you answer first?"

The pretty, young woman looked flustered. Her face turned red. She was obviously uncomfortable with the question.

"You're such a bitch for putting our good girl on the spot, Georgie. You invite her over for lunch to meet some old and new friends and you spring that question on her? No wonder you're #1 on everyone's frenemy list," Emily said with a laugh.

"Yes," Laura agreed. "That type of question should be reserved for those who are sexually adventurous. Like me!" She laughed and said, "My fantasy is a guy going down on me."

"Who?" Georgie asked.

Laura put a finger on her chin, paused appearing to think, and said, "My current boyfriend, a hot ex, or a handsome stranger. It depends upon my mood."

"For me," Hannah said. "It's seducing my boyfriend by blindfolding him and tying him to a chair."

The other women oohed and ahhed.

Monica said, "For me, it's the exact opposite, I want my lover to take control in the bedroom. Tie me up, tell me what to do, or just use me. I'm the boss at work. I make all the decisions. When I come home, I'm worn out. I want to hand the reins over to someone else."

Some of the women nodded with an understanding look on their faces.

Alex said, "I think about a hot guy pounding me while I hold a vibrator against my clit."

"Yeah!" someone cheered.

Sharon said, "Lately it's been being with two partners at the same time. In my fantasies, I find myself in the middle of two men and they shower me with attention."

Some women laughed. Others cheered.

"I think the best masturbation images," Evie said, "are real memories. I find them to be more vivid, more exciting than purely imagined people or actions. I admit sometimes I embellish real events. For example, I take a memory of a hot guy I made out with but was too shy or scared to have sex with. In my fantasy, we go to the bedroom where we do things I didn't have the nerve to do at the time."

Evie looked around the room and said, "This gives me a full portfolio of rich, hot, intense stories to use to get off."

A discussion ensued. The ladies fiercely debated Evie's idea. In the end, most agreed with her.

Danielle sat quietly on the sofa drinking an amaretto sour and stared wide-eyed at the group of women. She didn't have a go-to fantasy to share. She was too embarrassed to admit that she, a married woman and mother of three, masturbated.


Danielle returned home around five o'clock and entered a quiet house. She called out, "Hello. Anyone home?"

There was no answer.

She chuckled and said, "This is unusual. With three kids and a husband, there is always noise. Always someone home."

She went into the kitchen and found a note on the counter. It read,


My mother is having a plumbing emergency. The toilet isn't working. I'm running

over to have a look. The kids were fighting so much, I didn't dare leave them


I had to promise them dinner at McDonald's to get them into the car.

You can join us, if you like or better yet, enjoy some quiet me-time.

I'll keep them out until 8:30.

Your Sweet Man,


"Oh, you are a very sweet man," Danielle gushed. "No family dinner to cook. Peace and quiet and more than three hours to myself, whatever shall I do? A bath. A hot bath with no one barging in or banging on the door. God! This will be heaven."

She went upstairs and undressed. She slipped a robe on her naked body, went to the bathroom, and began filling the tub. While the water ran, she used the toilet. Done, she got up and washed her hands.

She checked on the tub. "Oh, this is perfect. I like the water hot, as hot as I can stand it."

She slipped off her robe. She saw her reflection in the mirror; she saw a pretty woman of medium height with brown hair and hazel eyes. She cupped her large breasts and said, "I don't have the same body I did as a teenager, but it's not bad for a mother of three."

"Oh. Hot. Hot. Hot," she said as she stepped into the tub and lowered her body into the water.

"Mmmm," she moaned as the water warmed her. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the joy of soaking in the tub. The delightful quiet. The peaceful feeling that came from being alone.

Her mind wandered back to the luncheon and Georgie's question.

"I could make a good, go-to masturbation fantasy about the night I met Brandon while attending my first college party. I will do as Evie suggested. I will take a real event and embellish it, remembering the evening as I wish it had been.

She pretended she was back at the luncheon addressing the women.

"Ladies, here is what I think of when I masturbate. I recall the time when I finally let myself go. When I quashed all my inhibitions and ignored all the conservative rules that my controlling father had drummed into me about dressing modestly and how good girls behave."

Danielle smiled smugly and said, "Let me tell you that story."

It was a Monday night. The first week of my freshman year. It was around 7:30 and I was getting ready to go out to a party. I stood in front of the mirror and looked myself over.

I was wearing black yoga pants and a red, boyfriend-style, button-down shirt. I had the top button of the shirt undone. My boobs were completely covered. The yoga pants hugged my bum. The edge of my panties showed through.

I frowned and said, "This is how high school Danielle dressed. I'm eighteen years old. I'm in college. I need a sexier look."

I undid another button and then two so my cleavage was on display. I said, "That's better. What's the use of having boobs if you can't flaunt them?"

I twisted my body and checked my butt.

"Augh! Visible panty line! That won't do."

I thought for a moment and then said, "I can fix that."

I took my pants and underwear off. I paused and inspected my neatly, trimmed brown bush. I could see my labia through the hair. I said, "That's the look I'm going for. I have enough hair to prove I'm a woman, but not so much that a guy would worry that if he went down on me, he'd end up with long, curly pubes catching in his throat and making him gag."

I slipped my pants back on minus the panties. I looked at my ass and said, "There. That's much better. No VPL."

At eight o'clock, I went to a party with a mixed group of people from my dorm. We weren't friends. We'd just met and all of us had been invited to the party.

We heard the party before we found it. There was no need to knock on the door of the apartment; it was wide open. We went inside and joined the throng of fifty or so college students drinking and having fun. I found the bar, got an amaretto sour, and quickly downed it.

I admit that I was nervous and ill at ease. I wasn't a party girl in high school. This was a new scene for me. I drank to calm my nerves. I don't remember much about the beginning of the night, except that I got very drunk, very quickly.

Brandon, the host of the party, came over and talked to me. He was a tall, dark, and handsome senior. He was simply dressed wearing jeans and a polo shirt. I was flattered that an older, hot guy wanted to talk to me.

I was glad that I had undone more buttons on my shirt than I had ever done in my life. I felt sexy and thought it made me look like an adult. On the inside, I was nervous and scared.

He certainly noticed my boobs. His eyes darted from my face to my cleavage and back. I said, "Hi, Brandon. Thanks for inviting me." He said, "You're welcome." He stayed with me. We talked. He flirted. I giggled. A lot.

I noticed that some of the other women at the party were giving me the stink eye. When Brandon went to get more drinks, I overheard one of the older girls say, "Who does she think she is? Making a play for Brandon. She's just a freshman."

"Yeah," said another. "She's all giggles and boobs."

A third said, "Look at that outfit! Do you think she does all her clothes shopping at thrift stores?"

The women all turned and glared at me, making sure that I knew the catty remarks were meant for me.

Their behavior bothered me, but not for long because when Brandon came back, he smiled at me. We talked and drank more. I was drunk and so happy to be with him.

He must've noticed the fawning look of adoration in my eyes. He made his move and said something like, "This place is crowded and noisy. Let's go somewhere quieter."

He extended his hand. I took it and he led me to his bedroom. He saw how nervous I was and slowed his play. Instead of taking me to his bed, he stopped in the doorway. We had a make-out session. I loved kissing him and relaxed.

From my moans and sighs, he recognized that I was over my nerves. Things moved quickly. As we kissed, he groped my ass and squeezed my breasts. I don't remember my top coming off. I was cognizant when he removed my white, lacy bra, but didn't care. Soon his lips were kissing and sucking my stiff nipples and my damp lips became flooded.

I would've done anything he wanted. He could have taken me in the hallway in front of a dozen people. I was his to do with as he pleased. When he suggested I give him oral sex. I readily agreed. I was drunk. He was handsome. And I felt some obligation to service him because he'd invited me to my first college party.

He closed the door, removed his jeans and underwear, and sat on the edge of the bed. His dick was hard. It stuck out and up. I knelt in front of him and took it in my hands. It felt nice. It was warm. The shaft was rigid and hard. The tip was surprisingly soft. This was only the second hard cock I'd seen and the first one I'd touched.

He had shaved. I remember thinking "Great. I won't get pubes stuck in my teeth." I was excited and scared. I'd never given a blowjob before. I was worried that I would get caught sucking his dick. I was worried that I wouldn't be good at it and he'd tell everyone at school.

I took him into my mouth, he groaned. I gave it my best effort. I remember thinking that it felt nice to have his dick in my mouth. I liked running my tongue on the underside of his cock because it made him moan.

I had only given him head for a couple of minutes, when his roommate, Andy, walked in, I was topless with a pair of black yoga pants on. Brandon had taken off his pants but still had a shirt on. Andy entered somewhat slowly, so we were both able to cover up before he saw anything.

"Oh, sorry," Andy said. He was not nearly as good-looking as Brandon and he had a potbelly. He stared at us. My face must have turned bright red.

The three of us were embarrassed. We blushed and looked at one another. There was an awkward silence in the room.

Danielle paused and interrupted her story. She said, "In real life, this is where my evening ended. I dressed quickly and went back to my dorm. In accord with Evie's masturbation guideline, here I will embellish." She rubbed her nub and continued the story.

Brandon said, "Danielle, who told you to stop? Suck my cock. Andy is going to watch and maybe do more. Get back to work."

Brandon grabbed my head and guided my mouth to his dick. I was startled and drunk. A voice inside my head said, "Good girls do as they're told." I opened my mouth and, without complaint, wrapped my lips around his shaft. I resumed sucking his dick.

My heart was pounding. My mind was whirling. I was thinking, "Having sex is wrong. Having sex while someone watches is perverse. Taboo. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." I was ashamed. My body was trembling. But I was also excited and aroused. I'd never felt more alive. Fluid poured out of my pussy. I sucked his cock like a woman possessed.

"Ahhh. Ohhh! That's better," Brandon said. He stroked my hair and said, "This freshman is a good cock sucker, Andy. You should experience it first hand. Come. Sit on the bed. She can take turns doing us."

Andy walked over to us. Brandon said. "Danielle, take off Andy's cargo shorts and suck his cock." I pulled off him and looked up at him with wide, surprised eyes. He said in a deep, commanding voice, "Do it."

I did it. I felt I had no choice. Like he was my master and I was his to order around. I unbuckled Andy's belt, pulled down his pants and underwear, and stared at his flaccid cock. Andy sat on the edge of the bed. My hand shook as I grabbed it and put it in my mouth.

Andy's pasty, sweaty face broke out in a big smile. Brandon smiled too. He beamed as if he'd won the lottery and said, "That's a good girl. Suck his dick." Andy grew hard in my mouth.

Brandon got off the bed. He knelt beside me and smacked me on the ass. Hard. It hurt. I groaned and flinched.

Brandon laughed and asked, "How many guys have you had sex with?"

I hesitated and said weakly, "Not many." Brandon laughed loudly and said, "Get ready to add two more to your list!"

He grabbed one of my breasts and squeezed it hard. I yipped. He ignored my cry of pain and said, "Damn! Those are some fine tits!"

He slid around behind me, hooked his fingers into the waistband of my black yoga pants, and tugged. He pulled them down and exposed my ass.

He laughed heartily and said, "Andy, she's not wearing any panties. What a fucking whore! What a slut! She went out tonight wanting so badly to be fucked that she didn't want to waste time taking her underwear off."

Andy gave me a silly, shit-eating grin. I thought I was going to die from embarrassment.

Brandon yanked on my pants, hard. He pulled them off me. He slapped me on my bare bottom. Again, hard enough to make it sting and leave a handprint. "Ouch!" I cried out. He ignored me and said, "Stand up. Let us have a good look at you." I cowered on the floor.

Brandon grabbed me and manhandle me as he forcefully picked me up. He did it easily like I weighed nothing. He was that strong and that much bigger than me. He stood me up and said, " Andy, look at this lovely woman. Great boobs, slim waist, and a nice, round ass. She's not one of those skinny bitches who has no tits, a flat ass, and are all attitude. This one has something you can grab hold of. Something you can find in the night."

He tapped me on the cheek and admonished me, "Head up. Stand up straight, Pet. Show us your body." The way he said it, I knew it wasn't optional.

I stood, naked. I raised my head and showed them my red face. I remember feeling a great sense of shame and humiliation.

Brandon cupped a breast and presented it to his roommate. He said, "Am I right, Andy? Our pet has quite a pair, eh?"

"Yeah," Andy said. He stared at me as a dog looks at a steak. I found him creepy and unattractive. If I hadn't been drunk and under Brandon's spell, I would never have had anything to do with him.

"Touch her boobs, Andy," Brandon commanded. "They are full and soft."

Andy reached out hesitantly. He looked me in the eye gauging my level of acceptance. I could tell he was uneasy. We both were being controlled by Brandon. I nodded slightly to let him know it was okay. He noticed, smiled, and fondled my breasts using both hands.

I found his smile repugnant but accepted his touch. Brandon laughed seeing my discomfort. He slid behind me, ground his cock into my bottom, and kiss me on the neck. The kiss turned into sucking. I said, "Please, Brandon, don't give me a hickey."

He didn't stop until he marked me. Then, he said, "Pet, let's try something else. Lie on the bed on your back. Andy, you can have her tits. I'm going to lick her pussy." I got on the bed as instructed. Andy knelt beside me and brought his mouth to a nipple. Brandon got between my legs and licked me.

"Oh!" I cried out. No one had ever gone down on me before. I thought I was in heaven! It was the most wonderful sensation I'd ever known.

I squirmed and moaned. My heart was beating like crazy, my body grew warm, my pussy felt like it was on fire. I was dizzy and light-headed. It was a good thing that I was lying down. Between the booze, my breasts being sucked, and the attention my clit was receiving, it was too much. I thought I was dying. I cried out, "Ohhh!", my body jerked and spasmed, and I felt a level of pleasure I'd never felt before.

I later learned that I had had an orgasm. My first ever and only the first for the night. The boys got off me when I climaxed. They laughed pleased with themselves for making me cum. Brandon said, "Woah! There she blows! Pet, it looks like you had a big one."

"A big what?" I asked.

He said, "Orgasm. A big orgasm, you silly girl. Have you never had one before?"

"No. It was wonderful," I answered.

"Yes they are," Brandon said. "Now, it's our turn. Are you on the pill?"

"No," I confessed. "You have to cum in my mouth or pull out." I felt bad for not being prepared to have sex. I looked at the floor and said, "I guess you can cum inside me. I can go to the pharmacy and get the morning after pill."

Andy piped up and said, "I've got a box of condoms."

"Good boy, Andy. We're all too young to have a baby," Brandon said.

Andy got up, went to his nightstand, got the condoms, and returned to the bed.

"Ever been spit-roasted, Pet?" Brandon asked.

I shook my head from side-to-side. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Get on your hands and knees, Danielle. Andy and I will be on our knees. Andy in front, me behind."

We arranged ourselves as he described. "Give me one, Andy," Brandon said. Andy handed him a condom. Brandon put it on. Then, he said, "Pet, I'm sure you've heard about a pig roast. They are cooked slowly, turning on a solid rod over a fire. You, Pet, are the pig. Andy and I will provide the spit."

He laughed and slipped the tip of his dick into my pussy. I screamed in surprise, not due to pain. He hadn't hurt me. I was very wet down there from oral sex. It felt good to have him inside me, unlike when I lost my virginity to Jason, who was my high school prom date.

Jason took me from the high school gym where we had our prom to the soccer field and we did it. It was horrible. Thankfully, he only lasted a short while. Neither of us knew what we were doing. He didn't prepare me. He shoved his dick in my scared, dry pussy, thrashed around hurting me, and climaxed quickly. It's a wonder I ever wanted to have sex again.

When Brandon penetrated me, I opened my mouth in surprise, Andy took advantage of the opportunity and put his dick in my mouth. The roommates fucked me. One did my mouth and the other did my pussy. They taught me what being spit-roasted meant and I liked it. I moaned and moved as best I could in rhythm with them. Unlike Jason, these two didn't cum quickly. I benefited from their stamina.

Brandon asked as he rocked in and out of me, "Andy, does she have her eyes open?" Andy said, "Yes." Brandon asked, "What color are they?" Andy studied my eyes as I sucked his rod and said, "They're a blend of green and brown with some yellow-gold thrown in. I guess you'd call them hazel."

Brandon laughed, pressed his finger against my anus, and said, "The one eye back here is light brown. It's been winking at me. I'm finding it very distracting." He gathered some of his saliva and let it drip out of his mouth. I felt the warm liquid land on my butt and run across my asshole. The next thing I felt was his wet finger skewering my asshole.

I spit Andy out of my mouth and shouted, "That's my ass! Please, pull your finger out of my ass." He snickered and fucked my butt with his finger. "Please!" I begged.

"Have you never done anal, Pet?"