Dating Game Ch. 03


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"Are you all through with this stuff now? Are you ready to be my wife again?"

"Yes, Mark ... I am ... all of it. I w-want you back, i-if you will h-have me, darling!"

I pulled her in close and kissed her like a husband kisses his wife. She smiled up at me, and my heart melted seeing those to golden topaz-colored eyes glistening! I told her,

"I would fight a hundred Craig's to keep you. Let's talk later, honey! There are still some things I need to know!" she smiled and nodded, too choked up to answer. When I went back in to join the guys I could hear her softly crying in the kitchen.

After another hour, or so, the game broke up, and they all got up, belching, slapping each on the back, talking roughly, and started to leave. I shook their hands, and Donna came out to thank them again with a sweet sisterly kiss for each of them. Tom took Donna's shoulders in her huge hands, looked down at the diminutive woman, and said,

"Any time you need us just call ... we are always here for you, Donna!" The other guys nodded.

"Thanks, Tom, and thank Helen for me too!" Donna said.

The guys were gone, and Donna walked over to me, starting to unbutton her dress. God, she looked so cute! I could see her soft round breasts coming into view. I turned out the lights, and looked at my lovely wife as she stood there with a broad slash of moonlight; streaming through the window and across her face and bosom.

My pulse quickened as I took her into the bedroom, and we started slow. She was so turned on, watching four big men defending her honor, her pungently sweet female aroma was evident, as I closed in to slide myself into her. She was shaking like a leaf, with my attentions to her and she said nervously,

"Mark, d-darling, you are going to t-take me ... h-hard, aren't you?"

"Is that what you want Donna?

"Y-Yes! You know it is!"

"Well?" I asked. she knew what that meant!

"Oh, Mark! You are going to make me say it?"

"No. (I laughed) Let's just do what comes naturally!"

She was jittering out of control with nervousness and sexual arousal, but she surprised me by starting to cry. She looked up at me with her lovely face, and I could see her eyes glistening with wetness in that half-shadow. She shuddered, as her feminine essence—her pheromones—filled the air. Her sexual arousal was palpable! She said with remorse in her voice,

"Oh, Mark. I d-don't deserve anything from you; I am such an un-unfaithful little ... little ho!"

I told her not to worry about that now. I could tell that her heart was beating in her throat as she continued, breathlessly,

"Mark, I have ... behaved like a ... a t-tramp, and I want you to ... to treat me ... that way! I want it hard ... so hard, ithurts! Make mefeelit Mark ... punish me darling, I deserve it!"

I took her at her word. I slid my cock into her all the way in one long stroke as she squealed from the pleasure ... with a little bit of pain. She could feel the friction; I could see her wince as I continued. But she was so aroused that she lubricated quickly, and I started pushing into her hard. I wanted to punish her for her lapses in fidelity, but after twenty-five plus years, she had become a part of my life—part of me!

I started right out with long hard strokes, as my balls slammed into her pretty ass. As much as I hated hurting her, I felt more anger than I realized, lurking below the surface. I jammed it into her as hard as my muscular body would allow, and she was crying as much from pain as from pleasure ... from the intense eroticism. Our bedroom reeked of sex! I listened to the sounds of my wife receiving the pounding of her life,

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh! Oh, Mark, oh God, it hurts! It feels so good darling!" she was crying but continued, "Oh yes, baby! I want you, baby! Fuck me! Fuck me darling, harder! Harder! HARDER!"

Her body pushed up with each hard stroke, and I was aroused, watching her lovely breasts jiggle with each stroke. She was delirious from the combination of pain-pleasure, and intense arousal. She screamed and cried loudly, as she came shuddering and convulsing.

She worried me a little, since she had never come that intensely! I pushed into her a couple more times, and exploded inside Donna's pussy and she started breathing in little huffs building to another orgasm. She squealed and shivered as she came again, and then looked up at me and smiled. God, she was lovely—even as a flushed, heaving, breathless pool of sweat!

When we both cooled down, there was no kissing and no touching—she was being punished by her own wish. When she was lucid enough, I sat on the edge of the bed.

After kissing and touching, I rose, and she flipped over onto her stomach. She said in a soft nervous voice,

"I'm ready for m-my pun-punishment, Mark! P-Please ... um, not ... not too hard!"

I laughed to myself, but only slapped her little butt three times; I was able to cover both of her buns with my large hand. She squealed at my strokes to her sweet ass. I knew she was ready for a harsher punishment, but I could feel the anger under the surface, and backed off. I saw those three red overlapping hand prints, and felt so sorry that I gently rubbed them. She started crying bitter tears, more from her internal pain of hurting me, than from those three little stings.

"Lie still, baby! Stay on your stomach!" I said softly.

"Owie! Mark, it hurt ... sooo much! I guess I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to pain." She whimpered. My heart was breaking, having done this to her, so I told her with compassion in my voice,

"I'll take care of you, baby!"

Her tears were subsiding, and my promise to take care of her caused her to smile. Her eyes were closed as she awaited whatever came next. I got a bottle of her skin cream with aloe, and some fragrances in it. I squirted it on the fading red marks on her little bum, and very gently started rubbing it in. I used a lot! She started moaning, and in a sleepy voice, she said,

"Mmm! Feels nice! Thank you, darling!"

As I rubbed her behind, I slid a finger down her crease and between her legs to soothe the damage from our rough sex. She gasped with a little shudder, as my fingertip slid across her pucker. As I ministered to her, I told her,

"Donna, I didn't like doing that ... punishing you! I guess there was more anger there than I realized, but that is something I will have to deal with. The other stuff, we will need to talk about."

Her cheek was resting on her hands, and she looked over at me, and said, "Yes, Mark! I know, and we will! I just want to say that I was so wrong to push um, what's-his-name in your face. I will have to think about what that means about me."

"Let's not worry about that now! You are still my wife, and we will get through this. For now, just let me help you to feel better." I said.

She told me that the brief spanking, and the hard sex turned her on. I crawled into the bed, and quickly turned over pulling her on top of me as she squealed in delight. I told her that she could do whatever she wanted at her own pace ... one that wouldn't hurt her too much.

She started by giving me some amazing oral attention, occasionally looking up at me with her pretty golden eyes, and a lusty smile. When she was satisfied that I was ready, she straddled me, and slowly slid herself down onto me. She squealed, shuddered, and collapsed on top of me, I immediately turned us around and slowly and gently slid into her until I came inside her again.

We lay together not saying anything ... just breathing hard for a long, long while. Then I turned us on our sides still facing each other with me still inside her. I moved it around inside her, enough to maintain an erection, and she hooked a leg around me to keep me in her. I became serious, and asked,

"So, where do we go from here, baby?"

"I-I don't know, Mark. I cheated on you for the first time in our marriage, and I was ... I wascruelabout it. I-It's really up to you ... what you want to do. I will abide by whatever you decide, darling!"

"Look, we're in this together and we will work through it together. I still like the idea of our date nights; taking my wife out on a date like he is still a college girl! But I have to know that they will be mostly between us! So, for now ... just for a while, I think we should only go out as husband and wife.

"If you want the fun of getting ready on your own, and having me ring the doorbell for you, okay! But no options for either of us Donna!" I said, with my heart beating hard waiting for her response. She thought, and said,

"Mark, I will abide by your rules, and just want my sexy husband to take me home. You will be invited in every time, darling." Then I looked at her and said,

"Tell me about Craig! I don't mean the details of your ... your um ... j-just what he meant to you! You know, why you were ... with him!"

"Oh, baby, do you really want to know this?"

"I think it would help me to understand! So ... go ahead!"

"Well, okay Mark here goes, as much as I can recall!" She hesitated enough to take a deep breath and then let it out.

"Craig was an exciting man. Especially since he's my age. He was rich, handsome, and charming, and he said all the right things to me at that concert. He convinced me to leave with him, and I said yes! Mark, I said yes right away! Craig laughed, but I hated that, and I hated it when he called you that name; a ... a cuckold! I told him not to say that.

"I was impressed by all the luxury that surrounded him. His Jaguar! I think he said it was an XKR-S or something. The leather seat was so buttery soft! I pulled my dress up, and my panties off to have my bare skin on them! I felt sooo good on my bare bottom! He had a Townhouse uptown, that had to be 3000 square feet.

"That's my business, so I know! It had four bedrooms and three full baths. His bedroom was beyond luxurious, and the baths had all gold faucets. I think he is an executive vice-president for a large corporation—he sells! He has international customers and travels all over the world. Mark, I have to be honest, the thought of being his wife was very attractive, and exciting to me.

"He pulled out a four-hundred-dollar bottle of wine from his wine cooler, and then, likeafterum ... um, well, we had it with a bunch of cheeses, and strawberries—large succulent strawberries! He was talking about you, calling you ... that word and impugning your um, manhood. I thought that word went out with Shakespeare!

"I told him to stop, I told him that you were a strong man—an athlete and didn't like me with other men. I explained our date nights and the freedom you allowed me at certain times. That we had rules for those occasions, but that I was, uh ... breaking them!

"He was intelligent and well educated, and he could talk at length ... on any subject! I was falling in love with him, Mark! He took me out to breakfast at his country club; they had linen tablecloths, and real silverware! We had champagne and omelets cooked to order at the table. Waffles and bacon cooked to perfection, and every kind of berry, and fruit. I stuffed myself ... I was so hungry after our ... our ... well, afterward!

"He was courting me, Mark! He was pulling out all the stops with me! He wanted me, and it seemed like I was not just another stray piece of ass to him. My eyes were filled with stars, and he was making me fall in love with him. We talked about my divorcing you, and I said yes! Mark, I was temporarily insane! He took me sailing on his Twenty-six-foot sailboat. I was thrilled to be out on the water, and quickly became a good sailor!

"By Monday morning, he had me ready to call a divorce lawyer! I made an appointment with one of his lawyers for later in the week. But at breakfast on Tuesday, he started telling me how you didn't deserve a woman like me, and started demeaning you to me. He called you a wimp, and a weakling, and I started to wake up!

"I told him that you were a life-long athlete, and an amateur boxer, and I told him that he would never have the guts to say those things to your face. Mark, darling, the spell was breaking, and the only thing I wanted to do was to be home with you. But I was scared! I was scared that you wouldn't take me back. He kept calling me, and I continued to see him as you know for a few weeks—for some weeks." She had a serious look on her pretty face as she paused, then she said,

"That's all I can say, Mark. I was really falling for him, but Mark honey, he is not the man you are ... not nearly! I came to realize that! Lying in Tabby's room, I was missing you. You were just a few feet away, but it was like you were a million miles away! I finally told him that we were through, but he doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'! It was when he was demeaning you that I decided what and who I really wanted."

She looked at me with her pretty eyes darting back and forth between mine, hoping for a positive response from me.

"Well, thank you for that Donna! I think, Tom, Harry, John and I might have to pay another little visit to the boy! Maybe we can improve his image of me!"

"Oh Mark, don't hurt him! Well, you can hurt him ... but no seriously! I was through with this guy, and spent the other nights with Gina when you were at Tom and Helen's, a-and at home. We just talked into the morning hours—mostly about you. She spent most of the time scolding me ... ragging on me about letting this man get to me. I realized what a fool I was, and I cried, thinking you would never take me back!"

Donna knelt down in front of me and continued, "I was sick with worry, Mark, I didn't want to lose you!"

I bent down and helped her to her feet, and said, "You didn't lose me Donna! I am very troubled by your behavior, but I'll get over it ... eventually. I will, because unlike Craig, Idolove you, and my love is enduring ... eternal! We have some things to work on, and it will take me some time to get over some of the things you've said, but Iwillget over them!"

"Mark, what would I ever do without you?"

"Probably, run amok!"

"Oh, you!!!" she laughed as she slugged me in the arm.

We showered together slowly and long, just soaping and caressing each other, kissing and touching! We made love again! Tonight, was just for us, as husband and wife, but starting tomorrow was the real work we needed to do on our marriage. She was apologetic, and promised a lot of things, but it would take more than that, and it would take me a long while to forgive her completely.

~ ~ ~

One day at work some weeks later, I picked up the phone, and when the party answered, I said,

"Hello, is Donna Thompkins there?" (giggles on the other end)

"This is she!"

"This is her husband, and I would like to take her out to dinner on Friday night!" I could hear her giggling her little face off, but she managed to say,

"Well, I can tell you that she is free, and would love to go out on Friday as your loving wife! Um, please give her time to get ready, and you may pick her up at seven!" Then, as an afterthought, pushing her luck, she said, "...and bring her flowers!" (more giggling!)

We started going out again, but as husband and wife this time, with no options on that first time. I took her to The Seasons restaurant for the best steak in the place, and to share a four-hundred-fifty-dollar bottle of a very stately, and very dry Bordeaux wine.

We went dancing after, but I allowed her to accept invitations from other men as, and if they came up. She did not allow them to kiss her or touch her inappropriately, she just enjoyed the excitement of it. I even made some invitations of my own, to a couple of comely young things when Donna was occupied on the dancefloor.

We dated like that for some months; I wanted to show more attention to my wife. And as a vice-president of my company, I have enough money to show her a first-class time. At one point, during a club visit, Donna, found herself surrounded by six handsome young men, all vying for her attention. I just smiled, proud of having such an attractive wife, and trusted her to do the right things.

Her petite figure in that tiny and tight, short black dress and four-and-a-half-inch platform heels made her very attractive, and desirable! She danced with each of them in turn, but insisted that they be respectful, even flashing her wedding rings in their faces when needed, to drive home the point that she was happily married. And ... she always gave me the first and last slow dances!

She even pulled her panties off before the last dance with me, so I would have something soft (and moist) to touch, in the dark corner of the dancefloor to which she pulled me. She was so hot, that later, she straddled me in the car, letting me fuck her right there in the parking lot! She pushed down on me with vigor, and came quickly; shuddering, squealing, and mauling my mouth with hers. She came again when I exploded up inside her engorged pussy.

We always had the best, most ferocious sex after one of those nights out. We made love nearly every night, we bicycled, we walked down by the lake hand-in-hand, we laughed and teased. Things seemed to be back to normal, and Donna was back to herself; she laughed, joked, and even started going on nights-out with her girlfriends. She was becoming a very good racquetball player, and we played quite a bit, along with a little tennis. She can't beat me at racquetball, and I can't beat her at tennis.

I took her to the best restaurants on our dates, with soft lighting and candles on the table. It was quite often that we just sat at the table, just looking into each other's eyes, smiling with hands touching. Many times, she just wanted to go home afterward, instead of clubbing. We never failed to have passers-by smile at us as we walked through the lanes at the park, holding hands. With everything that has happened during the last year-plus, we found out that we were head-over-heels in love with each other.

We started working together, like in the kitchen and with household tasks—she even helped me to change out an upstairs bathroom faucet—she was a very pretty, and efficient little plumber's helper! After our nights-out, we spent the weekend by ourselves, and Donna seemed happy and playful with me, so perhaps our problems are behind us, and we can forget about ever restarting the so-called dating game.

Then several months after our husband/wife dating restarted, on Thursday night, she announced that she had a dinner date for Friday night. I felt a shock of disappointment, but vowed to stay home Friday, in case she needed me. Especially when I saw what she was wearing. When it started to get late and she was still not home, I decided to call Gina to see what she knew, and what guy she might be out with.

"Gina, hi! Just wanted to know if you knew what my darling wife was up to tonight; it's late and I'm just a little worried!"

"Well, she's right here, do you want to speak to her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Donna, Helen and I went out to dinner tonight, and we went out dancing afterward. Helen and Donna mostly stayed at the table with their drinks, while I danced my little face off! Donna was a good girl tonight, and rebuffed all offers for a dance until I forced her to accept one." Her voice started to trail off toward then end and I hear a sweet familiar voice say,

"Hi darling! It is so sweet that you were worried about me. I'm fine! The three of us are going to stay here at Gina's tonight!" Donna said, and then I heard another voice, say very sexily into the phone,

"Hi handsome! Don't worry about Donna; Gina and I will take care of her!" Then Helen said in a softer voice, "Why don't you join us? There are three very wet, slippery little pussies over here!" I heard Donna and Gina screaming in laughter at that, and I answered, laughing,