Daughters and Fathers Ch. 05


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Then he rationalized that he might as well go in their room to let them see immediately that he had understood that they were going to stay naked, better than let them wonder if they should put on something. He imagined their choosing to wear light summer dresses with nothing on underneath as the minimal alternative, rather than just panties - with or without bras.

They were still in their bathroom, both of them using hairdryers, too loud for them to carry on a conversation. He saw himself in their full length mirror, and inspected his tan: definitely paler where his shorts had been, but not as pale there as in the winter. Then he looked at his cock and balls, jostling them a little to make sure that they were as loose as possible, wondering if they were really larger than Johan's. No, the girls had just been thinking about his cock when it was aroused. No, he wasn't going to try to see it that way, but just thinking about it seemed to help. But he didn't want them to finding him standing there looking at himself. But he could, sitting on the bed opposite the mirror, too far away, but why not there?

Shortly after he sat down, smiling at himself, the sound of the hairdryers stopped. Only then, sitting there and seeing the other bed, did he remember the suggestions about where they would sleep. He wondered if he only imagined that his cock was heavier on his sack. When he heard one of the girls say something, he called:

"All clean?"

Their faces appeared in the doorway, and one asked:

"What are you doing here?"

"Didn't want you to be wondering if you should put on anything."


"We wouldn't have, but thanks; could have been funny if you had."

"I was about to, and then remembered what one of you said."

The girls smirked, and one replied:

"That's good. Nice."

"Just a little funny walking around the house like this. ... Oh, greetings from your mother. She's returning on Saturday and expect us back on Sunday."

"And the grandparents?"

"She thinks she'll have to visit them every couple of weeks for a while. Oh, she liked hearing that you both were helping with the cooking, and the idea about meatloaf."

"So we can cook for you, when she's away?"

"She didn't say that, but if you want to, maybe something more ambitious than what we have at the cabin."

"We can try."

"I'm easy to please."

"Hm-hm-hmm! We're not, but ..., well ..."

"She said it yesterday."

"I wasn't talking about that."

The girls glanced at each other, nodding with slight smirks, and replied in unison:

"But we are."

"Hmm! I was afraid so."

"You don't have to do anything."

"I've heard that before, ... a couple of times."


"And since you're so easy to please ..."

"I want to please you," Britta said in a more serious tone.

The girls were now in the room, and he could see that Britta's nipples were standing out. He smiled with a slight nod and murmured:

"As long as I don't have to do anything."

Britta shook her head with a smile and replied:

"Just let me, ... like with Maren, two days ago."

He smiled with another nod and spread his thighs, as she dropped to her knees. She crept closer and fondled his heavy feeling loose balls, and then raised his now very heavy cock. He watched its head disappear between her lips, wondering if he hadn't been expecting it to happen like this - hoping it would? As her tongue began to make his cock stiffen and rise, he glanced up at the mirror, a little surprised at the image of himself with his daughter kneeling with her head down in his lap, looking at her taut ass, wishing he could see better the curve of her pussy with the line between its lips. He glanced over at Maren, who smiled with a slight nod, as though she had understood where he had been looking. Definitely; she slid her hand down between her legs, and smirked. Then she surprised him by dropping down on her back behind her sister and moving her face under her pussy.

Britta hummed on his cock as she felt her sister's tongue lick. He reached down and fondle her breasts, as his eyes shifted between watching her head bob slowly, as she licked and sucked, and trying to see in the mirror what Maren's tongue was doing, as she held her sister's hips. Did she want him to be able to, just letting the tip of her tongue move where he could see it, instead of clasping Britta's hips down on her mouth and sucking?

Then she did. Oh! She had drawn her knees up, when she did, and now he could see her pussy, the slit descending from her curly, red hair. He chuckled, thinking it was a little compensation for her hiding Britta's pussy from his view, as he heard moist sounds, as her tongue lapped over Britta's wet hole, making her hum, buzzing on his cock. He licked his lips unconsciously, almost tasting and feeling what it was like for Maren's tongue. It always aroused him, and it was arousing Maren. In the mirror, he watched her pussy lips open slightly and hummed in appreciation, and then in response to Britta's humming again, increasing the arousal of his cock.

He didn't want more arousal like that, knowing what was gong to follow. He urged her to rise, murmuring:

"Come, fuck me."

She raised her head, giving him a slight, aroused smile, as she rose up, immediately turning to sit on his cock with her back to him, with an experienced grasp guiding his cock into her wet, ready pussy. With an aroused moan, she lowered her hips, and he saw in the mirror his cock disappear in her pussy. Her hand dropped down and fondled his balls, until Maren had rolled over and crept forward and took them from her. He watched Britta spread her thighs past his, and then Maren's head was up between them. He grasped Britta's breasts again and held her closer, so that he could look down over her shoulder and see Maren's face on her pussy, now much better able to see her tongue and recognize that she was licking Britta's clitoris, although he couldn't see it through her hair. Her moans and the movement in her pussy confirmed, however, that she was being aroused, and he, with her.

He knew what was going to happen; Maren was going to make her sister have as many orgasms as she wanted - as many as she could stand - and his cock was going to enjoy them, too, but it was going to be fierce pleasure. But he didn't have to do anything. He dropped back on the bed, and Britta gave a short, more emphatic moan, as his cock thrust a little deeper in her tight pussy. Then he remembered that he had promised to tell her what he was feeling.

Squeezing her breasts and fondling her stiff nipples, he moaned and tried to tell what he was enjoying - not blow-by-blow - twitch-and-clutch in her pussy, and what he would enjoy doing, if he were in Maren's position. Her chuckle and fondle of his balls suggested that she either then did, or was already. Britta nodded and also chuckled, but it sounded like a more aroused moan. When Maren fondled his balls again, he mentioned how nice that felt, considering suggesting that she could do something else for him, wanting to feel a finger on or in his asshole. He decided against that, however; he didn't need any additional arousal, and asked her instead to try to loosen his sack.

Both girls understood from previous experience that he wanted to prolong his arousal. Maren stopped arousing Britta with her tongue and caught a wrinkle of his sack and pulled, remarking:

"I was thinking of doing something else."

"Hmm! Me too, but I know what's going to happen; don't need anything extra."

"But don't say that again; I was about to come," Britta remarked."

"Me too - obviously - but I won't. It was feeling so good, almost too good."

Maren continued to work at loosening his sack, as Britta replied:

"It can't be too good."

"Just too soon."

"Hmm! I wasn't thinking so."

"Sorry. You girls want it again and again, which is also very arousing for me, ... and I want it to be like that, but ..., well, after I come, it's almost too sensitive for a while - my cock. But then it gets better again."

Maren snorted, now fondling his loose balls, and remarked:

"It is for us, too, but not 'too sensitive', not too sensitive to keep us from wanting it again."

Britta nodded with a snort and said:

"You didn't tell us that last night."

"You two didn't either, but I guess I could have thought it wasn't, after watching you two a couple of days ago."

"Um-hmm!" both girls responded, one adding with a snicker:

"Wanted to show you."

"Hmm! Very impressive, thank you, just a little frightening to discover that girls - women - could be wanting more than guys expect."

He jogged his hips under Britta's and added:

"I'll try. Enough talk, before I slip out."

The girls nodded, and Maren resumed licking her sister's pussy, which soon had his cock more aroused again, duly mentioned by him. With no more talk, he just enjoyed what pussy and cock were doing in response to each other and to what Maren's busy tongue was doing on Britta's clitoris, all of them moaning. His balls drew up again, and Britta's hips began to twitch to and fro. Her feet slipped inside his calves to give her more purchase to move her hips, and he offered her the resistance she need, as his hips began to twitch in response to the additional arousal on his cock, as her pussy clip it faster. He was moaning, but her moans were shifting to a series of whimpers.

Then she gasped, and he felt her pussy flood his cock with her warm juice, feeling it run down on his tight sack, and then his cock spurted his semen in a long stream, and then smaller ones, as he gasped and groaned, clutching her breast with his hands.

"Oh God!" he thought in anticipation that that was just her first orgasm: why did girls want to have another one, when it had been so good?! They shouldn't know that they could!

But Maren and Britta knew that they did. Maren licked down to lap up some of Britta's juice from his sack, and then returned to arousing her clitoris. When she gave a sharp moan in response, her hips twitched, and his cock twitched, but his over sensitive cock wasn't too stressed, since it wasn't moving in her pussy, like when he had responded to Maren's demand to be fucked the previous day.

Britta immediately had another orgasm, whimpering again, as her pussy clutched his cock with a series of strong clips. Maren relented for a few moments, but then began again to lick, and now her finger did slip in and find his asshole. Britta groaned, as if in pain, but apparently Maren knew that she wanted her to continue. She was still sitting upright, letting it happen, her pussy started to clutch his cock again, as she whimpered softly. Then she suddenly dropped back down on him and cried out softly: "Oh, fuck me!"

He grasped her breasts harder, and his hips rocked up, as hard and fast as they could, his cock again now wanting to come, especially when he felt Maren's finger probing, changing his mind about girls' having multiple orgasms; he wanted her to have another one, and wanted his own.

With gasps and loud, whimpering groans, she did, as he grunted and felt his cock spurting again, as her whimpering shifted to uncontrolled laughter. Her convulsing body stilled and lay heavy on his, both their stomachs heaving as they recovered. He felt Maren slip her finger out and then her hand massaging his sack, soon able to jostle his balls, when it loosened. He felt his cock softening. Maren must have also noticed; she pulled gently the skin at the front of his sack, and his cock slipped slowly out. She almost caught it with her tongue, sucking into her mouth and licking around it. Then she let it slip out and quickly licked up the moisture that had followed his cock out of Britta's pussy.

He didn't know she had done that, but her humming chuckle suggested she liked what she was doing - tasting the mixture of his semen and her sister's pussy juice. Britta did, however - she had done the same two days before. She snorted and murmured:

"Tastes good, ... if we like to do that."

"Um-hmm, we do."

"Um-hmm! ... God, it was good! Thanks. ... Hm-hmm! Maybe you are the best."

She held his hands on her breasts and turned her head back towards his.

He snorted and curled his fingers in and rubbed her soft nipples, replying:

"I hope not, ... just trying - enjoying trying - to set an example."

The girls chuckled, Britta squeezing his hands, Maren stroking her fingers down his cock and then murmuring:

"A very good example."

"Hmm! Don't tell anyone, ... and not that you need each other to make it that good."

The girls shook their heads, as they all chuckled. Britta's feet had slipped from behind his calves when she dropped back. She tried to hook them back behind them to sit up. His hands slid around to her sides and helped her. Maren licked up another ooze from her pussy. Britta looked down and snickered, remarking:

"Almost as good as ... last night."

"Just 'almost'."

They all chuckled. He slapped her ass and said:

""Get up and wash. I need to, too. Maren can see if the washing machine has finished."

Maren nodded and went off, and the two of them went in the bathroom and washed, exchanging both wry and affectionate smiles. Maren hadn't returned, and they assumed that she was putting the wash in the dryer. They returned to the bed, sitting together with his arm around her shoulders, glancing at each with slightly wry smiles again. Then they saw themselves in the mirror, both snorting slightly at the surprising view of their sitting together like that. They smiled wryly at each other in the mirror, snorting again. She reached across and pulled his hand down on her breast, smiling at him, as she pressed his fingers around it. He held it, nodding slightly and returning her smile.

They sat like that, until Maren returned. She snorted and smiled when she saw them, and then remarked:

"Sure looks like ..., well, ... like Britta said this morning, ... nice."

"Um-hmm," they both agreed, not changing their position.

He squeezed her breast, and she nodded. Maren smiled and changed the subject:

"Yes, the washing was finished, put it in the drier. And it does feel funny to be running around like this."

"Um-hmm. I don't want us to, to see you two like this anywhere else, or you, me."

The girls nodded understandingly. He smiled and added:

"I don't care what you have or don't have on underneath, just so that it looks like you're dressed."

The girls nodded again, this time with slight smirks. Maren said:

"I was thinking of bringing us beers. Shall I? Can I go like this?"

She held out her arms to emphasize her nakedness, smirking again.

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leBonhommeleBonhommeover 10 years agoAuthor

Thanks for taking the trouble to research the subject.

Sure, pigs and horses snort, and a dictionary can't go wrong with that example, since Sam Johnson used it, but humans also snort - less noisily:


As I have tried to explain elsewhere:

In the context, my characters snort in surprise, resulting from the involuntary contraction of stomach muscles in response to what someone unexpectedly has said or done. People are likely to snort when recognizing an unintentional double entendre, only laughing if others then do so.

Sniffing in a similar situation is the reverse reflex, catching a sudden breath in surprise. Older ladies might sniff at the double entendre, sitting up straighter (ramrod back), perhaps with a facial expression suggesting: I'm a lady; I didn't hear that - but she did.

My characters enjoy being surprised and snort, maybe then laughing or grinning. Perhaps some readers have also snorted in surprise at a character's remark.

I hope so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
another snort

The constant and irritating use of the word snort made me do some research.

First, I clarified the actual meaning, and the "Free Dictionary" on the web say: "A rough, noisy sound made by breathing forcefully through the nostrils, as a horse or pig does." The characters in this tale, although they screw like horses, seemed a little too civilized to justify calling them pigs.

Still not satisfied that I understand the continuous use, I tried snorting while having sex. Most of my partners told me it was disgusting. One lady was extremely excited with my snorting while I was eating her out.

So maybe, just maybe, this is what the author has in mind, he just has a problem placing the word in the right context?

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