Dark Deal Pt. 01 - Mrs. Yao’s Daughter

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A young man gets the power to seduce anyone... for a price.
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A Dark Deal: Part 1

Mrs. Yao's Daughter

We waited in the tastefully decorated waiting room of Taylor, Taylor, and Beauford, a law firm that neither my Mother nor I had heard of until yesterday. My Mom (Minoru) and I had been summoned for the reading of my Uncle Henry's will. The lifelong playboy had died suddenly from a heart attack at the age of 60, the same way my father had passed almost five years ago.

Mildly bored, I browsed Tiktok as I waited, occasionally glancing at the pretty young brunette receptionist with the blowjob lips. Her uptight demeanor and polite coldness had seemed to make her more attractive for some reason.

Just when I was about to tell my Mom I'd wait in the car, the girl picked up the receiver and spoke briefly into it before ushering us into the large office beyond. As we entered, a tall balding man with elongated limbs rose to greet us.

Something about his smile and beady eyes made my skin crawl.

"Mrs. Campbell, very nice to meet you!" He outstretched his unnaturally long, bony fingers. "My name is Errol Beauford. I believe we spoke yesterday."

"Mr. Beauford, a pleasure to meet you." my mother replied, shaking his hand.

"Please do take a seat." He gestured to the two leather chairs. "As I mentioned yesterday, your brother-in-law Henry passed away last week in Hawaii. Apparently, it was quite sudden."

"That is... unfortunate to hear." my Mother said.

I almost believed her.

She had told me that the only time she met Henry he had spent half his time leering at her like she was a piece of meat, and the other half insinuating that it was only a matter of time before my mother would divorce my father. Presumably, according to my uncle, a Japanese woman married to an American man would always be suspected of infidelity, gold-digging, or trying to secure a visa.

I suspected my late uncle was just a monumental prick.

"Most unfortunate." Mr. Beauford agreed in a tone that made me wonder if he understood completely (and agreed with) my mother's sentiments. "Well, in any case, Henry died with some assets. Most of his estate will be divided amongst his 14 children."

Jesus Christ!

14 kids!?! The guy must have been allergic to rubber!... and pulling out.

"My, my! So many!" my mother exclaimed.

"Indeed. Henry DID leave you a sum of money, Mrs. Campbell. Some... $21,393... and 67 cents."

"Oh, well! That was very gracious of him!"

The oily, dark irises turned to me.

"And for you... Ken... he left this." The lawyer's pale slender fingers twirled a manilla envelope with unnerving dexterity. I was reminded of a spider spinning a web. He slid it across his desk.

My Mom and I exchanged a glance.

I had never even met Uncle Henry.

Reaching for it, I hesitated.

"What... is it?" I asked.

"I do not know. The instructions state only that you are to open this envelope, on your own. No one else is to be present."

"O-K." I said dubiously. "I guess I'll open it when I get home."

"Unfortunately... in order for me to honor Mr. Campbell's last wishes, I must see that you have opened it in the specified manner. As such, Mrs. Campbell, might I ask that you and I wait outside for a moment?" He spoke with a machine-gun staccato. My mother, looking as confused as I felt, simply nodded, rose, and stepped out into the waiting room. "Please let us know once you are finished, Mr. Campbell. No rush." With massive strides, he followed my Mom, silently closing the door behind him.

Lifting the envelope I felt something heavy inside. I tore open the seal and tipped the contents onto the desk. A large golden ring clattered on the oak, followed by a folded piece of paper.


Whistling appreciatively, I lifted the heavy ring, turning it in my hand. It was a large sovereign bearing a sigil of a three-headed creature. One head was that of a bull, one a man, and one a ram.

Sliding the ring onto my finger, it fit perfectly.

Nonplussed, I took it off, returned it to the desk, and opened the accompanying note.


If you are reading this... I kicked the bucket. I can only hope I died in the warm embrace of a woman's thighs.

As my only surviving male family member, I want you to have this ring. It brought me far more than luck. If I was to try explain it to you, you'd just think I was deluded. Or drunk. Better you find out yourself.

Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but... trust me.

Unscrew the ring and prick your skin.

You're welcome in advance.

Uncle Henry

p.s. Tell your Mom I'm sorry I was such a prick.

... What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

Once more I scanned the note just to make sure I hadn't misread it. Again I picked up the ring and assessed it, this time noticing the seam line where the sigil could be unscrewed. I turned it, releasing it from the base of the ring.

Inside was a hollow chamber where a tiny pin protruded from the center.


Was this guy laughing his ass off from the other side?

I replaced the lid of the ring and slid it into my pocket, along with the folded note.


The old coot probably lost his marbles toward the end.

Opening the door to the waiting room, I stepped forward and handed the lawyer the empty envelope.

I realized as I shook his cold hand that I hadn't yet seen the man blink.

"Ahhh, very good! Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, I do believe that concludes our business!"

As my mother drove us home a few minutes later, I slid the ring onto my finger in my pocket. Taking my hand out, I idly rapped my fingers on the dashboard, drawing her gaze. Her eyes widened as she noticed the sovereign.

"Wow! That looks expensive!" At the next red light, I held it up for her inspection. "Weird emblem... but if it's real gold, I'd say you could sell it for enough to buy yourself a car!"

I had been saving up for a second-hand car for almost a year. At 18, I was the only one of my friends without my own rid.

"Hmmm..." I mused, looking at the ring. "Yeah, I guess so!..."

Maybe old Uncle Henry wasn't such an asshole after all.


That night I worked on a school assignment... by which I mean, I found a similar essay online, copied it, and replaced just enough words to pass a rudimentary plagiarism check. Pretty sure the Founding Fathers wouldn't mind too much.

After I closed my laptop, I got into bed and reached over to turn off my lamp.

I noticed Henry's ring on my bedside locker.


Did I leave it there?

My hand paused over the lamp switch. Instead, I scooped up the ring before sitting up in bed.

Once more I unscrewed the top. Once more the pin inside was revealed.

He had told me to prick my finger on it...

I twisted the ring, holding it up to the lamp light. There didn't seem to be anything more to it than I could see.

Seemed stupid. I wasn't really considering it?... Was I?

Ahhh... fuck it.

I placed my thumb on the pin and slowly pushed down onto it. I felt it pierce the skin and withdrew it. A bead of blood formed, before swelling.

The droplet fell into the empty ring before I put my thumb into my mouth and sucked it, the metallic taste of blood hitting my tongue.

To my horror, the blood seemed to sink into the ring!


There had to be some rational explanation!

Maybe it had a hidden chamber or something?

A little freaked out, I took another look at the ring under the lamp. Again, I couldn't see anything amiss. Unnerved, I replaced the sigil on the ring and returned it to my bedside locker. As I turned off the lamp, I tried to shake away my uneasiness. I was probably just tired, imagining things.

After tossing and turning for a while, I felt myself begin to drift off.

I gradually found myself in a nowhere place, my thoughts drifting in and out of reach.

... Hello, Ken.

... Who... who's that?

I was... your uncle's friend.

What? How do you know my name?

You contacted me. Through the ring.

I... I don't understand! Who are you!?!

It's ok, Ken. I am Modeus.

Why are you here!?! What do you want!?!

Nothing bad, I assure you. I want the same thing your uncle gave me.

What do you mean?

Answer one question for me... What would you give to have any woman you desired?

... I don't know.

I bet you do. I bet you'd give quite a lot. And I could give you that... for the cost of one hour.

What do you mean?

Give me one hour every day, and I will grant you pleasures no man has ever known. You will be the most desirable man any woman has ever met. You will control their lust like a puppet master. You will satisfy lovers like no other mortal. You will take anyone you choose, for as long as you choose, anytime you choose. Your power will only be limited by your imagination.

... Bullshit.

Ha! I can prove it...

Sure you can!... I don't believe a fucking word you say...

You will... tomorrow...


I woke the next morning, my head groggy. I half-remembered a strange voice, but couldn't quite recall the details.

My clock showed 8:46...


Must have slept through my alarm!

I scrambled out of bed, jumped in the shower, and frantically washed myself. I must have still had morning wood because my dick and balls looked bigger than usual. Within 10 minutes, I was cycling to school. As I screeched around the corner of the school parking lot narrowly avoiding a teacher's car, I heard the bell sound for my first class.


If I got another late stamp, I'd have detention.

Hauling ass, I sprinted to the school entrance, down the hallway, skidding to a stop outside room 401. Panting, I heard my Maths teacher address the class inside. I could see she was pointing to the screen at the top of the room. With any luck, I could sneak to my desk undetected.

I turned the door handle, my eyes downcast as I hurriedly made my way to my desk. I breathed a sigh of relief as Mrs. Yao continued her calculus lesson apparently unaware of my entrance. I had no fucking clue what she was talking about, but at least I wasn't getting detention.

For the first time, I realized that I was wearing Henry's ring.

I was almost certain I hadn't put it on that morning.

... Weird.

As I drifted in and out of paying attention, I found my eyes resting on Mrs. Yao's round ass. She wore a conservative gray suit with a tight-fitting skirt. She was probably in her early 40s and with her full lips and curvy body, I guessed she was quite cute back in her day. Now she seemed to have a permanent scowl on her face. For some reason, the idea of banging such a pissy sour bitch always seemed to make my fantasy that much hotter.

As I pictured plowing my Chinese Maths teacher over her desk, her round ass and tits jiggling, I felt my dick start to swell.

The bell rang to end class.

I took my time sliding my book into my backpack. When my erection had mostly gone I rose to leave.

"Mr. Campbell." Mrs. Yao said without looking in my direction. "A word."

Oh shiiiiit.

As the other kids filed out of the classroom, some of my friends pulled faces or pointed and laughed at me.

I was busted.

As the last student left, the door swung closed. Mrs. Yao stood in front of me, her eyes unreadable behind her thick, black glasses.

"Is there a compelling reason you were late this morning?" she asked, bemused.

"Hmmm... a compelling one?"

She didn't blink.

"As I thought... Well, I'm afraid that means you've earned yourself yet ANOTHER detention." She seemed to enjoy doling out punishments a little too much. She began to run through a list of my 'crimes' over the past year, repeated lateness, missed deadlines, using my phone in class, etc, etc. She occasionally stopped to add moralizing sidenotes on where my vices would lead in life.

What a sanctimonious bitch!

What the fuck!?!

Suddenly I recalled the dream... and the voice. What did he say his name was?

Amadeus?... Malteus? No... that wasn't it.

... Modeus?

Glad you remembered! I thought now would be a good time to revisit my offer. I'm guessing you don't want detention.

Mrs. Yao continued to prattle on. I nodded and threw in an "mm-hm" when it seemed appropriate.

Of course, I don't want fucking detention!

Well... if you want... I COULD get you out of this one.

... How?

That's... up to me. But I assure you, it will be fun. All you have to do is... give me an hour.

... So, what? You take control of me for an hour?


I don't know... How can I be sure you won't hurt anyone?

Ha! Believe me, I want the exact opposite of that!

Hmmm... Will I remember it?

This time, I'll let you ride along... so to speak... so that you trust me. But usually, I don't like the distraction.

I don't know... I'm not sure I can...

As I wrestled with the decision, Mrs. Yao took her red notebook out of a drawer. I noticed she had bookmarked the page for detentions.

Actually... you know what?... Fuck it! Do it!

Atta' boy!

This is the start of a beautiful friendship!

Instantly I felt my body begin to relax. Gradually I noticed I could no longer control my movements, and when I tried to open my mouth to agree with Mrs. Yao, no sound came out.

It felt weird.

I didn't like it.


Watch this.

"You know Mrs. Yao... you have very sensual lips." I heard myself say. My gaze was fixed on hers.

"Ex-CUSE me!?!"

Her angry eyes seemed to waver ever-so-slightly as she stared into mine.

"Your lips. They're full. Plump. Well shaped." I watched as my hand rose to touch my teacher's cheek. "When I do occasionally try to pay attention in class... all I seem to think about is what your lips would feel like against mine."

"Mr. Campbell... you..." she seemed to falter, her eyes becoming glassy.

"And you know... it's not just THAT I think about."

"... no?" she said, her breathing becoming more shallow. Her eyes flicked toward the door, before returning to mine.

"No... To be honest, I also think about what it would be like to fuck you... right here... over your desk."

"... we shouldn't... I mean... you shouldn't... say..."

"Have you ever thought about being bent over your desk by one of your students?"

"YES!... I mean... no." She was struggling now, her expression almost distressed as she revealed her dark desire to a student.

"And if I told you to bend over, right now, would you?" I heard my voice utter these outrageous words in the most assured, soothing way. The tone was low and almost hypnotic.

I watched as my Maths teacher nervously bit her bottom lip, turned around, placed both hands flat on her desk, and slowly bent over.

Holy shit.

"Like this?" she asked over her shoulder.

"Perfect." I heard my voice say. "You know how many guys stare at your ass while you teach?"

"I know some do... Sometimes I catch them when I turn around."

"I bet you like that. I think maybe you and I have been fantasizing about it for long enough. Wouldn't you agree?"

She whimpered as she nodded.

"Then it's settled! We need to fuck!"

She began to rub her thighs together unconsciously, her breathing now shallow.

Jesus Christ!

So... now, do you believe me?

Fucking hell! Are you... or we?... really gonna fuck her?

You want to?

I hesitated for a heartbeat, afraid of where such temptation could lead.

... Fuck yeah!

Good! I would have, either way. My hour, my choice.

Not here though. Too many people.


"Mrs. Yao, where can we go fuck in private?" the honey-dripping voice asked.

No way!

"Ummm... I guess... my house? My husband is at work. Or I could pay for a hotel? Or in my car? Or in the woods?" she answered rapidly, her voice sounding desperate.

I felt my dick stiffen. Was this real?

"Hmmm... I like to take my time. Let's go to yours."


We walked to Mrs. Yao's car in silence as Modeus controlled my movements. I noticed how he carried himself (or should I say myself) with a relaxed assuredness. It was as if he feared nothing and no one.

Maybe if it's not your body, you don't have anything to worry about.

When we reached her metallic blue BMW, she took out her keys and unlocked it.

As I sat in the passenger seat, I had an uncanny sense that I was in the middle of a dream, and about to wake up.

I prayed that wasn't the case.

Fuck! Nearly ten minutes gone, and I haven't had any fun yet!

She turned on the engine and pulled out of the teachers' car park.

"Mrs. Yao, you ever cheated on your husband?" Modeus asked, his hand resting on her bare knee.


"Ever kissed another guy since you got married?"

Mrs. Yao turned the car onto the freeway.


"And now you're driving your student to your house, to fuck you senseless for the whole afternoon while your hubby is at work?"

"Yesss!" she practically hissed, her chest swelling as she took a deep breath.

Modeus just laughed.

I watched as my hand moved to unbuckle my belt and unzip my jeans. I reached over and took one of Mrs. Yao's hands, guiding it toward my boxers. With her other hand controlling the wheel, she eagerly wrapped her fingers around my thick, hard cock.

The gasp she gave will be etched into my memory until the day I die.

"Oh... my... GOD!!!"

Her hand felt so fucking good. I could have cum right there, already well past the point of what I had thought was conceivable with my sexy Chinese teacher.

She stroked my dick inside my underwear as we drove along the freeway.

"Would you like to suck it, Mrs. Yao?"

"Oh yesss, please!"

"Al-right... just a quickie then."

What are you doing!?!

God, will you relax!?! Your uncle was FAR more adventurous...

I reached over, pressed the cruise control button, and put one hand on the steering wheel. I held it steady as Mrs. Yao turned to face me, her eyes fixed on my erection.

With two hands, she now impatiently yanked down my boxers. My dick sprang up.

It was HUGE!

It looked to have grown several inches since yesterday, and appeared to be thicker too!

You're welcome!

I was about to ask Modeus about it, but my thoughts were swept aside when I felt Mrs. Yao's tongue swirl around the head of my cock.

Jesus fucking Christ!

She started to suck it, moving her head up and down as she pumped my shaft. I couldn't believe my stuck-up cunt of a teacher was blowing me in her car!

It was easily the hottest moment of my life!

Thank you, Uncle Henry!

We continued driving for almost a minute as the Chinese MILF slurped loudly on my cock. A grinning trucker in the lane beside us honked twice, before giving me a thumbs-up.

You're welcome!

"Ok, ok! We could end up driving across America if you keep going!"

Obediently she let my cock fall out of her mouth and sat back up, wiping her saliva and my precum from her lips, her eyes reluctantly returning to the road.