Dark Horse: Tales from the Ranch Ch. 02


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"Go on ahead to your stall," she said, nodding at Velvet. "I'll take care of him." Velvet nodded. but hesitated before opening the heavy wooden door and passing through. Belle watched her go impassively, and barely moved as Peep got the shower going. She frowned as she got the soaps and shampoos handy, and began to strip him down. "You know what's about to happen, don't you?"

Belle snorted dejectedly. "Yeah. Belle's about to be punished because his sister doesn't want to go along with her fucked up games."

"Hun, you're thinking about this all wrong. You're..." Peep paused to gather her thoughts, and moved him under the stream. "This isn't punishment."

"I-" He sighed and hung his head. "Belle doesn't understand why he has to do this. With her."

Peep finished removing her own corset and, as she stepped into the water behind him, turned him and held him against her. "Because Miss Winters gave you to her," she said. "She won."

"So what?!"

"You're a show pony, sweetie. This is... this is what your place is." She furrowed her brow as she knelt down to wipe the soapy yellow sponge along his legs. "Peep is sure Ms. Winters explained this to you..."

"She told me I'm here to get fucked," he said. "Shit. Belle. Belle is here to get fucked."

"Ohhh," she said slowly. "Peep sees what's happening here."

"Yeah, Belle's about to get fucked. Again."

Peep sighed. "Hun, you've gotta know that there's an order around here."

"Well how come Belle has to be at the bottom of it?!"

"Tell you what. Velvet is right through that door," she said, pointing. "Go'on in there and show her yer in charge." She tilted her head and waited while Belle balked. "Well? Go on!" She waited another few seconds and shook her head. "Didn't think so. Belle, why are you here?" He blinked in confusion, and after a few seconds, she repeated, "Why are you here?"

"Be...because...Because she took us!"

"No, that's how you got here. Why are you still here?"

"Belle can't leave his sister!"

"She's tough," Peep said, shaking her head. "She can take care of herself. Why are you still here? The door is right over there." He turned, looking at the basement door, and paused. "Do you want Peep to tell you why you're still here?"

"Fine," he spat. "Why is Belle still here?"

"Because your a follower. It's who you are, and there's nothin' wrong with that. Hell, 95% of the world is followers."

"I... fuck. Belle isn't-"

"Oh stop," she interjected. "You spent yer whole life followin'. First it was your sister, and now someone bigger 'n badder's come along." She took his shoulders and squared him to her. "It's okay to be who you are."

He hung his head, and whimpered. "Why does that mean he has to be with her?"

"Cus Winters owns you," Peep said simply. "She gave you to Velvet, and that means Velvet can do whatever she wants with you, whether that means she fucks you raw or throws a rave with Clip Clop on the turntables." She paused for a moment. "It's okay to be who you are, sweetie. You just have to admit it to yourself."

Belle jerked as if struck. For a long moment, he just stared at her. Finally he sighed; his shoulders sagged. "Is it... is it obvious? That Belle is... you know."

"You say it like it's a bad thing! Like it means yer weak or somethin'! It's who you are, and there's nuthin' wrong with that!" He nodded halfheartedly, and Peep resumed washing him. "Peep's been here longer than you, 'n all she's sayin' is to give Velvet a chance. She might surprise you."

Belle took a deep, steadying breath and nodded again. The curvy blonde smiled and went about her work. A few minutes later, she patted him down with a soft, clean towel and led him over to the stool and mirrors. His hair, brushed. His nails, trimmed and cleaned. She agonized over applying a little makeup and ultimately decided that might be a bridge too far, but she felt proud as she opened the heavy wooden door and lead him into the stable.

Velvet, also naked, grinned as soon as she saw him, and bounced across the stall to meet him; her lips were on him as soon as his feet touched the sawdust. Belle whimpered as she spun him into the wooden wall, pinning him in place with a passion-filled kiss. He writhed under her as she ran a trail of kisses along his jaw and down his neck. Peep winced, watching Belle's discomfort, and opened her mouth to say something when Velvet...

... stopped. She leaned in close again and sniffed at his neck. She hovered over him a little longer, and then stepped back. She ran a hand over her scalp, pushing her long black hair until it all flowed down one side of her head and over her shoulder. "You..." She frowned and pursed her lips. "You don't have to be afraid." Her hands came up as she stepped in again, cupping his face gently. Pressing her body against him. Peep tilted her head to watch as Velvet's cock dug into his abs, and she licked her lips. This kiss was much softer, much slower, and Belle's eyes closed. "Trust Velvet." When she broke the kiss this time, though, Velvet's lips wandered down.

Belle's face was wrought in wide-eyed surprise as the dark stallion dropped to her knees in front of him. Her hands slid down past his waist and settled against the tops of his thighs, fingers spread wide. Her eyes followed his erection as it rose, and her tongue slipped out from between her lips to meet the tip. Belle drew a ragged breath, his fingertips reaching in between the boards as he stiffened.

Peep bit her lip and leaned against the door as she took in the view, her fingers finding her tender nipples unconsciously. She cooed appreciatively as Velvet lapped at the mare's head. Smiled at the way Belle braced himself against the wall. Moaned at the way precum dripped onto, and ran down between, Velvet's tan thighs. She thrilled to see Velvet take the mare's cock between her lips, watching the subtle movements of the stallions cheeks and throat, and she echoed Belle's first cry as Velvet went deep for the first time. The sight of Velvet bobbing on the young mare's cock was too much.

"Fuck," she whispered. Belle's head whipped in her direction, clearly having forgotten he had an audience, and his face reddened dramatically. It reddened even further when he looked down to see Peep was fingering herself. "Fuck!!"

Belle convulsed as Velvet gagged on him, and pressed her hand against his groin to brace herself. Bless her heart, though, Velvet was right back at it a moment later and Peep had the best seat in the house. She cooed quietly as she pushed two fingers inside herself, physically incapable of being silent but not wanting to disturb or distract either of them. She bit her lip and winced as she twisted and pulled up on her nipple, lifting until the absolute brink of pain. It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough just to watch.

It was with great reluctance that Peep withdrew her fingers, a necessary evil to avoid having to waddle across the sawdust. Instead, unencumbered, she was able to stalk toward Belle, her fingertips dragging along the stall wall beside her. His eyelids were heavy as he turned, and he whimpered involuntarily. Peep smiled as she reached out to grasp his face, knowing full well what that did for her cleavage, and pressed her body against him. She twined her left leg around his right, rubbing her vulva against his hip. Her clit sang as it found a protruding piece of hip to grind on. She raised his face toward her and kissed him gently. Kissed him again. Kissed him a third time, and as she pulled back, brought his lower lip with her. The wall boards where his fingers were anchored creaked from the strain.

"This isn't so bad," she whispered, her lips dancing over his, "is it?"

"No," he panted. Below, Velvet's pace slowed as she pressed for depth.

Peep's smile widened as she leaned forward, the tip of her nose and forehead resting against the same. "Are you ready?" she whispered.

Belle nodded.

Peep leaned her head back, relishing one last, glorious grind against his hip, and disentangled herself. Belle finally loosened his death grip on the wooden boards behind him, and gently ran his fingers through Velvet's hair. The dark stallion paused, looking up, and smiled around the head of his cock. "I'm ready," he said.

Peep cooed as she looked down; Velvet's thighs were slick with her own precum, and a glob of Belle's splashed down to join the mix.

Velvet smoothly rolled to her feet, and Belle surprised both of them by leaning forward to kiss her. It was brief, but Peep was sure she saw light refracting off of a strand of fluid between their lips as he pulled back. His hips turned farther than his shoulders, and he stared back at her as he put a hand back on the wall. Velvet's eyes grew large, and Peep cooed again as a fresh bead of precum sat on the head of her upturned cock like a little crown.

"Why don't we," Peep said breathily, "get you a little wet first." She winked at Velvet as she stepped between them and squatted. Her thumbs settled between the mare's fleshy cheeks, pulling him apart, and Belle instinctively bent forward. "Mmmmm, that's perfect." She delicately placed her tongue against the very base of his cock, and dragged upwards. As her tongue glided over the pucker, she couldn't help but think how, as his twin, Beau's ass was probably very similar. Her tongue reset and glided up. Reset and glided up. Reset and glided up. "If only there was some way Velvet could get wet too," she murmured, lips faintly grazing along the inside of his cheeks.

She closed her eyes, letting the sounds wash over her. Her cheeks flushed with heat as she heard Velvet shuffle in the sawdust. The soft smacking as Belle opened his mouth made her quiver, and Velvet's gasps stirred her middle. She yearned to be a part of it. She readjusted her fingers, and her thumbs pulled him apart. He gasped around Velvet's manhood, and Peep's tongue found his asshole to be very compliant. She opened her mouth a little wider, and pushed deeper inside him. Deeper. Deeper.

"Get it nice and wet," Velvet said, huskily. "That's right." Belle moaned. "Fuck. Fuck!"

Peep only had a moments notice, as Belle's lips smacked loudly. She reacted too slowly, and Velvet put a fist in her hair to clear the way. She gasped as she rolled to the side, equal parts in awe of the stallion's lust and turned on by the way Velvet handled her. Determined not to be left out, she scampered across the floor to kneel next to Belle. She grinned, contrasting the concentration on Velvet's face as she lined herself up with the mare against the reluctant anticipation Belle wore.

"You're doing amazing," she whispered, her fingers caressing Belle's cheek. His mouth opened, and his eyes pinched shut. Velvet grunted loudly behind him, and with a wet squelch, they moaned in unison. Peep couldn't stop from kissing his open-hanging mouth, her tongue diving in after his. She shivered as he screamed into her, and her fingers raked his scalp. "Yes," she moaned. She watched furtively over his shoulder at Velvet, at the diminutive stallion's look of sheer bliss. Belle's cries came in waves, matching Velvet's halting thrusts. When she finally hilted, Velvet paused. Her hands slid along his sides, up to his ribs and then back down to his hips.

Peep had to fight down a tiny bit of jealousy watching Velvet's ravenous expression. She knew she was a good fuck, but the stallion had never shown this kind of interest in her. If she was being honest with herself, she'd never had that level of interest in Velvet either, but that didn't mean she was entirely ok with it. She would be. Someday.

She really needed to cum. She could feel it, twisting inside her. Fingers wouldn't be enough to get it all. Not this time. Not unless she spent all night working at it. There, hanging out of his mouth, teasing her, was Belle's tongue. She would be patient.

"You're taking her," she whispered encouragingly. "You should see her face right now. She is absolutely loving being inside you." Velvet grunted, though whether it was one of agreement or sheer physical pleasure, Peep couldn't tell. "Fuck, Belle. This is so hot." She continued to cradle his face in one hand, fingertips lightly massaging his cheek, and her other hand reached down between his legs to grasp his waggling, drooling cock. He screamed as she squeezed it, and his knuckles whitened against the wall.

She couldn't deny being attracted to the little mare. His delicate features were a little on the soft side for her, but his tool was nevertheless impressive for his sstature. More than that, though, every time she saw something about him she liked, some feature that struck her as attractive, her mind instantly switched tracks to picture it on Beau. Well, almost every time; she didn't picture Beau with a dick. Beau had a beautiful little cunt. The outer lips shared the same slightly darkened complexion as the rest of her skin, but her inner lips? Peep shuddered as she thought about the few glimpses she'd seen. Puffy, with a light pink color. Her clit poked out like a little pearl, and Peep had spent more than one night already fingering herself to sleep thinking about it.

"Fuck," Belle cried, and Peep snapped to. Cum was dripping off of her thumb and running down her forearm, and the poor little mare mewled as she absently pumped him for more. There was quite a large clump in the sawdust, which made her wonder if Beau was a squirter...

Belle's knees began to buckle. Velvet frowned as she pulled out and eased him down onto the ground, and as he curled up, Peep pulled his head into her lap. "Was that so bad?" she said quietly, as she stroked his hair. Velvet's eyebrows rose, but Peep waved her off. She twisted as she sat so she was more resting on the side of her hip, with her feet tucked beside her. Belle nodded slowly, panting, and Peep grinned as she watched the last bits of cum dribble from his shrinking head. "Take a minute," she said.

Peep nodded reassuringly at Velvet, who was starting to get anxious. Still rock hard and glistening from the effort. Peep smiled to herself as she admired Velvet's body. The stallion's extremely dark nipples had always intrigued her and watching the concerto of muscles, even just as she breathed deeply, was fascinating. Peep had come to find that, as much as she liked her own larger breasts, she really preferred smaller breasts on other women. Velvet was on the small side of small, but Beau...

Beau's breasts were just about perfect. Peep cooed just thinking about them. Belle twisted to look up at her to see why she'd made a noise, and that twisting need inside her began to grow. Rapidly. His concern for her was so genuine.

Peep was barely conscious of grabbing his hair. Or of the way she rolled back and spread her legs. Or of pulling his shocked face into her sex. Just the pressure against her folds was wonderful, albeit not nearly enough. Weakly, Belle tried to push himself up and away, but she held his head firmly in place, grinding her dripping cleft against his sputtering lips.

"Lick," Velvet said ominously, as she grabbed his hips and pushed him down flat into the sawdust. Peep took a shuddering breath, watching the dark pony crawl over him. "Lick her, mare." Belle's eyes widened as he saw Velvet's mane in his peripheral vision. "Velvet doesn't hear you licking," she said, as she pressed her body against his. Peep could just make out her cock nestled between his buns, and she moaned loudly. "You're doing something right, but Velvet doesn't think it's what she said." She grabbed the back of his head and pushed. "Lick," she enunciated.

And he did.

Peep threw back her head and moaned again as his tongue slipped between her folds. He grunted into his work, and Peep felt his hands slip under and around her thighs. "That's it," Velvet said. "A little higher now. Find her clit. There's a reward if you find her clit." Belle's cheeks flared brightly, and he reluctantly stroked higher and higher.

"Yes," Peep moaned. "Ooooooh Fuck yes, Beau!"

"Oooh, do you hear that," Velvet snickered. "You're not even the tongue she wants right now." Peep cooed as she watched Velvet's hips rise up into the air and sink back down a second later. Velvet grunted happily. "Thank you for tightening back up a bit."

Belle mewled into her cunt, and Peep knew she wasn't going to last much longer. She rolled flat onto her back and took up both nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Her face pinched tight as she twisted and stretched, pulling her areolas until they were practically touching in the middle. "Fuck!" she cried. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

"Good boy," Velvet snarled. She lifted herself up off of him slightly, tucked her arms under him to grab his shoulders from the front, and began thrusting into him again. Velvet set a fast pace, and Belle screamed into Peep's cunt, which sent another crashing, orgasmic wave through her. We all needed this, Peep thought, as her toes began to cramp from curling. God, we all needed this. She tried to lift her head, to look down at them, but the effort was beyond her. Both orgasms had been huge, and all she could do was writhe in the sawdust and soak up the incredible sound of Velvet and Belle fucking for the first time.

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AwkwardMDAwkwardMDalmost 5 years agoAuthor
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I don't usually delete the anonymous comments from Tefler and his butthurt fans, but the one thag was here included an off-site link so it had to go.

That being said, it is hilarious that I'm still getting these. You're doing the Lord's work, buddy.

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