Date with a Drifter


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There was an audible squish as his glans pressed between her labia, met by satin flesh and syrupy fluids, the she-wolf's tongue lapping at his neck as she rumbled appreciatively. Showing no consideration for Matt, she slammed down on him, driving him deep into the mattress and engulfing his member in her narrow passage. Despite her size, she was heavily muscled and remarkably tight, her insides clenching around him with a strength that forced a cry of surprise from his lips. His arms wrapped around her head, her shaggy fur tickling his skin, his body tensing as his vision was clouded by dancing points of light. His thoughts were muddled, raw sensation washing over him in crippling waves as if his nervous system was being flooded with static.

Despite the abundance of lubricating fluids their contact with rough, his imposing partner immediately finding a harsh pace that he could scarcely tolerate. Matt struggled to contain his gasps and moans, every impact of her furry body against his driving bolts of harsh sensation up his spine. He gripped handfuls of her mane as her dripping maw rested about his neck, her teeth pressing into his skin, never enough to hurt but just enough to remind him of who was in control. Her long tongue lashed as his skin, hot and slimy, his body tingling as his instinctual urge to protect his vulnerable throat heightened his sensitivity.

His eyes rolled back into his head as her hips came crashing down hard enough to bruise, fucking him into the mattress beneath them with an almost willful disregard. She would rise on his shaft as her sodden walls clung to it like a latex glove, every fold and texture of her insides rubbing against his tender anatomy as they scoured him, before letting her immense weight bring her back down to slam him deep into her reaches. She gripped him with her mouth all the while, keeping him from squirming out from under her, like a tomcat mating with a queen.

"F-Fuck," he mumbled, clinging to the fur around her neck for dear life. "Slow...slow down..."

He hoped that some semblance of humanity remained in her, that he might be able to reach her somehow. His hopes were dashed, however, her only response to his pleas was to tighten her grip on him. The creature was bouncing atop him now, every downward thrust punctuated by a bestial grunt from her and a low gasp or a pained whine from Matt.

While he was indignant at her callous treatment, the intensity of their coupling was quickly washing away his resistance. She was so damned tight, so vigorous, the feeling of her silken tunnel as it wrung his aching member with cruel muscle contractions was exquisite. She was so much more than he could handle, overwhelming, and somehow that fed into his lust. He realized with a pang of excitement and shame that he was enjoying this treatment, his body bucking upwards to meet her rolling hips, his member swelling and twitching inside of her.

This creature was wanton sexuality made manifest, shameless and greedy, so abandoned in her obscene rutting that a human mind could scarcely process the thought of it. The pleasure was unlike anything that he had ever felt before, an overbearing ache that permeated him to the core. He was vulnerable, in such a compromising position, it made every inch of his skin as sensitive as the head of a penis. He was almost numb from the waist down, his legs had turned to useless jelly, sharp bursts of pleasure from their joined loins flaring in his mind as her rhythmic mating dragged on. He went limp, surrendering to the she-wolf and letting her do as she pleased, his resistance futile as the ecstasy overpowered his higher faculties. He was adrift in a wild ocean. Like a tiny raft surfing the crashing waves, all that he could do was ride out the storm.

The werewolf seemed to sense the change in him, and her huge jaws pulled away from his throat, joined to his skin with thick strings of drool. She looked down at him with her yellow eyes, triumphant perhaps in her mastery over him. She slowed her ruthless grinding, coming to a stop as his erection lay buried to the hilt inside her, pulsing and leaking a steady stream of precum.

She wasn't moving anymore, why wasn't she moving? She sat up straight, her breasts quivering like mounds of jello as they settled. Matt could have sworn that he saw a smile curling her black lips. His member throbbed and jumped, desperate for the stimulation to continue. The warmth and wetness of her smooth passage as it pressed around him was enough to drive him crazy. He lifted his ass off the bed, thrusting up into her as she sat perched atop him, a satisfied rumble reverberating from her in a deep contralto.

Did she want him to reciprocate, was that it? It wasn't enough for her to have her sordid way with him, she wanted her lust to be returned. She watched him as he ran his hands through the downy fur on her thick thighs, roaming higher towards hips that were twice as wide as he was. He sank his fingers into the doughy fat for leverage as he pushed into her, feeling her loins ripple as he moved.

This seemed to please her, and his reward was having the werewolf resume her pitiless assault, coming down on him hard enough to knock the air out of his lungs. She rolled her wide hips to drive his erection against her smooth walls, gyrating and twisting, her chiseled abs rippling beneath her fur. He felt her curved claws on his back, one of her long, furry arms sliding beneath him as she kept up her punishing dance. She lifted him upright, her sharp talons pricking his skin, her other hand coming to rest against the back of his head as she thrust his face into her cleavage.

He was greeted by a forest of deep, lush fur, fluffy and soft against his flushed cheeks. The enormous globes of her breasts engulfed his head, their considerable weight pouring over his shoulders. He felt as if there was a damned barbel weighing him down, exhaling a sigh into her fluffy chest as she buffeted him with her frenzied thrusting.

Her claws raked down his back, drawing red trails in his skin, pricking his scalp as she delved her fingers into his hair and his hands roamed across her generous body. He traced the hourglass curve of her hip, gliding upwards and across her ribs, the bones concealed beneath a web of taut muscle. Her breasts were irresistible, so large that if he was to wrap both arms around one, his hands would have scarcely met on the other side. They were plump and surprisingly firm, keeping their shape as they hung from her chest. He delved his fingers into her flesh, feeling a tremor pass through her massive body, her loins tightening their cruel grip on him in response. The fur on them was thinner and silkier than the longer coat that covered the rest of her body, the delicate fat beneath spilling around his hand like memory foam. She had two black nipples, hard and erect, and he heard her snarl as he pinched one of them between his fingers.

It was frightening, but he soon realized that it wasn't a display of aggression when she slid her hand down towards his lower back, using the leverage to take him deeper and harder. He felt dizzy, his head spinning as his face sank deep into her pillowy bosom. He breathed in her musky, animal scent. It was undeniably sexual, tickling the most base and archaic parts of his brain, his member surging inside her and his hands grasping with renewed vigor.

Her body was a beautiful mosaic of muscle and fat, she was hard and toned, yet all of her weight went to the most flattering and enticing of places. He slid his hands down her furry back, clawing at the meat of her ass, finding it springy and muscular. You could have bounced a bowling ball off her cheeks. He took great handfuls as he squeezed her supple fat, filling his palms and feeling her flesh spill between his fingers. Her fluffy tail wagged back and forth, whipping his forearms as her slaver leaked down into his hair.

A mischievous thought popped into his head, and he searched for the base of her tail, gripping it in his hand. He gave it a hard tug, feeling the burning flesh of her passage contract around his cock and hearing a yelp slip through her dark lips in response. His chuckle was cut short as her fingers curled around his neck from behind, her sharp claws pressing into his throat. She pulled him out from between her breasts, Matt glancing up at her as she looked down at him with an expression that could only have been described as annoyance.

She begged a silent question; What the hell do you think you're doing?

Matt grinned sheepishly, and she planted her wide palm against his face, pushing him down into the sheets. With her hand resting on his head, she hastened her thrusting, teasing him with shimmies and figures of eight from her rolling hips. They were so wide, she could have carried a cannonball in her belly without breaking stride. There was a whirlwind of sensation around his member, tender and sore from their prolonged and brutal courtship. His bestial lover had such fine control over her voluptuous body. From the twisting of her rock-hard abs to the soft massage of her pelvic floor, her taut muscles had all the dexterity and precision of a nimble hand.

His spine arched off the bed, pushing into her as she came down atop him, all of his fear and apprehension forgotten. She wasn't going to hurt him, he knew that now, they both wanted the same thing.

The beast planted her hands to either side of his head, her breasts swaying as she leaned down, her flexible body bent double so that her nose was level with his. She watched him with those golden eyes, like two bright moons in their own right, her drool dripping from her jaws to land heavily on his cheeks.

Her thick fingers shot into his hair and took a tight grip, his member pulsing in response. When he opened his mouth to gasp she filled it with her tongue, the flexible organ bulging his cheeks. It was coated in her thick drool, slimy and wet as it explored the inside of his head. While a human tongue was strong and dexterous, hers was thin and flat, tickling his inner cheeks and the roof of his mouth as she lapped at them. Her black lips were mismatched with his, her embrace clumsy and exploratory, more of an invasion than a kiss. It just kept coming, her tongue piling into his mouth, its copper flavor pricking his taste buds. It was like having a length of cloth that had been soaked in jelly pushed into his mouth.

They were completely incompatible, but she remained undeterred, licking his tongue and pushing her massive organ deeper. She glanced the back of his throat, her viscous slaver leaking down his chin and pooling in his mouth, keeping a tight hold on him so that he couldn't squirm free. Had it been truly unpleasant, he could have bitten her, and she would have surely withdrawn. He was growing accustomed to the sensation, however, stars dancing before his eyes and seething pleasure burning inside him as she subjected him to a deep and lascivious kiss. It was so sexual and unrestrained, with none of the care and finesse that kissing normally entailed. Her movements were rough and crude as she glazed the inside of his mouth with her bestial slaver.

Matt was drenched in her juices now, both inside and out. Her scent was inside him, on him, her slimy excitement leaking from her swollen loins to cling to his thighs and belly in fat blobs. Her bubbling saliva was on his tongue, slipping down his throat, drying on his neck and chest in a sticky sheen. He was completely overcome, his brain was sparking and buzzing, he couldn't think straight. Rational thoughts slipped through his fingers like sand, intangible and impossible to grasp. It was as if he was becoming an animal himself, his only desire to rut. All that he wanted now was to revel in their obscene union.

A searing wave of pleasure came crashing over him, the incessant thrusting of her hips driving him towards the edge. His heart hammered against his ribs, his erection throbbing in time with it. He could feel the silken walls of her loins responding in kind as they shifted around him. It was like they were linked, every spasm and contraction of one felt by the other, feeding into each other as they ground their hips together like they were trying to start a fire.

It was an ever-mounting pressure, like a boiler about to explode, building to an unbearable intensity as she broke off from her sloppy kiss in order to concentrate on their violent lovemaking. Her long tongue slid out of his mouth, her lips pulling away with a pop, connected by a drooping web of slaver. Her yellow eyes were closed, the skin on her long snout furrowed as she bared her pearly teeth. Her weighty breasts knocked together like a giant executive toy above him, fighting gravity as she gyrated and bounced, her already ruthless pace quickening. The iron muscles in her thighs clenched about his hips, her knees practically reaching his armpits due to the exaggerated size of her legs. Was it not for the soft cushion of pliant fat that enclosed them, he feared that she might have popped him like a ripe cherry. She seemed lost in a fugue, her sensuous movements taking on a trance-like quality as she rocked on top of him, her clawed fingers digging into his chest to leave red welts as she pushed down.

The bed springs screamed beneath them, their combined weight near enough to snap them, the wooden frame cracking and creaking ominously as it threatened to give out under the strain. The headboard knocked against the wall, chipping the plaster, the whole room seeming to shake as she drove him deep into the mattress.

His member was buried so far inside her, the damp fur of her sodden mound slapping against his belly when she dropped down, using gravity to aid her as she took him into her innermost depths. She liked it hard and rough, her pink tongue hanging limply from her maw as saliva rained down on him, smothering Matt with her furry body.

They were locked in a death spiral, heat and friction mounting along with their pleasure, building towards an inevitable peak. Matt cried out as he felt a powerful contraction rip through her loins, the muscles behind her luxurious, cushiony insides squeezing him angrily. He could feel her begin to climax, every wracking tremor that rolled through her massive frame causing her to flinch and tighten in waves, wringing his member from the base to the tip as if she was trying to force his ejaculate from his body.

He took handfuls of the fur on her thighs for purchase, clinging to her as her legs shook, her fangs bared in a silent snarl as she shivered and trembled on top of him. For a moment the hulking beast seemed vulnerable, affected. For all her size and strength she was reduced to a quivering mess by her orgasm all the same, Matt taking the opportunity to reach down into the matted fur of her mound and seek out her clitoris. He found the swollen bud of flesh, his fingers already dripping with her flowing juices, rubbing it so that he might sustain her pleasure a little longer. Her eyes opened wide, her jaws parting to loose a yelp and her hips resuming their thrusting as the ecstasy got the better of her.

She trapped his neck in her jaws once more, leaning down and closing them around his throat, his fingers moving furiously beneath her matted fur as her teeth pressed against his skin. She was trying to mate with him, keeping him trapped beneath her as she rode out the pangs of her climax. With her weight crushing him against the bed and her mouth pinning him, the only thing that he could move were his arms, and so he carried on his rubbing. Her hot flesh was slippery against his fingers, so warm that he was surprised that she wasn't giving off steam, her insides milking him with an almost mechanical force.

The werewolf's tongue lapped at his neck, grazing his sensitive throat. She bit him hard enough that he could feel it, but not enough to break the skin, as if to serve as a warning in case he should attempt to break free. That was the last thing on his mind, however, and he gritted his teeth as her torturous rhythm wrung the first throb of his orgasm from his body.

It felt like someone was pulling a knotted rope out of him through his cock, the she-wolf's teeth vibrating against his jugular as she growled rapturously, feeling his warm emission splash against her tender walls. She choked off his pained groan with her jaws, her thighs locking around his waist as his muscles wrenched, thick wads of his come pouring into her waiting loins. Her passage sucked at his twitching member like a pair of eager lips to draw more from him, the raw intensity of it searing his nerves. He could feel every load as it was squeezed out of him, his head spinning as he prayed that he wasn't about to father a litter of werewolf puppies.

The corners of his vision darkened, tormenting pleasure surging through him as he shot the last of his ejaculate into her, finally ebbing as a seething euphoria settled over him like a warm blanket. A deep satisfaction permeated his being, lingering tremors tickling his senses. He felt almost giddy. In his haze of afterglow, the beast's fur felt soft and luxuriant under his hands. Drunk on pleasure, he combed her pelt with his fingers, feeling her shiver appreciatively at his touch.

The werewolf was enjoying the fading embers of her own climax, and he withdrew his hand from within the damp fur that concealed her sex, watching with fascination as a string of her clear juices formed and then broke. She was breathing heavily, they both were, her sumptuous breasts wobbling gently as her chest rose and fell above him.

She seemed sated now, her bestial thirst for him quenched, staring down with drooping eyelids as she wet her lips with her pink tongue. Her long lashes fluttered, one final burst of enduring pleasure coursing through her tired muscles, Matt wincing as he felt her leaking passage clench around his sore erection.

Her wet nose pressed against his cheek as she leaned down closer to him, her tongue leaving her mouth to paint his face in warm saliva, a show of canine affection. Her attitude was somehow doting now, as if she had claimed him as her own. Perhaps, in her animal mind, she now considered him the father of her offspring. It didn't seem like they'd be compatible, but a goddamned werewolf was straddling him, anything was possible.

She rose off him, his member flexing involuntarily as her tight passage dragged against his shaft, a lewd mess of their combined fluids spilling out of her in shocking quantities. The obscene concoction splattered against his thighs and belly, clinging to the matted fur between her legs as she shuffled off him. They looked like the losers on some kind of children's game show, it was as if someone had upended the contents of a giant tube of personal lubricant all over them. The bed was ruined, and everything was sticky, but the werewolf did not share his displeasure.

She flopped onto her side, lying down next to him and bouncing him clear into the air. Matt rolled into her open arms by virtue of her weight alone, like they were marbles on a sheet of stretched fabric in a gravitational model of the solar system. Once in her clutches, she pressed his head between her breasts, giving him no choice but to breathe in a deep lungful of her musky scent.

He was exhausted, completely spent, the warmth of her body and the softness of her coat tempting him to sleep. Her hot breath blew his hair, one of her massive thighs engulfing him as she hooked her leg around his body. There was fur and muscle on all sides, like he had been cocooned in a werewolf-scented sleeping bag, her fat boob serving as an admirable pillow beneath his head.

"Fuck it," he mumbled, closing his eyes and letting his fatigue overcome him.


"Matt! Matt!"

He opened his eyes as the biker shook him vigorously, rolling over to face her. They were in bed together, buried beneath the ruined sheets, the mattress covered in claw marks and stains. She seemed alarmed. Her eyes were wide, and she looked as if she had been about to burst into tears.
