Dark Play - The Chase

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A limit discussed but forgotten; a chase ensues...
5.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/14/2022
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Either your on the computer working, reading or doing the laundry; your mind wonders on the possibilities of exploring your BDSM relationship with your dom. You have enjoyed being tied up, spanked, and the incredible ways of getting off. Wondering what else we can delve into.

Time will tell but that is up to him. He creates the scenes and you have to play them. Biting your lip, you wonder what has he planned for you this weekend.

He calls me up and says that he is taking me out to dinner; he is very tight lipped on where we are going but did mention to wear some sneakers. Sounds romantic. What should I wear, hmmm. She decides to wear a dress and underneath it a surprise for her Sir; black lace bra with matching black lace cheeky panty. She puts her hair up in a ponytail and bow. She is wearing her pink Nike shoes with thigh high socks. It's not complete without some blush and mascara to complete the ensemble. She looks like a gem and is ready for her Sir... She waits patiently but he is running late. She is on edge cause he is never this late. He is always punctual.

She keeps checking the time, pacing back and forth; rechecking the text messages to see if she messed up on the time. The text clearly says 5pm and be ready but it's getting past 5:30pm. She tries calling him but it goes directly to voicemail. She is getting worried and anxious. 15 minutes goes by and she is thinking "WTF"! Still pacing, nerves are on high alert, she is itching for an answer. Out of the blue, she hears the roaring of an engine and screeching tires outside. She walks to the window and see's his truck. She is happy to see him but pissed at the same time. She waits a bit to get her nerves and emotions in check but hears the car horn. It's not just a beep or beep-beep, he is pressing it until I get a move on (dick move) type. Not happy in getting control and worried what the other tenants are thinking; she opens the door and locks it behind her. Once he sees her, he lets go of the horn. Clearly she is pissed off now but opens the truck door. But before she steps into the truck, he says: "We're late!! For our dinner reservation. C'mon, get it in."

She is taken aback; clearly it's not her fault but it feels like the blame is being put on her shoulders. She gets in, closes the door and he just floors it; down the street to the highway. The truck is going at a fast clip. She is a bit nervous, pissed and still hyped up. She then takes a moment and looks at him. He is dressed in camo fatigue pants with a black/green boots with a black t-shirt. She feels out of place; she dressed up in a dress and lace lingerie but he is dressed up for the Army. She is kinda perturbed about it but then her eyes gets wide when she sees the black duffle bag sitting between them.

She then asks, "What's in the bag?"

He takes his eyes off the road for a minute and tells her: "It's a surprise!"

That brings her a smile to her lips but his eyes goes back to the road and it's all quiet. This whole thing/date night feels off; he hasn't even taken the time to look at her and comment on what she is wearing. She starts playing with the fabric of her dress and wonder if she done something wrong. She starts to get worried and contemplate on the past weeks as his sub. Did I do something wrong? Was Sir unhappy with my performance as his sub? What did I do wrong?

She gets out of her head and then asks... but the truck pulls off to the side of the road; he puts it in parking and cuts the engine. She is stunned but gets out, "Are you upset with me, Sir?"

He grins at her, and then unzips the bag; ever so slowly and opens it. Inside there are some clothes, rope but on top of it all is a knife. He then pulls out the knife, out of the bag, and unsheathe it; it's a large bowie style knife, 7 inches long with saw teeth on the backbone and a black handle. It looks like it's razor sharp...

He then turns to me and says, "Yes, I am upset with you." And then says, "It's on!"

She is taken aback by his answer but also wondering what he meant by (It's on!). It's sounds like a code phrase cause he spoke it very slowly. It's supposed to mean something but nothing comes to her mind. He keeps staring at her, waiting for a reply but nothing comes. He gets frustrated that she forgot... and then turns it up a couple of notches. He places the blade, flat side on top of her hand, so she can feel the coldness of the steel and it is indeed a real knife. It sends a shiver throughout her body and it makes her uneasy. He begins to talk:

"It's... On! If you can make it to the fence, which is a couple miles parallel to this highway then you're SAFE... but if you don't then you are MINE and you will feel my WRATH! The choice is yours."

She is scared shitless and wonders what she did wrong to upset him. Her anxiety spikes and her emotions rack her body. She starts to cry and tear eyed up. Her makeup is a mess now, mascara dripping down her face.

It hits him hard to see this reaction but this is what she wanted. He continues to be belligerent and ramp her up further... He then says, "You have 5 minutes head start then. The Chase begins."

She continues to cry and not processing the information that he is telling her. She tries her best to calm her Sir down by apologizing for whatever she has done but he isn't having it.

He then yells, "You have 5 minutes! Starting... NOW!!"

She hesitates, trying to apologize but he starts counting. She doesn't move but then he leans forward, she then can smell alcohol on his breathe and she gets worrisome.

He whispers in her ear, "If you don't move your ass, I will be forced to take my wrath on you here, the choice is up to you, Babygirl."

Counting continues and gets passed 30; her heart is beating fast and contemplate on what to do; the numbers keep going up and then the decision is made and she opens the door and bolts through the woods. A smile forms on his lips. He stops counting and sheaths the knife; opens up the glove box, places it in and locks it up. He grabs his black bag and leaves the truck and locks it, places a sign on the truck's windshield, letting anyone who stops, that the owner is walking to get some gas... He looks at his watch and 3 minutes has passed by and 2 more to go. He can see that she is moving at full clip but he can still make her out in the woods. Thanks to the beautiful pink/red dress she is wearing; can't miss her (with a smile). Plus it's not a couple of miles, it's actually 5 to the fence. She won't make it. Don't get me wrong, Babygirl does have a nice toned body but the dress and terrain will hinder her progress. Sir is still smiling, when his alarm on his phone goes off. The Chase begins...

He puts the duffle bag on his shoulders and begins to walk towards the forest. He begins to whistle and the scenario starts racing within his mind on what plans to do with his Prey. Once he is in the forest, he slows down to a standstill and listens; he can hear her running, all out, pushing herself to her limits. He takes a deep breath and then starts the hunt.

She is trying to run a straight line but this forest is dense and the terrain isn't flat. She stops to get her lungs under control and then she hears his whistling. She now knows that her 5 minutes are up and that he'll be coming after her. Still trying to look back on what could possibly set him off like this but nothing is coming to mind. She gets her breathing under control and then continues to run within a straight line to the fence. She tries her best but the dress is slowing her down a bit. It flows backward and starts to cling to the low branches and bushes; it pulls her to a stop but she pushes forward. Her dress rips and tears but she keeps running. He did say if she made it to the fence that she was SAFE. She doesn't know how far she has run but she thinks it's about a mile and half but no sign of a fence. As she walks a bit to get her breathing under control and to slow her heart beating; she ponders. Perhaps this is a scene for me to play out and a smile springs to her lips; these thoughts warm her core and gets her wet in the process but the smell of alcohol on his breathe states otherwise. She has never seen or smelled alcohol on Sir before until tonight. Perhaps he is upset with me and I have done something wrong. But this scenario is outlandish for whatever I have done. He could of spanked me, tied me up then torture my nipples with clothespins, and/or bound a Hitachi vibrator to my clit for an hour or more till I profess my sins. She puts that all behind her and starts to run once more.

He starts to pick up the pace a bit but slows down to see signs of her along the way: broken twig here, a piece of lint from her dress blowing in the wind there. She is leaving a trail for him to follow without her knowing it. He picks up the pace and gets within a 100 yards from her location. He slows down and watches her; he sees that she taking a break from her run. Clutching her chest to stop it from beating so hard and her breathing. She looks good and out of place within this element. He is shocked that she doesn't remember when they first got together; she wrote down her fantasies and limits. She has a fantasy of being taken advantage of/rape play; she expressed that it would be a huge thrill to taken roughly and being told what he will do too you. It's amazing in what you forget when you start a new relationship. He is eager to give her what she wants but it's even a bigger thrill that she forgot this scenario. Stop reflecting on the past, time to focus on the Prey. He begins to whistle once more and she hears that he is close. She drops her hand from her chest and begins to push through the foliage to get further away from Sir as possible.

She continues for longer period this time but has to stop. It feels like her heart is beating its way out of her chest. She is saturated with sweat and the lace bra is becoming uncomfortable when she runs. She wished she had a sports bra to tame her breasts from feeling like they will pop out at any moment. Ugh to be a woman... She ponders a bit: calculates the distance in her mind and it has been over 2 miles and still no fence. I think he lied to me just to get me out here and chase me. What is his end game?

Then out of nowhere, she hears: "Babygirl, where are you? I know your close. I am going to catch you soon. It's just a matter of time. (with a sneer)."

She looks down at her pretty dress and sees that it's ruined. Running through the brush has torn it here and there. Her body aches in places where she has never felt before. Hearing his voice does gets her hot and bothered but again the alcohol on his breath got her worried. Not sure what to do, she walks slightly through the forest and sees a big bush up ahead. It's time to hide and hope her Predator passes by; and perhaps she can double back to the truck and escape. Time will tell. As she sits still behind the bush; she calms down her breathing and listens. She can hear him move through the brush. He is close; very close.

He stops a moment and reads the forest. He knows that she went to ground cause there is no tell tales of her whereabouts. He continues to move forward, passes the bush and proceeds to walk another 50 feet or so. He then yells out, "I am coming for you, Baby." Then out of the blue, takes off through the forest.

She waits till she can't hear his steps any longer before stepping out from behind the bush. Couple of minutes passes by and she slowly steps up, feeling relieved that he fell for her ruse. She is about to turn around until arms grab her, pinning her arms to her sides, lifts her up and says, "I got you!"

She starts to scream and kick but it's no use. She has been caught and is going nowhere. He puts her down when she comes to her senses.

He tells her to "Sit down and be quiet" and the submissive in her complies. He takes off his duffle bag and pulls out the rope; binds her hands together. He then attaches a leash to the hands; and pulls her upright.

"Time to move, little one..." he says.

"Where are you taking me?" she replies.

Chuckling to himself, he says, "You were so close, Babygirl. So close to the fence. Just another a mile or so and you would of been there. Safe and sound; too bad (shaking his head). I could show ya but it's probably best to proceed to your final destination. Let's start walking."

He proceeded to lead her east, but for her they were going right of her location (parallel to the road). He was walking at a faster clip than what she wanted. Being a stubborn submissive, she tried her damnest to drag her feet and slow there progression. She tried multiple times to be tough but he kept pulling her along. Until it was getting to his nerves and walked back to her, then leaned down to her ear and whispered: "Pick up the pace, I don't have all night!"

She then said, "I am not going to take another step until you tell me: where you are taking me and what are you going to do?"

Frustrated with her lip, he replies: "I don't have to tell you; either you walk or I drag you. The choice is yours." And with that, he puts the rope over his shoulder and pulls. He continues to move forward and it pulls her off balance but gives in.

They walk for a bit and then she tries a different strategy and starts screaming "HELP ME!".

He continues to walk a bit but the constant yelling is getting on his nerves. He ties a bowline knot around his waist so she doesn't run off; then cuts off a piece of rope at the end and gags her then ties it behind her head. Then leans down and says: "We could of done this the easy way; but you have to be a stubborn brat. Now we do this the hard way!" And with that, he bends down and picks her up over his shoulder and proceeds to continue along the path.

He then says: "Now you can stare at my ass while I spank yours to our destination (with a laugh)."

She wasn't having any of it and began to use her tied hands as a weapon and started to pummel his ass and legs. She gritted her teeth and tighten her abs and repeated try to hit him but he would only laugh it off... until he says, "Beat all you want, you're only going to make it bigger in the end!" with a snickered laugh. So he in turn did the same to her; he lift up her dress, exposing her ass to the forest and with his left hand, smacked her ass. With each smack, he would hear a whimper. Soon, her defiance seized and so to the spanking. She gave in to her capture and just let go. Soon she relaxed and left her body; she knew she couldn't fight back but will save her energy for another opportunity if it presented itself.

The hike itself took about a 45 minute walk but carrying prey took its toll; once he got to the cottage, he tied her to the railing out back, used for horse. Then he ventured to the back porch, sat down on the step, and relaxed a bit before proceeding with his plan... He swiped his brow with his forearm to get the sweat out of his eyes and then took a swig of water; it was refreshing and the breather helped as well. She didn't stir, still collapsed in front of the railing. He thought about it for a moment, he would give her some time before the festivities began. However, if she doesn't wake up within that time, then she has to be woken up by other means.

Time passes by, and still she hasn't stirred. He gives her more time and a chance to stir but he is becoming impatient and thinks that she is playing some type of game with him. Fifteen minutes passes by and the look on his face tells it all. It's time to act and finish this scene. He walks over to the well, pulls up a fresh bucket of water. He reaches into the pocket and his hand is instantly cold; he swipes his face to wake himself up and to get him energized to what needs to be done. He carries it back to the railing and tilts it back; with a push, he sends the ice cold contents out of the bucket and they land on her back with a loud splash. Instantly, she wakes up, from the void, and stands up to face her so called Dom for irritating the shit out of her and for getting her all wet and cold. She stands and tries to turn around but notices that she is tied to the railing and can't move at all. She turns her head, and says: "What the FUCK, is your deal?" Standing there, shivering to get some heat into her limbs.

He then tells her, "I gave you some time to wake up, close to an hour but did you stir; fuck no, you just sat there in a heap. It's time to end this and get what I want!"

"And what is it, what do you want with me?" she counters.

"You will see, soon enough." he replies back with a sneer.

He walks up behind her and presses himself on to her, but she pushes back. Slowly something stirs, and she begins to feel him, his cock pressing against her. He reaches around and starts fondling her breasts, pushing them up and together.

She realizes what he wants but she isn't having it. She moves her body and shoves his hands away from her breasts... which interns him to lash out at her. He then grabs the front of her dress, with both hands, and tears it... From the neckline down to her waist exposing her cupped breasts to the world to be seen. She is horrified of what just happened and she starts to break down and fight back. Kicking out her leg in hopes to hurt him in some manner.

He steps back and laughs at her, at her attempts. He then reaches out and grabs and ankle and pulls it out so she is balancing on one leg. He then ties a rope around her ankle then proceeds to tie her tight then attach the other end to the stake that is imbedded into the ground. He secures the other leg the same, to another stake. Now she is immobilized and can't move. He then leans into her once more, letting her feel his desire along her butt/back area. He then reaches around and undue her bra clasp from the front. With a little twist, the bra comes undone and falls to the side. He reaches and grabs both melons with his hands and gropes them hard. It's been awhile and they still feel amazing in his hands. He then reaches for her nipples, and finds that they are indeed hard to the touch. He wonders why but it could be a multiple reasons why they are so fucking hard. In either case, they need to be pinched and pulled; she moans loudly when he does.

He then grinds against her, pressing himself onto her, to share with her what will happen soon. He then pulls away, digs into his pocket, and pulls out his trusty folder. He unfolds his knife and makes an incision at the bottom of her dress. He then collapses it and puts it back into his pocket.

She turns to see what he plans to do but can't make out what until he grabs the hem of the dress and pulls. It tears upwards, exposing her long legs, her black cheeky panties and up halfway to her back. As it unfolds from itself, she says: "WTF are you doing?", it comes out in a muffled shrill.

But he leans forward, and says: "Whatever the fuck I want; I told you, you are MINE!". He then grabs her by the waist and presses his hard cock between her butt cheeks and grinds. Proving his point.

He steps back and starts to press his fingers along the outside of her panty to feel her pussy. To his surprise they are moist to the touch. He then slides the fabric aside and probes inward and finds that she is indeed saturated. He pulls them out and shows his glistened fingers to her and wipes it around her mouth; he then says: "You're so wet! Guess you like this kinda thing; it turns you on; your definitely a cum slut! And want does cum sluts want, hmm (toying with her) they want cum (with a laugh). Don't worry, I will give you what you want slut!"

"So what if I am wet; you can do whatever you want with this body but you will never have ME!", she grumbles out through the rope.

He then leans forward and whispers into her ear, "Let's see..."

And with that, he unbuttons his pants, and pulls his boxers down, holds his hard cock and rubs it against her entrance. He is glistening the tip of his cock with her juices and she tries to steer away from it. He then grabs her waist, finds her entrance and slides fully into her with one stroke. She whimpers a bit, feeling all of him in one moment. Then he grabs her waist with both hands and begins to pump in and out of her.