Dani's New Life Ch. 06


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The twenty-eight year-old blonde, suburban, married lawyer leaned into the young black man and kissed him passionately on his thick ebony lips, her tongue slipping inside his mouth to find his. He continued groaning as she kissed her way down his muscled chest and his ripped abs until she was confronted with his obscenely large cock-head. Pre-cum was leaking continuously out of the large slit and she licked a generous portion into her mouth before sitting back and smiling at him. "But then you had to break your promise and fuck everything up, hon, and you just can't get away with that."

The Harvard-educated darling of Wall Street licked the room service waiter's massive prick-head one final time before taking the plum-sized ball of flesh between her teeth and biting down hard. At the same time, she brought the ice bucket up until his balls and the lower half of his cock were submerged in the frigid water. Even before Juwan started to buck and scream, James' hands were holding his shoulders down and his mouth closed until the shock went away.

James turned to the open-mouthed Tina. "Open that bag,Red, and hand me what's inside." She pulled out a matte-black steel contraption that consisted of a metal band that was about four-inches long and two inches wide. The piece was curved across into a small arc and it was bent slightly down and under from top to bottom, with a half-inch diameter hole in the center where it started to bend back underneath. There were several steel rings, a clasp, a small lock and 2 matching keys.

"You know what this is, bitch?" James voice had turned cold and flat as he held the metal chastity device in front of the trembling young man. Juwan mumbled a very disturbed 'yes', his body shaking from the freezing water shrinking his dick and tightening his ball sac. "Right now," James continued, "you got a choice to make. My bitches usually don't have dicks so they don't get hard-on's, so we got to take care of yours...if you gonna stick around and try to work yourself back into my good graces. So let me tell you how it's gonna be.

"You stay, boy, you wear this 24/7. I will keep one of the keys with me at all times. You still have that hot little thing from housekeeping living with you?" Juwan's eyes snapped open – he thought no one knew that his girlfriend was living with him. They were hiding it because dating co-workers was frowned on by the hotel. "What's her name?"

"Rosalie." Juwan could barely whisper her name through his dry lips. "Yes." His stomach seemed to drop out from under him – he hadn't thought about her seeing him locked up and not able to give her what she always seemed to need. When he felt the dizziness stop, he realized that the sweet little redhead was drying his boy-sized shrunken genitals with a soft, fluffy towel.

As soon as she moved away, Dani started fitting the steel rings around his testicles and the base of his thick cock. After attaching the thin curved band to the ring around his cock, she fitted over the top of his penis so that the downward curve was towards the bottom, trapping his bulbous head with his piss-hole centered in the cut-out. Finally, she attached the clasp to the rings and the restraint and snapped the tiny lock in place.

The naked blonde with the centerfold-quality looks was gushing with inflamed lust as her small white hands manipulated the ridiculously beautiful young man's genitals with a sense of unlimited power. She stroked his balls in his tight, stretched sac with her fingernails and licked the underside of his captured cock with the tip of her tongue and all he could do was groan. As his cock tried to grow up and out all he felt was pain from the clasp stretching his scrotum. She smiled at him as James hit a speed dial on his cell and then hung up after the call connected. A moment later, his cell rang.

"That's right, darlin', come on up now." He smiled as he snapped the phone closed and looked at Alan. "I can't tell you how sorry I am that this distasteful business interrupted your meeting. If you will indulge me just a little while longer, we will get all of this straightened out and," he smiled broadly around the room, "I think your staff will appreciate my little 'thank you' to them as well." By the time Alan acknowledged his friend with a smile of his own, there was a knock on the front door of the suite. "Damn, Red," James called after Tami as she headed towards the door, "I wish my staff learned as fast as you. Wanna work for me, Red? I'll take good care of that pale little freckled ass, promise."

A minute later, Tami stood in front of James and presented a young woman dressed in a room-cleaner's uniform, a shapeless gray dress that buttoned down the front to the waist over a slightly flared skirt. She wore white sneakers and little tennis socks to complete her outfit. With her head down and her hair loosely gathered and out of the way behind her, the inhabitants of the room were wondering who she was and why she was there. James illuminated them immediately.

"This beautiful little flower is Rosalie, folks – you can introduce yourselves later if you care to. But one of you already knows her...don't you,bitch?" Juwan started quaking in shame and total embarrassment. "Get your hands away from your useless little prick – show her what you good for from now on."

Juwan stood before his girlfriend, the woman he really loved and planned to marry someday, and tears fell down his cheeks as he displayed his trussed genitals. Rosalie looked at him in shock as the room collectively held its breath. Then a curve caught the corner of her mouth and her muscles started to relax. The curve turned into a smile and the smile into a giggle. Then a full-throated laugh sent the young girl into James' welcoming arms.

"Oh, James," she giggled again, "it's just like you said. My boyfriend screwed up big-time, huh?"

The big man explained briefly what had happened and how Juwan came to be locked in a chastity device. Then he addressed Alan and the sales managers. "Rosalie came to me a few months ago. She'd heard rumors of her boyfriend playing with the guests and other staff. She didn't seem to care that he was unfaithful, that seems to be part of working in the service industry, but she was upset because at the same time, if she wasn't at work he'd kept her at home with virtually no social life. She just wanted everything to be fair." He paused then turned to the young girl. "Show them why that was so unfair, baby."

Before anything else happened, Rosalie moved in front of Juwan and lifted his head up until he was looking into her deep, brown eyes. "Do you love me, Juwan?"


"Plan on marrying me?"


"Not with a double standard, Juwan. I won't have it."

"I understand." Tears started rolling out of his eyes again.

"Not yet, but you will, baby." Staying in front of her boyfriend, Rosalie turned towards the group of managers and smiled. The first thing she did was remove some pins and a clip from her hair. She shook it out and let the beautiful deep raven-colored tresses caress the tops of her shoulders. Next, her small, delicate fingers started unbuttoning the front of her dress, starting at the collar. She smiled delightfully at the managers as they watched her uncover herself and James spoke to them again.

"You heard me tell thebitchto memorize your faces and be at your disposal – for anything. Ladies," he turned his killer smile on Sasha, "if you want him for your amusement you can always see me for the key...or take him like he is. Gentlemen," he turned to the guys who were watching Rosalie quite intently, "I believe you will find a use for him," he paused as Rosalie shrugged her arms out of the dress and let if fall to her waist, exposing her deep, lustrous golden skin and her plain white cotton bra, "after you get through with his very willing girlfriend."

Rosalie pushed the dress over her hips and down her legs until it pooled at her tiny feet and she stepped out of it. The men were moaning as she stood up and reached behind herself. Still giggling and grinning, as though she had been handed a real-lifeGet Out of Jailcard, she started speaking softly to her admirers as she removed her bra and then slid her white cotton bikini panties down her legs as well.

"Do you guys think I'm ugly? Or, maybe not ugly, but not so attractive, huh?" No one could possibly respond to that.

Standing before them was a living, walking wet-dream. Perhaps an inch or two over five feet tall, Rosalie couldn't have weighed more than an even hundred pounds. The golden tan skin she inherited from her Puerto Rican mother was darkened to a perfect glow by the genes of her Haitian father. Even without make-up, she had the face of an angel. Removing her underwear exposed the tiny light triangles left by her tanning bikini. Two barely covered her dark pink nipples and only part of her perfectly shaped 32B-cup breasts and the other just barely covered the tiny pink gash of her golden pussy all smooth and freshly shaved.

"I mean, why else wouldn't he take me to clubs? Or out with his friends? And if we do go out, he makes me wear clothes even my grandmother wouldn't wear." She popped her ass as she turned sideways – she had the perfect, athletic nineteen year-old body – small perky tits, flat tummy and an outrageously curvy, firm ass.

"And how come he only screws me in the dark...like he's ashamed of me or something, you know? I want to try new things and he won't let me – he tells me only a whore would put a penis in her mouth or try to get on top." Rosalie was blushing and it only made her more beautiful. "I begged him to make me his whore – but he said no. His futurewifewas too good for that." There wasn't a soft cock or a dry pussy in the room (except Juwan's, of course.)

"Then, like I told James, the last straw was two weeks ago. We were on the roof and I was getting a sun-tan. Then one of Juwan's friends came up there uninvited. Juwan said I didn't get covered up fast enough and he was embarrassed that his friend saw me in my little suit. So he spanked me and then he hurt my little pussy on purpose when he shoved that big head inside me." The room was breathing in unison again. "I told James I loved Juwan but I couldn't take it – I knew he was having his fun but he was disrespecting me at the same time."

The dark-haired little goddess moved into her boyfriend, her golden flesh contrasting so beautifully with his shining ebony skin. She pressed her perfect, perky breasts into his hard chest as she licked his lips and kissed him oh so gently. Rosalie took his hands in hers and brought them behind his back. "Hold them together – don't move, baby." Her whisper barely made his ear before she backed away a step.

"That won't happen again, Juwan. I mean it this time."

WHAP!!!The top of the girl's tennis sneaker shot up and caught the boy's balls flush.

"OWWWWWWW!!! Holy fuck, Rosalie... Unnnngggghhhhh..."

"You will not swear at me anymore, either,bitch!" Rosalie's hand grabbed Juwan's cock and started to lift it upward putting even more pressure on his abused sac. The black-skinned man fell to his knees as the pain in his balls overwhelmed him. He sobbed silently in front of all of them, all pretense of his previous 'macho' personality was gone, stripped away by his boss and a pretty little girl.

"You still want to marry me, Juwan?" She wasn't stretching him any further but she wasn't easing off either.

"Yessss..." came out with tears on his lips.

"That's good, Juwan – you know I love you, baby." She kissed him softly on his wet lips. "Now you are gonna listen to me. You know that I knew about the lady guests and the other staff, right?" He looked down and nodded his head flushing deep purple with shame. "It's okay – I'm not mad. It was fun for you, that's all. And James told me you get big tips from some of the ladies. I just want to make sure that you know when I have some fun like that too, baby."

Gasps came from almost everyone – no one really thought the beautiful little golden doll was anywhere near that tough! Alan and James were impressed and trying not to interrupt the girl and Juwan was just crumbling before them.

"So now, my darling fiancé," Rosalie couldn't keep the giggle out of her voice or the sparkle out of her dark brown eyes, "you get dressed and clean this room – get those breakfast tables out of here for my new best friend, James. You understand me so far?" Again, he was just barely able to nod his head.

"Good – okay, this is my favorite part. James is going to let you leave the hotel for as long as it takes to get your beautiful black ass to the jewelry store and buy me the ring you know I want. Don't pout, baby, we both know you got the money.

"Now understand, honey..." she started to laugh, "no, I meanthisis really my favorite part...while you're shopping, if I can convince them," she pointed towards their audience, "your future wife will be fucking and sucking and making up for all the time and opportunities you kept from me. And from the looks on their faces, I don't think it will be too hard to talk them into it." She started laughing again.

"Okay, this is it – I promise to God – this is my favorite part, honey. When you come back with my ring, you will need to clean me, all of me, with your tongue, before you thank whoever might have left you a present. Then, if they want you to, you will clean my new friends, too.

"When you're finished, you may propose to me, Juwan. And you better think carefully about how you ask me and exactly what you ask me. No one knows how long James will keep you locked up as his bitch, but I won't be suffering. Your boss is more than willing to scratch the itch in my little teenage pussy any time I ask."

Juwan couldn't understand his reaction to Rosalie's proclamations. He wanted to throw up but at the same time, he was more excited than he'd ever been. The pain to his cock and balls when he got too excited was also a strangely welcome phenomenon.

"Oh, and your friends here? The other waiters, the guys who knew you were fucking around? They'll know that your fiancée is fucking around now, not you." She grinned once more. "They'll know firsthand, lover. And they will humiliate you like you did to me. "Picture it, Juwan – I'll be dressed in a flashy little club dress, the kind you never let me wear...so tight my little girl boobs will be showing and so short I won't be able to help flashing my tiny panties. We'll go to The Black Aces – you always tell me how great it is – and you will introduce me as your new fiancée to everyone there you know.

"And then, as you pour me a glass of champagne at the table, one of your good friends will come by and ask me to dance. I leave you at the table as everyone around starts whispering and pointing. Then, when you feel brave enough to lift your head and look around, you notice everyone else is looking at the dance floor. You turn back and see us together. You see your best friend kissing your fiancée, holding me close, his large hands pulling my sweet little ass into the bulge in his crotch. We dance in front of you and then he takes the hem of my little dress in his hands and slowly pulls it up until the black light in the club turn my tiny white panties into a floating blue triangle that all of your friends in the club can see.

"When the song is over, we walk back to the table and over the noise of the crowd, your friend tells you to get us fresh drinks while he takes me out to his car...to celebrate our engagement.

"Sound like a plan to you, Juwan?" The beautiful little girl had never felt that happy or alive – the thrill that washed over her as she was so deliberately mean to her boyfriend was something she knew she would want over and over again. "Let's just make sure you can really handle it before you go, okay?"

She slid over towards the couch and was standing in front of the only woman with clothes on in the room. Sasha slipped her arms around the nineteen year-olds tiny waist and kissed her softly on her lips. Then the older European woman smiled and spoke softly. "You are such a surprise...such a beautiful and delicate young woman. I am flattered that you are with me, but I don't think I am really the best choice if you want your fiancé to suffer." She pulled the little naked golden doll into her and whispered in her ear, "I think the two boys next to me will do, sugar. I never met an urban black man that really liked blond, good-looking California surfer dudes, did you?" The girls kissed quickly and promised to meet up another time.

Just moments later, trying to stop the tears running down his face, Juwan pushed the tables with the last of the breakfast dishes and cold coffee out into the hall, knowing that he could never erase the image that was burned into his eyes...into his memory forever. His pure, ideal love, a sweet young virgin when she came to him, was squealing in delight as she posed on all fours on the coffee table – one fat, white dick sliding in and out of her cute, sexy mouth and an even bigger hard, white prick fucking the tiny pussy that only he had ever filled before. He didn't think it could get any worse as he watched the two tall, good-looking brothers fill his fiancée's holes and listened to her moans of pure pleasure and delight as she willingly gave her petite golden body to be used by them and then all the others. He was wrong.

Fixing the tables so nothing would fall off, Juwan looked up and through his teary eyes, he saw James' number two man, Enrique Lopez, approach the suite. He thought he would throw up right there in the hallway. Never truly friendly with each other, James was usually able to keep them separated at work. And it was the dark, handsome, thirty year-old Mexican who did the mostentertainingwith high-tipping hotel guests when extra service was requested. Juwan couldn't have felt worse when Enrique smiled wanly at him and asked if James was still in the suite. Before the waiter could reply, they both heard the muffled sounds of multiple orgasms coming from inside the room.

(to be continued)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I would like to find out what happens to tami in the next chapter. Dani 'teaching' her would be great.

TarcilTarcilabout 14 years ago


I had hoped you would continue this story.

thanks man I love this one.

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