Date Night


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Ah.... I did so love being me most days.

"Turn around, my pets." The last item and I handed the empty bag off to the amused girl attending the cloak room. A double leash. One side jet black and the other a deep mahogany brown matching their collars. I clipped it to the little brass rings and slipped the loop of the handle around My fingers.

"Mmmm....." I took just a moment to savor the view. Wide wanting eyes. Goose bumps. Erect nipples and... other things. Muscles tense with a mix of desire and just a hint of nervousness. Backs straight and proud, even so.

"Master does love you both.... with my whole heart." I gave them a little smile, which curled up the corner of my lips. "Let's go eat, children. Master is starving." With that I turned and led them into the dining room, following the steps of the equally amused waiter.

The lounge/dining room area of the Triskele was a strange mix of styles, all depending on where you sat. Tiny little tables with tall stools for those who were only drinking and watching. A row of dark booths with bench seats. A row of tall stools ran along the length of the bar. Some small intimate dining tables and a few sets large enough for a dozen people. Off to the side there were even a few semi-private rooms which could be closed off with curtains.

Most of the room was fairly dim but several of the table had lights which shone down on them and the candles at each table provided even more. There was more than enough light to see almost everyone in the room taking a good look at the two almost naked pets at the end of my leash. I don't believe anyone even looked at me twice.

There were maybe twenty people scattered around the room. A few by themselves, some pairs and a couple of small groups. The majority of them sat in chairs but a small few were kneeling on the floor in attendance to their Owners. One or two of those were completely naked and the rest wore little or nothing. Well... except for one... girl? I think she was a girl, anyway.. all the right curves in all the right places, but you never know. All we could see peeking out of the skin tight shiny rubber suit was a pair of pretty blue eyes.


"Will this do, Sir?"

"Perfect, thank you." I murmured a drink order, which the waiter accepted with a small bow, his eyes lingering on my pets for just an instant, the smile never leaving his lips.

The table was low and fairly narrow. An equally low chair at the head with two odd little stools on either side. They were wide and wedge shaped with a flat top covered with thick padding and either a shiny black plastic or patent leather cover. I was amused by my pet's confusion as they looked at them and wondered while I unclipped them from the leash.

The purpose of the low seat became clear when I took Rose by the elbow and had her kneel down carefully, feet straddling the thing. Her thighs settled on the slanted sides and the wide top fit snugly between her legs. A little gasp and squeak as her own weight pressed the strap up into her pussy and the plug of her tail pressed further into her bottom. My beautiful girl arched her back to ease the pressure, making her firm bare titties jut out proudly.

Nathan had watched amused as I seated the girl but moments later had gasped and squeaked and arched his back in much the same manner as his bottom pressed into the padding. Across the table Rose shot him a "So there!" look, taking what triumph she could and mustering her dignity.

All of this served to do exactly what I wanted, which was of course to distract the loves of my life from the fact they were out in public among strangers and practically naked. It wasn't something that would be happening all of the time but I did look forward to showing off my beautiful pets as often as possible. I was quite proud this old man had managed to earn such treasures.

Aside from constantly looking at each other, both sets of eyes swept around and around the room in wonder. It was a new place and everywhere you looked there was something interesting to see. Couples in evening clothes. Some in more casual attire. A few of them dressed in enough leather to start their own motorcycle gang. Leather and PVC and rubber. Rope and chains and cuffs and shackles and lots and lots of bare flesh.

Up on the stage under bright lights a young woman sat at a piano, playing something soft and complicated enough to make you wonder if she had more than two hands. The piano slowly rotated as she played, giving everyone in the room a very good look. The girl was petite and quite beautiful. Her hair and makeup were elegantly done, as if she had just come from a high end salon. A small glittery tiara perched amidst her hair, matching the earrings in her lobes and the thin bracelets around her wrists, which were attached to each other by a very long thin chain, allowing her the freedom to reach both ends of the keyboard. From the waist down she wore a tight evening gown which reached almost to her ankles, showing off a pair of high heels which looked like they cost the best part of a grand easy. The gown accented her waist and drew your eyes to the round globes of her bottom on the bench.

From the waist up there was nothing but bare flesh. Smooth bare skin. Well toned arms. Tight firm ripe little breasts with hard pink nipples. They jiggled just slightly as she played.

My eyes returned to Rose as I imagined her up on the same stage. A jazz combo behind her as she belted out a smoky tune dressed in much the same manner. Mmm.... dark nylon stockings. That tight black dress she wore so well. Matching pair of heels. Absolutely nothing but my sweet pet girl from the waist up. Dozens of pairs of eyes devouring her while she performed.

The girl seated next to me caught my look and immediately knew what I was thinking. The dreamy look in my eyes and the devilish grin. She flushed a deep red and looked away but I could see goose bumps traveling up and down her arms as she imagined being up there.

My talented girl loved being up on the stage.

But.... oh my god.... her eyes kept looking at the young woman at the piano, entranced.

I laughed softly.

Our drink arrived in a manner quite suited to the ambience of the club. A rather attractive young man carrying a tray came up to the side of the table and bowed politely. He wore a lower harness much like my pup's which barely concealed the fact he was quite... fit. Leather cuffs on his wrists and a leather collar around his neck connected to a leash which the head waiter held onto a few feet away. He seemed attractive enough but much of his face was obscured by a panel gag which covered his lower face. From the set of his jaws, it appeared there must be something behind the panel between his lips.

So... no idle chatter with the customers, then. Fair enough.

A large glass of ice water set in front of each of us. Next to each a wine glass carefully poured with three fingers of a deep purple wine.

"Can we...." Nathan began then corrected himself. "May we be allowed to use our hands, Master?" I shook my head. Being young it took a lot of not so gentle correction to make sure my puppy boy spoke and wrote properly.

"No, pup. Not just yet, anyway. Perhaps later on." As if he were well used to such things, the young server dropped straws into each glass in front of my shackled pets.

I knew drinking wine from a straw wasn't the way they did things uptown. But at this point in my life I could care less about what "Society" thought about me and mine. I was happy and my pretty pets were happy and that was all that mattered to me.

The final item from the tray was a Manhattan. Master's drink of choice. With the stem of a maraschino cherry curling from the top. But as he set it down in front of me he bobbled and it tipped but managed to catch it before it fell completely over. As it was, about a quarter of my drink spilled and soaked into the linen tablecloth.

A muffled gasp leaked from around the edges of the panel gag. The young server's eyes went wide and he paled as he immediately dropped to his knees, eyes on the floor in supplication. The head waiter looked slightly distressed at the failure of his charge and looked at me for direction. I held up my hand. Five fingers. He nodded and tugged on the leash. The man at the end of the chain leapt to his feet, bowed to us once again and followed as he was led away.

We could all see his ass cheeks tightening up in anticipation.

"What will he do to him?" Rose looked a little distressed. The errant man had looked about the same age as my puppy and I could see her need to protect swelling large in her heart. If I had let her free she would have either begged for his salvation or threatened to kick the head waiter's ass. I shook my head and waved a hand.

"Nothing too horrible, little flower. I am sure he will be chastened but not damaged. The owner of the club will not allow anything to damage any of his... assets. And I know Frank will be watching, too. He keeps a close eye on every penny. That young man increases their profits and he is probably quite pampered when off duty. Don't fret about it."

My explanation seemed to ease her heart some, but she still kept a sharp eye out for his return.

We sat and enjoyed the music and the view while we waited. A couple of people stopped by to shake my hand and say a word or two. While they always spoke to me out of deference, their eyes were glued to my beautiful pets. There were lots of comments on both their looks and their attire and many compliments and even a few inquiries about personal commissions.

As much as I would enjoy making fetish clothing as a living, making chainmail was not something I would want to do on a full time basis. I made these pieces for my pets and poured my heart into them. Making them for someone else would not be as special and would not reflect my heart.

No... no, thank you.

Both Nathan and Rose were flattered by the attentions and compliments and were somewhat shy but remained polite and proper, which made my heart swell with pride. It made me smile to see them learning to be at ease around strangers. Almost forgetting they were nearly naked and at the same time taking pride in displaying themselves for their Master.

I wonder if either of them had ever even dreamed of such a thing before meeting me. Kneeling on the floor in a fancy club. Dressed in only enough to enhance and accent their near nudity. Hands shackled behind their backs, exposed and helpless to shield themselves from the openly appreciative and somewhat pointedly lustful gaze of strangers.

I smiled to myself. No time like the present.

The head waiter returned, once again towing the pretty young serving boy at the end of his leash. Above the panel covering his mouth the young man's eyes were a little brighter and shiny around the edges and just a little red, as if he had recently been crying. He was moving a little gingerly and he bent quite carefully to set a plate of salad in each place. Moving to my side, he carefully overlapped three napkins next to my plate and on top of these he set a single fork.

One of the things which was quite obvious was the fact the leather pouch covering his crotch was now fully distended and very full of a long and very hard prick. From the corner of his eye he shot me a grateful and submissive glance.

After he bowed and turned away, we could all see five long angry red stripes across the fine half moons of his ass cheeks. Both of my pets gasped and flushed, their bottoms tightening in sympathy. I saw an opportunity and took it.

"What do you think, puppy? I could get you a part time job here, if you think you would like to try." He gasped again and straightened even more, his bound hands trying reflexively to cover his exposed bottom. His eyes never left the striped flesh of the server until he was led out of sight. I could see goose bumps running up and down those fine muscled arms. He shook his head nervously and a bit vehemently.

"N-no, M-master! I.... Ummm.... I d.... I....Ummm...." Nathan broke off stammering and looked at me, a deep flush on his cheeks. "Maaaybeee..... Sir?" I smiled and Rose giggled.

Though my puppy wasn't necessarily a fan of corporal punishment in general, he had quickly learned the erotic aspects of being over Master's lap or being tied down over the stool. Each time he found himself face down in that manner he focused on the gentle aftercare which he knew was coming and the fact it turned his Master on when he reddened the boys firm little butt. In my opinion, a pet was always a little more receptive and just a shade more easily excitable when their butt was red and stinging.

Yes, I am a kinky old bastard. Well aware of the fact.

While I was musing with a little smile on my face, both of my bound pets had been looking down at the salad plates sitting in front of them and the fact the server had only brought one fork. A wordless conversation using only glances and shrugs flew back and forth across the table.

Rather than waste time with extended explanations, I just leaned over and got a forkful of the greens from puppy's plate and held it up to his mouth. When he took his bite I got another one from my panther girl's plate and held it to her lips before taking a bite of my own. My pets were seated close enough to me I did not have to reach very far.

One day I would have to meet and thank whoever designed the seating for this club. He or she was a genius.

This wasn't really anything my pets had not experienced before. Most of the time when we ate they sat at the table in regular chairs just like your average family anywhere in the world. The little snippets of "normalcy" made the times in between just a little more special. But there were many many times while I sat at the table with a pet or two kneeling by my knees and I fed them with my fork or my fingers. I thoroughly enjoyed feeding them myself and found it to be a highly charged and erotic experience. And after such an intimate experience more often than not one or the other of my pets would invariably end up under the table swallowing a load of Master's salty come for dessert.

Though I would not complete our meal in that way in such a public place the thought flew back and forth in my mind. Both Nathan and Rose could read enough of my thoughts to know exactly what I was smiling about. While my boy had never completely lost his erection, he got even harder, filling the little leather pouch almost to bursting. My girl's exposed nipples hardened and tightened into stiff little nubs and both of them spent the entire meal with a lite flush on their cheeks.

We made our way through the salad and the meal in quiet but charged conversation. Each bite of the very good prime rib and baked potato was made just a shade more amazing by the context. What would have been a very good meal by itself turned into something so much more with the thoughts running through our minds.

So much better when the head waiter came by and quietly said "Dessert?" both of my shackled lovers broke out in a shiver, each of them letting out a small moan of unspent desire, much to his and my amusement.

To top off such a memorable repast, I ordered a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. By the time I was finished presenting the sweet succulent phallic shaped fruits to their lips my pets were in such a state it would not have taken more than one finger or even just a word from their Master to bring them to at least a small but not inconsiderable peak right there at the table.

Ahhh.... I did so love being me.

"Rex...." Soft dulcet voice. Cool lips leaving a peck on the top of my ear and little pale fingers with black lacquered fingernails against my shoulder. "So good to see you again." I bowed my head politely.

"Violetta. Always a pleasure, my dear." From their perches, Rose and Nathan stared openly.

Violet Faye Driscoll-Wingfield. Known to most of the BDSM world as Mistress Violetta. I was one of the very small number of people in the world who knew her real name and I was more than smart enough to know I could never get away with using it.

The woman was tiny. Diminutive. Like a smaller than life sized porcelain doll. Barely five feet tall. Outwardly an elfin beauty. Raven black hair and a smooth slightly oval face with tiny red bows for lips. Very stunning as long as you did not look into her eyes. Half shuttered behind long black lashes her eyes were cold and gray, like some centuries old vampire. If you looked deep enough into those eyes you would see a barely contained fury and an intense love for causing exquisite pain in others.

If you looked at her body, you knew the meaning of desire.

If you looked into her eyes, you knew the meaning of fear.

As if she really needed the help intimidating others, the two men who flanked her would gladly do the job. Well over six feet tall and damn near as wide. They looked like professional wrestlers or possibly secret service agents. They moved as a team, eyes always surveying the area for possible threats, hands near their waistbands even though they were not allowed to carry their weapons inside the Triskele Club.

The two of them together might possibly give Frank Castle a run for his money.

Me, I stayed out of their way whenever I could. And after tonight I would warn my pets to do the same. Those guys would hurt you for fun.

Tall stiletto heels drove their spikes deep into the carpeting as she moved. Shiny leather boots which reached up past her knees. Above those a pair of leather pants so tight they looked like a coating of spray paint. Tight enough to see the woman was definitely a woman and very clear there was nothing under those pants but Violetta.

Wide leather belt around her slim hips. A large white swashbuckler's shirt with big puffy sleeves and frills around her wrists and at her neck. Over this a tight blood red corset gripped her waist and defined her form.

She was like watching a cobra. Slim and lithe and deadly and you could not look away.

Ebony fingernails settled against Nathan's neck, as if she were contemplating tearing his throat out of his body. He froze then yipped as she gripped his hair, tilting his head back to peer down into his eyes.

"This one is pretty enough." She said. "Too small for me, though. I would probably break him by accident." As if she did anything accidentally. Still gripping him tightly, she looked across the table into my girl's wide frightened eyes. One finger left his skin and pointed.

"That one, though...... I would love to make it scream." Her gaze turned towards me. As always, utterly devoid of any emotion other than barely contained rage and evil intent.

"Give them to me, Rex. Give them to me for a month and I will return them perfectly trained. These will never cause you another moment of grief."

As if afraid to move their heads, two sets of eyes rolled in my direction. Begging and offering their very lives to not allow this to happen. Promising me anything to keep them safe from whoever this person was. I shook my head slowly.

"While I do appreciate the offer, I think I will pass. I love my pets just they way they are, Violetta. The spark in their souls. And I do love correcting their errant behavior in my own way."

There were not many people who could or even dared to say "No" to her. But there was no way I would ever let her get her hands on the ones I loved.

She released Nathan's head with a small shove, rocking him forward.

"Suit yourself." Was all she had to say as she strode away, her bully boys hot on her heels.

Three long exhalations of relief came from all of our lungs as that woman disappeared into a back hallway. As if we had just missed being run over by a train. I had to resist the urge to check myself and see if I was bleeding anywhere.