Darla's Games Day 06


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I heard giggling at the end of the locker room where it turns the corner and joins the entrance to the boys' locker room. "Carrie!" A voice squealed and then ran away and up the stairs.

I hadn't recognized the voice. I walked over towards the entrance and saw a piece of paper folded up on the floor. I rolled my eyes and went to retrieve it.

'Carrie' The front of the folded page read.

'Next time I ask you to eat me, I expect you to do it right away. Don't underestimate the ditzy cheerleader. Hugs and Kisses, Courtney'

"AGHHHHHHH!" I yelled. Was there no end to how many people wanted to torment me? I walked back and sat on the bench. I'd skip seventh period and wait for Julie to come for cheerleader practice. Farin would be here too. I just hated missing Art class.

I watched the big clock on the wall tick away the minutes and when I figured the sophomores would start coming back to the lockers, I got up and went and sat in a stall. I timed it pretty well. They started coming in and changing and showering and getting ready to leave at final bell. I waited for the bell to ring and then waited for the squad to come down to the lockers to change into their uniforms.

I waited and waited. I figured the waiting must have thrown off my concept of time. I looked at the clock on the cell phone. School had been over for fifteen minutes. Just when I was about to rip lockers off their hinges or try to scavenge a towel from somewhere, the phone rang. Darla! She would help me.

"Hey Darla!" I nearly shouted in excitement as I answered the phone.

"Hi Carrie." It was Courtney. I fell to the floor. "Nobody named Darla here, sorry. Hey, aren't you coming to practice? We are all out here waiting. Didn't you get the notice that we are practicing in street clothes today?" She giggled.

I heard Darla in the background. "Give me my phone you naughty girl." She laughed. "Gotta go Carrie. See ya later chicky babe." Courtney said as she passed the phone to Darla.

"Darla! Help me! That bitch Courtney stole my clothes!" I plead.

"I know Carrie, she told me. It's just awful!" Darla laughed.

"Please Darla." I begged her.

"Since you are skipping practice, and believe me Rebecca is pissed at you, go on up to your homeroom and I'll send someone in with your clothes." Darla instructed.

Looking down the hall and making sure it was clear, tossing my clothes in my locker and ducking into the adjoining classroom was one thing that I was not at all interested in doing, but had resigned myself to seeing through. Walking bare ass naked through the entire school, because my homeroom was two floors up on the opposite side of school, was an entirely different issue.

"Please Darla, that is ... I can't do that!" I pleaded.

"Are you hesitating Carrie? Rebecca is right here, you already owe her for a hesitation yesterday. Do you want another?"

"Darla!" I shouted. "I can't run through the whole school naked!"

"You can and you will. The question is how many hesitations you give before you leave. That is one; I'll allow the first for free." Darla retorted.

"Please Darla! I'll do anything. Please don't make me do this." I was literally on my knees begging.

"That is two so a total of three. Want four?" Darla asked, completely unmoved.

"No." I answered.

"Good girl. Remember our little game outside the pool hall?" Darla asked.

"Yes." The game was one where I had to go outside in the alley and sit naked and wait for her. It was horrible.

"Same game, kind of." She giggled. "I have a skirt, a shirt, a pair of gym shorts, a gym shirt, two pairs of socks, a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers. I will send one item in at a time over the course of the next forty-five minutes. If, when the carrier of the garment arrives, you are laying spread eagle on your teacher's desk, eyes closed and one hand on your breast and one on your pussy masturbating, then they will toss the item inside and leave. If you are not doing any of those things, then they will leave with the item and I will toss the item in the trunk. When you have enough clothing that you are ready to come down to the car, call me. When the last item has been left or returned, I will call you. Then you can come down to the car."

I listened and I couldn't believe this. There were still teachers and janitors in the school. This was insane. "Darla, please don't do this."

"It's already done Carrie. Now, I would get up there right away, because I am sending the first article now." *click*

I folded up the phone. She was sending it now. That meant I would have to leave now to get there before the carrier. I got out of the stall and looked around. The towels were all gone, to be laundered probably. I looked desperately for an unlocked locker and found none. Not a scrap of cloth anywhere.

I crept down to the turn in the locker room. I didn't see another way out. I listened carefully and ran full out for the steps. My heart was pounding so fast, the boys' locker room was right down that hall.

I listened carefully before turning to the stairwell. No sounds, this time I crept up them, listening very hard. At the top of the steps, I stopped again. This was the worst part. The lobby spilled out from the main doors to the right of the gym. Across from the main doors were the principal and nurse's offices. They would assuredly still be here. I had two options. I could run down the hall and circle wide around the whole building or sneak past those offices, which would cut a half of the building out of my journey.

My heart was throbbing so hard, I couldn't hear right. My ears felt like they were burning. I was standing in the stairwell completely naked. There were still teachers here I was certain. I had seen cars in the parking lot still when we left last night after work outs. There were other after school activities as well. Drama club was at the far end of the building in the Auditorium. There were other clubs there too. Probably chess geeks and foreign exchange kids and who knows what else.

I held my body tight to the wall and peeked around at the front glass doors. Nobody was out there at the moment. If I ran, I shouldn't have to worry about anyone catching me from behind if I went right now. I looked over at the principal's office. The blinds were drawn on the several windows for the principal, nurse, secretary and vice principal. I decided to go for it.

I took off in a run, holding my left arm over my boobs to keep them from slapping and my right hand over my pussy in case someone should round the corner at the end of the hall. The sounds of my bare feet slapping on the tiled floor seemed like thunder. I was sure at any second someone would come running out to see who was making all the racket. I sprinted hard and fast down to the end of the corridor.

By the time I got there I was panting hard. I had sprinted across the building; I was over half way there. I pressed up against the wall at the end of the corridor and listened carefully. I didn't hear anything, so I peeked around the corner. The coast was clear. I ran for the steps and took them two at a time to the top. I stopped about four steps down to listen.

I heard voices, but they sounded very distant. I crept up almost hands and knees, and looked both ways. Nobody was there at the moment. I lunged forward and almost fell. I sprinted as hard as I could down the hall. I passed a bathroom on the right and classroom after classroom. I imagined some teacher working late and looking over to see a girl streaking through the hallway.

I thought I saw a teacher to the right, but I kept running all the way down to my classroom. Thank God Miss Galler wasn't working late, I can't imagine what she would have thought when I didn't even check, but sprinted into the room bare ass naked. I hid under her desk and listened.

If a teacher had seen me, he didn't pursue. My heart was beating so fast that I might not have been able to hear over it. This was supposed to be it. The original game was me here. It wasn't even so bad. Someone would have to come right over to the desk to see me here. But that wasn't good enough for Darla. No, she has to always push things farther.

When I could breathe again, I listened carefully and climbed out from under the desk. It wasn't cluttered at all. In fact, it was clear aside from a stapler, which wasn't really in the way anyhow. "God this sucks." I said aloud.

I lay on the desk, feet towards the back wall and closed my eyes and masturbated. I played with my nipples and fingered my twat. I couldn't believe I was doing this. What I really couldn't believe was how freaking hot I was. I was soaking wet before I touched myself. The fear of being seen was exciting me and my libido was a direct insult to my psyche.

I hammered away, getting into it a little too much. I knew I couldn't cum, but it felt so good. Soon, with my eyes closed, I imagined I was somewhere else. Anywhere else. I stifled a moan. I would have to ease up soon or there would be no stopping an orgasm. I heard my fingers squishing the juices in my pussy and it turned me on so much. I started tweaking my nipple harder, pulling it.

God, I so wanted to cum. Then, startling me so I jumped, something landed on my belly. My eyes flew open and I looked to see a pair of lousy fucking socks on my belly. I wanted to scream. I stopped masturbating and looked up to see Rebecca staring at me.

"Hoping Courtney would be here to bring you more girl cum?" She giggled.

I scowled at her. "Don't stop on my account." Rebecca laughed. "Oh, that's right; your pussy isn't your own anymore. You can't cum without Darla's permission." She laughed louder. "God, you are so pathetic." She walked closer and leaned in conspiratorially and whispered, "Maybe I will tell Julie to come up here. Do you think she would understand your need to be naked and masturbating in your homeroom?" She laughed.

"Later slut" She walked out the door.

Okay, I thought, I have a pair of socks. I had no idea when the next article would arrive though. Should I just masturbate the whole time? Well, I was sprawled out naked anyway. How much more embarrassing would it be to get caught with a finger in my quim than to be caught spread eagle naked?

I decided to just go for it. I'd just lie here and masturbate until they came one by one; over the course of forty-five minutes. I closed my eyes and went back at it. I kept shifting speeds to keep from coming, but I kept my fingers active the whole time. About five minutes later, I felt another something on my belly. I jumped and opened my eyes and stopped and looked up. It was my shirt. I so wanted to put it on and just leave. Unfortunately, it wasn't long enough; it only came to my belly.

I looked to see who it was. Courtney stood there and I was still strumming my clit lightly. She smiled and blew me one of her kisses. She was standing close and walked closer until she was looking right down over my face. "Open your mouth" She ordered.

I looked at her puzzled. "Just do it" She smiled.

I opened my mouth. She leaned over so her mouth was positioned right over mine and she slid her tongue around her lips and moved her jaws. She then pushed her saliva out and let it ooze down in a long strand into my open mouth. I just lay there and let her do it. I was disgusted with myself as I let her basically spit into my mouth.

The strand broke finally and dropped into my mouth and she laughed. "I'm so glad you joined the squad." Then she walked away and I swallowed. What else was I going to do?

I went back to my fingering and heard something from down the hall. It was a squeaking wheel. It was a janitor, I was sure of it. I jumped off the desk and listened hard at the door. The wheel squeaked along and whoever it was whistled a little tune. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves instantly came to mind. I crept up the corner of the room where the door was.

My heart was pounding. Did I dare risk a peek? I decided against it and instead hid under the desk. The squeaking got closer and closer, as did the whistler. I shivered. I reached down between my legs. I was sopping wet. I knew I would be. I was so excited, thrilled at being her naked. It turned me on like nothing I had ever felt. I hated myself for being like this. I cowered under the desk and listened. I heard someone laugh in the hall and footsteps come into the class room. They walked right over to the desk and Rebecca got down on crouching and showed me my skirt. She laughed. "He's about three classrooms down. He's just doing the halls, so you should be safe here. Too bad about the skirt though." She laughed and left with my skirt. It was bound for Darla's trunk and I shivered.

I still had one more chance. My shorts would be coming up at some point. If this stupid janitor would just get done with this hallway and move along. I decided to get comfortable for awhile and sat down. Squeaking and whistling, coming down the hall, far too slowly.

As if in answer to my fears, I heard another, more cheerful laugh and the click of heels. How come they hadn't walked so loud the first two times? I wondered. I saw Courtney's white sneakers on her firm cheerleader legs and she flopped into Miss Galler's chair.

She scooted all the way in so I had to back up and spread my legs around it to fit. She giggled. "You know what I want."

I couldn't believe her. She wanted me to eat her out while cowering naked under the desk. She spread her legs. "Better hurry or I'll think you are hesitating." She laughed.

I placed my hands on her thighs and pushed her skirt up. "Slide down." I grumbled at her. She shifted her ass to the edge of the chair. I slid her panty to the side and her pussy smelled so strongly of sex. I knew why. I went down on her.

I licked her like before, fast and deep, trying to get her off as quick as I could so she would leave. I tried not to make a lot of noise, but she was so wet, it was hard not to. I licked her clit and she trembled so I shoved two fingers up her skank hole and sucked her clit until she bucked up at me. "On your face slut." She moaned.

I knew what she meant; I pulled my fingers out and clamped my mouth on her pussy. She reached down and grabbed my head and rubbed her quivering cunt all over my face as she came. She moaned a bit and I was terrified the janitor would hear her. She finally stopped shaking and I licked her juices while she sighed and played with my hair.

"I'm so glad you joined the squad." She giggled. She waved my gym shirt under the desk and took it with her. I had a shirt already, so no big deal there.

Couldn't the bitch think of anything else to say? She was on my long hit list. I hated this bitch.

I guess her thighs had blocked out the sound of the janitor, and when I lifted my head, I could tell he was right outside the door. He stopped whistling a moment. "You shouldn't be there." He said to Courtney.

She giggled. "Sorry, just wanted to see what it was like to be a teacher."

Then she pushed her skirt back into place. "You want to try it?" She asked, laughing.

I punched her in the side of the leg. It didn't hurt; I couldn't get a real swing in.

"I don't think so." The deep voice answered. "You just get on out of here now."

"Okay." Courtney sang. "It's a very comfortable chair though. You should really try it."

I was going to kill her. She got up and left the chair out as if teasing the janitor to have a seat in it.

"Crazy kids." He muttered after her footsteps left the corridor. "You'd think they'd find some place to be away from school after it closed. I sure as hell did."

The squeaking and whistling worked their way down the hall and I dared not move. I was afraid my breathing was audible all the way down there. I knew that my class wasn't far from the end of the hall, so he would be coming back this way soon.

I listened while he apparently reached the end and sure enough, came squeaking back towards me. He passed the door and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I listened for him to get further down the hall before I dared venture out of the desk and just when I was feeling it was safe to come out again, my gym shorts were waved in front of my face. I jumped, startled by the sudden flash of black. Rebecca leaned down and looked at me, almost upside down. "Wow, that sucks huh?" She laughed and walked away loudly with my shorts.

Game over. What was I going to do? Who cares about shoes? They weren't going to cover my ass. I may as well wait out the game and see what she was going to do to get me out of here. As if in answer to my decision, the phone buzzed.

"Well, that was unfortunate." Darla said. I could hear the evil smile in her voice.

"I know you won't play my game anymore. You'll just wait it out, so let's come up with another game. I know. I will drive around the school until you run out to my car." She laughed. I heard Courtney and Rebecca laughing with her.

"Please Darla, no more." I begged.

"Aww come on now Carrie. I'll give you a hint. I am leaving the front parking lot now. I will circle one time and then I am leaving. I'll drop Courtney and Rebecca off with the squad. You're a cheerleader; they'll take care of you."

This was so unfair. I hung up, no point being taunted anymore. I pulled the shirt on. I grabbed the socks, I wasn't going to wear them, and I would just slip on the floor with them on. I could at least hold them over my pussy for some cover. I looked at the floor as I crawled out. There was a fucking puddle from my juices flowing. I wiped it with my socks.

I went to the door and peeked around the corner. It was clear. I ran past the two class rooms to the doors that would let me outside. I held the socks over my pussy. I ran and ran and slammed through the doors. I knew it was making noise, but I hoped to be gone before anyone saw.

Outside now, I looked frantically for Darla's car. It wasn't down the road, but another car was coming. I dove into some bushes near the wall and crouched down. I peeked up and then hid again as the driver rode by. If they saw me, they didn't stop, thank God for that.

I kept looking and hiding and looking and hiding. The phone buzzed and I about had a heart attack.

"Courtney thinks you should take off your shirt as a penalty." Darla laughed.

"Where are you Darla?" I asked cowering behind the bushes.

"Coming up the road right now." She said.

I looked. "I don't see you."

"You will soon. Why don't you take off the shirt?" She asked.

"Come on please, I played your game Darla."

"Do I strike you as fair Carrie?" She retorted.

"Fine." I tugged the shirt over my head. "It's off. Please hurry."

I looked up and still didn't see her. I looked down at my bare feet. They ached from the rough mulch. Then I moaned loudly. There was a puddle of juice from my pussy and a strand of it just dangling to the ground. What the hell was wrong with me?

Finally, she came around the corner and started driving toward me. I waited until she got closer, looked both ways and darted out from the bush towards her car. I looked both ways again and again. From a distance, I could see the JV and Varsity football teams practicing. I could see the boys and girls soccer teams, the cheerleaders, only nine of them of course. I ran to the car, praying none of them could see this far.

Darla stopped the car and I ran to the passenger side. Rebecca was in front and Courtney in back and all three were laughing at me. Rebecca wound down the window.

"Give me the shirt." She said.

"Let me in!" I screamed.

"Give me the shirt first." Rebecca said the door was locked; all the tugging I was doing on the handle did no good.

"Here." I threw it to her.

Darla drove forward and they laughed hysterically.

"No!" I screamed.

She stopped about thirty feet away and Rebecca opened the door. I sprinted and jumped in back, flushing terribly. They kept laughing and laughing.