Dark Matter: Episode 3


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"Do you want to go check the traps, or should I?"

"I'll do it," Vaux'avh said, stretching. "I need the exercise."

Sheefa grinned and gave her sister's backside a firm slap. "Not too much. I've got you just the way I like you now."

Vaux'avh smiled as she walked, hips swaying, toward the makeshift walls they'd erected decades earlier. "Don't forget to check the purifier while I'm gone."

"I won't."

Sheefa busied herself with other things, largely preparing some of the leaves and fruits they grew for their evening meal, in stubborn defiance of her sister, but eventually found herself hard at work disassembling the motor they'd appropriated from the Conquest to cycle their rainwater through a filter. She had never developed Vaux'avh's talent for mechanical repair, but she was passable enough for small, non-critical repairs like this one. She had it nearly reassembled by the time Vaux'avh returned several hours later, carrying two vren by the tails.

"How was it out there today?"

"Beautiful," Vaux'avh said softly, with a smile and a glance that brought a blush to Sheefa's cheeks. "Just like always."

She licked her lips, fighting to stay focused despite the heat building inside of her. It never took much for Vaux'avh to turn her on. "Checking in. How was it?"

"Like always." Her eyes dimmed for a moment of introspection, but the glitter was back seconds later. "I don't need to touch it to know it's there, but.... it was a good day today."

Sheefa stood up from her squat, stretching her legs with a happy sigh, and rubbed her hands together. "Why good?"

"I thought about her a lot..." Her always meant Madral, and Madral was the only name they used for her anymore. "...and... I don't know. When I was out there checking the second trap, down under that outcropping, I heard something. My first instinct was 'Danger! Kill it!', and that instinct always has me reaching for the Force, for the dark side, but... I caught myself. It was good. It was just a branch breaking. Branches break all the time. I don't... I don't need it."

Sheefa nodded, smiling broadly, and came over to take the vren from her. Vaux'avh's hand brushed over her hip as she set them on the table, and her breath caught.

"I still feel it. I always feel it. I always think about it." She took a breath, and when she exhaled she looked relieved. "I thought about you too."

Sheefa turned back and took firm hold of her sister's hands. "Yes," she said with a nod. It was rare that Sheefa waited for her sister to ask for permission before giving it, not anymore, though she knew Vaux'avh would in due time.

The trip to V6-1L4 had taken weeks. Gravitational fluctuations in the Unknown Region had necessitated that they make a myriad of freakishly-precise hyperdrive jumps that would have taken two hours by direct route. Neither of them spoke much, and they spent nearly all of that time recovering from their physical wounds to say nothing of the emotional ones. The grief was the worst of it. Sheefa could not bring herself to do much even after they landed.

It took months, after that, while Vaux'avh slowly disassembled the Conquest piece by piece, for the two of them to get back to speaking terms. A year before Sheefa felt like she could call Vaux'avh a friend. Three years before sister. Five before she let Vaux'avh touch her, after careful ground rules were established, although Sheefa had longed for it just as deeply.

She couldn't imagine denying her sister any more. They fucked practically every day, if not more.

Vaux'avh grabbed Sheefa's uplifted leg behind the knee, drawing their hips closer together. Her right hand pressed into the small of Sheefa's back, and Sheefa moaned into their warm, shared kiss. She grunted as she hefted the younger Mirialan onto the table, and Sheefa wrapped both arms around her sister's shoulders. One hand scratching lightly along Vaux'avh's back, and one hand sliding into her near-white hair.

Their tongues swirled and played, attacking and retreating, as she carefully untied the knots that kept Sheefa's top in place. Their garb was minimal anymore, tattered remnants of the trappings of their stations, and as soon as they were exposed, her tongue came down to bathe Sheefa's nipple in glorious stimulation. Suckling and nibbling. Sheefa threw her head back and gasped, scratching at her sister's scalp and skin. Her back arched sharply, leaning away, and Vaux'avh gently tilted her further and further back until she came to rest against the surface of their table.

She wrapped her legs around Vaux'avh, keeping her close, and moaned loudly as her sister gave her other nipple a hard twist.

"Harder," she moaned, and the older Mirialan was only too happy to comply. Sheefa's pained gasps rang out across the sloping, forested hills around them. "Fuck!"

She reached up, taking Vaux'avh's cheeks in her hand, and lifted. Her neck, craned sharply, to meet her sister's lips fully. She moaned into the kiss as her head slid back, feeling her sister crawl onto the table and over her. She reached down to push Vaux'avh's top out of the way, freeing her pendulous breasts. Sheefa loved the way they settled on top of her, and loved the little extra strain of breathing when their weight was on her.

"May I start?" Vaux'avh asked, into the kiss, her eyes searching.

"Yes," Sheefa gasped, and then gasped again as her moist lips parted before the growing intrusion. "Yes!" Filling her. Stretching her.

"Would you like another?" she asked, planting kisses along Sheefa's jaw.


Her hips exclaimed as they too were filled. The hardened air pushed inside of her, frictionlessly penetrating her back side as well and her front. Vaux'avh's control had grown by leaps and bounds in the interim. Both hardened shafts pushed into her, driving her down into ecstasy as her sister thrusted. She had no need to move her hips at all, but they'd both found that the grinding and the feel of their thighs against each other was significantly heightened by even just a little motion.

"Bigger," Sheefa grunted. "Ma-make them bigger."

Vaux'avh bit her lip and grinned. The change was as fast as thought, though gradual, and Sheefa wailed, full-throated.


"I love you," Vaux'avh said, kissing her sister passionately. Sheefa's hands sank into the fleshy, hanging orbs, grabbing hardened nipples in the lines of her palms. The older Mirialan bit her lip in response, and pulled back with a low growl.

"I love you too," Sheefa replied.

For minutes on end, the thrusting continued. Pumping in and out of her. Ramping up and up. Sheefa squirmed beneath her sister. "Bigger," she cried, and immediately screamed at the top of her lungs as just that little bit of extra girth, straining her walls all the way around, pushed her past the point of no return. Her fingers raked through the soft tissue of her sister's breasts. Her toes, bunched tightly into the balls of her curled feet.

Vaux'avh slowed to a stop above her, beads of sweat already gathering at the tip of her nose, and smiled. She'd taken to doing that more frequently, and Sheefa suspected her older sister was trying to commit as many of these moments to memory as possible. First one of the hardened shafts dissipated, and then the other. Then, abruptly, she lifted herself up and sat back on her heels. The edges of her feet hung off the edge of the table. As she looked up at the moon, Sheefa did as well.

"She loved to watch," Vaux'avh said softly. "She told me once that... that that was her favorite part of her time on Boonta. Sometimes, she would get to watch." Sheefa smiled as she curled her legs around Vaux'avh's waist, and pulled herself just that much closer to her sister. "I'm sure some of it was not being forced to pleasure whoever walked through the door, but..." She slowly shook her head. "That was her thing."

"Not something she got to do much of?"

Vaux'avh shook her head again, and then smiled. "More now, I think." She stared up at the moon for several seconds, each breath lifting her chest majestically. Sheefa reached up, taking up her sister's nipples between her fingers, and rolled them back and forth. In opposite directions. Vaux'avh sighed happily, rolling her shoulders in slow circles, and reached up to run her fingers back through her hair.

In moments like that, the resemblance between Vaux'avh and their mother was uncanny.

"Here," Sheefa said, patting table next to her. Vaux'avh leaned forward, and together they rolled until their positions were reversed. The older Mirialan flat on her back, breasts settled well to the sides of her chest, with the younger above her. Sheefa gave her one more quick kiss, a gentle peck on the lips, before sliding down and off the table.

She smiled as she squatted next to the edge and breathed deeply. The smell of her sister filled her, making her lightheaded for a brief moment, and she rested her head against Vaux'avh's thigh.

"I swear, she gets bigger every rotation."

"She does," Sheefa said, smiling softly. She planted her lips along the soft, tender flesh of her sister's inner thigh. Each kiss drawn along a soft arc toward the wet cleft.

"I'd like to be there," Vaux'avh said, dreamily. "Hug her one last time."

"May I start?" Sheefa asked.

"Yesss." That was the last intelligible word Vaux'avh said for hours. Dinner ended up being very, very late.


The years had taken a toll on her sister. The dark side took its due, and Vaux'avh, though spry and fit, lost her mind first. Repeating conversations. Forgetting. The first time she got lost, well and truly lost, they made up their minds. The cold months came and went, and Vaux'avh grew weaker. In the thaw after, they left behind their converted jungle paradise, and they started walking, with 2E and N1 in their wake.

The trip took months over uncharted terrain. Untainted natural beauty. Some days, the land stretched out before them and they covered ten kilometers without stopping. Some days, it was less than one, navigating cliffs or steep hills. For weeks they traveled, having the adventure of a lifetime.

And then, one morning, Sheefa woke up alone. Vaux'avh was still there, but she did not stir. She did not wake. Time had come for her, and she had gone quietly in her sleep.

After that, the traveling was much slower. They were close, and Sheefa was still in incredible shape, but the body was heavy, and managing it over the natural obstacles in their path was time consuming. And that was when Sheefa could get up at all. She sometimes couldn't.

Eventually, though, they arrived. 2E was quite certain. Sheefa opened herself up to the Force, and moved the earth. The hole needed to be deep, and when 2E and N1 were in agreement on the matter, Sheefa laid her sister down in the dirt, with her arms spread wide. She stood there, sad but proud, over her sister, and, just as they had agreed, did not struggle when N1 pierced the back of her neck. The effect of the drug was quick, and she tumbled and fell at Vaux'avh's side.

It took the two little droids some time to put the dirt back into place. They had not been built for such a task, but they were loyal and they did their best. As agreed, the two of them settled in next to the spot and discharged their power cells. Two metallic headstones.

Nature continued, uninterrupted, as it often did. Trees fell around them. New ones grew, and in time the two droids were hidden under vibrant green growth. Curious mounds, but there was no other life on V6-1L4 with the capacity to recognize shapes such as theirs. A herd of bartok made a home in their field, until the cold returned and they migrated away.

This cycle happened over and over, nearly a hundred times. By the end, the changes were noticeable. Madral's descent played havok with the climate, and the field was not so green as it had been once. In those last few months, as it touched the atmosphere, the wind was so intense that it tore at the ground. Ripping down even the strongest of trees. Eventually, even the droids were displaced.

Their calculations had been good. The ground wore away, layer by layer, rotation after rotation, until there was nothing left between the two and Madral as it touched down.

One last hug.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy8 months ago

Intense ….. to much violence to much hate to much of the things we have in RL too ….. the tale was fantastic as i had to read all three chapters today, but betrayal is a fact i hate with passion and this was so on top of all in this tale ….. fighting for the power, becoming somebody with power and keeping it even paying every price ….. darth veder was a jedi and the dark side took over, you followed this and patched an own tale which was intriguing but in the end it had to end like the hollywood tale, tragedy


AwkwardMDAwkwardMD8 months agoAuthor


Thank you for your kind words

AwkwardMDAwkwardMD8 months agoAuthor


This story was, from the outset, an exploration of writing a small story within Star Wars, which necessitated no large scale changes. I wanted my story to be able to fit into canon that is controlled by others, but most importantly I wanted to use Star Wars-specific politics, philosophy, and setting to tell a story about the nature of taboo. The mission statement precluded these two fixing injustice on a broad scale.

The opening scene of Episode 1, with Toberin and Sheefa, reads very differently when the scope of his grooming is part of the picture. Although Sheefa is later uncomfortable with her treatment at Vaux'avh's hands, her eyes are open.

My hope was that Sheefa's position in both relationships highlights the differences between taboo and abuse, all wrapped up in lightsaber duels and space opera action.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMD8 months agoAuthor


I wrote this story a long time ago, when I was a much sadder person. This story is a reflection of that. It is also a kind of dark mirror (no pun intentional) to my later scifi series Long Haul. Long Haul benefitted from the experience I gained writing this, even though the Star Wars style of scifi here is very different from the The Expanse style I would emulate there. I walked here so I could run there

SummoreSummore8 months ago

Great writing. I think that it could have been split into two parts. Short chapters are great just before you fall asleep!

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