Dark Weres Ch. 03


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Lavinia glared at him. She opened her mouth, but remembered, he didn't permit her to speak. She closed her moth and listened. Jebutu paused. "Come here, Kitty. Kneel before me." He ordered. Spreading his thighs, he made room for her to kneel directly in front of him. Her expected resistance, and was surprised when she complied so quickly. Looking deep in her eyes, he saw anger and distrust, and it hurt. However, one day he knew he would see something else in her eyes, so for now he'd be patient. He exhaled and continued to speak.

"I want you to think of a word or gesture that your will always remember. It's important Kitty, because this word will be the word you say when I have pushed you too far. Think about it tonight and tomorrow before I leave, I need you to tell me that word." Lavinia nodded.

She wanted to asked, but she knew he was referring to what was termed a safe word. She was not completely clueless.

She simply nodded and did not talk back. Jebutu sighed. Reaching out, he stroked her cheek as she leaned into his hand. Leaning forward from where he sat, he kissed her forehead and Lavinia gasped. The moment was so tender, so sweet. She sighed and felt a sense of warmth that she had never felt before.

"Kitty, it's time to bathe. Come." He ordered. Jebutu walked off expecting her you follow. He was well aware that a part of her was still defiant. He would truly enjoy taming this willful woman.

Lavinia looked at him wanting to defy him but fearing another punishment. She stood and moved. Jebutu asked her a question. "Do you want me the bathe you, Kitty?" she did not answer. A part of her screamed yes, because for some reason she craved his touch; but the other part was still resisting. He might win, but she would not give in so easily.

Jebutu crossed his arms and faced her. His displeasure at her refusal to comply was written all of his face. "Kitty, answer me when I ask a question. If you don't I will punish you again. Now, do you want me to bathe you?" He asked once more.

Sniffling Lavinia held her face up and answered, her eyes clearly defiant. "No, I would like to bath alone."

"Fine, you can bathe after you wash me then." Jebutu declared. "Run my water."

At first she did not move. He waited, and she complied. Moving slowly, Lavinia ran a tub full of warm water as Jebutu undressed. She looked away. "Are you shy, Kitty? You've seen me before." He whispered.

Lavinia looked at him. Standing nearly seven feet tall, dark chocolate skin, well defined muscles rippling through his thick frame. His body dusted with dark hair that covered the his chest. She refused to let her eyes move south. She knew what she'd find. Of the many men she had lain who, this man nearly ruined her for all others. She knew he was well-endowed. Not only was he well-endowed, but also very gifted.

She was aroused, and Jebutu knew it. He scented it on her. She was fighting it. She did not want to be turned on by him. Stepping into the tub he issued one order. "Wash me." Lavinia picked up his sponge and applied the gel he used. She began to soap is body. Jebutu loved the feel of his mate's hands on his body. His breath quickened. Her heart raced. He had to keep himself under control He stopped her hands and ordered her from the room. Lavinia looked at him, pure desire shone in her eyes. "Kitty, go." He demanded. She stood and walked out. Jebutu closed his eyes and grabbed his cock. Stroking himself to completion, he sighed her name.

Climbing from the tub, he cleaned away his residue. Lavinia was sitting in the dining room waiting for him. Jebutu watched her. Her skin glistened as a light sheen of sweat covered her brow. She frowned a little and he knew she was perturbed. She was used to being in control, manipulating others, but here she was out of her element. Lavinia was beautiful and often he was awed by the sight of her. Would he tell her how she fascinated him, one day? However, he would not tell her now.

Shaking his thoughts, he addressed his aggravated mate. "It's all yours Kitty. You have fifteen minutes." Then he went into the bedroom. Lavinia took a quick bath and joined him in the bedroom a few minutes later. Jebutu lay in the bed and she hesitated. Then she thought, if all he wanted was sex, maybe she could convince him to let her go.

Jebutu moved aside and told her to join him. As she lay down, she reached for him. Jebutu grabbed her wrist.

"No, I don't want this, not now." He hissed. He handcuffed her to the headboard, turned his back on her and told her. "Good night, Kitty. Sweet Dreams." Then he went to sleep.

The next morning, Lavinia knew to get up and prepare breakfast for them. It was almost instinctual. The first morning, Jebutu was a bit hesitant in eating, but he ate to show her his trust. "Kitty, breakfast was delicious. Did you think of what I asked for?" He asked. Lavinia nodded.

"Lilac" Lavinia whispered. "I want to use lilac." She stated. Jebutu swas silent and wondered why that word. Lavinia spoke no more, but she remembered hiding in the Alpha Madam's flowers as a young girl, when her mother was on a tear or her father was being extremely mean. The lilacs were beautiful and for some reaon whe she thought of them, they calmed her.

Jebutu nodded, and prepared to leae, "Lilacs, it is then. Kitty, give me a hug." He ordered. Lavinia hugged him lightly before he walked out of the door.

Things changed very little. Lavinia still resented him for taking her freedom, and he enacted punishment as often as he felt the needto. She refused to use the word. She felt that if she did, then he'd see that as a weakness. Several nights passed and she would approach him, and he looked at her with disgust. Soon she got the message. Jebutu did not want her. He hated her as did everyone else. She was alone, forgotten. At first, alone with her own thoughts, Lavinia plotted revenge. But each night, alone with just him and talking she relaxed and her thoughts began to change, and a small part of her grew to love the sense of security he provided. Then more time passed.

Each day, Lavinia read more pages in the book he made for her. At first she was annoyed with him, then she realized that he made the book. The words on the pages were for her personally. As she read it, she heard his voice explaining things. Every night he came to the cabin, and they followed the same routine. He would ask her about her day, and then order her to prepare their meal. Then they would bath and sleep. Jebutu outlined his rules as her master. He never veered from the guidelines that he set. She learned not to try and manipulate him. She was feisty and one night his punishment almost broke her. Lavinia went all out.

"Jebutu, I know you. You've had me here for weeks and I know what you need." She whispered. He was naked and in the tub. He was stock still. As Lavinia took his lack of movement as his consent, she caressed his stiffening cock. Jebutu opened his mouth to stop her, but the feel of her touching his overheated flesh overwhelmed his senses.

"Come on, Jebutu. Let's end this ridiculous game. I'll admit I was wrong in what I said and we can fuck each others brains out." The sultry seductress whispered.

He had to maintain control, and grabbing her wrist with enough pressure to force her to gasp, Jebutu reminded her of the conditions of her stay. He shoved her away from him.

"I say when and if we have sex. You are a slut. You will screw anything or anyone with a hard dick. I don't want a slut. I want a woman. You are not my woman yet. You are not cleansed. You disgust me. Get out." He shoved her away. Lavinia was hurt. She didn't understand why his words hurt. She'd been called much worst by many. However, him saying those things when it was only the two of them hurt her. She stood and fled from the room.

Jebutu climbed from the tub, his heart breaking at the sheer look of pain that crossed her beautiful face. Lavinia was not any of the things that he called her. She was his mate, but she was still too willful. She needed to be broken.

Exiting the bathroom, he called out to her. She came, her face a mask of sheer disdain. "Get in here now," He ordered, pointing to his private room.

Lavinia knew it was pointless to refuse. He was angry, and tonight she feared, she'd have to use the word. They entered the room and he had her sit. "Kitty, I am sorry. What I said to you was cruel and mean. You are not a slut. You are not worthless. You are so much more than you believe you are." Jebutu sighed. "Tonight, I went too far. You have no need to ever fear me, Kitty. I will protect you. I will keep you safe. No one will dare use you again." He was aware of abuse she suffered from their talks. He also knew that she often used her body as leverage to get her way.

Lavinia waited a few minutes. Then she looked at him. In that moment, she felt something. With him, she was safe. With him, she could breath. With him, she was not alone. "Sire, I'm ready for my punishment." She said softly.

Jebutu watched her. "Kitty, undress." Slowly, Lavinia removed her robe, because she wore nothing underneath. Jebutu sat before her admiring her beauty. Placing his hands on her waist, he pulled her close. Lavinia flowed into his embrace. Jebutu held her close, caressing her naked skin. "I want you to accept me Kitty. I want you to believe that we can be together. I want you to know that I'm all you need. I want you." She hated to admit, but what he described was what she secretly craved.

Lavinia knew she was a vain woman, but for him she could be different. He was often short with her, but he never looked at her as if she was just to be used, at least not until the first night he had her brought to him.

After a few months, she read more about his vision for them. So captivated was she by his words, she almost finished the book before she realized, the day was done. She wondered, how would he react if she was waiting for him when he arrived. She smiled, and when he drove up, she moved to the door and kneeled. Jebutu smiled at her and whispered, "Good job, Kitty."

Those three words made her feel a sense of joy. Lavinia learned to be waiting for him. When he arrived she prepared their meal, she bathe him and waited until he washed her. Each night as she waited, wishing he would touch her he'd whisper, "Good night, Kitty." And then sleep.

More time had passed since their new relationship had started. Secretly, Lavinia liked it. Jebutu took care of her every need, all she had to do was please him. Lavinia looked forward to him coming home. At first, being way from the compound worried her. She tried everything she could to go back.

One night, she asked if she could go see her sister. Jebutu frowned. He had already told her no and do not ask to go back again,. He would tell her when she could return to the compound. Realizing her error, Lavinia tried to apologize immediately, but he was not listening. He ordered her to read to him from the book. Lavinia wanted to refuse, but he frowned and she knew she was about to receive another punishment.

"Read rules one through ten" He ordered.

Part Three: Kitty's Role

I will always be honest and respectful to Sire. Even when I think he's in the wrong, I will be respectful in my tone, actions, and mannerisms.

I am always in submission to Sire whether he is present or, not. I will be ready to please Him at any time, in any place, under any circumstances.

The relationship that I have with Sire is my primary relationship. He is all I need.

I trust him, my Sire. I trust his skill, his concern for my safety, my emotional, psychological, social, sexual and physical heath. If at any point I find that I do not trust him, I can tell him my fears and he will help me regain my trust.

I must always give thanks to Sire for all I am given. This includes gifts, privileges and punishments and of course, gifts.

I will confess any transgressions I may have made to Sire and he will decide if such violations require punishment. I must accept whatever decision he makes and thank him for his choice.

It's OK to cry, to be free with my Sire. He will keep me safe.

It is important for me to eat properly and make sure that I am drinking enough fluid, and take care of my body. Sire wants the best for me.

I will always listen with interest in whatever my Sire has to say. He is teaching me and I want to learn all that I can from him so I can understand more about him, about me, about our relationship.

Sire will give me tasks that to be completed each day. I am to follow his list, make my own or a combination of both before he comes home from work.

I will obey him in all things, at all times, and he will take care of all of my needs. She closed the book and dropped her head. She angered him. She hated disappointing him.

"Look at me, Lavinia. I know this is hard on you, but believe it or not, I had to do something to save you from yourself." Jebutu whispered. He looked at her. She had become better. He knew she was still thinking of ways to escape, and he admired that in her. He didn't want her broken, just bent. The thing was she threatened a baby. Father was done, and this was her only shot at remaining with them. He did not want to have to leave, but if Lavinia was banned, then he would have no choice.

Lavinia did not speak, but she already knew. She had no pack and as soon as he was done with her, she'd be banned. or maybe worse. Jebutu wnet back intohis role.

"Come, Kitty." He escorted her back into the room that he called his office. She hesitated but followed. "You tried to defy me and must be punished. You've read your roles once again. Tonight you will think about it. Lift your arms." He clamped her wrist. Hanging from the ceiling, Jebutu placed a wooden block beneath her feet. "Tonight, you sleep standing. Think about what you have done. I will see you in the morning."

He walked out. Lavinia prayed this was only for a few hours and she waited. Her arms hurt. Her back ached. She was cold. It wasn't freezing but chilly. She dozed and awoke with a sharp pain in her neck. Jebutu entered, He looked as if he barely slept as well. He stopped in front of her. "You must learn, Kitty. My patience runs thin." Unclamping her, he helped her walk to the bathroom. Sitting her on the counter, he inspected her body. Her wrist were rubbed raw from the clamps. She moved to the toilet and relieved herself immediately, but otherwise she was fine. She glared at him, and he chose not to remind her of her role. Instead, he bathe her and made sure she had a healthy breakfast.

Before leaving, Jebutu in an unusual move pulled her into his arms and held her close. He scented her. Lavinia loved how warm he felt and then hated herself for wanting to fell his embrace; he was holding her prisoner. He let go and looked into her eyes. She saw something in his eyes. It was something she had never seen when someone looked at her before. As quickly as she saw it, it vanished.

"Today, Kitty, I want you to clean. I expect the cabin to be spotless when I return. If you do a good job, I'll have a surprise for you." He kissed her gently, and then locking the door behind him once more, he left.

Lavinia went to work. For some reason, she wanted to make him happy. She thought long and hard about what she read, and he was not asking for too much. Since he brought her here, he did everything he could to keep her happy. Anything she said she wanted, he brought to her. The only thing was she would not let her go back home. He told her that he had his reasons. She knew she went too far with her actions.

Weeks passed and he began to show her that he trusted her. At first, she tested him and went outside, but Jebutu did not punish her. He actually smiled and told her that despite how she felt, she was not his prisoner. Lavinia had free reign at the cabin, and each day, he gifted her. Over time, he never punished her as severely as he had when she first arrived, because mostly he praised her, telling her she was beautiful, and sweet.

The first night he gave her freedom and she was waiting for him, he smiled and thanked her for trusting him. Something blossomed inside her at his praise. She knew she'd do whatever it took to make him smile at her from then on. Jebutu saw the part of her that she had hidden; for years the innocent sweet side that many tried to destroy. When she first came, each day she was leashed and could not travel farther than the bathroom in his absence. Now during the day, he no longer tied her, but let her roam freely. At first, she thought to run, but was afraid.

At night, he encouraged her to talk and he listened. She recalled some hard memories and he held her as she cried. He cared and for the first time, in a long time, she felt safe. With him, she found sanctuary. Months ago if anyone would have suggested such a thing, the old Lavinia would have scoffed at them. But now, with Jebutu, she was content. When he arrived she prepared their meal, she bathe him and waited until he washed her. Each night as she lay down, she hoped he would not chain her; so far he no longer did.

Then one night, he came and brought a female beta with him. Lavinia was hurt. He never touched her and now he brought in someone new. Jebutu saw the hurt in her eyes and knew he had to reassure her that she was it for him. The young woman carried her bags to the sofa and sat. She did not look at Lavinia nor even acknowledge her presence. Lavinia wanted to confront her, but Jebutu demanded her attention instead. He told her he was leaving for about a week and the young woman would keep her company.

"Come Kitty." He ordered.

She followed him, leaving the young woman in the front of the house. She entered their bedroom before him, and he closed the door. She faced him, her eyes accusing. But she did not say a word. If he wanted the other woman, she was not sure if she could accept it. He lifted his hand to her and she backed away.

Stepping towards her and pulling her into his arms, Jebutu kissed her. "Lavinia, I need you." He whispered.

She melted. Slowly he removed her top, tasting her skin. Her body hummed for him as she moved to remove the rest of her clothes. "No, let me." He ordered. He undressed her and lifted her, gently covering her body with his. "Tonight, I mark you Kitty. You belong to me, and only me." He then kissed and nipped her skin. Leaving marks all over her nape, neck, breast, stomach. He caressed her mound that was lightly dusted with a dark bush and he smiled. He looked into her eyes cupped her sex and whispered one word, Mine Lavinia came, just on his command. Jebutu was still dressed, for he was about to leave, but he stroked her to another climax and then kissed her once more.

When she came a second time, he moved to leave, but she held on. "I'll be back soon. I promise." He pulled out a small phone. "Do not call anyone else. Only I have this number, If it rings, answer. Kitty, Bey is here so you won't have to be alone. There is nothing between us. You are all I have ever wanted, Kitty. You are the only woman I will ever need. If you need anything ask her." He kissed her once more and whispered, "Rest." Covering her body, he walked out.

Bey smiled. It was obvious what he and Lavinia were up to. "Don't let her trick you. She is very crafty. Take care of her until I return." He ordered. The young beta nodded. Then he drove off. Bey was surprised when he called and asked her for a favor. She accepted immediately. She was curious about his cabin and his guest that everyone knew was there.


The town was having another celebration. So much had changed in a short time. Chief Joe was gone, as was Keamon. They were sorely missed. With the passing of time, new matings had occurred. Ja'Mal was implementing new changes in pack security. As well as helping Donald acclimate to his new environment. Also they had two knew pack members, in Kiana and Quentin. Quentin proved to be a great asset. He was ex-military and a great help in training warriors. His mate, Kiana, was a fantastic leader and made sure the females were trained as well.