Darkest Before the Dawn Ch. 06


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Pool fun done, the two men climbed out, and towelled off quickly. Kirk hummed a tune about 'ebony and ivory' as he set up the equipment for the next event.

"What's next old man?" Crepuscolo asked. "Another run?"

"You wish young stuff!" He said with a smirk. "Come on over, I need you to spot me."

Kirk laid down on the bench, his weights all set up and ready to go. Crepuscolo stood over his friend, as he looked down.

"I don't want to break your concentration, but I must warn you, I'm not wearing any underwear." He said this completely deadpan.

Kirk ignored the baiting, and crunched out a set, then switched places with Crepuscolo. Once he was in position Kirk spoke up.

"How are you hanging in there young stuff?" Kirk said.

"I'm hanging in fine." Crepuscolo grunted. "I used to think you were crazy, but now I see you're nuts!"

Dawn watched the two men do a set, increase the weight, then starting again. She knew that Crepuscolo was not going to succeed in this challenge, but watching him try was getting her wetter and wetter. An idea formed in her head; reaching over the desk, she set up a webcam under the table.

Crepuscolo was starting to feel the strain. He worked his upper body often, but not to the extent Kirk was pushing him too. He had a feeling that he was headed towards a painful defeat.

He looked down at Kirk, who was finishing up his set, the weight he used was higher than any he'd done before.

"Done!" Kirk said standing up. "Are you ready?"

With a grunt Crepuscolo swapped spots with Kirk, then set his hands on the bar and lifted. His heart was pounding incredibly fast, sweat dripped all across his muscled body. To calm himself, he thought about how he conquered his fears and excitements when he played basketball.

"Breath, focus, move." He thought to himself, as he pushed the bar up and down.

His arm muscles bunched then expanded, he was doing very well. He knew he'd finish this set, but doubt he could do anything heavier, or could he? Outside his fog of focus, he heard Kirk talking.

"Crepuscolo?" Kirk asked.

"Yeah?" He said back.

"Dawn is a prize." Kirk said plainly.

"She sure is!" He shouted lifting the bar again.

"That's not what I mean." Kirk said as Crepuscolo lowered the bar shakily. "Dawn is certainly precious, but she can't be earned, or won."

Crepuscolo had the bar hovering over his chest; he grunted an affirmative as he struggled to lift the weights.

"What I'm trying to say is..." Kirk said oblivious to his friends trouble below him.

"She is free to choose anyone for a partner anytime she wants." Kirk was smiling as Crepuscolo said this.

With a roar Crepuscolo set the weight back in its place and stood up, and started a cheer.

"What are you cheering for?" Kirk asked.

"We tied!" Crepuscolo said dancing. "I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I did!"

"I hate to break it to you kid, but you did eleven out of twelve." Kirk said with a smirk.

"I did not..." Crepuscolo realized that he stopped counting when Kirk spoke, and wasn't sure.

"Don't worry, we can go to the next round." Kirk's smile was from ear to ear.

"Uh, you win." Crepuscolo frowned.

"Didn't you listen to my rant about there being no prize." Kirk looked confused as he spoke.

"Sure, sure." Crepuscolo said rubbing his arms. "But where's the fun in that?"

Kirk couldn't help but laugh as he watched Crepuscolo re-applying the oil on his chest, arms, and legs.

Kirk than asked. "Those were the two challenges. You won one, and I won the other."

"I have an idea for a third tie-breaker." He said setting down the bottle and stepping towards Kirk.

"Out with it!" Kirk said frustrated.

Crepuscolo put his hands on Kirk trying to put him in a headlock without success.

"Wrestle!" He grunted. "First man in the pool loses!"

Kirk's last wrestling match was to the death with an insurgent in a Bagdad alleyway; he laughed at novelty as he started fighting back. He figured he could get Crepuscolo in a bear hug, walk him over to the pool, and toss him in.

"You're too slippery!" Kirk shouted.

Crepuscolo laughed and tried again to put Kirk into a wrestling hold. The oil he applied worked marvellously, he repeatedly escape Kirk, but he wasn't able to overwhelm him.

The two men quickly ended up on the grass next to the pool, neither able to get the edge over the other. Dawn was putting on a show of her own; with one hand holding her bathing suit aside, she strummed away at her clitoris as fast and as hard as she could.

"I will give myself to the winner!" She said to the camera, as she edged herself towards orgasm.

Kirk had found a solution to his dilemma, Crepuscolo was slick from that oil all over, with one exception!

"What are you doing old man!" Crepuscolo gasped as Kirk put his hands on his hips, and pulled.

Kirk didn't reply, he was fighting to pull those shorts off as fast as he could. Crepuscolo couldn't help but laugh as he realized he wasn't going to keep his shorts on.

"You weren't wearing underwear!" Kirk laughed as he exposed his friend.

"I told you so!" Crepuscolo replied, he was now wearing just his socks and shoes.

Crepuscolo was a grower not a shower, his man meat flopped about as his shorts were torn from him, and now that he was naked, he didn't have time to dwell on it. He launched at him, shorts or not, he was determined to win.

Kirk had other plans, he wrapped his arms around his taller, darker friend's waist, and wouldn't let go. He held Crepuscolo's mid-section close to himself, oblivious that his friends penis was crushed against his body.

"No!" Crepuscolo called out, his arms swinging. "Stop!"

Kirk didn't listen as he propped him up to his shoulder, Crepuscolo's manhood pressed against his shoulder. Two small steps and he was at the pool. Crepuscolo fought feebly, he lacked any sort of anchor to push against. There was only one option left.

Dawn orgasmed heavily when she saw Crepuscolo land in the water. Breathing deeply she watched the rest of the show. In the back of her mind, she secretly hoped Crepuscolo would win...

"Maybe I'll make it up to him some day?" She thought to herself.

Re-opening her eyes, she looked to see Kirk doing a small victory dance, followed by him offering the hand of friendship a defeated Crepuscolo.

"You did good kid!" Kirk said, hand out stretched.

"You didn't do too bad yourself old man." Crepuscolo said swimming over.

He grabbed Kirk's hand, and pulled. Kirk had his feet firmly planted, he was expecting this trick, what he didn't expect was Crepuscolo to be as sneaky as he was. Crepuscolo pulled himself partially out of the water with Kirk's help, then reached for his drawers. They were at his ankles in the blink of an eye.

"Why you little!" Kirk tried to say as Crepuscolo pulled him by his hand into the pool.

The two now naked men splashed and wrestled in the pool, the webcams catching it all.

"It was exactly what the buyers wanted!" Dawn thought to herself, as she hurried to the back yard.

When she opened the sliding door, the two men had calmed down, after climbing out of the pool, nude and wet. She wanted to bed them both right next to the pool, she was that much in heat!

"I proclaim you the victor!" She said kissing Kirk on the cheek.

The two men shook hands then smiled. Neither was erect from the fighting; Dawn ached to fix that badly. She stepped between the two men; she planned on getting to her knees, and grabbing a cock in each hand.

Kirk grabbed her by the waist, to put her on his shoulder.

"To the victor go the spoils!" He cried carrying her into the house.

Crepuscolo shook his head and laughed. He could have sworn that he saw Dawn's shaved vagina; it was as if she had pulled her bathing suit aside. After the two of them left, laughing and screaming, he pulled his shorts back on, then made his way out front to play some basketball.

Less than an hour later, Kirk and Dawn came out, dressed and quiet. Crepuscolo passed Kirk the ball, Dawn got in the car and drove off.

"You couldn't stay hard?" Crepuscolo asked smiling.

"Huh?" Kirk replied taking a shot and missing.

"I figured that after you wrestled with me naked, you'd have a good enough visual to stay erect?" Crepuscolo said.

Kirk passed the ball as he spoke. "Nah, we did a quick oral followed by a facial, with enough cock for you when you watch it later!"

The two men shared a laugh, then continued their game of free shots.

"Why don't you ever speak about your time in Afghanistan Kirk?" He asked.

"I didn't do much on that tour. I had a lazy job in the Multi-National HQ." Kirk said smiling. "Heck, I saw more action in Thailand when I had my HLTA."

"Huh?" Crepuscolo looked at Kirk confused.

"It's what the Cannucks call their mid-tour vacation." Kirk replied.

Crepuscolo felt a long-winded tale coming on, so he decided to change subjects.

"So where's Dawn off too?" Crepuscolo asked.

Kirk went silent for a long moment.

"She needs to get some groceries." He said.

Crepuscolo took a shot, getting a 3 pointer, then asked. "Why so shy? Is it cus I cock slapped you when you picked me up? Most women feel that way after I give them one, so don't sweat it."

"Dammit Crepuscolo!" Kirk said recovering the ball. "Our contest did really well. So well that Dawn is headed to the bank before it closes to cut a cheque for you folks."

Crepuscolo stopped in his tracks. Dawn owed his parents some money... a lot of money. They had invested in her real estate business heavily. He was very pleased that Dawn wasn't wasting her webcam money, she instead put it to a good use, his folks were destitute. Kirk took a shot, and missed again.

"Hey Kirk, maybe we should do a video, with just and I? That'd rake in a great deal of money?" Crepuscolo said shooting the ball into the net.

"Just you and me?" Kirk asked, as he fired the ball. It bounced off the wall and landed on the grass.

"Yeah, you'd be the catcher of course." Crepuscolo said straight face.

The two men stopped for a moment, looked at each other. After a period of silence, they both said 'nah' in unison, laughed, then continued their game.

The rest of the day went by in a blur for Crepuscolo. Before he knew it he was in bed, watching the video of him and Kirk. He had a good laugh at them goofing off, but couldn't see how it was making money.

He then watched the blowjob scene, it started with Kirk naked, with Dawn in a pair of granny panties. He remembered her wearing a bathing suit and found it odd. The scene was short, and not as lively as the others they had done. Kirk did shoot a large load on her forehead, eyelids, and nose.

Crepuscolo wanted to Jerk off, the money shot got him rock hard, and very excited, however his biceps, elbows, and forearms were on fire. He knew he'd overdone it with the weights earlier. He popped several pain relievers, then tried to sleep.

During the night, he felt Dawn snuggling up to him. He found it odd that he didn't hear Kirk beforehand, and chalked it up to exhaustion. She had her back to him, she was wearing nothing but a pair of granny panties.

Like a child on Christmas morning, Crepuscolo ran his hands up and down her body, squeezing her hips, breasts, and ass. She quietly accepted his groping as the admission price to a good nights rest.

He was finally full awake, and sporting a raging erection. He assumed that it was time for them to fuck. He slide a hand over front of her panties, with the intention of pulling them aside. His penis was already pushing on the fabric, waiting for the opportunity to go deeper.

"Crepuscolo, please don't." She pleaded quietly.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I'm tired, and on my period." She said.

"Oh? So what can we do?" He asked.

"We can sleep." She replied.

Crepuscolo tried his hardest. He was starting to get used to having her as a bed fellow, he also respected her deeply, so much that he wouldn't force himself upon her. However his penis refused to go asleep. When he wrapped his arms around her, his spear ached to stab her, and throbbed with desire.

"Can you make that thing go away?" She asked.

"I usually, uh take care of that before bed, but my arms hurt too much from the weights." He said.

"You poor dear." She said softly.

Dawn rolled over in his arms, until they faced each other. She pulled a sock over his penis and spoke.

"Hold my breasts, but don't squeeze too hard, they are tender." She said.

She gripped his manhood in what seemed like an upside-down grasp. Crepuscolo found it odd, but didn't complain. He grabbed her breasts like a drowning man clinging to a rock. He flicked her nipples until they hardened; he craved to lean forward and lick them.

"Careful!" She hissed, "They are sensitive!"

"I thought I was being careful." He whispered back.

It didn't take long before he felt that he was going to explode. Dawn sensed this, and picked up the pace. His breathing became ragged, and in the darkness of his room, he closed his eyes tightly as he squeezed her breasts harder than before.

"Aaaaahhhhh!!" He grunted as he came in the sock.

"Ssssshhhhhhh!" Dawn hissed, "I don't want you to wake Kirk!"

"Oh yeah!" He said in a normal tone.

She shushed him again as she tugged his rod, trying to tease out the last drops until it softened.

"Feel better?" She asked.

Crepuscolo didn't respond, he was already asleep.

The following night he was awoke by her presence in his bed. It felt like a déjà vu! She wore only a pair of granny panties; he was completely nude, and exhausted. When his coach saw him dragging his ass, and complaining of sore arms, he worked him extra hard.

This time, he tried to play things smarter than the previous night. Dawn offered him a handjob to shut him up, which he accepted. When she started tugging away, he made an effort not to give up his seed so fast. He thought about basketball games he had lost, and was surprised that he was still hard as she jerked away.

"Is something wrong?" She whispered to him. "You've never lasted this long before?"

"No... I don't think so?" He said holding his breath, he was close to cumming.

"You're fishing for a blowjob aren't you?" She said in a tone like she caught him with a hand in the cookie jar.

"Uh, I guess so." He stammered. "If you're up to it."

She shushed him, and admired his shyness.

"I'm tired, but I'll do it! You better finish quickly!" She said sternly.

He nodded his head, then realized that she could only see his smile in the dark. He mumbled an agreement. Dawn huffed, then flipped the blanket back. She then grabbed his manhood with her soft hand, and lowered her head to his black pole.

Crepuscolo gasped when he felt the warmth and wetness on his penis. Dawn shushed him loudly, then returned to her business. He gasped a second time, but much quieter.

Like a man who won the lotto, he couldn't believe his good fortune! It wasn't too long ago that she had very specific rules for oral sex. Now he had a hand on the back of her neck, and was praying to last long enough to savour it.

Dawn had other plans for him. She picked up the pace; no amount of sports thoughts would save him now! Her final coup de grâce was when she cradled his testicles. He didn't know how to respond to such pleasure.

"Uuunnnnhhhh!!" He grunted as silently as possible.

His eruption was like Mount St Helen's; the top of his man-volcano spewed forth its hot sperm Laval. Dawn pumped it all into her mouth, not wanting a drop to escape. When she gathered his load, she swallowed it in one go, then proceeded to lick his oozing sperm slit.

Dawn capped his volcano with a sock, then crawled back into his arms; joining him in sleep. Before sleep over-took her, she had an idea, one that would have to wait to the next time they were together.

The next several days were quiet, and lonely in Crepuscolo's bed, regardless, he could hardly believe his luck! He'd had more action in two days than the last two months! He was playing better basketball, and led in scoring at that nights game.

He came home later than usual, his game had gone into overtime. Kirk and Dawn seemed to have called it an early night. When he entered the upstairs bathroom, he found his mask and a note next to the sink. Picking up the paper he read.

Put on the mask, then go to your room.


He brushed his teeth quickly, but found using the toilet a chore, since he had an erection.

Stepping into his darkened room, he flipped the light switch, however no light came on. Confused Crepuscolo squinted into the dark, he thought he could see someone laying in his bed. He prayed it was Dawn, otherwise Kirk was going to have a very sore ass.

Not sure what to do, he stripped off his clothes, pulled back the blanket, then climbed into his bed. Dawn, or whoever was in the bed didn't stir at his snuggles. Reaching out, he felt the familiar curves he'd come to associate with his landlady, the large breasts, and erect nipples could belong to no one else.

Touching her hip, he noticed that the granny panties were gone. The moral dilemma he found himself in was difficult, and yet simple. He had her in his bed, naked... but asleep. He promised himself he'd take the opportunity when it arose, but now didn't know what to do.

Dawn was facing him, but suddenly rolled over taking the blanket with her. He sensed that this was some sort of set up, especially since she left him that mask and note.

"She's up to something." He thought. "But what is it?"

"Big K?" She said sleepily. "Is that you?"

He now KNEW this was a set up, and was more than willing to play her game! Crepuscolo grunted an agreement, something like what Kirk would say, he spooned closer to her.

Sliding a hand under her neck, he grabbed a breast, then he reached over her, to take hold of the other. His erection hadn't left from earlier, it was now aching for attention. Poking at her rear, he assumed that it would pop right in.

"Uh... that's my ass!" She said.

He didn't believe her, and pushed a little more, he felt the warmth that he assumed was her pussy. It wasn't wet, but it did engulf the head of he penis. She slid away from him, then slapped his thigh.

"Next time you'll sleep on the sofa!" She hissed at him.

Crepuscolo was surprised! Did he just have anal sex with Dawn? He didn't move his hands, his fingers still tugged on her nipples.

"You won't get milk from them, even the way you're pulling on them." Dawn said with a laugh, the anal assault apparently forgotten.

He tried again to stab at her, but was apparently off the mark. He figured he was poking at her leg or ass cheek.

"A little lost?" She asked playfully. "Let me help you."

Dawn parted her legs, spat into her fingers to moistened her labia. With a second gob a spit she lubricated the tip of his spear, which she guided it to her waiting hole.

With a push and a grunt, he established a beach head into her waiting vagina. Much like the D-Day landings, he sought to exploit every opportunity. He pushed withdrew, then pushed again.

Rommel would have been proud with his progressive attacks, retreats and counter-attacks. His armoured column penetrated her with such repetity, that Dawn couldn't help but moan in desire for more.

When he finally reached his goal, he was buried to the hilt inside her. Compared to his experience with Sabryna, this was vastly different. It wasn't that Dawn weighed less, or that her booty was much smaller, it was something else. Dawn was tighter, and oddly dryer.

She must have notice the lack of female lubrication, for she reached out of the bed. When her hand returned, she opened her legs to smeared a cool fluid across his gland. Crepuscolo didn't let the cold sensation diminish his desire. He thrusted, pushed, then pumped mightily to ensure the lubricant had greased her from exterior to interior.