Daughters and Fathers Ch. 01


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"You'd better hold it; it's going to stay like that if you don't."

Britta nodded, giving her sister a smile in response to her so direct encouragement. Her hand stroked his thigh again, now closer to his cock and further down, nearer his sack. He snorted and said:

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"If she wants to. You know it will feel good, and we can't let it stay like this all the time."


His cock was fully aroused, twitching invitingly. Britta's hand stroked down his thigh and then back up, all the way up to his crotch. She murmured:

"I want to."

Her hand slid over and her fingers slipped around his cock. It twitched strongly in her grasp. As her hand moved up and down, he murmured:

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

But he let it happen, appreciating his daughter's obvious experience, when she released his cock and just tickled the sensitive spot behind its head. He moaned, as his cock twitched against her finger. She grasped it again, rubbing up and down. Between aroused moans, he murmured again:

"This wasn't supposed to happen."

But it did. He moaned, and his hips twitched, and the girls both moaned with him, and then with a sharp grunt he came, a long spurt of semen shooting up high and landing on his chest, and then again and again, smaller spurts, until the last couple dribbled down on her fingers. All three of them moaned and sighed, and then he was very surprised when she licked her fingers and smiled at him.

He snorted and remarked:

"I guess you two have a lot more experience than I thought."

"Maybe. Next time I want to do it," Maren murmured.

"Next time?"

"Of course. Why not?"

"Hmm?! ... 'Why not?' ... I don't know about this."

"Didn't you enjoy it? It must have been good."

"Oh, it was, ... but I don't know ... . You're not supposed to that with ... me."

He almost said "your father," but in the last moment avoided being so direct.

"But you let her, ... and enjoyed it, ... and she wanted to, ... like I do. We enjoy it too, ... almost the nicest thing one can do for someone else."

"Hmm! Was that in that Swedish story?"

"What? You know about that?!

"You sniff in our underwear?!

"No! Just found it once when I was being a nice guy about putting away stuff from the washing machine."

"You found, read it?"

"Didn't have to, just saw the cover."

The girls were blushing with aroused nipples as they looked at each other. He remarked with a wry grin:

"I guess I was right, thinking now that the story wasn't just about one guy and one girl."

The girls glanced at each other again with still aroused nipples, nodding slightly. He snorted softly and murmured:

"Must be good," he had murmured, before he realized that he was showing more interest than appropriate. The girls just nodded in response. He added:

"Hmm! I shouldn't have asked."

The girls nodded again, this time with smirks, and Britta remarked:

"Johan spent the rest of the first summer having fun with his girlfriend from school. Told us last year. She really liked that he wasn't so shy any more."

"And with her girlfriend," Maren added with a grin.

"Oh? That makes it all right?"

"If you think so. At least, you know that it isn't so unusual, ... two girls, ... or two girls with a guy."

"I don't know what I should think. Yes, I do: that we all need a cold swim."

When they entered the water, when the cool water reached his hips, he didn't suppress a surprised "Oooh! Cold!" and grinned at the girls, and then splashed water on them, appreciating how their nipples popped out, and that they just laughed, splashing him in return, until Britta stepped nearer and said: "I should wash it off."

He let her splash more water on his stomach and wash off his semen. When her hand moved lower, however, he pushed it away, murmuring: "I can do that."

Then they swam out in the deeper water, mostly just treading water and exchanging wry grins. When they returned to land, his cock looked innocently small. They returned to their towels and dried themselves. The girls tease him by drying their breasts individually and avoiding their towels' hanging down to conceal their pubic hair. He just snorted and let them see him dry his cock and balls, and they let him watch them dry between their legs. He snorted and remarked:

"I wonder if Anders Zorn saw his models doing that."

The girls giggled and made a point of drying themselves there more thoroughly, appreciating that their father just snorted with smile. His cock had returned to normal size. As they returned to the cabins, exchanging chuckles once, it grew longer, swinging, as his thighs jostled his loose sack.

He was unconcerned about that now, not just because the girls behind him couldn't see it. He smiled wryly to himself at the thought that the other girl - his other daughter (no exclamation point) - had said that she wanted to do it the next time. He admitted to himself that he was going to let her, just wondering when. His cock wasn't swing loosely any more. What did Anders Zorn's cock do, when he was painting all those pictures of nice young nudes? He changed the subject of his thoughts and planned what they would have for dinner. His cock was swing more loosely when they arrived at the cabins.

They hung up their towels, and he re-stoked the stove, asking the girls to help by making a salad and meatballs. They readily agreed, while he scrubbed new potatoes and put them on the stove. For a while, none of them had thoughts about what had happened or about their being naked. When the meatballs had been fried and the potatoes cooked, they sat down together, just exchanging slightly wry smiles with glances at the girls' mother's empty place at the table.

Since they couldn't talk about how they had spent the day, they ate in silence for a while. Finally, he remarked:

"We can't just sunbathe every day."

"Even if the sun is shining? It might rain later."

"Even more reason to do something else while it shines."

"Hmm? You always want to hike up to top of that hill."

"How did you guess? If I carry the rucksack, you two can wear as little as possible. Just have a top handy, if anyone is around."

"Can I wear just a bikini bottom?"

"If you have the top handy."

"Maybe up there at lunch we can ... really sunbathe."

"Is that so important? Who are you going to show your tan there to? Hmm! Shouldn't matter, if he can see you like that."

The girls snorted with nods, grinning wryly. Then one replied:

"It just feels good."

"Hmm! I know, for me, too, ... without your help."

They all snickered and returned to eating in silence. As they finished their meal, one of the girls said:

"I guess that we have to, if he wants to."

"If we can just wear our bikini bottoms. Hm-hmm! It feels good to feel them moving."

"Maybe someone will surprise us before we can put our tops on."

"You want that?! I hope not, with me there," he remarked.

"Just teasing. We can have them hanging around our waists, ready to pull up, if we hear anyone."

"Hmm! I hope so. Hmm! Hope that you will."

"Oh, we will; we're very modest in the presence of strangers."

"Hmm! I'm not so sure. I hope so."

They all snickered, but with friendly smiles.

They cleared the table and washed up, agreeing to play one of the board games that had been brought to the cabin when the girls were younger. When it was difficult to see the pieces in the northern summer's late light, they agreed to go to bed. They collected the pieces in the carton and were saying good night. The girls added the appropriate Norwegian expression, thanking for the day. Their father snorted with a wry smile and responded. Maren smirked and said:

"And don't do anything we wouldn't."

"Hmm! You two! ... Don't do anything I wouldn't."

"Oooh! ... If you wanted to ...!"

"Go to bed! Good night!"

The girls smirked and blew him a kiss and went to the outhouse. As they returned, he passed them, just snorting and repeating his good night.

The girls had no question about what they were going to do before they slept. They immediately curled up head to foot, tasting that they had just been to the outhouse, but then tasting that the other was aroused, but not so aroused that she didn't want to remark with snorts about how they had spent the day. Between licking each other's pussy, they shared their delighted thoughts. Finally Maren said:

"Remember, it's my turn up there tomorrow. I hope he will be expecting it. But now you."

"And you."

With mental images of their father's aroused cock, they aroused and satisfied each other better than the previous night.

He lay in bed, recalling what his daughter had done, fondling his cock, recalling their final words in the cabin: his other daughter's telling him not to do anything one of them wouldn't. But both of them would! One had already, and the other one had promised that she wanted to. He did what they would, trying to visualize what they could be doing, with arousing thoughts about how it could be to do it to them himself. When he came - high up on his chest - recalling that his daughter had licked her fingers - he wiped up the splotches and licked his fingers, tasting his semen for the first time, as he wondered about her immediate impulse to taste his. What all had the girls done with Johan? What had they read about in the Swedish story?

The next morning, after a good breakfast, they set off. With no remarks about how they had spent the night - he had been anticipating one, and had one or two questions, himself - they hiked up the familiar trail.

He let the girls lead the way, enjoying the view of them: their nice strong, round asses and occasionally a glimpse of their breasts, recalling that one of them had said that it felt nice to feel them moving. He snorted to himself, thinking that it felt nice to feel his cock and balls moving in his loose shorts, wondering what the girls would think, if they knew that he hadn't any underpants on. Were they going to find out? Were the girls going to want to strip off their bikini bottoms when they reached to top of the hill and had lunch? He hoped so, so that he could take off his shorts, and if his cock was then a little more arouse than it should be - it was already - so what? They had seen it before, even more aroused, and one of them wanted to arouse it even more!

It seemed that the girls were more eager than usual to reach the top. They were soon above the tree line. When they paused for a drink of water, Maren grinned and said:

"We're not going to meet anyone else up here; we can take them off."

"Not until we reach the top and find a place down the south side."

"Oh, you're a spoilsport!"

"Then you can. I just don't want to be seen with you both naked."

"Hmm! I guess not. Okay. But then ..."

"Okay," he agreed.

The girls both nodded with smiles, and Britta remarked:

"And you too."

"Of course," he responded, hoping then that he hadn't sounded too enthusiastic.

The girls grinned, and they set off again. At the top of the hill, granite worn smooth from the ice age, the girls chortled and stripped down their bikini bottoms, struggling to get them over their hiking shoes. One and then the other swung them triumphantly on their fingers, grinning at him.

"You too," one of them demanded.

He grinned and opened his shorts. As they dropped, both girls smirked and remarked:

"Oooh! No underpants."

"Guys also like to feel them move."

"Hm-hmm!" the girls agreed with grins.

He stepped out of his shorts, flipping them up with the toe of one shoe. As he caught them, he admitted to himself that he was agreed to anything the girls wanted to do - well, almost anything, but they wouldn't want to do that.

One of the girls said:

"I know where we can go; we were here with Johan."

"Hmm! Lead on! It had sounded like you didn't get past the lake."

They all snickered and followed her down to an almost level shelf on the south side of the hill.

"Nice," he remarked, and let his rucksack drop.

"Um-hmm," the girls agreed, and one of them added:

"We didn't want to be seen, either."

"Don't tell me!"

"Why not? It was all good," the other replied.

"I was sure of that; just don't tell me. ... Lunch?"

"Um-hmm," the girls agreed.

They had lunch, and then leaned back on the warm rock, facing the sun. This time, the girls didn't hesitate to spread their thighs and let the sun warm their pussies. Their father didn't have to spread his thighs to let the sun warm his cock.

His cock grew longer, It was more than just warmed by the sun as he remembered that Maren had said that she wanted to do it to him. His cock stiffened between his thighs. He knew that they both could see it, see that it was pulsing with his heart beat, rising slightly each time. Didn't she want to, dare to? To hell with whether he should let her - his daughter! He wanted her to!

He was almost relieved when she murmured:

"I want to. It's my turn. It wants me to."

He only nodded, as she moved closer. His thighs rolled open. He was surprised that she didn't immediately reach over and hold his cock, that she moved between his legs. Any way she wanted to do it, he thought, as she crept up between them. His cock was standing up, bobbing. He was surprised that her fingers first slid up under his ball. He moaned softly, and she gave him a sweet smile, as her fingernails scratched behind his balls Lucky Johan, he thought, wondering if the Swedish story had told about doing that.

Didn't she want to hold his cock, he wondered. He wanted her to. It was twitching in front her face, but she just fondled his balls. Nice, arousing, but not as arousing as her holding and rubbing his cock. But then she did hold it. "Unnn!" But not moving her hand up and down, just pulling his foreskin down. She gave him another sweet smile, and then he felt her tongue lick up and find his most sensitive spot. "Oooh!" His cock twitched strongly, but she held it still, and her tongue continued to arouse him there.

He closed his eyes, not daring to look at her, to see his daughter doing voluntarily something his wife only did reluctantly, and never all the way. Then he felt her moist lips slip around the head of his cock, her tongue still moving as he felt her suck it into her warm mouth. "Unnn!" he moaned involuntarily and asked superfluously:

"You want to do that?"

He felt her hum and nod. "Unnn," he moaned softly as she continued to lick and suck, moving her head and rubbing the head of his cock on her pallet. With another audible sigh, he tried to relax and just enjoy the arousing sensations she was giving him, giving his throbbing cock in her warm mouth. He thought to ask her if she knew what was going to happen, thought to try to warn her before he came, but recognized that she must know, that she obviously had the experience to know and probably wanted him to fill her mouth. He sighed with aroused moans. Was this the nicest thing anyone could do for someone else? It sure felt like it. Was that what one of them had meant the previous afternoon? Which one had said that?

He didn't have warn her that he was about to come. His more aroused moans and the slow twitching of his hips were enough of a signal. She grasped his cock tighter and began to move her hand up and down with the movement of her head, and he felt her moan in anticipation. He gasped and with a sharp grunt his hips thrust his cock deeper in her mouth, and it spurted. He felt her moan as she urged his cock to spurt again, ... and again and again.

He sighed with a deep, satisfied moan, and she responded with nod and "un-hnn," as he felt her tongue move his semen around in her mouth. Did she really like it, he wondered; it tasted so strange. But she must, and obviously had tasted it before - lucky Johan! And who else?!

She raised her head and gave his cock a final lick. He opened his eyes and saw her smiling sweetly up at him, licking her lips, then murmuring:

"I just love to know that it's being that good for you, really the nicest thing one can do for someone else."

"Hmm! It sure was, ... sure is, ... even if we shouldn't be doing it together."

"I wanted to, ... and if it's good, why not? Thank you for letting me."

He snorted. Before he could think of what to say, she rose up and dropped down on him, offering her mouth to be kissed. He did in a reflex, only then considering that it was inappropriate to kiss his daughter that way when their tongues had met, but his responded as eagerly as hers. And she was lying naked on him! Too late to worry about that now! His hands instinctively found and held her ass, as he returned her kiss, until she raised her head and looked down at him with dilated eyes and a slightly surprised expression, then murmuring:

"Oooh! That was good, too!"

"Hmm? Um-hmm, but a little unexpected, ... a lot unexpected."

"Um-hmm, but nice."

She snorted and rocked her hips down, pressing her pelvis against him. His hands couldn't help but grasp her ass and hold her to him.

"It sure must have been," her sister - his other daughter - murmured.

Reluctantly; Britta removed her hand from between her legs as she reminded them that she was also there, had been watching. They turned their heads in surprise, both nodding with wry smiles. His hands dropped from Maren's ass, and she rolled off him, away from her sister, replying softly:

"It was. You know that."


The Maren looked at her father and added:

"Sort of unfair, ... just our doing it."

He nodded slightly, involuntarily, but knowing what she was suggesting, but not anticipating her next remark:

"Do you do it, ... like that with ..., well, you know?"

"Hmm! Sometimes. ... She likes it, ... when I do it, but, ... well, ... oh, she does, a little, ... but never all the way ... like that, ... and ... then we do something else before I can do it all the way."

Both girls snorted at his admission. He was surprised, also to hear himself add:

"I guess you two do."

"Um-hmm," they both agreed.

"Hmm?! Never thought I would talk about this with anyone, least of all, you two."

"But nice, ... that you do," Britta replied, and rolled closer to him, rubbing his chest with the hand that had been in her pussy.

Maren then also rolled towards him, her breast touching his side, as she reached over and held his far side, then sliding her hand down to his hip, her little finger finding and exploring in his pubic hair. He snorted softly and offered his arms for them to rest their heads on. "Um-hmm," they both acknowledged, drawing themselves closer to him, Britta's fingers then all scratching in his pubic hair. She hummed softly and then murmured:

"You can do it to us, ... 'all the way'. ... You don't have to do 'something else'."

He snorted as the girls' fingers suggested their agreement: Maren's hand sliding up and finding his nipple and tickling, while Britta's scratched down to the base of his cock. Involuntarily, he drew them closer with his arms and murmured:

"You would like that?"


Britta's fingers slipped down and found his engorged but still soft cock, while Maren's grasped his breast. His arms drew them even closer, and they slid their thighs over his. He spread them, inviting them to roll closer, each holding one his thighs between hers.

He snorted and remarked:

"I don't know how we got like this. ... I don't know if I should."

"We did," Maren replied, as Britta jogged her hand on his now stiffening cock and murmured:

"I'll do it to you this time; I like to, and you can do it to me - 'all the way'."

Maren nodded on his shoulder. He snorted with a sharp "hmm!" at her offer and her sister's apparent agreement, and after a moment murmured:

"I don't know ...?"