Dark Desires


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After a few more minutes and unable to help herself she stood, carrying her glass as she sauntered through towards the source of her mounting interest.

She leaned against the doorway with a smile, twirling a lock of her hair between two fingers as she watched him plate up, noting the empty glass of wine next to a now empty bottle.

"All ready?" she asked, smiling as she sipped from her glass, stepping forward to look at the delicious looking meal being plated up.

"Mmhm, help yourself." He replied, looking up at her with those beautiful eyes of his.

"I thought the wine was to be paired with the food?" She asked with a smirk, tracing a finger down the empty bottle.

He eyed it and her then shrugged innocently, "I'll open a new one then, shall I?"

"Sure." She smirked, "Just bring it through hm?"

She smiled and stepped forward, reaching out for a plate and taking it. The meal was amazing, he was a truly talented cook and everything he made she enjoyed. They ate together, watching the TV and once she was finished he collected her plate, washing up before returning to the couch, pouring out two glasses of wine.

She took it and smiled as he sat beside her, tucking his legs up under himself, just like his mom would.

They sat in relative quiet for a while, simply relaxing in front of the TV in each others company until they had each, at last, finished their wine. At four glasses each, even with the full meal, Cassandra was feeling the alcohols buzz.

Sam collected the glasses and bottle stepping away, placing them in the kitchen before returning, sitting beside Cassandra, albeit much closer this time.

She looked at him with a playful smirk as he bunched up next to her, but he simply blushed and looked away towards the TV. With no other option, she raised her arm and slid it around his waist, watching as he tucked in close to her, his head resting against the swell of her chest through her top, his legs tucked up under him, the two of them cuddling exactly like she often would with his mom.

After a little while, as they relaxed, her hand gently caressing the skin of his arm, he worked up the courage to speak, nestling a little closer into her embrace, "Did... You mean what you said earlier?"

"What about?" She asked while giving him a little squeeze, something he seemed to respond positively to.

"Women like you... Not being rare..."

She shrugged a little, "We really ain't, I don't know the numbers but one in every eight? Every ten? Something like that."

He paused, not saying anything for a few moments.

"It won't seem like that to you, though," She continued.



"Why not?" He pressed, looking up at her with his doe-like eyes.

She glanced down, meeting his blue eyes, a glint in her own, "Because girls like me? We're predators. And honey you're just the sweetest gazelle. I bet all your friends are girls huh?"

He was quiet and she knew she was right.

"Any reason you haven't had a girlfriend yet?"

"I just... Never thought I'd be able to treat them right. They want a man, someone who can look after them, be strong for them, you know, all that." He sighed softly.

Cassandra laughed a little, drawing a little bit of an ireful look from him, "Aw Sammy, I'd put good money on most if not all of them packing heat. I bet they all want to be strong for you, to look after you," she hesitated, "...To fuck you."

He blushed and looked away and mumbled something softly.

Cassandra tilted her head, leaning a little closer, "What was that?"

"Mfm mm.."

"I can't hear you, honey."

"...Teach me." He said, his cheeks crimson.

She smirked a little and placed a hand on his warm cheek, turning him to face her.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I... I want you to teach me. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to be me. Whoever that is," he said, his voice quavering with emotion as he bared himself to her, pressing his cheek to her chest.

"Alright. I'll teach you."

He smiled shyly, so beautiful, so much like his mother and she thought about all the things he'd need to learn, about how to act and behave, how to walk and talk, how to use his skills to please his women. But as she looked at him with his delicate and familiar features, his gorgeous long hair, the slight haze in her mind from the wine mirrored in his own look, she knew, the less animalistic lessons would have to wait for tomorrow.

"Starting tomorrow, I'm going to teach you how to be a proper little lover for a woman like me." She assured him, but he bit his lip a little.

"What about tonight? Is it too late to start today?" He asked, having already taken the first step it was hard not to want to take a second.

"Nah, tonight I'm going to see if you sound like your mom does."

He opened his mouth to query that, but she took his hand, pressing it into a growing bulge at her jeans, soft and hot under the denim fabric, his fingers closing around it almost on instinct, his eyes going wide.

"Y-you mean-"

He was cut short as she pressed her dark lips to his own, small and sweet, forcing him back to lay on the couch as she scrambled on top of him, his whines and squeaks of protest drowned out by her mouth and tongue as she eagerly kissed him, letting go all the pent of desire she'd held onto for him for so long now.

Sam fell back, feeling the soft cushions of the couch under him and the soft plushness of her breasts atop, his hands moving to her waist as her own pinned his shoulders, his eyes closed, his cheeks flushed as he felt her tongue press between his lips, filling his mouth with the unique sensation of being frenched.

He squirmed against her, feeling her tongue swirl eagerly around his own, exploring his small mouth, but after a few moments she pulled her much fuller lips back, his eyes fluttering open to stare into her luscious brown gaze.

"If I put something into your mouth, you suck it." She said, her voice breathless but firm, he simply nodded meekly in response.

In a moment she was upon him again, his eyes rolling back as he felt her strong hands glide up his smooth stomach and chest under his shirt, squeezing at his flat chest and small pink nipples as her tongue once more pressed its way between his now much more willing lips.

A quick learner, he sucked on her tongue as she made out with him, grinding her cock against him through the increasingly tight confines of her jeans.

Breaking the kiss for a moment, letting her plush lips press against the pale skin of his cheek and jaw she whispered in a needy voice, "Take my cock out, stroke it."

He gasped and arched his back as her lips worked lower, biting and sucking at his neck, his hands finding a way between the two of them, small nimble fingers perfectly suited for the task of finding and working the zip of her jeans, his small hand slipping inside and around the thin fabric of her underwear.

She groaned and kissed over his neck as she felt his soft warm fingers brush against and wrap around her meaty python and she felt a shiver run up her spine as he pulled it free.

In a swift motion she had sat up, her ass moving up so she was sitting on his chest, her cock, free from her jeans and rock hard bobbed above his face and, as he opened his eyes, he got his first look at her ebony monster.

With his hands still wrapped around it he gave it a couple of experimental strokes, completely caught off guard by its sheer size and the deep ebony colour, slightly darker than the rest of her skin, admiring each ridge each vein, the way it pulsed and throbbed in his hand.

"Well?" she said, smugly, knowing how impressive her size was.

"C-Cassandra... It's huge." He said, breathlessly, his cheeks maintaining their bright hue, his eyes practically sparkling in wonder.

She smirked and rocked her hips forward, pressing the length of her cock up into his face, making him all but moan in a sudden impending desire for more of her.

"Yeah it is..." She took it in her own hands, brushing his aside and angled it, pressing the lightly coloured tip of her black cock against his pouted lips, his eyes going wide as he realised her intentions, "Remember your first lesson, baby?"

He did. He let his jaw drop, then had to force it wide as she pressed her hips forward, a moan escaping her lips as she felt her cock sink into the wet heat of his small mouth.

"Oh honey that's so good, come on, give me what I want, treat me right, yeah..."

Spurred on by her words his desire rose, he started to suck on the thick cock head that was now making its home in his mouth and he soon felt himself pressing his tongue against it out of curiosity, wanting to experience it and learn everything he could.

To his surprise he wasn't as hard as he thought, while overall the length was hard and steely, the outside was soft and silky, the tip of her cock could be depressed by his tongue as he poked at it and swirled it around, the skin on the tip of her cock the softest he had ever felt.

"Mm, fuck, I knew you'd like it, you little slut, gods that feels so good." Cassandra moaned, reaching up to lift her shirt up over her head, casting it aside. Her figure wasn't as tight as it had once been, her stomach with a bit of softness to it, but she was on the whole still confident in herself, though her breasts were less firm than she once had enjoyed, so for now at least she kept her bra on, the fullness of her breasts well displayed in the half cup underwear.

"Yeah use your tongue more..." she urged, working her hips slowly forward and back, making her wide tip drag across his tongue and caved in cheeks, each time she did so her crown briefly breaking the seal of his lips, drawing a lewd sucking noise out of him, to her glee.

To her glee he complied and she felt him doing his absolute best to pleasure her thick cock, his tongue working in an amateur but still wonderful way around her tip and length whenever she pressed deeper in, her hands moved to her jeans, undoing the button to relieve some of the tightness still present around her cock, letting the jeans and her underwear move a few inches down her thighs, just enough room for her to free her heavy smooth nuts which she cupped and squeezed, loving how they felt.

Before long she had her lips parted, moans escaping with each breath as she looked down at the boy, at Sam, hardly able to see him for the likeness of his mother. She could only imagine him as a younger version of her, skin smoother, body more supple and lithe, lacking curves above his waist maybe, but his body new and inexperienced, ready for her and, for the next two weeks at least, hers alone.

Even as his jaw grew sore, his eyes looking up at her half-lidded, clearly displaying the lust he felt, he felt nothing but a growing desire for her and what she meant for him. She might have been his stepmom, his mother's lover and life partner, but to him here and now she represented everything he could be, everything he wanted to be. His chance and first step.

He moved his hands up and Cassandra gasped in surprise as she felt his hands slide under the cups of her bra to freely hold and support her soft breasts, his fingers seeking out and squeezing her hard dark nipples, playing with them, teasing them, enhancing her pleasure as she fucked his pretty little mouth.

"Oooh fuck honey, you're going to be such a good fucking girlfriend to women like me," she grinned, "all fucking women like me, aah fuck, suck it, yeah just like that, mm, you're going to be such a good little slut for so many girls."

She reached around behind her and quickly undid the clasp to her bra, shrugging it off her shoulders and casting it aside where it landed half on the table. She then reached up and gripped his hands in hers, holding them tight to the fullness of her breasts, letting the soft flesh press against and between his fingers.

Panting hard she felt her pleasure rise, the boy was just too cute, so slutty and eager to please her black cock, so quickly corrupted, she loved it, "F-fuck, Sammy, baby, you're gonna make me cum, do you want that huh? Ah, ah do you want to taste my hot fucking cum?"

He couldn't respond, but he didn't need to, the way he continued to worship the thick tip and steely length of her cock was all the confirmation that she needed to know he was hungry to taste her seed.

Eagerly she pumped her hips forward and back, loving how his soft pink lips looked stretched around her cock, his hands still kneading her breasts as she felt her balls tighten, the pleasure overwhelming as she began to cum.

"A-ah fuck! Sammy yesss!" she cried out, head tilted back, hips pushed forward as far as she could, the boy making a series of wet choking noises, his cheeks flushed as her cock poured cum into his mouth and throat, forcing him to swallow it.

Gasping and whimpering she worked her hips forward and back, spending her load deep in her new toys mouth, pulling back only after the first few pulses far enough to spend the rest of her heavy load onto his tongue.

Sam moaned out as he felt the thick hot liquid spill in rope onto his tongue, the taste wasn't anything to write home about, but the sensations that came with it, the knowledge that he'd made her cum, that she'd used him for pleasure made him squirm in delight as he swallowed.

After a few long moments, her breath heavy and laboured, she leaned back, leaving just the tip of her slowly softening cock in his mouth, panting hard as she looked down at him both of them satisfied, but expectant.

"Oh... Oh my gods..." she laughed a little, biting her lip as she drew her tip out of his pursed lips, a soft pop sounding out as she moved up, resting her thick semi-hard cock across his face, pressing her balls to his mouth with he obligingly kept open, tongue working over the smooth sack, weighing and tasting each heavy nut, "You're such a good little slut aren't you? Fuck."

Sam blushed as he sucked and kissed her chocolate nuts, as if thanking them for the gift they'd given him, "Mmfm..."

"Yeah I know sweety, you wanted me to fuck you and christen your new ass-pussy," she smirked and reached down, stroking a hand through his lovely hair, his hands gliding down her body to rest on her hips, her breasts rising and falling with her breathes, no longer supported by his hands, "Don't worry, we'll fuck when we go to bed, my bed, our bed, you sleep with me now."

With another muffled moan he nodded cutely, knowing his fate and looking forward to every single second of it.

Cassandra had promised him everything he wanted and, over the next two weeks, she more than delivered.

While he maintained his masculinity to a point, refusing her offer of becoming a woman like her, she'd certainly done a number on him.

That first night, still on cloud nine after sucking his first ever cock she had guided him upstairs, bent him over and pounded a new life into him, though her size and his inexperience had been an issue getting started, as the nights went by she taught him everything she could, training him to take her cock to the hilt, making him practice on her cock until his gag reflex was gone, teaching him every position, every hint and sign that a girl was interested in him, how to walk, act talk and flirt, even setting him a small workout routine focusing on his bubbly ass.

His wardrobe had changed, albeit subtly, the jeans tighter and more form-fitting, the shirts too clinging a little tighter to his body. Cassandra taught him that he was beautiful and had a body worth showing off, especially if he was trying to attract girls like him.

And that in itself, had worked. While he'd toyed with the idea of his friends, now able to more easily identify which of the girls were packing heat they'd all felt too close to him, too much like friends to take that leap to the next step like he had initially planned.

He'd been getting nervous, wondering if, when his mom got back, the flow of sex would cease, but, when he had been out with Cassandra at the mall getting his nails manicured the woman who had been doing his, a woman with short black hair and delicate Asian features had slipped him her number, asking him out on a date.

He'd gone out with her, Jin she was called and that night she had ended up back at his and he had shown her everything he had learned.

Cassandra had sat downstairs, a wide grin on her face as she watched TV, realising for the first time just how much the house carried the sounds of a hard, desperate fucking and she knew she'd be seeing a lot of this Jin. She'd be back every night to experience what she'd help create.

Though, listening to them, she realised they'd be competing for volume. A competition she was quite looking forward to.


Thank you to all my fans and readers for your continued encouragement and advice! You're making this all the more fun! Xx

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great story

FluidswallowerFluidswallower11 months ago

Another incredibly well-written tale, I could almost feel Sam's sensations as Cassie "taught" him the pleasures of her body and especially her huge cock. Thanks, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

chfab21chfab21over 3 years ago

I hope there's some sort of incest involved in the next chapter if you ever decided to write one.

Bookdragon98Bookdragon98over 4 years ago

I would like to see more but I look forward to seeing more spice to it

MautStoneMautStoneover 5 years ago
Good but disappointing

Was great but hen you just glossed over the stuff after the oral. Where's the meaty good stuff for their time in bed?

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