Dark Weres Ch. 08


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LaTonya opened the door for him and Kas felt like she was punched in the gut. He wore a charcoal suit with a lavender shirt and charcoal and lavender print tie. His outfit complimented her perfectly. He also shaved and sported a neat goatee. Kas's heart raced and then he smiled. Whatever doubts she had evaporated in that moment.

"Kas, you look beautiful." Damian murmured. He took her hand, kissed it gently. Placing his hand on waist, he escorted her from the apartment. Tasha and LaTonya squealed as they left.

Damian and Kas enjoyed the movie that he selected. Kas did not want to go to a club. So, Damian asked if she would visit his home. She agreed. It was at the compound and she felt safe with him.

They drove back home and went inside for cocktails. The two talked.

"Ms. Elizabeth Knight was no joke," he teased.

Kas laughed, "Once when I was ten, I decided to flex my muscles. I ordered some of the guys from the pack to help me build a fort. Ryelle and Jebutu helped. Being the oldest, I could easily manipulate those two. Somehow Abettia found out and told momma. As I was in the woods issuing orders, reminding everyone that I was the oldest Aloha son, Momma walked up." He chuckled. "Let's just say, she knocked the wind out of my sails that day."

Damian remembered both Ryelle and Jebutu sneaking over that night to check on him. They feared Ms. Lizzie would kill him.

Kas laughed, "My mom, well, you met her. She did the best she could for me. Thank God for Ms. Nancy though. Now, that lady was my rock. She took me in when I was six years old, raised me really." She stopped talking recalling the dark times.

Damian waited. Those days were over for her. She whenever had to be afraid, or feel alone again. He would give his all to keep her and their children safe.

"Kasandra, you are safe here with me. I'll never let anyone hurt you." He whispered. She even shared stories about growing up with Tasha and Lugz. He realized that as she talked about them, they were more than her friends; they were family. Damian understood them better. Tasha often came across as being one way, when really she was really sensitive. Lugz was a great guy, and his respect for the young man grew.

They talked for hours. Kas was careful not to reveal anything personal about her friends. He suspected that Lugz had a reading problem, but out of respect for her friendship with him, he didn't bring it up. In a special moment, he actually shared with her that Mr. Kent liked Lugz and was impressed with how quickly he caught on. This pleased Kas and she would share it with Tasha. Soon the night grew late and she needed to get back home. Ryelle had not returned and Damian knew he was probably visiting with Tasha. He'd see him when he dropped her off.

"Come on," he whispered. "Let me drive you home." They were being watched. Gina followed them. She stayed hidden, but she watched. What did that ugly human have that she did not. For years, she and Damian shared a special relationship, or so she thought. Then all of a sudden, he ends things with her. He tells her he found his mate. She should have been his mate. That woman, Kas, did not deserve him. Maybe Zena had a point. She needed to get to know this woman so she could sabotage their relationship.

Gina stayed hidden as Damian and Kas drove off, then she returned to her apartment. Her roommate was sleeping, so she too then went to bed.

Damian arrived at Kas's apartment and escorted her to the door. Soon he walked her inside. Of course everyone was waiting, so he went inside and faced everyone. Soon he had to leave, and gently kissed his date good night. Lugz asked to be dropped off, and Ryelle told him he'd see him at home. Ryelle kissed Tasha as Lugz gave his lady love, LaTonya, a good night kiss as well.

The next day at work, Damian started giving her little gifts. The first thing he did was bring her flowers. Kas took them and thanked them then challenged him to a b-ball game after work. She beat him and the guys teased him. He accepted the challenge, but became agitated when she seemed determined to act as if nothing between them had changed.

Other than the night they went out, she never wore skirts or dresses. That was understandable with her job, but Damian wanted to give her a desk job in his office that she flat out refused. When the other females dressed feminine, Kas would throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She Tasha and LaTonya often joked about it, but Damian was concerned. She was so lovely; she did not need to hide her beauty. Often, when he would ask her to dress up, they argued. He tried to leave it alone. The pack watched and often his mother warned him, as did his father and step father.

Damian was out with the group when Gina came around. He ignored her but was aware that she was watching him closely. Gina was with her friend, Zena, but her eyes never left Damian or Kas. Having spoken with Gina earlier, Damian feared she might try and cause a scene. Kas would not like that. So as the night grew later, Kas, Tasha, and LaTonya went home. Gina followed him.

Kas needed to tell him something when she went back and saw him with the other female. She shut down, and the three girls returned home in silence. Tasha wanted to know what happened, but LaTonya suspected it had something to do with Zena or Gina.

"Kas, he cares about you. Don't let that other female mess with your head." She encouraged. Tasha went silent. If Damian was trying to play her friend, then he had another think coming. Tomorrow at breakfast, she had words for that man. She may have been Jerome's fool for years, but nobody was walking over Kas.

After the girls had left, Damian knew he had to deal with Gina. "Gina, I have my mate now. I'm sorry if you are somehow hurt, but she is it for me. Please go on and find another male to focus on." Damian stated, facing the beautiful girl before him.

"That's it." Gina sighed . "After all of these years, we are over."

"Yes, now leave me alone." Damian demanded once more.

Gina stared at him lost for words. In all of the years, she never expected him to cut her lose so easily. True, he never pretended what they shared was more than just physical, but still. She turned and walked away. This was not over. She would not give him up so easily.

The next day at work, Kas was short with him. Calling her to his office, he demanded to know why she was pissed. He did not do anything.

She looked at him and said, "I have seen the way you guys operate here. I ain't the one. Look, I like you, but if you want someone else, then step. I saw you with that girl last night. She looked like the kind of girl you want. I'll never be that. So, go get her and leave me alone." Kas walked out.

Damian's wolf growled at him. She is our mate. Don't you dare let her walk away from us. Let me out. I'll make her submit. We need to mark her. He ignored his beast and left the office. Kas was pissed and he was tired as well. She was perfect, and all he wanted was to let people know that she belonged to him. Why does she have to be so damn stubborn?

The look on her face said it all. She was upset. He started to speak, but he knew it would make the situation worse. Damian left his office. He needed to think. What girl was she talking about? Other than her the only female he addressed was Gina, and she had left at that point. Damian shifted and ran. He needed to think. Kas was driving him insane. He was constantly aroused and she wasn't even trying to turn him on. She didn't reveal any skin, covered her body, and did not act feminine at all. But she wore the sweetest cologne that matched her scent of pressed roses. She was all he thought of. He kept messing up and she was done with him.

As he ran, Gina joined him. He did not want her; he wanted Kas. Shifting back he spoke to Gina. "What now, Gina? I don't want to hurt you feelings, but you are not my mate. You know this Gina. I know we have a past, but that's all we have. Kas is it for me. I blew it with her. She thinks I want you. She will leave me and I don't know if..." He stopped.

Gina looked at him incredulously. "She's human, a mere human!" She scoffed and then confessed. "This is un-freaking-believable. Personally, I like Kas. In any other circumstance, I'd really like to become good friends with her." She rattled on. Damian frowned. Something was odd about that statement. Gina continued, "I wanted to hate her, but Kas is a great person. She has never done anything to me, and quite frankly, if she were a she wolf, then I would gladly step aside. But she isn't a wolf, Damian. I have spent the last twelve years being what you want, or what you said you wanted. I know the mate pull cannot be denied, but in all honesty, I feel cheated. I'll back off. I will leave you be, but I'm not the only one that has an issue. The next female may not step down so easily. If she is truly your mate, then you need to claim her. I'll talk to Kas. We are not really friends, but I will back off. I'm not a threat and I'll tell her that. She cares about you Damian or she would not be so upset." The two shifted back and returned to the compound. Gina went home and Damian went to see Jebutu.

Kas was at work, but she was distracted. "Want us to kick his ass? We'll get Lugz to hold him and beat him up for you."One of her friends offered.

Kas laughed as she pictured her friend and these guys getting whopped by her boyfriend. "Naw, you have to live here. I don't. I'll go home." Kas took a deep breath. "Ms. Nancy is ok. Tasha and Lugz have a home now. I can take care of myself." She humped her shoulders. For years, she had to take care of herself. This was just another phase in her life.

The guys froze. They looked at each other. Kas was not leaving. A lower beta sent frantically. Alpha, Kas wants to leave. Something needs to be done about Damian.

Alphonso heard enough, he called his son to his office.

At this time, Gina was back at home. She had taken the day off of work because she needed to deal with her lingering feelings for Damian. She had closure now and could let him go. She was surprised to realize that she was no longer jealous. She actually liked Kas. Kas was down to earth. She didn't put on a front, and Gina knew that quality attracted Damian more than most. She was genuine. Even though she was human, she possessed the qualities of a wolf. She would defend those that she loved. Gina sighed. She would get to know her now, not to get back into Damian's life, but because Kas was someone she really wanted to know.

Some were aware of Damian trying to get her to take an easier job, a more feminine job, and she told him take her as she was or move on. Damian was a great guy and he deserved to be happy. So, because of this fact, she would talk to Kas and let her know that she was not competition. Soon someone knocked bringing her out of her thoughts. Gina opened her door and groaned silently.

"Zena, what's up, girl?" She asked stepping aside to let her friend in.

Zena laughed. "I saw you go after him" She sniffed. "You didn't let him mount you? Girl you are slipping. Look, tomorrow I'm going to invite Tasha to go to town with me. She doesn't trust me yet. You think she's listening to that bitch, Lavinia." She exhaled. "I'm going to get her to trust me. Maybe I need to befriend the old lady first. You've met her. Ms. Nettie, right."

Gina was careful. She had met Ms. Nancy, last month the old lady asked her to sit. She told her a story about meeting her husband. Before she met him, she actually went after another guy. That guy was the worst mistake she ever made. Her husband came along and saved her life. She never saw the other man gain and that was over forty years ago. The story made Gina think. She wanted Damian, but he was not really hers. Besides Damian was a nice guy. He didn't deserve to be cheated out of his mate.

Gina spoke her thoughts. "Zena, think about this. It could cause serious problems for you."

Zena glared at her friends. "You mean us. If I fail, I'm dragging your name in it. Your precious Damian will know you helped me and what will he think of you then?" Zena hissed.

Gina swallowed as Zena sat on her sofa and disclosed her plan to befriend Tasha so she could get rid of her. Gina didn't like this, but Zena was her friend. She had to try to get her to see reason.


Kas worked by herself. She wanted to be left alone. She didn't talk and the guys were concerned. Kas was hurt because she really liked Damian, but he was like so many other guys and wanted her to change. Alphonso sat in his office. He knew if something did not change, she would try to go back home. He could not allow that to happen. Not that he had the right to refuse her request but the fact that this was home now. He loved having her here. Tasha and Lee-John would want to follow and Nancy would be torn as well. Damian had to get his stuff together. Alphonso sighed. There was one person that could make Damian listen. He shook his head. No, he'd handle this one. If he didn't get through, then he'd call in the big guns, Elizabeth.

The guys all gathered to eat and Kas was about to find an excuse not to join them. Then Alphonso stopped by the office. He smiled and asked Kas to join him for lunch. "I came to join Damian, but he has vanished on me. I'm pretty sure it is something he will figure out. However, my dear, I'd love to eat lunch in the company of a lovely young woman."

Kas smiled and joined him. "Thank you, Alpha. I'm not sure if I will be good company though." Then she thought. Now would be a great time to talk to him about going home. She could call her Mom tonight, and be back home within a few days.

Kas accompanied Alphonso to the dining hall, and they were served immediately. Some wolves watched speculatively. Alphonso sent, She is my daughter. Any of you start rumors, and your heads will roll The wolves diverted their attention quickly. Kas was aware of a brief tension and then it eased. As they ate, she broached subject of going back home.

Kas sighed, "Alpha Alphonso, I want you to know I'm grateful that you let me visit, but I think it's time for me to go back home. I'm calling my Mom to see if I can move back in. I have to take care of myself."

Alphonso was silent. "Kasandra, what about Tasha, Lee-John, and Nancy? They need you here for them." He explained, biting into his sandwich. As he chewed, Kas told him her practiced speech about how they were family and had each other. She was not really needed. Alphonso knew her decision had nothing to do with her loved ones, but everything to do with his bone-headed son.

Alphonso listened and then asked her to stay for another week at least and if she still wanted to leave, he'd help her find an apartment and make sure the pack covered her expenses. Lunch ended, and Kas had to report back to work. Alphonso had to deal with his too stub born son. Damian, get to my office, now! Damian rushed into his father's office. "What is wrong with you? That woman is amazing. You are being foolish."

"Father, she is so beautiful I want be able to protect her, care for her. She does my job better than me. The other males are always around her and even though she has no clue they want her. I've seen them touching her, trying to be near her. She dismisses it as nothing. But wolves are not like human. What if they. If they force her, father I will hurt them. But Kasandra won't listen and when I try to lead her to safer post, she thinks I am ashamed of her. That is not true. I love her and want her safe." Damian concluded.

Alphonso listened and nodded. "She has always had to take care of herself, Damian. She has always had to fight. You are approaching her the wrong way. Step back son and watch. See what she needs and be that for her." Alphonso suggested. "It really does not matter. She asked to return home today. I may have to let her go."

"What? Hell no!" Damian stormed from his father's office to Kas's apartment. She was not home. He feared he knew where she was. He searched and found her drinking beers with guys from the job. Approaching he growled, the guy made themselves scarce.

Kas faced this angry man. Her heart raced, but she was not putting up with his bullshit. "How much have you drunk?" he demanded.

"You ain't my daddy? Back up." Kas replied glaring at him. Her heart was racing. He looked so damn good. No man should be that damn good looking.

Damian needed to explain, "No, you will listen to me. You are not leaving. We will talk about this. Kas, I never approached another woman. I'm not sure what you saw, but it was not me trying to get with someone else." She turned away.

Then she hurled back around to face him. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You made yourself clear earlier. I don't have anything to say to you." She turned to walk off when he grabbed her waist. Turning her quickly, he kissed her. She fought at first and then she melted. The kiss melted away any resistance that she had and his arms encased her perfectly. Her body was firm, and molded into his frame. Damian knew they were alone and he wanted her, but she might freak at the thought of sex on a beach with him.

Breaking the kiss, he stared into her eyes, eyes heated with passion, he didn't want to give her time to think, or reason. "Kas, please, come with me."

She started to refuse, "No, baby please. Let's talk. That's all. I promise." He fibbed.

Kas nodded. She knew more would happen, but she admitted to herself that she wanted him.Ryelle, if you are home, Leave! he sent.

Ryelle laughed, I'm not, but I will be later. He replied.

Damian took Kas to his apartment. She walked in and he offered her a seat. Sitting beside her on the sofa he looked at this woman, his woman. She took his breath away. Even dressed the way she was, she was still beautiful. "I'm sorry, Kas. I was wrong. I had no right to try and change you or choose the job I wanted you to have. It's just that this has never happened to me before and I did not handle it well."

Kas was curious, "What happened with Gina?" She stepped away. She waited, His answer meant everything to her.

"Nothing, you can ask her. We used to be involved, but that was years ago. She is really just a woman I used to date." Damian explained. His heart beat a tattoo in his chest. He had to make her understand that Gina was a nonissue. She looked at him. Crossing her arms, she spoke.

"I like working in maintenance, wearing comfortable in jeans. I can't be like Gina or LaTonya. I can't be what you want." She said softly.

"Listen Kas, baby. I'm sorry. I've never fallen in love so completely before. I've never wanted to be someone's everything. You know about wolves, and that we mate for life. Kas, you are my mate. You are everything I have ever wanted." Damian explained.

Kas stood. "I'm leaving. I'm going home in a week. You don't have to do this. I'll be out of your hair by next week." He kissed her. She had no choice but to respond. Her body reacted to him with her even thinking.

Something took over and she ripped his jacket and shirt from his body. Not to be deterred, Damian made short work of her clothing as well. Within seconds, he was lifting her body, entering her. Both moaned at the sensation. Kas had never felt so full, and Damian had never experienced a woman that was so tight, so hot. He waited, allowing her body to become accustomed to his girth. Kas moaned and begged him to move. Never one to deny her, Damian, moved in and out of his woman. His wolf howled. He fought to control the beast, but the animal would not be denied.

He warned the beast that she was human to be careful but Kas was even more aggressive than he was.

Shifting their bodies, she straddled him riding his cock passionately. Damian could not utter a word only groan at her sensual assault. His animal rose; he needed to claim his woman. Damian fought the animal down. He needed to ask; she had to be sure.