Darla's Games Day 07


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They were all laughing at Kelly as she held stood on unsure feet on a players' chair, holding her dress over his head while my 'knight in shining armor' timed it. She was moaning and laughing. I'm pretty sure the guy under her dress was licking her pussy.

We slid by into the kitchen, I grabbed another diet Dr. P and Farin poured herself another glass of wine and we made our way back to the solitude of the front of the house. In retrospect, we should have gone out the other direction.

As we passed through the living room, Kelly was now sitting on the football players' lap with her arms wrapped around him, smiling. Rebecca saw me and started whispering to Brad and I instinctively grabbed Farin's hand and pulled her faster. She had paused to watch and I didn't trust Rebecca, even if she had been nice so far, relatively speaking of course.

"Charles, Truth or Dare." Brad said. We were almost there.

I heard Jiminy Cricket in my head yelling to run, but I just kept pulling a voyeuristic Farin along, wishing she would get the clue. "Dare." Charles answered.

Farin paused again, to see what my 'date' would have to do. We were so close to the entry way to the next room. I tugged hard. "I dare you to take Carrie's panties off with your mouth."

I sighed and looked back at her. She understood instantly why I had been trying to rush her and gave me the best 'I'm sorry' she could without saying it out loud.

"Sorry guys, I'm not playing." I tried.

"Oh stop being so uptight Carrie. We aren't leaving for awhile, stay in here with us, you too Farin." Rebecca said.

I turned away and clinched my eyes. This was a bad thing and I knew it. I absolutely had made it a point not to get involved in this game. I turned and put on a smile. "I'd really rather not, thanks, but Charles, I don't mind if you want to play, okay? Just don't you girls try to steal him because I'd have to kick your ass." I laughed. God, I hoped that worked. A touch of go be a bad boy and a little hint of jealousy. Stroke his ego and let him have a free conscience. It should work.

"Sorry Carrie, I don't think anyone else is still wearing panties." Charles laughed. They all laughed.

I leaned over to Farin, they were all drunk, probably didn't even see me doing it. "As soon as he is done, we need to get out of here okay?"

She nodded. I got an idea. "Charles, darling?"

"Yes Carrie?" He smiled. At least he wasn't slurring his words yet.

"Ask me for my panties." I grinned.

"Can I have your panties Carrie?" He asked and started to get up.

I handed Farin my soda, bunched up my dress at the sides, pulled my thong down and stepped out of it and threw it across the table to hit him in the chest. "Of course love." Everyone was staring at me. Charles fumbled them for a second before catching them in his hand. He momentarily had a confused look and then he was the first to start laughing. Even in light of his drunkenness, I was happy to know my date was the brightest of the lot.

They all stared for a few seconds, unable to process that he had just gotten my panties off with his mouth. I hoped Farin and I would be near the front door before it sunk in to everyone and we left quickly.

"Carrie." Charles called to me, laughing.

"Have fun baby" I called over my shoulder and never even slowed down.

"What was that about?" Brad asked.

"I got her panties off with my mouth, duh" Charles laughed. It finally sunk in and they all started laughing. A few of them called Charles a cheater and finally the din quieted as we rounded the corner out of the adjoining room.

Farin giggled. "That was pretty quick thinking."

I was pretty pleased with myself. "It just came to me. Thanks."

We sat down in the room. The only other people in this room were Karen and her boyfriend, who were making out like mad in the loveseat where Chad and Julie had been earlier. I stared, not at them, but at the loveseat.

Farin pushed me hard. "Don't stare." She whispered.

I shook myself out of my trance. "Oh" I giggled. "I wasn't, I was just thinking."

"Julie is your best friend. You two will be fine tomorrow." Farin smiled reassuringly.

I pulled the cell out of my bag to check the time. It was only 10:30 and I wished this night could be over. I really wanted to go back to Jill's house, but even just to get out of this dangerous house would be enough.

"Let's go for a walk." I said and started getting up. Farin gladly followed. We left the house, kicked off our shoes at the driveway and walked hand in hand away from the ever louder party. When the sound had died down from distance, we found a nice grassy spot and stopped.

"I wish I had a blanket." I said.

"I can go get one out of the house," Farin smiled. "Wait here." She pushed her glass of wine into my hand.

"No, Farin..." She had already started running.

"I'll be right back!" She yelled.

"You don't have to..." I yelled after her, but she was gone, sprinting as much as her dress would allow. I saw her go in the house. I honestly just didn't want to ruin Julie's dress, which was why I wanted the blanket.

I looked up at the stars for awhile and pontificated.

Farin came running down the hill a few minutes later with a blanket. I thanked her and we spread it out and just lay down, looking at the stars, talking for awhile. We talked about the past week and about school. She told me some things about Darla and Jill and the rest of that group. I told her details about the incident in the bathroom with the cheerleading squad when she asked me for the fifth time.

It was nice to just talk. We held hands. It felt good. A bell rang in my head that it was a harbinger of doom, but the doom didn't come. We laughed about my run through the school naked. She consoled me about hitting Courtney and my subsequent fit of self loathing against the tree.

"Well, I think you are just in denial." Farin smiled at me.

"About what?" I asked, knowing full well what she meant.

"I think you are trying to force yourself to be heterosexual." Farin answered. "It's okay. I did it for years. I still fuck a guy now and then just to make sure." She laughed.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"I guess I always have, deep down. I hated myself since I was about twelve. I just wasn't attracted to guys; I found them to be quite smelly." She laughed.

"I don't know." I mused. "I kind of like stinky stuff." I chuckled.

"You are so gross." She chortled.

At some point, we fell silent and just gazed at the stars. It was so nice to just lie there, pressed by nothing. I looked over at Farin. She was smiling at the stars.

"Farin, I do love you." I whispered.

Her smile widened. "I know." She said.

We held hands and lie in silence again. I don't know how long we were there alone and in peace. I heard my phone buzz in my handbag and got it out. It was Rebecca.

"Hey." I answered.

"Where the hell are you?" Rebecca laughed. "Your date is beside himself."

I heard Charles in the background laughing, probably at another dare. "Farin and I went for some air." I answered. "You all ready to go?"

"Yeah" Rebecca said. "We'll start breaking out of here. See you in a few."

"K." I hung up. "Time to go baby." I smiled at Farin.

We headed back up to the house and went in to say goodbye to everyone. So many of them were drunk. I made a point to ask April if she was crashing, because I knew she was driving. She was, so that was cool. In fact, I asked all of the cheerleaders if they had a safe ride home. I didn't want their blood on my hands if I could help it. Pretty much all of them were staying the night, except Karen and she was pretty sober.

Charles, Brad and Rebecca were smashed. I guess since I was driving, they felt they could drink to excess and they did. Farin and I were getting very frustrated. It sucks to be sober amidst drunks. We eventually got the three of them into the back seat and Farin rode up front with me.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I figured we would drop Charles and Brad off first and then head to Rebecca's and Brad could get his car tomorrow.

"My house." Rebecca broke away from kissing Brad to tell me.

Farin and I looked at each other and I drove. I checked the clock on the car, it was around midnight. "Hey Rebecca?" I asked.

She was in a desperate lip lock with Brad and broke away, "What?" she huffed at the interruption.

"We aren't picking up Courtney right?" I didn't think so at this time of night, but thought I should be sure.

"Fuck Courtney, she's probably asleep." She slurred and went back to being mauled by Brad's big hands.

Charles was watching Brad and Rebecca and then looking up at me, back and forth. He caught me looking at him in the rear view mirror and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"So Farin, why do you keep stealing my date?" He asked her, leaning up to semi-join us in the front.

Farin and I laughed. Rebecca snorted.

"I just had a rough evening." Farin said to him. "Carrie is a great friend."

"Yeah, she is pretty great." He smiled. He absolutely reeked of liquor.

"Were you doing shots?" I asked.

"Yeah, we all were." He answered, spilling the odor of alcohol from his breath.

"So, how did the game go?" I asked, grinning. "Did you get a blowjob?"

He laughed. Farin looked at me like I was crazy. "Inside joke" I told her.

"No, nothing like that. Just some harmless fun." He smiled.

"Yeah right!" Rebecca laughed. My eyes darted to her; Brad had her dress up to her waist. She had his pants open. 'Great', I thought, 'they are going to fuck in the car while I drive, how tactless.'

"What?!" Charles asked innocently.

Rebecca laughed. "You were fucking Katie right there at the table you perv!"

I rolled my eyes. So much for the great guy.

"Rebecca, you have no idea. She was giving me a lap dance is all." He argued.

She laughed louder. "If that was a lap dance, I'm a virgin."

He looked at me and saw the displeasure in my face. "Carrie, I did not fuck her. We just made it look like that for fun."

Like he needed to answer to me? Whatever. The sooner I got away from them the better.

"If you don't believe me, suck his cock and see if it tastes like pussy." Rebecca laughed.

He laughed half-heartedly. "She can't, we made a pact."

Farin turned away from him. She was obviously a little pissed at him too. "Aw come on." Charles pressed. "Carrie, pull over."

"What?!" Farin and I said at the same time.

"Pull over, you can taste my dick and you'll know I'm not lying. I don't want to ride another half hour with you being pissed at me." He said. He wasn't laughing.

"Oh fuck Brad." Rebecca exclaimed. Charles was up on the very edge of the seat, his arm pits over each front seat. Brad had pushed Rebecca back on the seat behind him. I could see him fishing his cock around at her pussy. He was going to fuck her, as I had thought.

I rolled my eyes. What a classy chick.

"Seriously Carrie, pull over." Charles persisted.

"No Charles." I answered. "It's fine. We aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. If you fucked her, you fucked her, you don't belong to me. If you didn't, you didn't. It wouldn't change anything; I still want to see you again. I'd rather see you sober the whole time next date though."

I hoped this would placate him, though I rather didn't plan to see him again. It probably would have worked if I could have kept my mouth shut about the drinking. Drunks are always so insulted when you comment on their drinking.

"I'm not drunk." He said. "Maybe if you drank a little more, you would loosen up and have fun."

"Okay Charles. You're right." He was starting to scare me. I have had a lot of experience with drunks. My mom is one and most of her dates since my dad left. I have also been to parties with drinking since I was thirteen, so I know the signs.

"So why didn't you Carrie? We could have had a lot of fun tonight. Instead you go running off, ditching me all night for your friends. Why did you even bother going with me?" He was sounding nastier by the minute.

"You're right Charles. I'm sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing. I had a great time with you and I shouldn't have left you." I stared over at Farin, who was about to say something and I silently shouted, hoping she would read my lips. 'Shut Up!'

She did, so I guess she understood. It didn't stop Charles though and I wasn't sure what would at this point. "You damn well should be sorry. And you too Farin. What the hell was so wrong that you had to steal my date all night long?"

I glared at her. 'Apologize' I mouthed. But, she didn't. "Charles, you are drunk. Maybe that is why she came with me. She had to stay sober to drive home and she didn't want to hang out with a bunch of drunks. That is why she was hanging out with me and not you." She half-yelled at him.

I knew it was the wrong thing to do. But, there was no way to stop her. Charles grabbed at the steering wheel and yelled at me to pull over.

"Stop it Charles, you're going to make me wreck the car." I screamed at him.

This got Brad's attention. "Douche bag!" He yelled at his cousin. "You make her wreck my car; I'm going to wreck your face. Knock it off!" Brad was pissed. I think mostly because it interrupted his fucking Rebecca.

"I gotta piss. Pull over Carrie." Charles said in that loud voice guys make when they are so drunk they can barely hear themselves.

"Okay." I said. "Just hold on a minute while I find a safe place."

I was cursing him in my mind. Another date? Not in this fucking lifetime. I found a little dirt shoulder up ahead with trees around and pulled into it slowly and parked. Farin opened her door and leaned forward with the seat so he could get out.

He got out of the car and walked over to the trees to piss. "Carrie!" He yelled. "You gotta see this! Come here quick!"

I didn't move. Farin looked at me concerned. I leaned in and we whispered, hopefully under Rebecca's moans now coming from the back seat.

"Just don't bring up him being drunk and try to be nice no matter what he says." I whispered. "In another half hour, we will never have to see him again, just remember that."

"Carrie!" He yelled louder.

"Charles, I am not coming over there. Take your piss and get back in the car so we can go to the party." There would be no party of course, but I hoped that would interest him.

"Party?" He called back. "Oh yeah. But first you need to come here and see this."

"Charles, anything you have to show me, you can show me in the car." I shouted back.

"Okay." He laughed. "If you say so."

He walked out of the tree line and had his cock dangling out of his fly. "Oh my God!" Farin screeched and turned to me laughing.

"Shut up Farin, please. Don't encourage him." I grit my teeth.

"I need help getting this thing back in." He laughed as he walked past the front of the car to my side. "Come on Carrie. Help me tuck it in."

He pressed his flaccid cock against the window and started slapping the head against it. His cock was getting harder as he tapped the window again and again. Farin was laughing. I didn't think it funny at all. "Charles, you have a nice cock, now put it away and get in the car. Please." I said.

He kept tapping the window until he was hard. "Come on Carrie, I can't, I need your help." He laughed.

"Charles!" I yelled at him. "Put it away and get in the car."

"Not until you kiss it." He laughed.

"Then I will leave your ass here on the side of the road. I mean it." I yelled at him.

"Wind down your window first." He said.

"No!" I screamed. Get in now or I am leaving, you have to five. I started the car and he jumped back.


He laughed. "You won't leave me here."

"Try me. Two." I glared at him. He had me so pissed I would have hit him in the head if I had a bat and drug his ass into the car.

"Fine." He muttered. "You really are no fun. What a bitch."

Farin opened her mouth and I turned and glared at her. "Shut up Farin."

She closed it. Charles tucked his thing in his pants and got back in the car. I spun out of the shoulder. Rebecca moaned, I guess the sudden spurt of speed had rammed Brad up into her.

"Carrie, you really are a bitch. I was nice to you all night and you just blow me off. I'm in college you little high school girl." He shouted at me.

Brad was grunting and Rebecca moaning louder in the back. I hoped they would both climax soon and help me to calm Charles down.

"You're right Charles. I'm a bitch." I said.

"Fucking right you are. And a tease too." He growled.

Rebecca was squealing. She was cumming and I was glad Brad got hers done before his own. I can't imagine what kind of bitch she would be neglected her orgasm.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch and a tease Charles. You probably would have been better to never have met me." I said.

"You even admit it." He shouted. "Just get us to Rebecca's house so I can be rid of you."

"I'm sorry you feel that way Charles, but I understand." I breathed out heavily. It seemed he was placated.

Brad came eventually, after Rebecca did a second time and they sat up and fixed their clothes and started kissing again. We got to Rebecca's house in silence and I parked the car and Farin and I got out. Charles had been quiet and brooding and I still didn't trust him, so I got next to Farin and we moved away from the car a bit.

Charles climbed out and Brad and Rebecca finally made it out themselves. "Brad?" I asked his attention.

"Yeah Carrie?" Brad returned.

"I think Farin and I are going to go. Can I borrow your car? I'll fill it up and be back in the morning?" I wanted to get out of here.

"Okay with you Bec?" He asked.

"Sure, see you tomorrow Carrie." She went back to sucking face and they made their way to the house and Charles stood there a minute. I stood back, holding my arms out a bit to keep Farin behind me. It was silly really, being protective of her when I was the one he wanted to do whatever it was he wanted to do to.

He stared at me for a minute, then tossed his hands up and went into the house with Brad and Rebecca. Relieved, I got in the car with Farin.

"Well, my mom thinks I am crashing at Rebecca's. Want to go to Jill's?" I asked.

"Sure, if you must." She sighed.

"What?" I asked, concerning her frustration.

"Nothing Carrie. You don't love me, I'll live, just go to Jill's and I'll get a ride with Darla so you two can fuck." She said.

"Whoah!" I yelled and pulled over. I put the car in park. She was glaring at me. I grabbed her head in back by the hair and kissed her hard.

She started hitting me, not hard and I just held on and kissed her. Eventually, her hits weakened and she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me back. After a couple of minutes, I broke the kiss.

"You have to give me time, but I had no intention of fucking Jill tonight." I said softly. "I love you Farin. Please believe I will give you all I can and I will never lie to you. We can go wherever you want tonight. My house is out, but we can just spend the night here in the car if you want."

She looked at me like I had hit her in the head with a club. Her eyes were slightly glazed and she smiled weakly. "Sorry Carrie. I guess I am the jealous type."

"Really? I hadn't noticed." I laughed lightly.

"Let's go someplace where we can be alone?" Farin smiled at me. "Okay. I think I know just the place." We kissed again. I put the car into drive and headed down the road, then turned onto a long country road. I drove along until I found an old deserted gravel road. My father had taken me fishing here before, when I was a little girl. It was next to a river and as far as I knew, deserted. I pulled into a dirt shoulder and parked the car.

I popped the trunk from inside. Maybe Brad had a blanket in there. "Let's go." I smiled at her squeezing her hand.

We got out and locked the car and thank fate there was a blanket in the back. I pulled it out and we walked hand in hand, me leading the way towards the rushing sounds of the water. The path was overgrown with weeds and undergrowth. We made our way through it all, scratching a leg here and there along the way.