Darla's Games Day 13


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I groaned and she took my hand and led it to it's destination between her thighs. Knowing what she wanted, I saw no point in delaying the inevitable, so I pushed her panties to the side and started to softly tease her lips. She smiled and opened her book.

I was watching the teacher, giving him some attention, as my fingertips deftly worked the soft fleshy flower between Courtney's legs. I suppose she had become as trained to enjoy my touch as her petals opened instantly to my caress. I knew she didn't want to cum here, well, at least I didn't think she did, so I just kept teasing her, not in a way to bring her to orgasm, just to keep her pussy interested in my ministrations.

I was lost in thought when my phone vibrated. I pulled it out with my left hand and opened it in my lap. "Nearest girl's room after class." Was all it read.

When I closed the phone, I noticed Courtney placing a folded piece of paper on my desk. I looked at her and she just turned and winked at me. With my left hand, I opened it and cringed as I read the words.

'I decided to let Brad use your mouth Friday night. I'm going to fuck him really good before though so you can taste me on his cock. I'm going to suck, fuck and jerk him off ten times a day through Thursday night so he will build up a huge load in his balls by Friday night when he goes without all day Friday.'

I knew I should have gone with my first instinct and thrown it away without reading it when I saw Rebecca's handwriting. No sooner had I finished hiding the offensive note, another one plagued my existence. This one from Courtney.

'Tonight, after cheer practice, after everyone leaves in the showers, we start. I am soooo glad you joined the squad Carrie. I swear, if you can do that trick again after math, I might fall in love with you. Would suck for Farin, but she'll get over it.'

I cringed. I continued to work my fingers delicately on her soft lips, but I think I scratched her a little when I read her note. She gasped and then giggled.

I looked over to Farin as I folded the paper up in my book. She was smiling at me, and I returned the smile. Then she glanced down at my hand wedged between Courtney's thighs and rolled her eyes at me. I couldn't help but to laugh lightly and she did too.

I ignored the other four notes that stacked on my desk, simply placing them inside my book as they arrived without a glance to even recognize the writing.

Class finished up and I withdrew my hand, making a show to Courtney of sucking my fingertips softly, as I knew she would make me do it anyway. I packed up my books and as the bell rang, followed Courtney out of the classroom and into the girls' room.

Once there, I quickly removed my shirt. I did not want a repeat of yesterday's explosion all over my shirt. I reconsidered and just as quickly removed my skirt as well, moving them both out of the way so they wouldn't get wet when Courtney squirted me again.

She had been simmering all through Math class, so I wasted no time and she didn't seem to mind at all as I dove right in. I decided to try something new and flicked my tongue across her clit as I dug my middle finger in deep to search out her g spot. It didn't take too long, my memory was at least good for a day.

I looked up at her, my tongue inside her slit, my finger driving her crazy. Courtney was in sexual overdrive. Her face was flushed her eyes were glazed over and she was biting her lip to stop from moaning out loud.

I knew I had her. Any second she would come crashing into a massive orgasm and we couldn't have been there for more than two minutes at most. I made no effort to prolong the orgasm or to deny it's deigned power and worked her inner and outer buttons in a fevered pitch. My tongue flying against her clit, my fingertip rubbing the hell out of her little internal nodule, I thrust hard and she plummeted into what looked to be a mind blowing climax.

She couldn't help it. She couldn't muffle the scream of ecstasy and I just pushed her right on through it, in spite of the fact that anyone in the hallways had to have heard her outburst. She grabbed my head, not to push it into her, but to balance herself. And she squirted more than yesterday.

I had to admit it, the feeling of that hot, thick liquid propelling and splashing against my face and chest made me horny as hell. I actually felt a trickle running down my leg long before the seeming cup of her juice dribbled it's way down my breasts, over my belly to splatter onto the floor between my knees. I courteously licked her sopping kitty clean.

I didn't give her a very thorough job, because I still had to clean up and dress and get to class. I wished I had thought to grab some wet and some dry paper towels to tidy myself. Instead, I ended up using a couple handfuls of toilet paper to dry up and then sprayed my bare torso with my perfume. I then dressed quickly and stood up to depart the toilets with Courtney, who had waited patiently with a smile on her face.

"Hey." Courtney chirped as she turned the lock on the stall.

I opened my mouth to say 'what?', but as quickly as I opened my mouth, it was invaded by her tongue in a very deep and far beyond friendly kiss. I allowed it, but did not reciprocate. I suppose that brought on her confused look as she stepped back from the kiss and turned and left without another word.

I got to class on time. Two for two and I had four days off my time now as I walked briskly into third period and slipped in next to Julie.

"Ugh!" She coughed as I sat next to her.

I looked at her confused. She laughed.

"Have an accident with the Glow?" she coughed again.

"Damn, sorry Julie," I laughed, thinking it a better smell than the alternative.

"So, where are you going on your date Friday?" Julie whispered.

"I don't know." I answered. "You going to give it up for Chad Friday?" Hey, I didn't sign up to be interrogated, may as well push her off the attack a little if I could.

"No, I think I am going to wait for our third date." She smiled.

"Yeah, third sounds better." I agreed.

"Like you would know" Julie laughed.

I gave her an unladylike gesture and laughed with her and we both received an admonishment from Miss Simms.

My cell buzzed again not long after we quieted down and I peeked to discover my next destination was the ladies room just outside of our Science class. I put the phone away and paid attention to class for the last half hour until the bell rang.

I didn't want to run off. Julie and I always walked the hall together during this break as it was the only time in the morning that we were heading to the same classroom. But, I couldn't very well take a leisurely stroll or I would lose some or possibly all of the four days I had already accumulated.

"Damn, I need to go to the bathroom." I didn't exactly lie. And I hurried off.

"Hold up, I need to go too." Julie easily caught up to me.

Well, this sucked. We went inside and I made sure I went in first and headed straight for the oversized stall in the back. Julie took the one next to me and kept our conversation going, since she didn't know Farin was standing with a grin on her face right in front of me.

"So, what is it like?" Julie asked.

Farin kissed me quietly on the lips and showed me a thick butt plug. Then she placed it to my lips and licked her own lips in direction. I had to lube it up. At least that was the message I got from her actions. So I answered quickly. "What?" I asked, and proceeded to take that wide black piece of plastic into my mouth.

"Sex, dumbass" Julie expanded. "How is the sex with Farin?"

Well, this sucked. In more ways than one, since I was trying to be quiet with a huge ass plug in my mouth. Meanwhile, Farin looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response. I smiled at her as she extracted the plug from my mouth. "It's wonderful." I answered. And Farin smiled back and used her finger in a circular motion to direct me to turn around and face the toilet. I leaned over it, just as I heard Julie start to release her pee into the next toilet.

"It's kinda weird." Julie began. "To picture you two, I mean. Do you 69 or take turns or what?"

She wasn't mocking, but I couldn't answer because just then my skirt was lifted and the wet plug was pressed to my tight little asshole. "Well, we took turns once. And we did 69 once too." She started pushing and I bit my fist not to moan out loud at the stretching pain.

"Damn, how many times have you too had sex?" Julie asked.

"A few." I gasped. This plug was a tad bit bigger than the last one. At least it felt that way. I hoped I could maintain silence as Farin kept up the steady pressure into my ass.

"I..." Julie seemed to be choosing her words. "Do you always have an orgasm?" She asked finally and I could almost hear her blushing as the words left her lips.

Well. This was going to be a tough question to answer. When done properly, hell yes. But, given what some of our trysts had required, namely me being not allowed a climax, "Not always." I blurted out and bit down hard. Damn, it felt like she was tearing my asshole apart.

"Oh..." Julie sounded disappointed. "I always thought that, you know, with it being oral by another girl, it would always work. I mean, not that boys are necessarily better at it, but the oral, it usually does it for me."

I could feel the sweat trickling off my forehead. I was going to scream soon, how much more of this fucking thing could there be left? I pushed back at her and Farin obliged my pushing forward harder and I cringed as the damn thing stretched me even wider. "Well, we..." Damn this thing was big. "Sometimes don't get to finish." I gasped. "Interruptions" I hoped that was sufficient as tears of pain joined the beads of sweat on my cheeks.

Julie flushed then and I took the sound of the toilet as an opportunity to grunt as I shoved my ass back hard and nearly screamed when the widest part stretched my ass out before mercifully pressing inside and allowing my tiny orifice to close around the thinner part of the plug. I gasped and breathed heavily as I let my ass muscle relax around the base of the plug.

Then I flushed and stood up on wobbly legs. Farin steadied me and helped clean up the tears and sweat from my face with a bit of toilet paper. She then retreated to the far side so I could exit the stall without her being seen. I pulled my skirt down and left.

Joining Julie at the sink, she looked really weird. Like, she was fighting with herself over saying something to me. "What?" I pressed. "Oh nothing" Julie answered, apparently deciding against releasing the words that were obviously on her mind.

I touched up in the mirror a little before we headed out the door and to our next class. I hoped nobody noticed my awkward gait.

Fourth period was an exercise in misery. Sitting on that plug made it plunge deeper inside me and it was extremely uncomfortable. At one point, I forgot about it entirely and leaned forward in my chair and grunted out loud as it pressed into and stretched a new depth inside my rectum.

Julie looked at me quizzically and I just groaned purposefully, like it had been a frustration with the assignment as opposed to the hunk of plastic imbedded in my ass. I couldn't wait to get it out, but I wondered how painful it would be to do so. Six days removed now though. I could manage some discomfort in the process.

My cell vibrated again at about five minutes before the end of the class. I peeked at it expecting my next bathroom assignment. Instead, I read 'leave it in for lunch and go to the girls bathroom by your locker after'.

So, at least I got to eat lunch for a change. Julie and I went together and ended up sitting with the cheerleaders. I was hoping to sit next to Julie, but Karen and Britney quickly pulled her between them at the table. I reluctantly sat between Farin and Courtney when their eyes and scooting indicated that it was the most obvious place for me to sit.

I guess I couldn't be too upset at Julie abandoning me. She surely didn't know and probably thought I would want to sit next to my 'girlfriend' at lunch. I sat down carefully between them and hoped that Courtney wouldn't expect me to finger her all during lunch. I was fortunate in that regard, though it would have been preferable to what actually did happen.

What I couldn't believe was that Farin was working with Courtney. Here was the girl who was supposed to be the love of my life actually in some secret agreement to make me miserable. I had gotten a salad and some baby carrots, at the behest of Rebecca who made it a point to anyone within hearing distance that I needed to shed some pounds. "No dressing." She had even told me when I reached for a single packet of low-cal ranch.

So, I started eating my totally bland salad with a fork, my nose inhaling the sweet scent of the cheeseburger directly across from me on Rebecca's plate. Did I mention I hate Rebecca lately? I crunched the tasteless meal in silence as the squad was busy adding to the thunderous sound of the cafeteria. Then, about five minutes later, it began.

I guess I should have known better than to think we were going to enjoy lunch... or rather that I was going to enjoy lunch. I noticed Farin reach for one of the baby carrots, I didn't really care and just popped another fork full of salad into my hungry mouth. Then, Courtney grasped my right knee with her left hand and Farin hooked her calf around mine, locking her foot around behind my ankle, so between the two of them, unless I struggled, my legs were spread open. I nearly choked on my lettuce.

Courtney and Farin both turned towards me and Farin even patted me on the back. I knew my pussy was now completely exposed to anyone who had an angle to see it. Nobody at this table would see anything of course, the cheerleaders to my sides would see my legs spread, but my skirt covered me from above. However, from a distance, from other tables, I would be completely vulnerable to the leering eyes of my classmates.

Julie giggled and asked me if I was okay. I muttered something about the wrong tube and smiled as if to excuse my reaction. My eyes wandered then, looking for anyone who would notice, anyone who was looking at my exposed cunt. I looked frantically, certain that I would find a table staring and pointing and laughing, but so far, nobody seemed to notice.

Then, a larger concern, I felt a finger on my sex. I must have blushed a thousand shades of red as I bit down to suppress a whimper and covered it by taking another bite of salad. I didn't bother looking down to see if it was Farin or Courtney, it really didn't matter and I didn't want my eyes to draw attention to my nether regions.

The finger tip was delicate, tracing my lips and parting my cuntal lips, working their way slowly up towards my clitoris. I shuddered and tried to scoot my ass back and away, but the action pushed the plug upwards. I was afraid to look at either of the girls to my sides, not wanting to see Courtney's devilish smile or Farin's lustful grin.

The treacherous finger continued its work relentlessly, gliding up and down, briefly entering my now sopping wet hole and twirling full circle inside it, before returning up the length of my slit and rubbing the wetness on a circular path over and around it. I continued to eat, clinching my right fist around my fork and fighting the urge to just let everything go and have a much needed orgasm right there in the middle of the cafeteria.

The finger continued it's methodical journey over and over, never speeding up or increasing in pressure, just massaging me from clit to perineum. I felt my mind losing control and fought the urge to slam my hips forward and engage the blessed release that my hormones so desperately desired. The torture seemed to go on forever, somehow I mindlessly finished my salad and stared blankly at the opposite wall of the cafeteria.

The waves of pleasure began to overwhelm me. Even though the finger never sped in its ministrations, I was getting close and I could no longer control the animalistic instincts that a clear mind would have found unforgivable. I thrust forward on the finger just as it approached my clitoris for the umpteenth time and sought out the sweet release that I knew awaited me on the other side of the rising tidal wave of passion burning in my soul. But, it was not to be, the finger retracted as suddenly as it had approached. My eyes slowly regained their focus and I found myself darting my eyes around the cafeteria wildly, hoping that nobody had witnessed the sexual haze that took over my being. I didn't see anyone blatantly staring, at least not down there. There were always the dreamy-eyed geeks, the guys who were too shy to ever actually approach a girl, much less a cheerleader, but fantasized about the prospect constantly, but even they did not seem to realize how close I had been to cumming right there in the cafeteria.

I finally chanced a glance to the left and Farin caught it out of the corner of her eye and turned to look at me with a bright smile on her face. With a quick glance around the table to be sure nobody was looking she put her middle and right fingers to her mouth and smiled widely. I watched as she lowered them back beneath the table and begged her with my eyes to stop this madness. She winked as I felt her fingers touch me there again and I slowly turned my attention back to the front.

I glanced at the clock, wishing there were far less than the remaining ten minutes before the bell. Up and down and round the hole and up and round the clit and down, the fingers teased. I felt a tear in my eye and wiped it before it could form, as if something had irritated it. I glanced at Julie, she was locked in conversation with Karen. I looked at the other faces on the other side of our table and they all seemed to be similarly engaged. I bit my lower lip to stifle a moan.

The finger continued as before. Never speeding or delving deeper, just slowly, oh so slowly sliding through the wet folds of my cunt. It was driving me insane. And they knew it. I reached down with my left hand and grabbed Farin's hand and squeezed it hard. I wanted so desperately to push it against my sex and drive my tortured body to the desperately needed climax. But, I didn't, I pulled it away. I placed my palm flat on the seat between my legs, blocking them from access to my drooling pussy.

"tsk tsk tsk." I heard from Courtney to my right. I turned to face her and she smiled that knowing, superior smile of hers. "Hey Carrie, let's play flinch." I looked at her kind of puzzled. She exhaled in exasperation. "Hold your hands up like this." She put her hands out in front of me, palms facing down. I looked around and it seemed a few other girls were paying attention, so I acquiesced.

She put her hands under mine and tickled her fingertips against my palms. "Now, I am going to try to slap your hands and you try to pull them away before I do. If you pull them away and I don't go for the slap, I get a free slap for flinching. If you pull them away and I miss the slap, we switch."

I kind of understood, but not completely. She kept tickling my palms with her fingertips and then she deftly turned her hands around mine and slapped the tops of my hands kind of hard, it stung. I yelped. It wasn't just the sting on my hands, no, Farin had tapped my clit with her fingers. I shuddered and focused on Courtney. "Ready Carrie? Here we go again." She slapped my hands again and I jolted as Farin slapped my pussy at the same time.

"Come on Carrie, at least try." Courtney giggled and slapped my hands again and I yelped once more as Farin slapped my clit again. On about the seventh time I yanked my hands away and Courtney missed. "There you go!" Courtney smiled. "Now it's your turn on the bottom." She turned her hands face down and waited for me to place mine beneath hers, facing up.