Dark Horse: Tales from the Ranch Ch. 05


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"Beau," she said, loudly, from the aisle. Both ponies yelped at the intrusion, and Peep's fingers made a soft schlick as she pulled them out of Beau. Ms. Winters drew great satisfaction from their confused stares; she loved keeping them guessing. Both of them climbed to their feet and presented themselves at the edge of the stall. Feet together, hands folded at the waist, although Beau was forgivably slower. "I have a present for you." She carefully studied their faces as she held up the strapon, still sticky and glistening. Peep smiled first, blushing shyness and excitement warring, while Beau tilted her head slightly. When she did smile, though, Beau was decidedly more enthusiastic.

Velvet smiled lazily at her when Ms. Winters stepped back into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Belle remained intent on rimming her, laying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around her thighs. The older woman walked over to her desk and smiled as she looked into an opened box she'd received in the mail the day before. "Now," she said, lifting her new strapon out of the box with care, "do I have any volunteers for the maiden voyage?"

Velvet cooed as she raised her arm.


Ms. Winters stood on the shoreline and looked out over the lake with pride. Velvet and Beau were floating on the water, neither near each other nor far apart. Their race earlier in the morning had been shockingly close, with Velvet barely holding off a resurgent Beau. Peep and Belle were in the Tree pose on their mats, arms spread wide with one foot tucked against the thigh of the other. The large green tent was still tucked neatly in it's bag, as the weather was likely to remain clear through the night.

"No one's gonna judge you," Peep said, as Ms. Winters walked behind and past them. "It's ok if you wanna spend time with yer sister, and if that leads to more, so what? She's a beautiful girl! It's ok to be attracted to her!"

"It's just so weeeeird," Belle said, staring away. "Belle never thought of her that way until... yanno..."

"Well yer thinkin of her that way now," Peep said with a chuckle, as she stared at the telling bulge in Belle's tight fitting yoga shorts. Ms. Winters sighed happily as she passed out of earshot of the two, and checked on the campfire. It was going to be a cool spring evening.

"Velvet," she called out. Both stallions curled in on themselves, lifting their heads to see. "Come with me to get more firewood." Beau laid back down flat in the water, and Velvet spun to come back to shore. Peep winked at her, and Ms. Winters gave a tight nod back. Velvet dried herself off, donned her heel-less boots, and the two of them set off around the lake.

"Velvet is glad you picked her," Velvet said, breaking several minutes of silence as they stumped through the underbrush.

"Is that so?"

"Velvet and Ms. Winters don't get as much alone time as before."

"I suppose that's true," Ms. Winters mused, pausing to inspect a fallen branch and deeming it yet too green to be useful. "Are you not enjoying Belle's company?"

"Last night, Velvet told Belle that she loves him," the stallion said, nervously but without stutter.

"Oh Velvet, that's wonderful!" her owner cried, beaming.

The dark stallion breathed a sigh of relief. "Velvet was worried Ms. Winters would disapprove."

"I never lied to you," she said, a sudden seriousness coming over her. "I always said this would be a safe place for you."

"And it is," Velvet added hastily. "Velvet just worried you would think she was..."

"Divided?" the older woman said, scooping up another hefty branch. Velvet nodded, and averted her eyes. "Tell me; why do you think I brought in Peep?" Velvet frowned in thought. "I've always been curious what you thought of it."

"Velvet didn't think about that for a long time," she said slowly. "Not until long after Beau and Belle were here too. Ms. Winters brought Peep here, so Peep was here. The end."

"And what do you think now?" the older woman prodded.

Velvet was quiet for a while as they walked along, picking up stray twigs for kindling. Ms. Winters merely watched her pony, curiously and patiently. "Now, Velvet thinks..." The steel haired woman raised her eyebrows in anticipation. "...that Miss Winters brought all of them here for herself... but also for each other..."

"And," she said, leading the stallion, but Velvet frowned and shook her head. "What are we talking about, Velvet? Expand on the last part."

"To... support each other... and to be together?"

"The line between task master and confidante is a difficult one to walk, Velvet. Sometimes, there is no path at all without compromising one or the other." Velvet nodded slowly, and Ms. Winters found another thick branch to her liking. She leaned it against a tipped over log and drove her heel through it, dividing it three times until it was able to be carried easily by hand. Velvet found two more that met Ms. Winters approval, and within a minute, both were heading back to the campsite, their arms laden with tinder.

God bless Peep. Ms. Winters smiled to herself as they came back toward the camp. She knew what she was seeing long before Velvet did, and Velvet's reaction was exactly as she had predicted; stunned shock. On the shore next to their yoga mats, Peep had mounted Belle and was riding him face to face. Belle was leaned up slightly off the ground, with one of Peep's breasts in his mouth. Peep had her head thrown back, her long blonde hair falling in a wave over her shoulder. Beau, crouched behind and over Peep with her head hovering above Peep's shoulder, seemed to be driving the action. The black harness of Beau's strapon was clearly visible against their otherwise-nude pile of flesh.

"Steady, Velvet," Ms. Winters said, carefully watching her stallion's face. "Steady." Velvet's nostrils flared, but she took deep, even breaths, and Ms. Winters began to relax. "Do you understand what's happening here? He thinks Peep is pretty, and he wants to have sex with her. It doesn't change how he feels about you, or what the two of you have." The steel-haired woman slowly put down her bundle of firewood. "It's something Peep wants too, from what I gather."

"Velvet is a little surprised Beau is okay with that," Velvet said softly, her eyes still extremely intent. Peep moaned loudly in the distance.

"Beau is living vicariously right now," Ms. Winters said, not looking at Peep. "She wants Belle almost as much as you do, and she's almost ready to admit it. She's hiding it by being involved in a separate capacity."

Velvet nodded, and turned to regard her owner with a calculating look. "...is that what this camping trip is about?"

"Clever girl. The goal is to have all of us engaged, but getting Beau and Belle to interact in front of the rest of us is the lions share." The older woman grinned and checked around behind herself, as if to check for eavesdroppers. When she continued, she did so at a whisper. "I think you know... incest is one of my darkest fantasies, Velvet."

Velvet merely blinked. "If Miss Winters would like it," she said, nearly matching the taller woman's hushed tones, "Velvet could call her Mommy sometimes."

"Oh you dear girl," she laughed, hugging the small stallion. "It is difficult, sometimes more than others, to keep from admitting I have a favorite." Velvet blushed and leaned her head on her owner's shoulder. After a moment, Ms. Winters backed up, her hands firm on Velvet's shoulders. "Peep's job was to get them started. Beau will be reluctant around either of us, but you less than me. Keep her interested."

"But... how?"

"I know you'll figure it out," Ms. Winters said with a smile. Velvet furrowed her brow in thought, and then nodded.

She took one step toward the camp, and then turned around abruptly. "Velvet is in a better place now. She knows that. Beau and Belle too." Ms. Winters nodded slowly in the pause. "But Miss Winters saved Peep's life. Velvet is very thankful for that, because Peep has been a good friend to her." The older woman nodded again, firmly, and Velvet smiled as she turned.

Ms. Winters and Velvet wound their way through the brush. The older woman hung back, circling around the edge of the camp while Velvet loudly dropped her firewood right in the middle of it. All three ponies spun to stare, frozen mid-thrust. Peep was the only one not changing color. Velvet, still naked excepting her boots, strolled past the campfire and stared at each of them in turn. "Beau," she said eventually, crooking a finger at her rival. Beau frowned and stood. Peep gasped lightly as the the pink dildo slipped out of her ass. Her and Belle remained still on the ground as the two race ponies stood face to face. "Velvet won."

"So?" Beau said, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Miss Winters didn't name a prize, so Velvet is claiming one now. You."

Beau's spun to look at Ms. Winters, who was calmly sitting down next to Peep and Beau. The older woman held her arms out in disbelief. "What do you want me to tell you, Beau? She won. Fair is fair." Beau whirled back to stared indignantly at Velvet, who had reached down to the straps of her strapon.

"You won't be needing this." Velvet smirked, unlatching the leather. Beau grimaced as the harness slipped down her legs, and Velvet pushed her backwards. Beau's shocked expression did not lessen when Velvet pointed to the ground next to Belle and Peep. "On your back." Beau and Velvet never stopped staring at each other, as Beau laid down and Velvet crawled over her.

"What are you doing?" Belle squealed, when Peep began to thrust again.

"C'mon sugar," Peep said. "You can't tell Peep that ain't sexy. Just look at 'em!"

Ms. Winters rolled onto her side next to Belle, and propped her head up on her palm. "Just watch, Belle." Belle whined again as Peep sat up, grinding her hips into him and curling her upper body like a wave. God bless Peep. Velvet grabbed the backs of Beau's knees and bent them up toward her arms, and every eye in the camp watched as she slowly slid her dick inside of Beau. "Can you feel the tension," Ms. Winters whispered. "Can you feel it between them? God, it's fucking delicious." Beau grunted and looked away as Velvet's hips came to rest against her. The dark stallion widened and planted her knees, and started a slow, slow rhythm.

"Look at the hate in her eyes, Belle." Belle groaned and Peep cooed, riding him faster. Velvet and Beau were practically snarling at one another, although Velvet's face had a distinctly happy tint on top of the anger. "Velvet is fucking loving this, but look at Beau's face! She hates this, but not as much as she hates how good it feels."

"Fuck you," Beau whimpered, although it was unclear who it was directed at. Velvet groaned loudly, and Beau's glare turned triumphant. Every muscle in Beau's body tightened, and her legs wrapped around Velvet's middle. "Got you," she grunted, but Velvet smirked through her grimace and kept thrusting.

"How do you like watching your sister fuck, Belle?" Ms. Winters asked, leaning close to him so that only they and Peep could hear.

"She's really pretty," he answered softly. "Belle also likes watching Velvet fuck. It's... it's really... hot." Beau grunted loudly, redoubling her efforts to tighten her core around Velvet, and the latina stallion winced. She did not, however, stop or slow down. After a few minutes, Beau's triumphant glare began to fade as she exhausted herself, and Velvet's thrusting ramped up.

"You like watching Velvet sweat, huh?" Belle merely nodded. "Velvet is very beautiful. Your sister is beautiful too, Belle. She's got just the most adorable little cunt."

"Mmmmmm, she ain't lyin," Peep drawled , as she watched Beau intently.

"But it's not the same for Beau when it comes to you." Velvet pulled a hand up out of the grass, and twisted Beau's nipple ferociously. Beau cried out and flailed defensively, and as her feet unlocked from around Velvet's middle, Velvet spun her over onto her stomach. Velvet was on top of the asian stallion instantly, pushing down on her back and guiding herself up between Beau's legs. "For Beau," Ms. Winters continued, "it's so much more. She's very attracted to you, and much of that is because you're her brother. She loves how wrong it is, and how that makes her feel." Belle flushed, and Peep cooed again.

"You are so adooorable," Peep said, tracing a fingernail along his chest. "But you can't cum yet."

"What?" Belle cried, as Peep slowed to a halt.

She giggled and shook her head. "Just stay hard in there, hun. It feels amaaaaaaazing." She reached her hands up and ran them through the hair on the sides of her head, letting her elbows push breasts together in front of the starstruck mare. "Boys are so much fuuuun," she said, laughing and biting her lip.

"Look at her, Belle," Ms. Winters said, pointing at his sister. "She wants it to stop, but not as much as she wants it to keep going. Not as much as she wants it to go harder and faster just so it'll be done. Just to get it over with. She hates how it makes her feel, and she loves how it feels."

Velvet reached up, grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of Beau's head, and pulled back hard. Beau arched up off the ground, her face twisted, as Velvet pumped faster, and faster. Faster. Faster. Beau cried out loudly, gritting her teeth, and Velvet threw back her head and cheered. "Winner," Velvet shouted. Beau fell forward, bonelessly, into the grass, her eyelids fluttering in the wake of her climax.

"Damn, Belle," Peep whimpered. "Peep didn't know you could get any harder."

"Peep loves to have her holes filled," Ms. Winters said with a grin, "but not nearly so much as your sister. You should have seen the looks on their faces when I gave them a strapon." Belle closed one eye and winced, nearly overcome just hearing about it, and Ms. Winters felt an orgasm of her own building. Beau laid flat on the ground, wheezing, until Velvet grabbed her hips and lifted. She barely moved as Velvet pushed her knees underneath her hips to keep her upright.

"It's your turn," Ms. Winters purred, and Belle gasped. Peep rolled off to his side, and Belle hesitantly crawled across the grass. Beau was still motionless, although her eyes had regained a hint of their sharpness. Ms. Winters crawled across the ground and laid down next to the tired stallion. She locked eyes with Beau, and kept her focus while her brother moved. Belle whined as he pushed himself inside her with a squelch. "Hello Beau," Ms. Winters said softly. The stallion looked down and away, into the grass, but couldn't hide the embarrassed blushing. "You know that's not Velvet back there anymore, right?" Beau pinched her eyes shut and whined. "Use your words, my little troublemaker."

"Yes," she whimpered.

"You're not fighting it though. It feels good to have him inside of you, doesn't it?" Beau nodded tightly, and one of her hands disappeared underneath her. "Yes, touch yourself, Beau. It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeees," she whimpered.

"Tell me how good it feels to have your brother inside you," Ms. Winters said, stroking Beau's hair.

"It's not fair," she whimpered softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that, Beau. How good does it feel?"

"Sooo fucking good," she groaned, much louder, amidst the sound of her stroking herself.

"Beau," Ms. Winters said, scooting closer and whispering. "Beau, are you going to cum again?"

"Yes," she whimpered, her voice tiny and tight.

"You're gonna cum with your twin brother pounding you?" Beau could only nod. "He's gonna fill your womb, Beau. Your babymaker." Beau whined piteously, her fingers flying back and forth over her nub. "You love that it's wrong, don't you Beau?"

"Yeeaaaaaaa," she moaned. "Fuuuuuuuuck!" She ramped up at the end as she screamed through the beginning of another orgasm. Her face turned beet red, and her toes curled around completely as she filled the valley with her echoes.

Ms. Winters waved her hand in the air, slowing Belle down. "Be gentle," she said. "She's going to be sensitive."

"Fuck you," Beau whimpered.

"Heeeey, heeey," Ms. Winters said, leaning in closer and biting her lip. "It's alright, Beau. It's alright. There's no judgement here." Beau ran her thumb over her nose, collecting an errant tear and smearing it on the grass. "That's the most beautiful part about the Ranch, my dear; the freedom. Out here, we can do whatever we want. We're free from the ridiculous confines of a society that would punish Belle because he likes the way he looks in spandex. Because he likes doing yoga. Like somehow, that would make him less of a man." Ms. Winters put her own face down in the grass, inches away from Beau's, and smiled softly. "A society that would punish you for wanting an intimate, shared moment with your twin. Your twin! You were in the womb together! There is no closer bond, and yet any form of physical love is to be shunned and shamed?" Beau nodded weakly. "There's no judgement here, Beau. Just honest appreciation for your beauty, inside and out."

Beau nodded again. Ms. Winters waved her hand in the air, and Belle began to speed up. "Oh, you should see his face, my sweet. All scrunched up and pained. He wants to cum inside you so badly, Beau. He wants it too." Beau's arm slowly slipped out from underneath her, and in jerky motions, slid over her back with her palm up. Her fingers twitched, seeking his, and her hand clamped down tight when he took it. "You two will always be bound together," Ms. Winters said, as Beau opened her eyes. "Oh, you should see his face, Beau!!"

Belle began thrusting faster and faster, muttering under his breath. Beau's arm quivered as she pulled him into her, and the older woman shivered as she felt her orgasm nearing. She quickly stripped herself out of her English riding attire, and scooted across the grass to spread her legs to either side of Beau's head. "Now Beau, what do you say?"

"Thank you," she whimpered.

In the grass next to the twins, Velvet sat down beside Peep. Peep glanced surreptitiously at Velvet's glistening penis, and motioned to it with a slight shrug. Velvet nodded and leaned back, and Peep immediately swallowed her Beau-juice-frosted cock. Velvet gave a satisfied grunt, stroking the blonde's long hair.

"Not good enough," Ms. Winters said, as she slid forward. Beau looked up, dreamily staring at the older woman's well manicured pussy, and smiled. "Say it again, Beau." Beau stretched her neck forward and pressed her lips between her owners folds. Behind her, Belle hollered, nearly doubling his thrusts. The meaty slapping of their thighs carried out over the water, and Ms. Winters cooed, feeling her orgasm reaching the tipping point. Beau mumbled incoherently into her lips, and Ms. Winters grinned as she lifted Beau up by the hair. "Say 'Thank you, Mommy'."

"Thank you, Mommy," Beau whispered. The older woman pushed her back down over her clit, and howled as she came. Belle cried out with her, depositing his love for his sister deep within her.

"Fuck," Velvet whined, watching them. "Peep, have you cum yet?"

"MmmmmmmNo," Peep mumbled, pulling all but the head out of her mouth. Velvet grinned and laid down on her side. Peep raised up one of her legs, opening herself to Velvet's tongue.

Ms. Winters fell back into the grass, panting while Beau licked her clean. She waved to Belle, and he crawled on all fours through the grass to lay at her side, his head on her breast. She smiled as she stroked his hair, and together they watched Velvet and Peep on their sides. The back of Peep's head bobbed slowly, twisting from side to side to give her tongue access to every drop, but Velvet was furiously single-minded. Her eyes were crazed as she ate out the blonde, unearthing the heady mix of Peep's nectar and Belle's precum with her tireless efforts.