Darla's Games Day 05


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I was in agony by the thirtieth. "Can I take a break?" I begged. She shook her head no and winked at me.

"Just twenty more to a break." She smiled.

I so wanted to slap that smirk off her face. I struggled through the last twenty, gasping for air, my stomach burning. We went to the fountain and I just let her have her smack on my sore, red ass. She didn't fail to do so and said her obligatory 'Nice set."

I wasn't sure I could get through another fifty. I also wasn't sure she could spread my legs any further without shoving her face in my crotch. I sat down with my knees together. She sat on her heels and giggled at me. Grasping one ankle in each hand, she thrust her arms out as wide as they would go. I grunted with the pain as my legs were stretched wide apart. As I had feared, she was leaned over so much with pushing my legs out like this, that her face was only inches from my crotch.

It had to be uncomfortable for her to bend her neck like that so her head was facing me. She didn't complain at all, just kept smiling and licking her lips and blowing her kisses. She inhaled through her nose, loudly so I knew it and she said "mmmmmmmmmm".

I was so embarrassed, but I went on to get the last fifty out of the way. It burned all over again with my legs so spread, but I fought through to get the last set done. Courtney just smiled so seductively and kept breathing in through her nose and making pleasant sounds like she loved the smell of my pussy.

I flopped to my back exhausted when this last set was over. My legs still spread wide by Courtney, she giggled and her eyes darting around quickly, she opened her mouth wide and bit down, grazing her teeth over the bump in my shorts where my pussy was. My eyes shot open and I pushed back to straighten my legs and get away. She just said, "mmmmmm" and winked at me and blew me another kiss.

She let go of my legs and I got up to leave. Time was over and everyone was filtering out of the weight room towards the lockers. I didn't stop for a drink and she giggled and swatted my ass anyway. "Nice sets."

She stayed right close to me on the way to the locker room. Julie was hanging around with April; they had apparently worked out together a bit, though I was too involved in my torture with Courtney to notice. I felt a twinge of jealousy and shook it off as ridiculous.

Once in the lockers, the girls all started pulling off their work out clothes. It dawned on me that most of them were wearing something other than their normal gym attire. Soon, naked bodies were pushing past me towards the showers.

"Coming?" Julie asked, walking naked towards the showers.

"Naah," I replied, "I think I'll just shower when I get home."

"Ew!" Julie laughed, "Stinky." And she jogged along with her tight body to the shower.

Just as I was watching her tight little ass round the corner, I felt a finger trace my shorts. I turned sharply and saw Courtney standing in front of me naked. She giggled. I couldn't help it; my eyes were drawn down her body. It was, gorgeous of course. When my eyes finally made their way back to hers she blew me a kiss and placed her hands on my shoulders.

She pushed downward and I struggled, but she just kept pushing harder until I took the hint and fell to my knees. "Better hurry, they won't shower long." Courtney giggled quietly.

I sighed and leaned in and started licking her pussy. She spread her legs wide for me and within a couple of minutes was pushing her sweaty, juicy cunt into my mouth. She held against me as she quietly moaned in her orgasm, and then let me lick her off. She let go and stepped back. She put her finger to her lips and said "Shhh." She winked at me and bounced off around me.

It took me a minute to realize I was kneeling in the middle of the locker room with pussy all over my face. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash the smell off. I was bathing my face when Rebecca came in with a towel around her body and one wrapping her hair. She leaned in next to me as I was bending by the sink. She laughed. "I didn't even know Courtney was bi." She whispered. "I think she might be all out dyke now, like you and Farin."

She stood up and moved to another sink to do her make up and hair. I went into a stall and sat gingerly on the toilet lid and cried quietly. What had happened to me? I was completely heterosexual last Saturday. I was in total control of my life.

"Carrie, you in here?" I heard Julie call out. I quickly wiped my nose and face and flushed the toilet for effect.

"Yeah, I'll be right out." I called.

I washed my face off in the sink real quick and dried briefly with a paper towel. I went to my locker, grabbed my book bag and we headed out to Darla's car together, Julie, Farin and I. Darla was standing outside her car waiting. Julie saw her and ran towards her. Darla smiled, "Hey girls."

Julie ran, Farin and I were just walking. "You won't believe what happened today!" Julie exclaimed on her way. I groaned. I would have to hear it again. Farin grabbed my chin and turned me to face her.

"Stop being such a tough bitch and let me help." She pleaded.

I smiled at her and she just dropped her lower lip and exhaled loudly in exasperation.

"No one should have to do this alone." She whispered. "It's too much."

"I know," I smiled to her, "That is why I'm so glad I have you."

She smiled back and we walked a little faster to catch up to Julie.

We got in the car and let Julie sit up front with Darla. She was animatedly telling the story again. I was so sick of hearing it. Seeing Darla looking back, smiling in the mirror at me just made it so much worse. Carefully sitting her book bag between us, Farin held my hand behind it and I squeezed it hard every time a poignant moment in Julie's recapitulation of my ordeal caused me anguish.

It was perhaps the longest drive of my life. I fought tears of humiliation constantly. When at last, Julie was let out, it was a relief. "Want me to come over later?" Julie asked me.

"How about tomorrow?" I asked, "I'm kind of sore from working out. I think I'll fall out early tonight."

"Okay!" Julie chirped and bounced out of the car. "Bye Darla, See you tomorrow Farin."

And we drove the last two blocks to my house. As soon as the door was shut and we waved Julie goodbye, Farin started in. "Enough Darla."

I turned to her and squeezed her hand and shook my head no at her.

"Bullshit Carrie," Farin started in. "This was way out of line. Her ass is a mess! They beat the hell out of her and that is it. You want me to call Jill? I have her number. This is absolutely cruel, it isn't a game anymore."

Darla let her shout. She didn't interrupt.

"Carrie, show her your ass." Farin told me.

I didn't really want to, it was humiliating. "Damn it Carrie, show her. She will understand. If she doesn't then I'll end this." She pushed me to the side and I let her. She gingerly pulled my shorts out and down to show Darla my ass. I couldn't see it, but I didn't really need to. Darla's gasp was enough.

She didn't say anything though. Just a gasp. It was as if she were deciding what to say.

"It's horrible!" Farin cried out. "Look at it! They bruised her ass so bad. Look at how it is puffing out! It's swollen! Rebecca doesn't know what she is doing and she really hurt her!"

Darla didn't respond.

"You tell me Sis," there was absolute venom in her enunciation of sis, "Tell me what you are going to do about it so I can decide what I am going to do."

Darla drove by my house and down the road. Farin carefully lifted the waist band back over my ass, careful not to brush against it. I turned and sat down. "Where are we going?" I whispered. I couldn't speak much louder.

"I am taking you to Jill." Darla said. "She will know what to do. Call your mom and tell her you are with Farin for dinner. You'll be home by nine."

She drove and I achingly sat on my sore ass. Farin fumed. Silently for awhile, then she couldn't hold it anymore.

"What are you going to do about Rebecca?" She asked at last.

Darla looked at her in the rear view mirror and frowned. I could feel the lash getting ready to come from the previously patient mouth.

"You forget your place Farin." Darla sneered.

"My place? I'm not your toy bitch, my place? Fuck you!" Farin screamed back.

"Yes!" Darla screamed back. She had reached her breaking point. I had seen her pissed before. "Your place Farin! You want to settle this like a big girl? I'll kick your ass as soon as we get out of the car! You fucked up; you fell in love with her. You stupid little lesbian bitch!"

"Yes, those cheerleader friends of yours got carried away, they beat her ass badly. It doesn't matter. She isn't even complaining. Carrie is tough. She doesn't need you to stand up for her. You want out, you got it. You are done, no more Carrie time for you! You stupid little shit! Don't ever talk to me like that, especially not in front of her!"

Farin wasn't going to back down and I grabbed her hand and squeezed tight. She burst out anyway. "You can't stop me from seeing her. Just try it Dar-la" She sing songed her name as an insult. "If you won't protect her, I will!"

"She doesn't need protection you lovesick carpet muncher." Darla screamed back. "Carrie!" She yelled at me and I took a deep gulp. "I already know your pussy has been leaking non stop, even while the beat your ass. So don't bullshit me. How bad is it?"

I let a tear escape, something I swore I would never do in front of Darla. "I'm fine. Just, don't take Farin away. I need her to ... "I trailed off. Why did I need her? A million reasons I couldn't put into words. "She keeps me sane." I finally finished.

"There, satisfied bitch?" Darla yelled at her sister. "She needs you and she's fine. Now shut the fuck up before I change my mind."

The rest of the drive was spent in mostly silence. Darla and Farin were both furious with one another and I tried very hard to calm Farin down. I pulled her close to me and kissed her cheek. "Please Farin. I can't go through this without you. Don't push her."

She turned to me. She looked into my eyes. We twisted our bodies to each other, and though it pained me in my sore stomach muscles, as well as my ass, we hugged. We rested our heads on each others' shoulders and just held each other the rest of the drive.

When we pulled up to a house I had not been to before, Darla slammed the car into park and yanked her keys out of the ignition. She opened the door and waited for us to climb out. "Little fucking bitch." She muttered under her breath at Farin.

"Whatever" Farin mumbled back.

Darla pushed ahead of me and angrily knocked on the door. A minute later, when nobody answered, she pounded on it again. Finally, a minute or two after the second knock, a very sweaty looking Jill answered the door, and looked appalled.

"What?" She half yelled at Darla. She was as beautiful as I remembered. She wore a pink silk robe that clung to her wet skin. It came down just to mid thigh and it hung open in the middle, held together by a matching belt. Her left breast was showing through the side. I tried to tear my eyes away as Farin gripped my hand tightly. Apparently, she had noticed me looking.

Darla hesitated a moment, as if she were having second thoughts about coming here. "It's Carrie. Her ass is pretty bad and I wanted a second set of eyes."

Jill smiled, but there was no joy in her grin. "I told you." She laughed lightly. "Well come in. Go into the guest bedroom and lay her out and take off her shorts. I'll be a moment. Someone is all tied up."

We walked into the door and I marveled at all the fine things Jill had. Her taste was impeccable. Based on her normal manner of dress, I half expected another dump like Darla's. I probably should have known better.

Darla guided us to the guest bedroom, and I could tell Farin had been here before. She didn't seem amazed by the Oriental rugs and paintings and so many tasteful artistic creations that decorated her house along the way.

Inside was a huge four poster bed with a canopy. The room was painted in a mural that surrounded every inch of the walls. The painting was obviously done by hand; it wasn't some repetitious pattern of wall paper. I walked over to the wall and looked closely. It was the most erotic thing I had ever witnessed in my life.

Just in the foot that I scanned were a million colors it seemed. The vision, so carefully drawn leapt write off the wall at your eyes. In this 'scene' if you will, though everything blended perfectly and without borders of any kind, was a girl, tied with her arms wrapped around a tree, being humped from behind by a demonic woman with a strap on. There were the faintest traces of blood on the tree, as if her breasts were being rubbed raw. Still, the woman had the most exquisite expression of ecstasy on her face.

"Carrie." Darla called. "Come lay on the bed."

I traced my fingers over that few square inches of wall and felt the subtle strokes of the brush that had painted it there. I was absolutely awestruck by the detail and the clarity. I almost felt the lust of the creator as I touched their paint. I moaned aloud.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Darla asked.

"It's amazing." I said it so sensually; I couldn't believe my own voice. I traced the tree up to its branches with my fingertips, so softly, as if any more pressure would be an insult to the artist. Up high in the tree top was a woman, bound from the branches, hanging from her ankles, her feet held wide apart from the bonds. A little flying cupid was holding a flogger (though I didn't know it was called a flogger at the time) and by the redness, and the position of the swinging tails, was whipping her exposed vagina.

I whimpered as my fingers caressed the bound beauty and then moaned with the sexual energy of the whip wielding cupid.

"Carrie?" Farin asked, intrigued and surprised at my most peculiar behavior. I had to admit, it was odd, I had never felt this way about art work before. Not that I had been to see much of it aside from my own, my teachers', my class mates' or from a book.

I followed the tree higher, until I could no longer reach the tree. I followed it with my eyes and gasped in amazement. Above the tree, in the sky, was an angel. Her wings were tied and she was gripped by each wrist by another angel, all women. Two more female angels held her ankles and a sixth female angel had her head buried between the held angel's legs. They were all so naked and lifelike. I moaned louder than ever and noticed my hand rubbing the crotch of my shorts.

"Carrie!" Darla yelled.

I quickly pulled my hand away, quite embarrassed, and turned around. Jill stood there in the doorway looking at me. Darla and Farin didn't even notice her, they were both watching me. Darla was pissed that I wasn't on the bed. Farin was looking concerned as if I had lost my mind. Jill was smiling at me.

In her eyes, I saw the understanding that she knew why I was drawn to the wall. She giggled. And I had rarely heard a voice giggle with such mirth. "Darla, you wouldn't understand. And I could never explain it to you in a million years." She said as Darla turned sharply at her giggle.

"Carrie, you are a very special girl." She smiled at me. "There have probably been over a hundred different people sleep in this room and never even notice what was on the wall. Even those who have looked at it, never experienced it."

I looked at her and all my anger at her over the bet was momentarily forgotten. I was enamored again and I stammered a moment. "Who painted it?" I asked, breathlessly, as if knowing this were a life changing secret.

She laughed lightly and sweetly. "Maybe I'll tell you some day, but not today."

My mouth sank in regret that she wouldn't share it with me.

"Pull off your shorts and lay on the bed on your stomach Carrie." Jill said, still smiling.

I cringed as the material brushed my skin because I had momentarily forgotten to pull the waist way back before lowering them. I quickly corrected it and let my shorts drop to my ankles. I then walked over and lay on my stomach on her bed.

Jill walked without a sound and I felt the bed sink next to me. I was embarrassed having so many people looking at my bare and beaten ass. I trembled with the humiliation of it all. "There now." Jill said so softly it made me stop at once.

"Well, they didn't break the skin, that's good." She stated as she leaned in so close to my ass I could feel her breath on my skin and it burned and I loved it.

"Rebecca is out of control Jill, you have to stop this." Farin broke out, disturbing the moment.

"Shut up you little bitch." Darla snapped at her.

"You two." Jill didn't raise her voice, but they both stopped another verbal fight and looked at her. "Go out into the living room and fight all you want. Take it outside if it comes to blows, you break my shit and you will pay for it, and I mean with money. On your way, tell Sue to bring me the kit and she will know what you mean. She is in my room."

"Evil whore." Farin muttered at her sister.

"Let's go outside you little bitch." Darla said as they left the room.

I made to get up. "Please Jill, don't let Darla hurt her. She is just worried about me."

"Hush darling." Jill spoke so quietly and smoothly. "They have been at each others' throats for at least ten years that I know of personally. They won't kill each other. In fact, they are both usually much more agreeable after they beat each other up a bit." She giggled.

"Now, what did they use on you?" Jill asked. I wondered how she knew it was a 'they'. In fact, I decided to find out. "How did you know it was more than one?"

Jill laughed. "Here you are with your bare ass beaten all to hell and you ask me how I know it was more than one instead of answering my question so I can help you. You are a very odd girl Carrie. Your curiosity is going to get you into a lot of trouble some day. But since you ask..."

"Everyone, whether they know what they are doing or not, has a natural swing with their hand and arm. Some of these bruises beat upward, some downward, and some dead on. Now, I could wield a weapon in such a way, because I know what I am doing. However, based on the bruising and swelling, I can tell it was not done by anyone who knew what they were doing. No, this is a mess to be honest with you."

I groaned. Jill laughed, but not insultingly so. "I've seen worse, but it was worse by intent. It was worse because the wielder and recipient both desired it to be so. It wasn't out of malice or just a desire to punish or humiliate. So, back to my question, what did they use on you?"

She was amazing. "A paddle." I answered.

"I rather thought so. That is all? No crops or whips or canes?" Jill further interrogated.

"No, just the paddle." I answered.

"That is good, believe it or not. A paddle, while quite effective and painful, is too spread out to deal point of impact damage. It just covers too much space. So all this is mostly superficial. It looks like hell, hurts like a mother fucker, but it isn't very likely to burst internal vessels or tear muscle or rend nerves."

I didn't quite compute all of that, but I smiled that it wasn't too bad. I can't imagine going to the doctor for this. How would you ever explain it?

The door opened quietly and I looked up to see Sue there with a large white box. She wore a robe, identical to Jill's, but bound tightly at the waist to prevent anyone seeing her breasts. She smiled at me and brought it over, kneeled on the floor, bowed her head and raised the box to Jill. I was a bit taken aback by this display of intentional submission and I suppose my eyes told Jill.

Jill laughed softly at my reaction. But she didn't say anything. Sue held her position until Jill took the box from her and laid it on the bed next to me.